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BREED Australia’s tenant community is embracing the post-COVID digital era
THE COVID-19 pandemic has meant that many businesses that are not focused on online brand marketing are at a considerable disadvantage.
This is the view echoed by several businesses based at BREED Australia that provides aff ordable co-working spaces and complimentary incubator programs.
Ash Coop from Sydney Digital Designs (www.sydneydigitaldesigns.com.au), an agency that provides digital services such as SEO and social media management, believes it is vital for a business to have a well structured online presence these days.
The younger generation has been born in the digital age, and with everything being online, they need to make sure that their business is represented. Ash says for some people, it’s old school marketing, but he also stressed the importance of online advertising when trying to fi nd new customers on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram.
Ash believes that businesses should beware of companies who will overpromise and under deliver. He credits BREED’s online presence as to how he found them in the fi rst place.
“I wouldn’t have heard of BREED if it weren’t for digital marketing; they had an eff ective online presence, which is how I found them.”
Gee Vaile is the Head of Public Relations for a social media marketing agency, Rhino Social (www.rhinosocial.com.au). She says that having an online presence is more relevant than ever before.
“The best thing about being digital is that it’s there forever, as opposed to traditional marketing.”
Gee goes on to say: “Something that print media doesn’t off er is advanced and more precise fi gures for reach and engagement, which is a huge part of any campaign to receive the best results and understand audiences.”
When COVID hit, Rhino Social, who are very thankful for BREED Australia’s support, substantially grew its client base when businesses started to move online.
“Throughout COVID-19, people were spending a signifi cant amount of time online than ever before,” said Gee.
“Seeing our clients and other businesses survive through this time using social media to do so shows just how relevant digital is”.
“When we produce content for our clients, there’s always a purpose behind it,” says Gee. “We aim to tell their brand story whilst focusing on the end result, whether that’s to generate leads, increase sales or leverage brand awareness and exposure on social platforms.”
The Rhino team have a strong passion for digital marketing, “there’s never a dull moment in the digital world” according to Gee, “keeping up with the trends, the changes and updates is something we constantly monitor. It’s a fast-paced industry that never stops, and that’s the beauty of it”.
Catherine Tripp, the content strategist of Mindsite Web Services (www.mindsite. com.au), a website management agency and digital marketing company, noted that websites are important because they give people their fi rst impression of your business. Your website is like your 24-hour representative or your constant shop front.
The Internet has become more competitive following COVID because a lot more potential customers are browsing online. Catherine said that it is crucial to have your website optimised for your business goals. So it can represent your business constantly and improve your chances of being found organically.
“You might have a great website, but that’s not enough anymore. If you want to succeed in today’s market, then your site needs an “online presence.” MindSites recent rebuild of the Breed business’ website helped their branding, rankings and online impression.
Websites are now giving visitors more than a sales pitch. They’re adding blogs and other content for added value to keep customers coming back. In the post-COVID age, if you’re not active online, you simply won’t be found.
L-R BREED Incubator Tenants, Gee Vail (Rhino Social), Ash Coop(Sydney Digital Designs), Catherine Tripp (Mindsite Web Services)
BREED Australia helps businesses featured in this article by providing affordable self-contained office and creating a vibrant business community. For more information, visit www. breedaustralia.com.au or contact via phone on 02-98533200 Emmanuel Martin is General Manager at BREED Australia. Visit: www.breedaustralia.com.au
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