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New settlement office investment
International (SSI), a major refugee resettlement provider in Australia, is investing in the Fairfield area by launching a new local location.
SSI supports around 20,000 refugees annually, with a significant number residing in western Sydney.
The new office space in Fairfield reflects SSI’s commitment to the community and its history of welcoming newcomers.
SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis praised Australia’s approach to settlement, which allows refugees to live close to family, friends, and their diaspora community upon arrival.
The investment in Fairfield aligns with the incoming NSW Labor Government’s funding commitments for infrastructure upgrades and support services.
The new office will house over 45 SSI staff, who will provide essential human services to various groups, including single parents, people with disabilities, refugees, and asylum seekers.
SSI aims to strengthen partnerships and ensure that all members of the Fairfield community have opportunities to thrive.
“This rich, multicultural suburb shows that it is both possible for newcomers to build a sense of belonging in their new homes, while also remaining connected to culture, family and friends,”

Ms Roumeliotis
“The beauty of Australia’s approach to refugee resettlement is that newcomers can choose to live close to family, friends and their diaspora community on arrival.”
Ms Roumeliotis said the Fairfield has not been exempt from the challenges that come with population growth in any area, but commended the incoming NSW Labor Government for funding commitments including upgrading Fairfield hospital and establishing a dedicated support centre for domestic and family violence in the suburb.