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How to avoid the Covid KGs How to avoid the Covid KGs
AS you are all aware we are in the middle of another Covid-19 lock down! We are all facing many challenges that we wouldn’t normally in our regular lives.
Our routines are all over the place and for many motivation levels are at an alltime low. If you are reading this just know that you are not alone, so it’s important to not be too hard on yourself if you have already gained a little excess weight.
I have put together my best tips to help you navigate the rest of lock down.
1. Commit to some form of daily
exercise – It doesn’t have to be much, but commit to yourself that every day you will get up and do something. Whether that is going for a walk, a jog, doing some stretches or doing an online class. Aim for at least 20 minutes and be very disciplined about getting it done. 2. Exercise fi rst – Motivation right now is low, I get it. My tip here is to do it fi rst thing in the morning, that way you can’t talk yourself out of it. I guarantee you will have a better day, if you start it off with some exercise. 3. Get an accountability buddy – Encourage a friend or family member to commit to exercising daily with you. You are less likely to quit if you have someone else that is relying on you to do it with them. 4. Set a routine – It can be very easy right now to park yourself in front of the TV all day. Especially if you are one of the unlucky ones who have lost their job during the lock downs. Write out a daily schedule for yourself and try to stick to it, schedule in your exercise time and everything else you want to achieve for the day. Be sure to give yourself some free time to watch that Netfl ix series you have been getting through. 5. Eat mindfully – It is important to recognise that we aren’t moving around as much as we normally would. This means the amount of energy that our bodies need to get through each day is slightly less, try to adjust your portion sizes accordingly. 6. Avoid excess snacking – It can be very easy to eat too many snacks right now out of sheer boredom. My suggestion here would be to be extremely selective on how many snacking options you purchase when you are doing your shopping. If you don’t have them in your house you can’t over eat.
7. Try to enjoy your time – This is harder said than done, many of us are struggling fi nancially being out of work. Are living alone with no family or are stressed out juggling work and home schooling. Do your best to fi nd little positives right now and enjoy yourself as much as possible. There may never be another time in your life where we get the down time or extra time with our loved ones.
If you would like to join me and my team with some online exercise. Jump onto our website and register your details we will do our best to help you get through this tough time.
My 7 tips for health My 7 tips for health in LOCKDOWN in LOCKDOWN
Adam Simpson is lead trainer and founder at Repetitions Group fitness and Personal Training. Visit: www.repetitionspt.com.au