14 minute read
NANDOS Australia has joined hands with The Salvation Army and One Heart Blacktown to provide meals for people doing it tough!
Back in 2021 Christmas dinner was transformed into an unexpected treat for 200 people doing it tough in the precincts of Blacktown and Sydney City.
Nandos Australia put on a lavish spread of fl ame-grilled chicken, paella, cheesy garlic mini pitas, BBQ ribs, Haloumi sticks, Mediterranean salad, chocolate mousse, and a whole lot more for some of the neediest members of our communities.
Nandos staff threw themselves into the event, working as volunteers on those nights as the business closed its doors to public-paying customers and threw open its doors to those who couldn’t.
The air was festive and happy with some popular Christmas carols provided by The Salvation Army band.
People went away feeling loved, cared for and with a full belly as plate after plate rolled in off a hot kitchen of happy workers. Topping off the evening was a bag of Christmas goodies handed to each person by cheery Nandos staff at the door.
The intention of the night was to help those who would normally not have the experience of being showered with love. The aim was to have these guests knowing they are valued, respected and cared about, and this was achieved in spade-fulls.
One Heart Blacktown is a non-profi t organisation that believes in putting its faith into action alongside the Salvos, played a key role in the relationship. And things did not end at Christmas between these three partners.
Now, every Friday, lunch is provided at Alpha Park Blacktown starting from 11.30 by Nandos in collaboration with the Salvos and One Heart. Everyone is welcome at the table, said Tony Calmen from One Heart.
On Friday mornings, One Heart and the Salvos arrive before the guests to clean and set up the tables at Alpha Park.
“We want to focus on sitting with people, asking how life is treating them and getting to know them,” said Captain Fouzia Mubarak from The Salvation Army. “We want people to know they have friends who care and they don’t have to do it alone!”
In keeping with the theme of ‘FoodFriendship-Faith’, One Heart share encouragement and a thought of the day. The afternoon also has some fun thrown in with a ticket draw for goodies that guests get to take away with them.
Captain Louise Beamish, Team Leader of Blacktown Salvos says she was overjoyed with the fi rst event and how since then the momentum has continued.
Salvation Army teams up with Nandos Australia to provide meals for people doing it tough.
For more enquiries about the Community Lunch @ Alpha Park, Blacktown, please call Captain Louise Beamish on 0419 253 208 or Tony Calmen on 0430 027 638.

ISSUE 13 | APRIL 2022
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ISSUE13|APRIL2022 TRUSTEDLOCALNEWS WWW.GREATERBLACKTOWNNEWS.COM.AU N N CHEF'S S PLANFOR R THE E CBDWHEN Luigi De Luca sold his ‘La Cremeria De Luca’ Gelato Café in Five dock last year he found retirement boring and believed he still had so much to give to struggling businesses in the Blacktown area. Luigi, 64, has lived in Blacktown for three years and this week he said the CBD was looking “a little tired” and businesses were struggling. “I want to assist small and family businesses who need some guidance and help running and growing their business." Full Story: page 9. 1700 new jobs & $55M boost: 11
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Children of all ages can make a splash at a brandnew $700,000 splash pad at Blacktown Aquatic Centre. Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM said the splash pad was a fabulous addition to the historic pool.
Myer Holdings Limited has announced that it will be exiting its store located in Blacktown in April. The last day for shoppers was Sunday, April 3 as the popular store closes as part of a national rationalisation plan.
Eastern Creek Tavern has joined forces with Kids West charity to leverage their Public Communities program to the Eastern Creek community. The program allows members to pledge to local causes.
Aston Martin has announced details of its last ever twin-turbo-charged V12-powered Vantage. The Gaydon-based marque will produce only 333 examples of the specially honed variant.
News ..........................................3 Blacktown Workers ....................8 Michelle Rowland ....................13 Property ...................................14 Business Awards .....................15 Auto .........................................28 Games .....................................29 Travel .......................................30 Fitness .....................................32 Cover Story .............................33 Men's Health ............................34 Women's Health ......................35 Films ........................................35 Directory ..................................36 Sport ........................................38
Coffee drinkers are universally going natural in 2022 but also re-embracing quality instant coffee according to a new report. We are cutting coffee drinks laden with artificial colors, sugar and cow’s milk.
Western Sydney's Jason Isaac has come a long way since he was a seven-year-old dreaming of one day becoming a professional wrestler. He was severely bullied in high school and now a champion wrestler.

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Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM (centre), with Ward 2 Councillor Julie Griffiths (left) and Dharug artist Leanne Watson (right) at Blacktown Aquatic Centre’s new splash pad. Christofer and Anastacia Panagaris enjoy the new splash pad at Blacktown Aquatic Centre.

Making waves at Blacktown pool
CHILDREN of all ages can make a splash at a brand-new splash pad at Blacktown Aquatic Centre.
The $700,000 project was offi cially opened in March, with Blacktown City Council celebrating by providing free entry to the splash pad and swimming pool.
Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM said the splash pad was a fabulous addition to the historic pool, where children could enjoy the water safely.
“This wonderful project features various water features and play zones, designed for children of all ages and abilities to cool off and have fun,” Mayor Bleasdale said.
“This project strikes at the heart of one of our key initiatives at Council, to create more places for our residents to be More Active, More Often in Blacktown City.
“It’s all thanks to funding from Blacktown City’s $5M Supplementary Works Program and I’m sure plenty of fun will be had here for many years to come.”
Council commissioned and worked with First Nations artist Leanne Watson, who designed colourful art to bring the splash pad to life.
A Dharug woman from the Burubirangal and Warmuli family groups, Leanne’s artwork highlights the connection of Dharug people to local waterways and incorporates imagery of native aquatic fauna.
Councillor Julie Griffi ths said: “As a councillor representing this area, I am especially proud to see the fi nished result of this wonderful project.”
“This splash pad is one of 10 sport and recreational projects that are part of Council’s More Active, More Often initiative, to encourage regular physical activity.”
To find out more about Council’s More Active, More Often initiative, visit: https://www.blacktown. nsw.gov.au/Sport-recreation/More-Active-MoreOften-In-Blacktown-City
Car regos now a lot easier
FORGETTING or losing vehicle regis-
tration paperwork is now a thing of the past, with the NSW Government launching a fully digitised, paperless rego service. Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Victor Dominello said the new Digital Vehicle Registration service is a one-stop shop for millions of drivers, offering digital renewal notifications and a Certificate of Registration all in one place. “Around 16 per cent of registrations are not renewed on time due to paperwork being damaged, misplaced or simply stuck on the fridge and forgotten about,” Mr Dominello said. The service is optional meaning customers will continue to receive a paper renewal notice unless they opt-in.
To opt-in to Digital Vehicle Registration, visit service.nsw.gov.au.

Mayor commits to fi ght diabetes
BLACKTOWN Mayor Tony Bleasdale has responded to a Blacktown News report that exposed Blacktown’s growing diabetes problem.
The article published in the March edition and written by reporter, Jade Hobman asked the question: DOES Greater Black-
town have a problem with diabetes?
Looks like it, according to a swath of research done on our very own doorstep. Research conducted at Blacktown Hospital in 2019 unveiled the diffi cult truth that the health and wellbeing of the City of Blacktown was inching ever closer to one in eight people being under serious threat, the story said.
Mayor Bleasdale told The Blacktown News that Blacktown Council is committed to doing all it can to reduce the unacceptably high levels of diabetes in Blacktown City.
He congratulated Blacktown News for highlighting the high rates of the disease in Blacktown City in the article titled: Fast Food Debate Rages. See full story at www. greaterblacktownnews.com.au FEATURED
“Council is committed to promoting and facilitating a healthy, outdoor lifestyle throughout Blacktown City. We believe this is the greatest contribution Council can make in the fi ght against diabetes.” Mayor Bleasdale said.
He listed the key areas where Council is promoting healthy living:

Artist impression of the International Centre of Training Excellence.
• Increasing and maintaining Council’s network of more than 800 parks, reserves and sporting fields. • Council is partnering with the
State Government in constructing 10 new sport and recreation projects under the More Active, More
Often Program. • Council maintains outdoor fitness equipment at 28 parks across
Blacktown City. • Council runs a large series of free health and fitness programs for all age groups. • Council is constructingthe$100-million International Centre of Training Excellence with world leading sports health research and development facilities. • Councilis partnering with ACU
Blacktown in a number of health-related initiatives at the
International Centre of Training
Excellence. • Council has an extensive grants program fostering participation in community sport. • Council sponsors the annual Blacktown City Games, Running Festival and Run West community events.
Mayor Bleasdale said Council supports the eff orts by‘ Diabetes Hub Multicultural Australia’ to improve diabetes awareness in Blacktown City’s diverse communities.
“Last December I took part in that organisation’s Diabetes Awareness seminar that highlighted the high incidence of diabetes in our City’s diverse communities,” he said.
“I also went on record to support the campaign to get dietitians’ appointments fully covered by Medicare and to put all essential diabetes medications on the PBS.”
Responding to comments in the article concerning locating a planned KFC adjacent to Blacktown International Sports park on Eastern Road , Mayor Bleasdale said planning approval in that case did not lie with Council
“The NSW Government appointed Independent Planning Panel approved the KFC proposal for the commercial land that is already the site of McDonalds, Taco Bill and 7-Eleven outlets.
“With KFC apparently withdrawing from the site, leaseholders Western Sydney Wanderers and the Independent Planning Panel will determine what business occupies the site.” Mayor Bleasdale said.
Myer Blacktown to close
MYER Holdings Limited has announced that it will be exiting its store located in Blacktown in April.
The last day for shoppers was Sunday, April 3 as the popular store closes as part of a national rationilisation plan.
Since the Customer First Plan was launched, Myer has made strong progress in rationalising its property portfolio with the closure of Logan in January 2019, Hornsby in January 2020, Emporium in May 2020 and Knox in August 2021. Now Blacktown joins the list.
Myer CEO John King since making this decision, “we have taken into account our strengthening online sales, as well as the number of Myer stores that are in close proximity to the Blacktown store, including Castle Hill, Parramatta, Bankstown and Roselands.”
He said Myer would support all impacted team members through a period of consultation and would look to redeploy as many team members as possible.
“Today’s decision continues to deliver against our Customer First Plan and we will continue to make targeted improvements to our store network, reducing space and improving the off er for our loyal customers.
Major brands to be replaced
“We thank our Blacktown team members for their service and contribution to the business and our Blacktown customers for their loyalty to the store – and we trust they will continue to shop with us at our nearby stores or online,” Mr King said.
Myer plans to shrink total fl oor space by 20% while continuing to invest in the department store’s online off er.
Myer Blacktown opened in 1973 and is one of company’s smaller stores, employing about 30 staff .
Mr King’s turnaround strategy, launched fi ve years ago, calls for a return to Myer as Australia’s favorite department store and a reversal of the long-term slide in performance.
A media report said Myer returned to profi tability in September as total sales rose 5.5% to $2.7Bn, despite widespread store closures and travel restrictions
The report said the makeover plan involved slashing costs, pulling back on discounting, ramping up online sales and reducing excess fl oor space by 100,000 square metres – saving $15m to $20m a year in rent – by closing stores or handing back space to landlords.
Myer is also reported to be removing underperforming brands and replacing them with more than 130 new brands.
Bendon Lingerie said its stable of brands, including its namesake label, Pleasure State, and heritage brand Fayreform, would rejoin Myer from August. The store also recently added intimates brand Simone Pérèle.

Youth Week celebrations in Blacktown
CEELEBRATE Youth Week in Blacktown City with a line-up of fun events from Blacktown City Council. Council will host two major events - at Warrick Lane in Blacktown and Dawson Mall in Mount Druitt - to showcase youth talents and raise awareness about youth issues during April.
Youth Week is a week-long celebration organised by young people for young people in communities across NSW. Youth Week 2022 will run from April 4 to 14, with this year’s theme being ‘It’s up to you’th’. Council’s free events in Blacktown and Mt Druitt will feature free food, live performances, art, activity stalls, carnival rides and music. Go top council’s website for more information: www.blacktown. nsw.gov.au
Surge in odometer tampering worrying
CONSUMERS are being warned about odometer tampering after a fourfold increase in the number of fines issued for the offence in NSW, with hundreds of thousands of kilometres being knocked off vehicle odometers and sold to unsuspecting buyers. Minister for Fair Trading Eleni Petinos said as used motor vehicle sales have risen amid the COVID-19 pandemic, so too have incidents of odometer fraud where perpetrators wind back the mileage or replace the odometer with one showing fewer kilometres.
“NSW Fair Trading Investigators dished out $112,200 in fi nes and 76 penalty notices in 2021 and 2022 – a huge jump from 22 total penalties in 2020,” Ms Petinos said. In one case a seller shaved off more than 400,000km off a 2012 Subaru XV, reducing the odometer from 470,000km down to 52,709km. The vehicle was then sold for $32,000, an $11,000 increase on the original sale price. To report suspected odometer tampering, visit: www.service.nsw.gov. au/transaction/report-suspected-odometer-tampering