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18 PROPERTY PARRAMATTA ISSUE 16 | November 2021 SHOWCASE Got something to share? Send your property tips to info@parramattatimes.com.au
Parramatta Mission announces winning design for The Gathering
PARRAMATTA Mission, in con-
junction with City of Parramatta Council, has successfully completed an architectural design excellence competition for its central site at Parramatta Square, adjacent to the historic Leigh Memorial Church.
The winning design for the new centre, to be called The Gathering Place, will create an iconic building on Parramatta Square, a city site that was a special meeting place for the traditional owners, the Burramattagal people of the Darug nation. It is a site where there has been a Christian church for 200 years.
In contrast to the surrounding highrise glass towers, the innovative design will present a soft silhouette, reminiscent of a banksia pod, and will include a rooftop chapel and refl ective garden. The winning design will be complemented by the rebuilding of the spire on Leigh Memorial Church.
“For Parramatta Mission, a Parish Mission of the Uniting Church, The Gathering Place refl ects a commitment to serving the Parramatta community. It will house Parramatta Mission’s staff , be a centre for its social services and a place of meeting,” Parramatta Mission board and Church Council member, Mr Ian Gray, said.
“Through the life and witness of its congregations and through its delivery of social services, Parramatta Mission is seeking to redevelop this site to be a source of inspiration in the life of Sydney’s ‘central city’. The Gathering Place will be accessed by people from all walks of life.”
The winning design for the new centre was submitted by architects Durbach Block Jaggers. In a statement DJB said: “The Gathering Place building is a friendly and familiar form. Its gentle connection to the Leigh Memorial Church preserves both light and visibility. The circular geometry of the new welcomes all, complementing the inward nature of the existing church.”
It's a remarkable design
City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Steven Issa has congratulated Parramatta Mission and Durbach Block Jaggers on the building.
“The Gathering Place is a remarkable design and will be a wonderful addition to Parramatta’s Civic Link – a green, pedestrianised pathway that will connect the heart of the Parramatta CBD to the river.”
The design recognises the importance of this site to the traditional owners. The area around Parramatta Square is of great signifi cance with evidence of Aboriginal settlement dating back more than 60,000 years.
Parramatta was established within a year of European arrival and the vicinity of this site was where signifi cant early interaction took place between Aboriginal peoples and civic administrators.
The Leigh Memorial Church building is the third church to operate on this site since 1821. The campus has been a focus of Christian worship and the provision of community assistance for 200 years.
Mr Gray said further detailed design work may be required and it is intended to proceed directly to prepare a Development Application once the design is fi nalised. The DA will be based on the winning design and use the winning architect.
“The Uniting Church is working in partnership with City of Parramatta Council in order to reach an agreed position that recognises the loss of development potential of the site. Construction of this iconic community building can then commence as soon as possible,” he said.
About Parramatta Mission
Parramatta Mission is a group of worshipping congregations of the Uniting Church. Paramatta Mission presently operates Meals Plus from the Parramatta Square site, a place where its clients, who may be disadvantaged in many ways, are treated holistically, with dignity and respect, and can obtain services to meet their daily needs for sustenance and community.
The winning design.


Voice of Australia’s most progressive city
ISSUE 9 | April 2021
Minister pushing for more women on Parramatta Council: 3
POWERHOUSE Parramatta CEO Lisa Havilah is more interested in the flood of excitement over the controversial $920M project than any flood-waters that may lap at its riverside approach. After the recent devastating rains that saw Parramatta River break its banks between the ferry wharf and the site of the museum, Ms Havilah is adamant that the building and its exhibits will not be affected.

New suburb named Brad eld
Govy of cially names high tech city at Aerotropolis: 6 Family business in COVID
How many leveraged patience capital during COVID: 12 How hope really works
Feature on the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal: 15
AUTO: SsangYong's mid-life update: 30 BUSINESS: Retailers reveal solutions: 34 TRENDS: Is love passing you by?: 36 TALE OF TWO POOLS
AFTER a few hot summers
for swimmers who loved Parramatta and
during their closures, relief is on the way. Just a day apart, the refurbished Wentworthville pool opened and
spectacular Parramatta Aquatic Centre. Both communities have been without a pool since 2017, the Parramatta Memorial Pool demolished to make way for Bankwest Stadium and the previous Holroyd Council wanting to close the tired Wenty pool rather than refurbish it. After a bit of
and the NSW Government on who would pay for its replacement, an agreement was reached on funding for the state-of-the-art aquatic centre. And in Wentworthville, a concerted community campaign and the Cumberland Council, saved the beloved pool with an upgrade. While Parramatta residents wait two years for their pool, they are welcome to dive to Wenty.
Blacktown's LOCAL media voice Blacktowns LOCAL media voice Issue 1 | April 2021 Issue 1 | April 2021
EXCLUSIVE: Bob Turner on his new role at Blacktown FC.
Young people turning their lives around at BYSA.
Youth Needs Our Support
AVITAL youth service in Blacktown is set to
close after missing out on important State Government funding. The Blacktown Youth Support Association’s Youth HQ program helps young people at risk - those who have been in trouble with the law or those who may be headed that way. But the service was told at the end of last year by the Department of Communities and Justice that they had missed out on funding, in favour of more “targeted” youth programs. A letter from the Minister for Families and Communities Gareth Ward suggested that the BYSA seeks funding from other government departments such as education and sport. FULL STORY 10
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As one of the state’s fastest growing cities, Blacktown has undergone a signi cant transformation.
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