Henderson county, tx 2015

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Aries - 2016 Horoscope

Aries, purple color will be symbolic for the year 2016. It is mystical and it symbolizes spiritual values and sacred principles (for example the bishops robe is violet). Purple is formed as the union of two very different colors, which are red (blood – energetic force) and blue (sea – peace). Therefore the horoscope predicts a year when you will look primarily for the life balance and spiritual values. As well as purple is symbolically leveling two entirely opposite principles (red and blue), you will have a chance to find the long desired status of conciliation and inner appeasement this year. Purple is the color at the end of the light spectrum that we perceive. And the deeds of Aries will be often perceived also as borderline. Everybody got used to the fact that Aries act impulsively and do crazy things. However, be vigilant in 2016. A larger slip is in sight. Your slate is important and the lucky relationship may depend on it as well. According to the horoscope for 2016 your generosity will be substantial. Most of the Aries are very friendly and hospitable by nature. But as people grow older, they vary their habits and attitudes to some extent. The horoscope therefore encourages you, try occasionally to look honestly in the mirror and evaluate your behavior. Focus on your own feedback. Some disappointments could in fact obscure the purity of your heart with calculation or even greed. Aries can be happy in 2016 only when they open arms to the world.

Taurus - 2016 Horoscope

Taurus, you will feel perfectly in 2016. The horoscope suggests that you will choose the right direction from the very beginning of the year. The stars will send down good great wind in your sails. However, in order to reach peace, comfort and serenity in your soul, you need to think about some pitfalls you’ll face. Revenge is not your typical characteristic, but certainly you do not like to forgive the wrongs. The year 2016 represents a challenge especially in the area of reconciliation. Taurus, Think about what you can do to get rid of old grievances (old quarrels with your friends, family etc.) Although people born in the sign of Taurus are gentle and kind, try to examine your conscience as well – to whom you did not behaved very well – and whether you can set these issues right. The horoscope points out that another thing you should have in mind during 2016 is your lifestyle. More specifically, the rhythm in which your days are going on. It is easy to say “no stress … do not worry about it” but try such approach actually put into practice. Certainly you will encounter the misunderstandings and obstacles (either from superiors or customers). Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to change the environment. The horoscope advises to Taurus, try to change the everyday pace dropwise. For example, if you eat the lunch in rush, get rid of this habit gradually. Be firm in the principles and do not let interfere the work with your meal. Week after week take less and less care about the pressure that others try to develop on you. Ignore the phone ringing and if you can afford this kind of luxury, switch it completely off for half an hour or more. The world will surely not collapse during this time.


Gemini - 2016 Horoscope

Gemini, in 2016 ten will be a key number for you. You have ten fingers on your hands, so you will do well in manual labor. That’s not all, your ten toes will also help to ensure that you will not pointlessly sit at home but you will visit many interesting and inspiring places. Ten is also the symbol of the basic opposites – yin and yang – it contains the numbers 1 and 0, which are the clear expression of existence and non-existence (truth or falsity) in our digital world. The horoscope therefore suggest that the year 2016 will be very distinctive for Gemini. Prepare yourself that you will often have to choose between two poles, to cope with conflicting and contradictory opinions or demands. These huge differences may cause mistrust and questions in you. Is the world full of love or full of hate? Does my life make sense or am I just an useless grain of sand in the desert? Gemini, to reply such questions will certainly not be easy, but you will manage it! According to the horoscope you can expect a year that will bring very specific and new sensations. You will realize how you have previously become to be a victim of your various unrealistic visions. In 2016, you will certainly feel defiance when you now understand how some people inappropriately treat you. Gemini can expect a turning point that will open up new horizons and possibilities in life. Important is, that you will find an important source of energy in yourself. It will give the necessary life motivation to all your ten fingers and toes.

Cancer - 2016 Horoscope

Cancer, at the beginning of 2016, you will probably feel a bit depressed and without energy. Whether the end of previous year was exhausting in work or in private, your mind will surely seize doubts. You will ask where to take sufficient power to manage new emerging challenges. According to the horoscope, this is the answer – people born in the sign of Cancer should do a major step forward in the work or in self-realization during 2016. There are many ways to earn money and gain prestige. Cancer’s are usually very cautious, but this year you should not miss the chance. If you have a literary bent, start writing a blog, if you like to cook, try to put a recipe on YouTube, if you like going to the countryside, share your tips and experiences on social networks. It’s up to you what you prefer, but start or intensify significantly your existing efforts. When you will be clever and persevering enough, your future employer can notice your work, or you will get so many admirers or readers that it will warm your heart enormously. Also the look at the advertising revenue (part of your publicity of course) will certainly be pleasant. 2016 is therefore an unprecedented challenge, how to break the stereotype. However, when you will try to deliver a final blow to the boring life, do not forget also the rest. Without it you can’t make it. This year the horoscope recommends you rather a peaceful stay in the mountains than crowded beaches at sea. Cancer is a water sign, so you may appreciate some cottage right on the lake. Bring a painting equipment for your holiday as well and try to capture something of the landscape around you. You do not have to immediately think about an exhibition. Above all, you should observe the beautiful details of the nature. For example, such a goose can be remarkable, even if you explore the color of its feathers, and not just its taste on the pan.

Leo - 2016 Horoscope

Leo, your claims are known as high. What has happened in recent years in your life, certainly can not be described as perfect. Naturally you expect better direction from 2016. The horoscope brings you good news. The planets will favor Leo’s glamorous appearance and their skills. Nothing, of course, does come by itself. It is just a potential, which you should use to your advantage. Regarding the appearance, your hairstyle or a change of your entire visage can highlight your whole tuning, which will be peaceful and dignified. As the saying goes, it does not matter what you do, but the way you look. This will be twice true for Leo in 2016. Definitely you do not want to have haggard appearance, as many of your friends, who can not handle the work or private life. The haste will bring you only annoyance. Pay attention to how you look in the first place and success is not long to wait. Remember also the positive signals that relate to your manual skills. Set yourself a goal. Are you a woman and you want to do a course of manicures, nail modeling or cosmetics and makeup? It is already time to look around to find out who has the best references in this area! If you are a man, think about whether your skilled hands can be helpful when improving your home. Do you want to put together a small kitchen or to build a wine cellar in the garden? The horoscope for 2016 gives thumbs up to such rare efforts! And if you are among the people without the constructive ambition, try to torment your mind and hands by folding Japanese origami in the free time. A typical question that comes up during the year to Leo’s mind is: “How to find the right balance in life”. It is therefore good to know that a lucky number for you will be five. This number can be called in short as “an adventurous journey”. The horoscope therefore advises – you should always seek a balance between the desire for freedom and adventure, activity and curiosity on one side and negative siblings of these qualities as irresponsibility and hedonistic approach to life, impudence or arrogance.

Virgo - 2016 Horoscope

Virgo, the year 2016 may raise concerns. When you watch the TV news, you can feel distress from what is happening in the world. It is quite possible that you would like to buy a ticket and travel to some distant, better and most importantly safer country. However, if you have a family or a partner, these thoughts will quickly pass. Because you are one of those responsible, someone who takes care and who is able to plan ahead. Your fears represent a challenge that must be overcome. You do not have to pour the wax into the ears to avoid unfortunate statements. Just look into the mirror for a while. According to the horoscope Virgo expects the right “sprint to the goal” in 2016. Closest friends and family, they’ll all be keeping their fingers crossed to your efforts. Whether you plan to release a collection of historical photographs from your grandmother or to program a new security application for mobile, definitely the sun will shine on your road. You should also be prepared for the fact that you can register breathing difficulties next year. Unpleasant coughing can not only spoil the fun in winter but the summer vacation at sea as well. Therefore protect your neck well and be aware that an elegant scarf or shawl will enhance the solid substance of any Virgo. The horoscope reveals that a decline on the stock market can also bring worry. You should therefore avoid risky investments. Not only the gold brick under your pillow will bring you the sweet sleep, but also genuine and amicable relationships with your loved ones. These are, as you know, more worth than anything else.

Libra - 2016 Horoscope

Libra, the horoscope for 2016 highlights your own efforts as particularly important (does not matter if in work or in private). If you’ve had interesting ideas previous years, you probably often have not finished them to a successful end. In 2016, however, you have a great chance to change this approach. Of course, that the typical indecision was not the only enemy for many Libra’s. If one cares about family and has a very responsible job one must simply know that his free time can be playfully count on the fingers of one hand. But now you have a unique opportunity to change (at least to some extent) the method of your functioning. And your work, that you resolved to do, will go like a clockwork. The important thing is, firstly – that your fate will be more favorable in the promoting of your own wishes and ideas, but above all – that somewhere deep down you will steer the source of your energy on the right track. You will not needlessly dissipate your power in negligible tasks and thus you will avoid the aimless treading of water. The horoscope indicates that a mosaic of diverse duties will be replaced with a clearly set goal. Now add diligence to this effort, which might even the bees well envy to you. Hard work, effort and good intention will crown the success of your journey in the year 2016. You can be surprised by unusual problems, especially they may focus on electronics you need for everyday life. Imagine that instead of the now commonly used mobile phone you needed all this before: a camera and photo album, video player, a shelf full of DVDs or VHS tapes, camcorder, computer games, pen and paper, GPS navigation, voice recorder, flashlight, calendar, pulse measurer, calculator, magazines and many other things. Now you can, with a little exaggeration, carry the half of the household in your pocket wherever you go. But, what if your mobile goes wrong? Actually, there are many inconveniences waiting for you in such case. The Horoscope for Libra therefore strongly recommends that you do not only pray, but use also the common sense and take all available steps to ensure that your electronics, and above all the data stored on it, were safe. Install an antivirus program on your phone as well as the protection against its theft (encoded lock screen is not enough). The basic version is free. Photographs and other data can be backed up using cloud services, and finally your computer deserves to be regularly copied to an external drive. If you are a woman and if you do not understand the electronics well (there are people, both men and women, who simply do not understand electronics – nobody is perfect and that makes the world to be an amazing place where people share experiences together), take advantage of the willingness of your partner or some handsome colleague at work. Sure they will be glad to help, when you will smile kindly.

Scorpio - 2016 Horoscope

Scorpio, there was enough hypocrisy and pretense in recent years. The horoscope clearly indicates that one of your main wishes for 2016 is that the atmosphere around should be full of sincerity, openness and fair play. How much energy you have lost when you had to lie to someone (even if it was the compassionate lie)? How much time does cost the pretending and creating the false impressions? Customers, friends, family – they all were part of a challenging game of truth and falsehood, in which you have become a victim many times in the end. Live sincerely and heartily – it is indeed a bit absurd desire, the world will certainly not change because of Scorpio’s horoscope. But you can still try to create a better and more comfortable environment around you. In 2016 you have the best preconditions. Be an example and show others that to think honestly and act fairly is the good and right way. All Scorpios should also focus on education this year. Nobody will obviously deny you the university or high school diploma, or the vocational certificate for which you have studied for years. But the question is whether the level of your education is, in our rapidly changing world, the sufficiently solid foundation. If you were already thinking about further studies, now comes the right time. To be understood properly, it is not just about your job. The real value of education lies in the joy of understanding the world and resolving the many issues that occasionally troubles you. Therefore focus on independent research, reading books, and tracking documents in 2016. Whether you are interested in psychology, construction of military ships, or the cultivation of ornamental flowers, definitely develop your skills further. Try to take an advantage of the chance to enrich your life by valuable knowledge that will not only broaden your horizons, but also will make you happier in the end.

Sagittarius - 2016 Horoscope

Sagittarius, the infinite number of experiences awaits you in 2016. Traveling will be among the most important ones. Perhaps you are already looking forward to the dizzy from visiting the Roman Colosseum, the bolder ones can also set out at Machu Picchu (located in the Peruvian Andes) and who misses 3460 kilometers with joy, can head to the Great Wall in China and pass it from its very start to the end. This is of course only a fraction of your countless travel possibilities, which you will according to the horoscope enjoy. The best guideline will be your intuition and the voice of the heart that will direct every Sagittarius to the different part of the world. Important, however, it is another matter. The 2016 horoscope warns Sagittarius against falling into a state of the “boredom of epic proportions”. And what does it mean? It may seem incredible, but even though we live in a time of unlimited possibilities, you may be fairly quickly pall from the diverse range of various offers. Imagine that in the summer you can go around half the world. Everything, of course, will you regularly publish on Facebook, so your friends will know immediately how good you are. But then completely exhausted you will find out how little you have actually experienced. In an effort to tame and utilize every minute of free time, in an attempt to capture and document all, you are often loosing the uniqueness and casualness of your inner experience. So be sure on your tour to think on what really matters, namely on yourself. The boredom, which the horoscope warns against, may still have a different form. Modern man invented the entire entertainment industry to help him deal with the free time. Sagittarius, don’t you consider the word “industry” in conjunction with entertainment as at least strange? To handle your valuable free time, you do not need the Hollywood or other famous show biz factories. Therefore in 2016 you will do best when focusing on authentic experiences with your counterpart, family and friends. Then every moment can be a rare original in comparison with a life in “plastic” Disneyland.

Capricorn - 2016 Horoscope

Capricorn, you are one of those who thinks over the consequences of all actions. And you do not usually go headlong into things. That’s why you enjoyed rather successful recent years, at least materially. The Greek proverb says “others goat has a fuller udder”, so you can always find a reason to envy. But you’re still sufficiently self-critical and you have a realistic view of the world, so you know that human kind is now in one of its best historical stages. When people lingered the highest average age and when was the lowest infant mortality rate? When people were the least reliant on the goodwill of the mighty or on support of their families? When lasted the peace in USA and Europe for so long? You surely know that the answer is “right now”! The horoscope for 2016 therefore primarily appeals to your potential of humility and awareness. Capricorn will be able to exclude the envy from the mind and thus enhance own warm feeling of material prosperity and security. Beware, however, that matter would not win over the spirit in the end. Those who choose to focus on the achievements of our civilization can easily find that their belly is growing quietly and that they are breathless when climbing stairs. According to the horoscope the food for thought in 2016 should also be your thoughtfulness. This thoroughly welcome quality borders up to unhealthy reticence by some Capricorns, by others this characteristic gains a shape of calculation, and last but not least it can even result in indecision or indifference. Besides your common sense, pay attention to all impulses that come from the heart. Do not try at all costs to optimize and capitalize your time, relationships and the accumulated experience. Do not be afraid to slow down or even stop completely for a time – efficient use of resources always do not necessarily lead to your greater life satisfaction

Aquarius - 2016 Horoscope

Aquarius, the horoscope for 2016 will please those of you who like athleticism and sports overall. If you want to make your body well, you should start to move more. And which movement is most natural for humans? It’s walking! Therefore leave out all means of transport where it is actually possible and go on your own. To the Aquarians living in the city (with some exaggeration) will sidewalks become a second home. And everyone else will get at least an honorable place in the Tourist Club. If you live or work on the upper floors of a building, avoid the lift and give thanks for the fact that you can train your feet. Seriously, you do not need to spend money on a gym or tennis lessons. With the common move that combines daily activities you can achieve most for your health. The purpose of course is not to be socially embarrassed. You certainly can not come in sports shoes and sweat-stained shirt to some important business meeting. However, keep in mind that a slightly reddened cheeks are sexier than a few extra kilos at your hips. And if you walk more often on foot, already in the spring you will hear how are you beautifully tanned. Especially those who spend all their time in the car or subway, and know the sun rather by hearsay, will flatter you first. So the first advice in the horoscope for Aquarius is: “In a healthy body, healthy mind”. Be fit in 2016 and well-being will come soon.

Pisces - 2016 Horoscope

Pisces, the investment in education is worth according to the horoscope for 2016. As you know, no pain no gain. And so, without the continuous improvement of your knowledge, you can not expect that you would make any significant progress or even a lifetime discovery. Of course you can “turn off ” your head and quietly and effortlessly float with the flow, but would this attitude bring you joy? By all accounts, this year you have great potential to reveal what is hidden to others. You can predict the next bubble in stock markets or just know that the neighbor’s relationship is somehow amiss, before they realize it themselves. The horoscope for lonely Pisces recommends to acquire a furry friend. This will prevent downcast moods and memories of times when it was better in your life. Four-legged friend can also protect you in moments when you would hardly find help. But don’t worry – 2016 should be a relaxing stage of your voyage. Already now can Pisces look forward to bask tranquilly their fins in some sunny sea bay. However to enjoy such a blissful comfort you need to train your muscles and mind many months during the winter. Only those who are not idle will be lucky enough to receive something extra. Who longs for some rest, will see the extra leave, who longs for the property, will not miss the replacement of car or furniture for a better and more luxurious.

Henderson County Sheriff Department in Athens Texas Dept Phone: (903) 675-5128 Police Department Address: 206-A NORTH MURCHISON ST. City: Athens, ZIP: 75751 County: HENDERSON Office Opened: 1846 Department Type: Sheriff ’s Department GPS Coordinates:32.206761,-95.846718 Web Link: Henderson County Sheriff Department Web Site Henderson County Sheriff Department TO PROTECT AND SERVE. County Sheriff Sheriff Ray Nutt 206-A North Murchison Street Athens, TX 75751 903-675-9275 Emergency Contacts Athens Police Department 202 West Scott Street Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-675-5454 (non-emergencies, please) Email: police@athenstexas.us Michael D. Hill, Jr., Chief of Police R. Rodney Williams, III, Asst. Chief of Police Athens Fire Department

Ray Nutt 206-A North Murchison Street Athens, Texas 75751 Phone: (903) 675-5128 Fax: (903) 677-6344 Office Hours:Monday - Friday / 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Commissary)

Central Fire Station 610 South Prairieville Street Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-677-6636 (non-emergencies, please) Email: fire@athenstexas.us John McQueary, Fire Chief East Texas Medical Center – Athens 2000 South Palestine (Hwy. 19) Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-676-1000 Web: www.etmc.org/etmcathens ETMC Athens is a full-service hospital devoted to meeting the expanding needs of the Athens community. They offer advanced diagnostics, obstetrical services and Level II emergency care with a commitment to excellence and compassion that is unrivaled. Trinity Clinic (part of the Trinity Mother Frances Health Care System) 1505 Hwy. 19 South Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-675-1725 Web: www.tmfhs.org/Athens Trinity Mother Frances Hospitals and Clinics includes Mother Frances Hospital-Tyler, Mother Frances Hospital-Jacksonville, Trinity Mother Frances Rehabilitation Hospital, affiliated with Health South, and Trinity Clinic. Trinity Clinic is the area’s preferred multispecialty physician group with more than 200 providers representing 36 specialties serving 27 counties in east, northeast and north-central Texas in 35 clinic locations.

Local Government City of Athens City Hall 508 E. Tyler Street Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-675-5131 Web: www.athenstexas.us Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.

Henderson County Appraisal District 1751 Enterprise Street Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-675-9296 Web: www.hendersoncad.org This organization assigns value to your property and establishes your annual property taxes accordingly. Business Development Athens Economic Development Corporation

Education & Quality of Life Athens Independent School District 104 Hawn Street Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-677-6900 Web: www.athensisd.net Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. Athens High School 708 East College Athens, TX 75751 Phone: (903) 677-6920 Fax: (903) 677-6925

ECHS/Pinnacle 201 W. Corsicana, Suite 3 610 East College City Council Regular Sessions are held on the 2nd and Athens, TX 75751 Athens, TX 75751 4th Monday of each month beginning at 5:30 p.m. and are Phone: 903-675-4617 Phone: (903) 677-6940 held at the City Hall Annex at 501 N. Pinkerton Street. All Web: www.athensedc.org Fax: (903) 677-6956 meetings of the City Council are open to the general public. The City Water Department is located in Athens City Residents of Athens recognize that in order to be suc- Athens Middle School Hall and residents are welcomed to make their monthly cessful as a community, we have to attract businesses! 6800 State Highway 19 South Athens, TX 75751 It’s the role of the Athens Economic Development water payments at City Hall. Phone: (903) 677-3030 Corporation to do just that. Utilizing funds generated Fax: (903) 677-2111 through a half-cent sales tax collection, AEDC assists Jerry Don Vaught, Mayor Monte Montgomery, Council Member, Place 1 businesses with manufacturing, research & develop- Athens Intermediate School 307 Madole Street Joe Whatley, Council Member, Place 2 ment, transportation, recycling, distribution, job Athens, TX 75751 Charles Elliott, Council Member, Place 3 training, headquarter facilities, and city parks. Since Phone: (903) 677-6960 1990, they have completed 50 economic development Fax: (903) 677 6987 Tres Winn, Council Member, Place 4 Philip Rodriguez, City Administrator projects, created over 3,000 new full-time jobs and Bel Air Elementary School generated $12 million in new taxable revenue. Henderson County Offices 215 Willowbrook Athens Chamber of Commerce Athens, TX 75751 County Courthouse Phone: (903) 677-6980 201 W. Corsicana, Suite 1 Downtown Square Fax: (903) 677-6986 Athens, TX 75751 Athens, TX 75751 South Athens Elementary School Phone: 903-675-5181 Web: www.henderson-county.com 718 Robbins Road Web: www.athenscc.org Athens, TX 75751 Richard Sanders, County Judge Phone: (903) 677-6970 The Athens Chamber of Commerce is the catalyst 100 East Tyler, Courthouse Room 102 Fax: (903) 677-3470 organization to advance Athens’ businesses into the Athens, TX 75751 future and toward prosperity. The Chamber achieves Trinity Valley Community College Phone: 903-675-6120 this by creating programs, services and activities which100 Cardinal Drive Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. Closed Athens, TX 75751 are of value to Chamber members and the community. 903-675-6200 Noon to 1:00 p.m. daily. They provide a positive community image for busiWeb: www.tvcc.edu Scotty Thomas, Precinct 1 Commissioner nesses while promoting a business friendly environ6002 Spring Creek Park Road ment in the Athens area. Malakoff, TX 75148 Phone: 903-489-1665 Wade McKinney, Precinct 2 Commissioner 12416 US Hwy. 175 Eustace, TX 75124 Phone: 903-425-2611 Ronny Lawrence, Precinct 3 Commissioner 10731 State Hwy. 31 East Murchison, TX 75778 Phone: 903-469-3430 Ken Geeslin, Precinct 4 Commissioner 9769 CR 4719 Larue, TX 75770 Phone: 903-676-4054 Henderson County Sheriff ’s Department 206-A N. Murchison Street Athens, TX 75751 Phone: 903-675-5128 (non-emergencies, please) Web: www.henderson-county.com/departments/sherrif

USDA Loan Eligibility in Mercer County, PA The USDA loan program is not very well known, but it is one of the best mortgage programs in the United States. While most banks do not offer USDA rural housing loans, eligible suburban and rural buyers can use it for a no down payment mortgage with many benefits. Also known as Section 502 loans or rural housing loans, USDA home loans have somewhat strict eligibility requirements. Find out if you qualify for a 100% financing mortgage with a low rate. USDA Loan Income Limits in Mercer County, PA The income limit is the most unyielding requirement of a USDA loan, as there is very little wiggle room. The USDA will not guarantee loans to households that exceed the maximum income limits in the area, as the loans are designed for buyers of low or moderate income. To be eligible for a USDA home loan, your household annual income cannot exceed the median household income in your area by more than 15%, based on the size of your household, if you get a guaranteed USDA loan that is made by a private bank. If you get a direct USDA mortgage, your household income cannot exceed 80% of the median income in your area. USDA Mortgage Property Eligibility in Mercer County, PA One of the most important eligibility requirements for a USDA loan is buying a home that is eligible for financing. The property must be located in a designated rural area. This is a bit misleading, though, as the loans were designed to improve homeownership in smaller communities, and many suburbs of major cities qualify for a no money down mortgage through the program. Communities that are eligible have a population of less than 20,000. Credit Score and Debt Requirements A credit score of 640 is usually necessary to get approved for a USDA home loan, although you can be approved with a lower credit score as the underwriting is looser for these loans, particularly if you have a low debt-to-income ratio. You should not have any late payments within the last 12 months. Foreclosures must be at least three years old and bankruptcies must be discharged for at least three years. USDA home loans are unique as they are harder to qualify for in terms of income caps and location, but easier to qualify for than most loans in terms of credit rating. If you are planning to buy a home in the suburbs or a rural area, it is worth looking into a Rural Housing loan for 100% financing and lower-than-average interest rates.

What is a USDA Rural Loan in Mercer County, PA? The USDA Rural Development Guaranteed Housing Loan program, commonly called rural housing loans, USDA Loans or Section 502 loans, are mortgages insured by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A USDA loan allows you to purchase a home in a designated rural area with no money down. USDA mortgages are among the best available today with lower-than-average interest rates and 100% financing to qualified borrowers. The USDA RDL program has no gotcha; it is a way for Americans to realize the dream of homeownership with a low cost loan. The USDA allows financing of up to 102% of the appraised value of the home with no down payment, very low mortgage insurance and easy qualifications. The Rural Development Loan program is meant for low and moderate income borrowers in Mercer County, PA who are buying a home in the suburbs, a rural community or another small community outside of a major metropolitan area. Types of USDA Loans in Mercer County, PA There are two types of USDA rural development loans that you may qualify for, based on your income. The guaranteed USDA loan program offers mortgages made by private lenders but guaranteed by the government. Under this program, your income can be up to 115% of the median income in your area. Direct USDA Loans, also known as Section 502 loans, are designed for low-income households. Under this program, you must have very low or low income, which is no more than 80% of the area median income. Features of a USDA Home Loan in Mercer County, PA The USDA rural loan program offers many great features, including many that are not found with any other loan program available today.

USDA Loan Texas – The Best USDA Lender in Texas USDA Loans TexasAre you looking for an USDA Loan in Texas, but just not sure what a USDA loan even is, how it works, or what it’s even about? Well looks like you’re in luck today. We are Texas’s top USDA lender that specializes in providing FREE USDA mortgage advice and information to folks looking to learn more about how USDA loans work.Whether you are looking to learn more about how much you can get approved for or already have a USDA mortgage and need to refinance out of your high interest rate loan, we’re here to help you every step of the way and get you the best rate possible! Getting Pre-Qualified is 100% FREE. We don’t check credit or need your social security number in order to get started. Check USDA Loan Eligibility Now Get the Lowest USDA Rates in Texas Because we have exclusively specialized in USDA loans since 2004, we have developed some of the best investor relationships in order to give you the best rates and save you even more money. Have Expert USDA Advice at Your Fingertips Buying a home or refinancing can be a confusing puzzle at times. Rest assured that your USDA loan is in good hands and we’ll help guide you in the right direction. Save More Trees with Our E-Sign Technology Being a USDA Approved Lender in Texas, we are environmentally friendly. With our e-sign technology, you can start on your USDA loan in a matter of just a few clicks. How Can a USDA Loan Help You? USDA Home Loans USDA Rural Development Loans USDA Refinance Loans USDA Mortgage Eligibility USDA Property Eligibility Texas USDA Loan Limits 2015 USDA Mortgage Calculator USDA Loan Rates in Texas USDA Loan Commonly Asked Questions Next Steps with a USDA Loan How Can a USDA Loan Help You? usda loan texas USDA loans have helped millions of Americans buy homes with 100% financing. If you are someone looking to buy a home but do not have the minimum down payment requirement with other types of mortgages out there, then a Texas USDA home loan may be for you. USDA loans Texas are offered to help lower to moderate income households purchase homes in rural areas and in some cases on the outskirts of a city or in a medium sized town as determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) with no down-payment needed! In Texas, a USDA loan offers many advantages to qualified borrowers looking to buy or refinance (no cash out) including: 100% financing Very small monthly mortgage insurance No asset requirements Gifts allowed for closing costs Required property improvements can be financed into the loan up to 102% of the “improved” value, which can be completed after closing. At USDA Loan Texas, we offer the best USDA interest rates and most competitive closing costs when it comes to helping you buy a home that keeps things easy on the wallet. We look forward to answering all your questions and are here for you every step of the way. USDA Home Loans Buying a home with no down payment USDA loans do not require a down payment which makes it easier for first time home buyers. Exciting things are happening with USDA home financing – other than a VA loan, USDA is only 1 of only a few options left for true 100% financing. USDA Loan Texas specializes in servicing first time home buyers. A USDA mortgage offers many advantages, as it is very popular with first time homeowners, so you should expect lower interest rates and no down payment in relation to a conventional residential home loan. Highlights of the USDA Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan Program 100% Financing USDA loans may be for up to 100 percent (102 percent if the guarantee fee is included in the loan) of whatever the home appraises for. With this no down-payment option, USDA loans have become a very popular option for those that do not have enough saved up for other types of mortgage financing that is required. Types of Rates USDA mortgages come in one size only – 30-year fixed rates. The rates are the same or even better as if you were putting 20% down on the home. Funds for Closing Another great feature that comes along with USDA financing is that you can roll everything into the loan. This means you can include closing costs, the guarantee fee, title service fees, and other prepaid items, as long as the appraised value is higher than sales price. The way this is done is by hav-


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CHURCHES IN YOUR AREA ATHENS Athens Church of God 599 Robbins Road Athens, Texas Pastor Charles (Chuck) Hinton Phone: 903-675-4971 Athens United Pentecostal Church 101 McArthur (PO Box 431) Athens, Texas 75751 (located at intersection of Hwy 31 and McArthur) Pastor Rev. Johnny Grissom Website: http://www.athensupc.com Phone: 903-675-1244 Eastern Hills Church of Christ 1200 E Corsicana St Athens, Texas Pastor Dustin Bartee Phone: 903-675-3975 Website: www.easternhillsathens.com Dogwood Church 6467 FM 2494 Athens, TX 75751 Pastor Dave McGee Phone: 903-677-3185 Website: http://www.dogwoodathens.com/ Faith Church of Athens 901 Mission Ave. Athens, TX 75751Pastor Darren Miller Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/faithchurchofathens Phone: 903-670-0112 First Assembly of God Church Athens 1400 S Palestine St Athens, Texas 75751 Pastor Ken Jones Website: http://www.firstagathens.org Phone: 903-675-3646 First Presbyterian Church Athens 405 East Corsicana St, Athens, TX 75751 Pastor Rev. Paul Sherwood Website: www.fpcathens.com Phone: 903-675-3530 House of Mercy Covenant Church 3393 Hwy 175 E. Athens, Texas Pastor Paul Whittaker Phone: 903-675-4488 Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1313 S Palestine St. Athens, TX 75751 Pastor Larry Fondren (903) 675-5329 Living for Brand Cowboy Church 902 N Loop 7 Athens,Tx 75751 Phone: 903-675-9177 Pastor Dale Perry Website: www.lftbcowboychurch.com Los Pentecostales de Athens 101 McArthur (PO Box 431) Athens, Texas 75751 (Hwy 31 and McArthur) Pastor: Rev. Johnny Grissom Website: http://www.athensupc.com Phone: (903) 675-1244 Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church 837 N. Prairieville St. Athens Pastor Leonard L. Jackson Phone: 903-675-5096 Cross Roads Baptist Church 14232 FM 59 Athens, Tx. 75751 Pastor: Bro. Frank Upchurch Youth minister: Mitch Mayo Phone: 903 489-0625 GUN BARREL CITY Lifeline Church 110 Welch Lane Gun Barrel City, Tx Pastor: Danny Cope Phone: (903) 887-0679 MALAKOFF First Baptist Church Malakoff 220 West Mitchum Malakoff, Tx 75148 Pastor Jody Jones Phone: 903-489-0228 Website: http://www.fbcmalakoff.com Johnson Chapel A.M.E. Church 1403 West Royall Blvd. P.O. Box 542 Malakoff, Texas 75148 903-489-2828 Parkview Baptist Church 602 N Smith Street (PO Box 448) Malakoff, TX 75148 Pastor Cody Kohlman Church Church Phone: 903-489-1138 Pastor Phone: 903-802-1879

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