2 minute read
All aboard Doonside’s new miniature train
Dallas Sherringham
RAILWAYS always fascinate children and a new layout at Doonside is proving to be an outstanding success. Hundreds of locals turned up for the grand opening of the Nurragingy Miniature Railway in the school holidays, The railway is nestled in the bushland of Nurragingy Reserve, between Currawong and Cockatoo Picnic Areas. It is open to the public on the third Sunday of each month, from 10am to 3pm.
The grand opening marked the completion of the project’s second stage, following the unveiling of stage 1 in 2019.
Blacktown City Council has worked in partnership with the North Western Model Engineers Inc. to design and construct the railway since 2016.
Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale said the project wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many volunteers.
“The Nurragingy Miniature Railway has been a labor of love for many volunteers over the past seven years,” Mayor Bleasdale said.
“Since the soft opening in 2019, the team at North Western Model Engineers battled a bushfire-ridden summer, COVID shutdowns and persistent wet weather to complete the second stage of this marvellous project.
“This railway has been built thanks to the incredible talents and knowledge of the North Western Model Engineers, many of them having backgrounds as engineers, diesel mechanics, station masters and train drivers.
“Together, they have built a fabulous new attraction for people of all ages in Blacktown City and beyond.
“Council has been proud to partner with North Western Model Engineers to create this fun and educational attraction for everyone in the community to enjoy.”
The railway’s latest additions include a 300m track extension and supporting structures and buildings, which include a train station, ticket booth, signal box, carriage storage shed and steaming bays.
Details: nwme.org.au
Volunteering in Blacktown with St Christophorus Aged Care
It is es mated that in NSW there are o er million people ol nteering their me for others, contrib ng at least million ho rs ann all . There are o er ol nteer organisa ons.
St Christophor s Aged Care is one of these and in late , o r o n Alois as a arded the Senior Vol nteer of the Year A ard ; and Helga, his ife on the Senior Vol nteer A ard from the Centre for Vol nteering. , We congrat late Alois and Helga on their achie ement of helping others since . Alois sa s “We enjo helping others and it brings smiles and happiness to them.”
St Christophor s Aged Care is a Not-For-Profit organisa on based in Cro don and Blackto n. O r ol nteers pro ide companionship to German-speaking seniors, ho either li e in a n rsing home or s ll li e in their o n home. We also pro ide s pport and assistance to those in need of accessing ser ices or hen transi oning to Residen al Aged Care. It is not a prereq isite for o r Vol nteers to speak German.
Man elderl people are lnerable and ma feel lonel and isolated. The Co id lockdo ns and restric ons in and highlighted these iss es. Some elderl people ma ha e no famil close b to care for and isit them. Feelings of loneliness and depression are er common among the elderl O r Vol nteers, thro gh their selflessness, dedica on, and generosit of spirit are the backbone of o r organisa on.
If o are interested to bring light into the li es of the elderl and to share some of o r me ia isits or telephone calls, then please contact o r Vol nteer Coordinator on or send an email to agedcare@dkg-s dne .com