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‘Spamalot’ comes to Shrewsbury in August
Spamalot | from page 1 taking for us, but we accept the challenge.”
Full circle
The production features a 15-person cast, intricate costumes and countless elaborate props.
Many of the cast members performed Spamalot together in 2016.
“It’s such a fun and energizing environment to come in and just be able to create with so many different brilliant people in the area,” said James Lamoureux, a veteran of both performances who will be playing Sir Lancelot in this production.
The 2016 Spamalot performance was more than just another show for Lamoureux — it was where he met his future wife, Square One Players coowner and co-operator Tara Lamoureux. Tara Lamoureux is the stage manager for this production.
The show marks the couple’s first performance since getting married last October. Naturally, they wanted to come “full circle” and reprise the production that brought them together: Spamalot.
“I mean I’ve been asking them for years,” Tara Lamoureux said. “We had the most auditions we’ve ever had before, which was amazing… and we couldn’t have timed it any better.”
“[James and Tara were] the main motivation behind doing Spamalot. It’s very near and dear to both [their] hearts,” Smith said.
In addition to James and Tara Lamoureux, Gary Swanson, April Swanson, Isaac Swanson, Kait Eckstrom-Doig, Nick Doig, and Kevin McGerigle are among the many 2016 performers, producers and directors who are involved this time around.
“It’s amazing how theater is small,” Smith said. “Everybody knows everybody. You make

Transfer station could remain open to residents
Transfer station | from page 1
Harvey’s/Waste Connections in order for it to remain open.
A possibility could include single-stream recycling.
Should an agreement be reached, it should be a more comprehensive, multiyear deal, said Alan Ehrlich, who is the Board of Health’s representative to the committee.
The news comes as the committee continues to meet with local haulers to discuss curbside recycling.
“As recommended by this committee, we were preparing to explore a full curbside program before the announcement,” said Williams.
One point was made clear a lot of friends, and then they know people, and then they know people, and eventually you get to know a very large community of people.”
— if the town chooses another hauler, the transfer station will be closed to residents.
“If we choose another vendor, the existing transfer station’s no longer an option,” said Shelby Marshall, the Select Board’s representative to the committee.
During its Wednesday, July 12, meeting, the committee also discussed the options of pay-as-you-throw, composting and disposal of bulky items.
There was another bit of good news for the town –Harvey’s/Waste Connections will charge $60 per ton for fiscal 2024, instead of the announced rate of $85/ton.
While the production is to some extent a family-andfriends affair, there are several new faces in the cast. Smith said she “loves the combination” of new and old the group has achieved.
So, what can you expect at
The cast of “Spamalot” rehearses.
Square One Players’ production opens in August.
“[Come] out and [have] a light, fun night where you can sit back, relax and have fun. It’s a show for that,” Tara Lamoureux said.
“If you’re looking for two hours of nonstop laughter, silliness, and fun — lots of singing, lots of dancing — this is it. Spamalot is it. It’s nonsensical, but it’s fun. Please come join us; we love putting it on, and we’d love to have you come and join us,” Smith added.
To get tickets and more information on this production of Spamalot, visit www. squareoneplayers.com or call (508) 669-7750.
Tickets for the performance are $20 for general admission and $17 for students and seniors.