Elevate - Summer 2018

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Freshen Things Up! SY NC IT U P ! Say W hat? A L e ad e r ’s Be st Se l f Te am B uilding M i s s i onal M indse t Stu m p the Panel Prayer Shepherding D on’t p as s up the se h e l p s! Have You Forgot te n ? # m o s te f fe c tive tra i n i n g

The best leaders are the leaders who never stop growing. And the perfect place to start the growth - Annual Leaders Council Training. This issue of ELEVATE is full of new training ideas, sessions, and activities. Should you check them out? Should you freshen things up? Absolutely!

Sync It Up! - A NEW training and orientation theme Consider all the things that are synced together these days – phones, tablets, laptops, security systems, refrigerators, televisions, sound systems, and so it goes. When devices work in harmony, all this syncing makes our lives easier. No better time exists to get leaders and class members working together in harmony than the start of the class year. Designed with PowerPoint slides, handouts, table signs and name tags, this new training and orientation theme will kick the year off with enthusiasm. CLICK HERE to visit the Leadership Development website to find the tools and resources to SYNC IT UP! Along with the Sync It Up! theme on your first class day, remember to use the First Class Procedures PowerPoint with accompanying script. Found on Fisher, it provides a great overview of CBS and can be easily combined with the class specifics of the Sync It Up! script and slides. Just login to Fisher and search for First Class Procedures PowerPoint and First Class Procedures Script. You truly will be all synced up!

Say What? Cultivating relationships with those we shepherd is a vital part of a CBS leader’s role. Use this continuation of the popular workshop offered at Leadership Conferences, “Say What?”, to give leaders a chance to consider the language and tools they use when they communicate. CLICK HERE to visit the Leadership Development website to access the SAY WHAT? resource.

A Leader’s Best Self The most difficult person you will ever lead is yourself. Self-leadership is a life-long, uphill journey. Every leader’s goal is to arrive at the place where others do not need to take us by the hand and lead us to spiritual maturity. Mature leaders are self-feeders and self-developers. They discover the power of developing A Leader’s Best Self. Use this resource to set personal goals


the CBS year. CLICK HERE for A Leader’s Best Self – The Leader’s Guide and CLICK HERE for A Leader’s Best Self – The Participant’s Handout

When returning leaders and new leaders join together for class training, it is crucial for each one to feel seen and heard. Interdependence and synergy come from experiencing fun together and help to bond your group. CLICK HERE to build the team!

As the new CBS year begins, recommit to being salt and light in your community by being intentional in asking others to your study. As a Servants Team, model for leaders and class members what it looks like to embrace and live out the Great Commission. CLICK HERE for a short training session designed to keep our mission statement before our leaders and class members.

Stump the Panel

A new “fun and interactive� team game to play to review core leader training. CLICK HERE


Developed to help the Prayer Chairman explain the importance of prayer in CBS, this training session uses solid ideas and suggestions to walk through the ACTS format used in Leaders Council. CLICK HERE


When it comes to shepherding the flock with which God has entrusted you, look to Jesus, our Good Shepherd for the model. CLICK HERE for a new resource.

1. FISHER contains all kinds of teaching helps for each course in CBS. Check these out for TDs, ATDs, CYDs, theme ideas, and more. 2. Scripture songs have been updated and are available to help your class memorize verses. Use these and everyone will be singing along! To access the scripture songs, follow this path on FISHER: • Log on to FISHER. • Click on RESOURCES & COURSES • Click on COURSES • In the “Search Courses” box, type in the course name. • When the list appears with different curriculum lines, choose the course name followed by 2018/19. • When the course screen appears, click on the “Memory Verse Songs” tab on the left. • Click on the down arrow on the right to download the song desired, OR click on “DOWNLOAD ALL FILES” to download all the songs at once. Each Memory Verse song has an accompanying instrumental version. • Memory verse songs are available for the following courses: • Acts • Genesis • Matthew • Red Sea to the Jordan River • Philippians

Have You Forgotten? In each of the past five summers the Leadership Development Team created an issue of Elevate that was chock full of training ideas. Looking back at those issues recently, the team was even surprised at all the great stuff we had passed on to you! So, we are reminding you, as we reminded ourselves, about the past issues loaded with great ideas to take your training to the next level. These issues were written specifically for Servants Team members as you plan annual Leaders Council training. Should you take another look to spice up training? You bet!! CLICK HERE

#mosteffectivetraining Audiences love hearing from different presenters. Attention spans are much shorter than in the past. People learn the best when they are engaged in activity. What does this mean? Mix it up. Use different Servants Team Members to present different sessions. Incorporate lots of activities that help leaders learn. Creating fun and enthusiasm around training will make it memorable! Use a combination of short presentations and activity to hold attention. Use the talents of creative leaders to liven things up.

Leadership Development Team Amy Baker Helen Bradick Dawn Griffin Rick Hale Kristine MacDermott Jenny Shropshire

Elevate is a publication of the Leadership Development Team of Community Bible Study. Elevate is designed and published exclusively for use of Community Bible Study leaders. The views expressed by authors cited in this publication do not necessarily represent those of Community Bible Study.

The Leadership Development Team can be reached with comments or questions at lead@communitybiblestudy.org

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