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14 PROPERTY ISSUE 14 | May 2022 SHOWCASE Got something to share? Send your property tips to info@greaterblacktownnews.com.au
E-COMMERCE giant Amazon has officially opened its first robotics fulfilment centre in western Sydney – the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and at 200,000 sqm the largest warehouse ever built in Australia.
With a federal election announcement imminent, Prime Minister Scott Morrison was on hand to cut the ribbon alongside NSW Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney, Stuart Ayres.
The Kemps Creek facility, located within Goodman Group’s Oakdale West Industrial Estate, will create more than 1,500 jobs.
Floor space across the four-level building is equal to the land size of Taronga Zoo or 24 rugby league fi elds, and can house up to 20 million of the smaller items sold on Amazon.com.au including jewellery, books, electronics, pantry items and toys.
It is Amazon’s second fulfi lment in western Sydney, and sixth in Australia.
Robotic drives move pods of inventory to employees, reducing the time and eff ort that would otherwise be required to stow items for sale or pick them for new customer orders. They also allow up to 40% more items to be stowed, allowing for increased product selection.
“The opening of our fi rst robotics fulfi lment centre is a huge milestone for Amazon Australia, marking our continuous growth and investment in this country,” said Craig Fuller, director of operations, Amazon Australia.
Since launching down under in 2017, more than 11,000 Australian businesses are selling through Amazon, and have sold more than 25 million units across its Australian and international stores in the past year.
Amazon last month announced it would open its fi rst dedicated Australian sorting centre in Melbourne’s northern suburb of Craigieburn, which will be able to process 300,000 parcels every day.
That 15,600 sqm centre will be built in the Amaroo Business Park, further extending Amazon’s relationship with Goodman. The ASX-listed industrial and logistics giant considers Amazon its biggest customer and has also delivered Amazon a fulfi lment centre in Brisbane.
The Craigieburn centre will be Amazon’s fi fth facility in Melbourne, where the company made its Australian debut with a 24,000 sqm warehouse in Dandenong South.
The pandemic has turbo-charged the growth of online shopping in Australia. Online sales accounted for 9.2% of all sales at the beginning of 2020, and now make up 14.7%, according to NAB.
SOURCE: Australian Property Journal.
Prime Minister Scoltt Morrison visits the new facility.




Voice of Australia’s most progressive city ParramattA TIMES OUR CITY’SLOCAL PAPER ISSUE 9 | April 2021 Minister pushing for more women on Parramatta Council: 3 ParramattA ISSUE20|MARCH2022 TRUSTEDLOCALNEWS WWW.PARRAMATTATIMES.COM.AU Pa arr r am
Why finding staff is the biggest concern: 5 CHARITY SUPPORT
Our favourite charities in two years of COVID: 10
Here’s how business traditions will change T HE ecommerce craze shows no signs of abating with a new generation of young entrepreneurs swapping traditional jobs for selling everything from pet food to high end clothing online. They are part of the revolution which has seen a large proportion of Aussies continue to earn a living from home, relocate out of cities and take precautions to reduce FULL STORY PAGE 5
their risk of viral infections. There will be some blurring between what we wear to bed or lounge around in at home and what we wear out. The forecasts come from Davie Fogarty, Founder and CEO of Davie Group, the fast-growing company behind brands The Oodie, Calming Blankets and Pupnaps. More page 20.

New suburb named Brad eld
Govy of cially names high tech city at Aerotropolis: 6 Family business in COVID
How many leveraged patience capital during COVID: 12 How hope really works
Feature on the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal: 15
POWERHOUSE Parramatta CEO Lisa Havilah is more interested in the flood of excitement over the controversial $920M project than any flood-waters that may lap at its riverside approach. After the recent devastating rains that saw Parramatta River break its banks between the ferry wharf and the site of the museum, Ms Havilah is adamant that the building and its exhibits will not be affected.
AUTO: SsangYong's mid-life update: 30 Special S BUSINESS: Retailers reveal solutions: 34 TRENDS: Is love passing you by?: 36 tribute t to local t business b winners w
AFTER a few hot summers
for swimmers who loved Parramatta and
during their closures, relief is on the way. Just a day apart, the refurbished Wentworthville pool opened and
spectacular Parramatta Aquatic Centre. Both communities have been without a pool since 2017, the Parramatta Memorial Pool demolished to make way for Bankwest Stadium and the previous Holroyd Council wanting to close the tired Wenty pool
rather than refurbish it. After a bit of and the NSW Government on who Parramatta Olympian
would pay for its replacement, an agreement was reached on funding for the state-of-the-art aquatic faces her toughest test centre. And in Wentworthville, a
concerted community campaign and the Cumberland Council, saved the beloved pool with an upgrade. While PARRAMATTA’S four-time Olympian Melissa Wu has well and truly dived in the deep end as a contestant on the blockbuster SAS Australia Show on Channel 7 and 7plus. And the Olympic diver won’t be letting her diminutive size stand in her way as she
Parramatta residents wait two years takes on a hot field of sporting and celebrity contestants in the top rating program. After for their pool, they are welcome to all, she won four Commonwealth Games gold medals and was full of determination in an dive to Wenty. all-new sneak peek of the 2022 season of SAS Australia, which started on February 21 on Channel 7 and 7plus. More page 6.
Inside the bank of mum and dad: 16
B Blacktown FC is ready to go: 31
Issue 1 | April 2021 Issue1|April2021
EXCLUSIVE: Bob Turner on his new role at Blacktown FC.
How Afghan women typify our diversity: 18
Youth Needs Our Support Young people turning their lives around at BYSA.POWER POWER
AVITAL youth service in Blacktown is set to
close after missing out on important State Government funding. The Blacktown Youth Support Association’s Youth HQ program been in trouble with the law or those who may be headed that way. But the service was told at the end of last year by the Department of Communities and Justice that they had missed out programs. A letter from the Minister for Families and Communities Gareth Ward suggested that the BYSA seeks funding from other government departments such as education and sport. helps young people at risk - those who have on funding, in favour of more “targeted” youth FULL STORY 10
WELCOME to the Blacktown NEWS
WELCOME to Blacktown's NEW LOCAL media voice, The Blacktown News (BN). The Blacktown News is the much-anticipated new newspaper and digital media brand that The News will be distributed across 110 strategic distribution points in the LGA. Published in digital and print editions the Blacktown News o ers maximum impact for targeted advertising As one of the state’s fastest growing cities, Blacktown has undergone a signi cant transformation. GRANT Hews has a great reason to be inseparable from his best mate and savior, Echo the Maltese Terrier. You see, Echo saved Grant’s life when he fell into a diabetic coma and when Grant was admitted It's population is set to rise from 400,000 to 540,000 residents by 2036. The Blacktown News is the print and digital media resource that connects residents and visitors to the city’s diverse community, its progress, business opportunities and lifestyle. covers Blacktown LGA with local news written by experienced journalists.
The Blacktown News is Blacktown's ONLY printed newspaper and is independently owned and managed locally by a management team that has been working in Blacktown for almost 20 years. opportunities and reach to Blacktown's diverse population. With a mission of championing community and business issues, the BN is a proud media partner of the Greater Blacktown Chamber of Commerce, the Blacktown Local Business Awards and Blacktown FC.
to Blacktown hospital, the pair were lost without each We value your feedback. Go to www.greaterblacktownnews.com.au to share your story.
Grant owes his life to mate Echo other. And we all know the healing power of an animal, a power that should never be underestimated. The heartwarming story begins in late December when Grant was diagnosed with COVID-19 and other underlying health issues at the hospital. More: page 6.
Keep up to date with the latest news in and around Blacktown! Keep up to date with the latest news in and around Blacktown!

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Collaboration key to our future
NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns MP visited the Australian Catholic University (ACU) Blacktown Campus with a delegation of shadow ministers and local parliamentarians to see the advanced technology driven facilities on offer for students and discuss future collaboration of ACU in the local community.
Mr Minns welcomed ACU establishing a new campus in one of the fastest growing population centres in Australia.
“ACU’s courses are directly relevant to the needs and aspirations of a growing region, off ering the skills people need for the jobs of the future. Nursing, allied health, sports science, social work, teaching and businesses courses help equip the local workforce to meet local employment opportunities,” Mr Minns said.
ACU Vice-Chancellor and President (VC) Professor Zlatko Skrbis proudly led a tour of the new nursing facilities as students learn important life-saving skills on realistic mannequins with real world scenarios.
ACU VC Professor Zlatko Skrbis and NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns MP hosted a round-table ideas forum with business, community, and educational leaders.
Mr Minns MP said: “The clear message from the forum is that Blacktown is not getting its fair share of investment and resources. Blacktown City is growing at rate equivalent to Mudgee every year and will pass Tasmania’s population by 2037. The NSW Government must provide the physical and social infrastructure to sup-

Hugh McDermott MP (Prospect); Stephen Bali MP (Blacktown); Chris Minns MP (NSW Labor Leader); ACU Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Zlatko Skrbis; Ryan Park MP (Shadow Minister for Health); and Edmond Atalla MP (Mt Druitt). NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns MP with ACU nursing students in a simulated hospital situation.

Support for women's refuge
WOMEN and children escaping
domestic and family violence will soon receive greater support, with expressions of interest opening next week for funding to set up and operate the first new model of women’s refuges in NSW. Minister for Women's Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence Natalie Ward said the NSW Government’s $426M commitment over four years to establish new refuges is the single largest investment in the state’s history to address domestic abuse. Minister Ward will host a roundtable with domestic violence advocacy groups, specialist homelessness services and peak bodies to discuss the roll out. Expressions of interest will also open to apply for the first of three rounds of funding.
port another 200,000 expected to arrive in the next 20 years.
“Roads, schools, housing, hospitals, sporting and community facilities as well as social services such as mental health, domestic violence, youth services need to match population growth. Blacktown needs a comprehensive plan to support its booming community and to address years of under resourcing,” Mr Minns said.
ACU VC Prof. Skrbis said, “ACU is working with the community by providing cutting-edge courses and as well as collaboration through student placement, research and supporting services.
“Together, we can provide wonderful opportunities for Blacktown City residents to strive to achieve their full potential.”
A GUIDE TO Living with C VID
Self-protection tips and strategies
Self-protection tips and strategies A A GUIDE TOL Living with C VID Issue 01 | May 2022

of the GP - page 5 A Family’swith COVID- page 13

Prevention: How transmission works - page 8 Mental Health: Whatit means - page 15

Business: A guide for survival - page 19
For the latest expert advice on living with COVID see our full magazine at:

www. issuu.com/communitybroadcastnetwork/docs/lwc_magazine or click on the link at www.accessnews.com.au
Drive in Australia
Due to the ongoing pandemic, there has been a shortage of blood supply on a global level. With this in mind, Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dhar Organisation) Revdanda, India organised a successful blood donation drive in Australia through “Australian Red Cross” Centres in two cities–Sydney and Melbourne. In Sydney, the campaign ran over a week from March 27 to April 3, 2022 which received overwhelming response from local residents. Parramatta, NSW Deputy Mayor–Sameer Pandey graced the occasion with his presence at Parramatta Centre in Sydney on March 27. Total 64 donors donated blood and /or plasma and 192 lives save. The Prathisthan (Foundation) organised this drive with a view to create social awareness amongst people to play their part in giving back to the community and serve the mission of Humanity.

Medieval Fayre and Medieval Fayre and Banquet postponed Banquet postponed

BLACKTOWN City Council will postpone its popular Medieval Fayre and Banquet due to inclement weather and a predicted forecast of further rain.
Initially scheduled to take place during the Blacktown City Festival on May 21 and 22, the event will now be held on the Father’s Day weekend in September.
Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM said the decision to cancel the event was in the interests of safety due to recent wet weather severely impacting the event site at Nurragingy Reserve.
“Given the wet conditions at the ground and surrounding access roads, Council has had to consider the eff ect this would have on patron safety, animal welfare and parking arrangements,” Mayor Bleasdale said.
Those who have purchased a ticket will receive a full refund within a couple of days.
For a full list of Blacktown City Festival events, visit: www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au/festival
Last year's event.
Riverstone Festival attracts thousands
RIVERSTONE will be the centre of attention for thousands of visitors when the 2022 Riverstone Festival comes to town on May 14.
Blacktown City Council has teamed up with The Combined Churches of Riverstone to present the annual Festival at Mill Park, Riverstone.
It is a full day of activities and entertainment combined with food and market stalls, stage performers, rides and workshops.
Highlights include the impressive street parade which starts at 11am and features community groups, car clubs, marching bands and entertainers.
The parade passes along Church St, George St, Mill St and up and back along Pitt St.
Entertainment on stage starts at 9am and includes Vogue Dance Studio, country and blue grass music, a tumble group and the offi cial opening. Face painting for children will be available on the day.
The entertainment continues in the afternoon with singing duo Ruka, jump dance display, prize presentations and more.
The Festival is billed as “A Celebration of Riverstone”, one of the oldest towns in Australia.
It was fi rst settled by Europeans in 1803 as part of a Government stock farm.
The Darug people live in the area for many generations prior to settlement. Riverstone was a small country town until the housing boom swallowed it up into Greater Sydney.
Car seat diversion drives forward
AGROUND-breaking proof of concept aimed at keep-
ing children safe in cars is helping to divert families away from fines and toward greater safety on NSW roads. The Car Seat Diversion proof of concept is a collaboration between NSW Police and Revenue NSW, trialled across Macarthur, Bankstown, Blacktown, Wagga Wagga and Dubbo Local Government Areas. Deputy Premier and MinisterG for Police Paul Toole said NSW-licensed drivers who have inadequately restrained children in their cars when pulled over by police are given the option of taking up a diversion to install the appropriate seating and avoid an initial fine.

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