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How mum Bec lost 20KG
IF you have read some of my other articles you would know that I am very big on making small changes that you can stick to long term.
Rebecca is a perfect example of this, she started by just committing to some regular exercise and has gradually changed her nutritional habits along the way without feeling like she has been strictly dieting. After a year of being super consistent the results she has achieved are nothing short of amazing!
Rebecca North, 44, Schofi elds, Occupation Compliance Manager and Mother.
What do you love about Repetitions Group Training and when did you start?
I started in August 2020 doing a 12 Week Personal Training Challenge as at the time I needed the extra accountability. After I completed the 12-week personal training program I got straight into group classes. I really love that there is always somebody there to encourage you, and help you with your exercise technique. You don’t get that when you are training alone! don’t get the when you are alone. I also love the encouragement from other members and not just the trainers. My very fi rst group session, I was helped out by another member and it really made me feel welcome.
What results have you achieved and what are your goals for the future?
I have dropped 3 dress sizes, I have toned up my entire body and have lost 20kg! I have another 5kg to lose.
How do you feel now?
When I fi rst started, even just walking up the stairs at home was diffi cult. I was not motivated in general life or to exercise. I didn’t cope with stress very well and life just felt harder. Now I can cope with stress much more easily, I have double the motivation, I feel like I have got my spark back and my overall work performance is much better.
Why do you think you have gotten results and others haven’t?
I feel like the fi rst 12 weeks of Personal Training I did really kept me accountable and helped me build the exercising habit. I also had the mindset going in that this wasn’t going to happen overnight. I made a conscious eff ort to not worry about the scales and I just focused on my fi tness and body shape. I actually didn’t weigh myself for 12 months, so it was amazing when I fi nally did and realised I had lost 20kg.
What dietary changes have you made?
I have gradually made small changes over the past year. I have started taking breakfast and lunch to work instead of buying something out. I use an air fryer and a Tupperware micro pro grill to save time on cooking when I am in a rush. I also subscribe to Hello Fresh, to take away the thinking when it comes to dinners and meal prepping. This means I am always having home cooked meals and am eating far less takeaway. In addition, I have stopped watching TV after dinner and try to stay busy before going to bed. By doing this I have reduced my latenight snacking and eating out of boredom.
How many days a week do you train? How many days were you doing before?
I used to not train at all, then when I fi rst started I was doing 3 sessions a week. Now I train 6 days a week and also like to do an active every day. I have also changed my son’s habits and have got him doing martial arts a couple nights a week.
What pushes you to keep training?
I just love feeling great and thrive with the increased energy that I now have. I won’t be going back to what I was before.
What is the biggest piece of advice you would give to someone looking to start?
I would say to not expect everything to happen straight away and just set small goals.
Adam Simpson is lead trainer and founder at Repetitions Group fitness and Personal Training. Visit: www.repetitionspt.com.au