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The many benefits of Made In Australia

AUSTRALIAN Made Week 2023, taking place from May 15 to May 21, aims to promote local product purchases.
Previous campaigns have been successful in encouraging over 70% of Australians to prioritize buying Australian-made items. Research shows that if each household spent an extra $10 per week on Australian Made products, it would contribute $4.8B to the economy and create 9,500 jobs.
Most Australians have confidence in products displaying the green-and-gold logo, with 86% considering it important to buy Australian Made. Tasmanians rank highest in prioritizing local products, while concerns about overseas-made products and the importance of local manufacturing are widespread.
The Australian Made logo, introduced in 1986, is a recognized symbol verifying the product’s Australian origin and is used by over 4,200 businesses.
warned last year it would need to increase premiums by 15 per cent - and if it didn’t, even higher increases would be needed in future years.
Currently the average premium rate is 1.48 per cent of wages, well below both the break-even point of 1.91 per cent and the national average of 1.7 per cent.
This crunch point comes after years of scandal including a $140M IT contract awarded in a seven-day tender and an $18M printing contract awarded without tender to the Liberal Party’s printer and a major donor.
“Since taking office I have been advised of the parlous financial state of the workplace injury system. It is entirely unacceptable,” Ms Cotsis said.
“It will take years to fix a decade of decline in the workers compensation system, but the reform starts now.”