4 minute read
My top 10 tips for Fat Loss
YOU may or may not have heard this before, but when it comes to losing body fat. You need to be in a calorie deficit.
Essentially, what this means is that you need to be burning off more calories per day than what you consume in your food.
This leaves you with a few options, you can either eat less calories per day, burn more calories per day through exercise or for best results you could combine the two.
I am a big advocate of improving your daily habits so that you can live a healthier lifestyle autonomously. Below are my top 10 Habits that you can try and adopt which will help you lose body fat, but allow you to keep it off once and for all.
1. Exercise more days than you don’t
– This one is super obvious, the more you exercise the more calories you will burn each day which will aid in your fat loss. For best results, combine some strength training with some cardiovascular training. But above all, fi nd exercise that you enjoy so you can stick to it long term. 2. Eat more protein – Foods that are high in protein will help keep you feeling fuller for longer, this should make it easier for you to eat fewer total calories for the day. The extra protein will also help you grow some lean muscle mass. Which will only speed up your metabolism and get you burning more calories each day without any extra eff ort. 3. Drink Less Calories – It can be really easy to drink too many calories quickly. Try to limit your alcohol intake, the amount of sugary drinks you consume and focus on drinking
more water. Water has 0 calories, so it is a great way to reduce the total amount you consume for the day. 4. Eat More Fruit and Vegetables –
Fruit and Vegetables are not only jam packed with nutrients they are also pretty low in calorie density. Meaning you can eat a whole lot of these without really adding too many extra calories to your intake. If you are still hungry after dinner, fi ll up on a big plate of greens. Or if you have a sweet tooth, choose berries and a bowl of fruit as a dessert option.
5. Choose Lower Calorie Food Swaps
– Calories are king when it comes to fat loss. When you are shopping, look at the nutrition label on the back of the items you are purchasing and see where you can fi nd lower calorie options. A quick google search will give you endless food swap ideas. EG:
Fresh fruit over dried, Greek Yoghurt over Sour Cream, Pistachio’s over
Walnuts, Olive oil spray over a tablespoon of oil. 6. Reduce your portion sizes – Sometimes it can be easy to just mindlessly eat, even when you are no longer hungry. A simple trick to reduce your portion sizes can be to just use a smaller plate. 7. Watch Less TV – Sitting and watching Tv burns almost no calories. If
you are someone who can watch TV for hours on end, it is going to make your fat loss that little bit harder. Instead limit your TV time and try fi nd other hobbies that you enjoy where you are more active. 8. 10,000 Steps a day – Using technology to track how much you are moving each day is a great way to monitor your movement. Setting a step goal for the day is a great way to ensure you are being active enough. 9. Choose the Stairs – Little things like choosing the stairs over the elevator or parking further away at the shops will mean that you are going to be burning more throughout the day.
It may not seem like much, but little decisions we make on a daily basis can add up to a big result at the end of the year.
10. Take Phone calls while you walk
– If you have a job where you are at a desk all day, it can be very easy to hardly get off your chair. If you can take phone calls while you walk you can drastically increase how much movement you get in each day. Pacing the hall while you take a 15minute phone call could almost add up to a kilometre walk.
When it comes to fat loss, keep things simple so you can stick to the plan. Choose 2-3 of these habits that you can adopt and stick to them for a couple of months. If you are consistent the result will come. Once you have these habits formed, you can adopt another one until you have the results you are after.
Adam Simpson.
Adam Simpson is lead trainer and founder at Repetitions Group fitness and Personal Training. Visit: Gwww.repetitionspt.com.au