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Council renews chamber alliance
THE Hills Shire Council is continuing its partnership with the Sydney Hills Business Chamber (SHBC), which has contributed significantly to supporting local businesses to grow and thrive and help shape local economic policy for the better.

Council has renewed its Alliance Partnership with the SHBC for another three years. This will provide even greater benefits to businesses and the wider Hills community, including activities and projects that aim to increase local jobs and attract suitable types of investment, such as businesses and industries, to the region.
Mayor Peter Gangemi said he admired what the SHBC had achieved over its 30-year history and was proud of the relationship Council and the Chamber had built during this time.
“It is so important to have a united voice for local business,” Mayor Gangemi said.
“Through this partnership, we have supported our local businesses with educational events and workshops, as well as with roundtable discussions, jobs forums and much more.
“I would like to thank Chairman Kerrie Sheaves and the SHBC for their ongoing work and commitment to ensuring The Hills remains a great place to do business,” Mayor Gangemi added.
General Manager of The Hills Shire Council, Michael Edgar said the partnership with the SHBC was beneficial in supporting businesses to grow.
“The SHBC is about supporting and enabling our local business leaders to collaborate and grow,” Mr Edgar said.
SBC Chair Kerrie Sheaves said the Chamber was delighted to renew the Alliance Partnership with Council.
“The Alliance has been established in the spirit of collaboration and cooperation for the mutual benefit of both organisations and the business community,” Mrs Sheaves said.
“Both organisations will work together to develop and promote programs that align with the Council and SHBC’s strategic objectives and effectively serve the Hills business community.”