1 minute read

Select Board approves ARPA grant requests

By Maureen Sullivan Assistant Editor

WESTBOROUGH – Programs for the Council on Aging, the Westborough Fire Department and the Westborough Public Library were among those receiving funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

During its meeting on July 11, the Select Board granted nearly $384,000 in requests.

Topping the list was Mill Pond Elementary School, which will receive $174,000 for new security cameras.

The library will receive $19,500 to replace 10 aging desktop computers – eight for public use, two for staff.

The Council on Aging will receive $7,500 toward a day break program, which will allow caregivers to drop off their patients at the senior center for a few hours.

The Department of Public Works will get $50,000 toward investigating lead in service lines; community development will receive $10,000 in matching funds toward its downtown development plan.

“$50,000 will get a lot done,” said DPW Director Chris Payant.

The board also granted two requests from the Fire Department — $22,954 for technical rescue equipment, and $100,000 toward the hiring of up to three firefighters.

According to Fire Chief Pat Purcell, the equipment will be used for accidents involving trucks.

He added that the department has been experiencing an increase in calls, which requires additional staffing.

In addition to the funds, Purcell asked the board to support a funding article for this fall’s Town Meeting. The board voted to support the article.

The latest round of grants leaves about $5,000 in ARPA funds left to be committed, said Town Manager Kristi Williams. That amount could increase from interest accrued and leftover funds returned from projects.

The Westborough Fire Department received ARPA funds for technical rescue equipment for the hiring of up to three firefighters.

The town received a total of $5.7 million in ARPA funds. It has until the end of 2024 to commit the funds, and until the end of 2025 to spend it.

To find out more about the town’s ARPA projects, visit www.westboroughma.gov/ select-board/pages/american-rescue-plan-act-arpaprojects.

Children’s Bible stories at St. Paul’s

REGION – The community is invited to attend St. Paul Episcopal Church’s summer Bible story drop-in.

So far, the drop-ins have taken place on July 12 and 19 and will continue July 26 and Aug. 2. A selection of children’s Bible stories, the even features stories, activities, snacks and juice.

The Bible story dropins take place at 10:30 a.m. to noon and are intended for children ages two to five and their parents or guardians.

For more information or to sign up, contact Ginny Foster at 978-376-5327 or vhfoster57@gmail.com or Laurie LaBrecque at 774-253-4432.

St. Paul’s is located at 61 Wood Street in Hopkinton.

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