CCS Thatch Bulletin July 2020

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Welcome! Welcome to the July issue of the NEW, monthly,

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In this Issue

CCS Thatch Bulletin. It's shorter than the quarterly newsletter, with bitesize information

Village Halls • P. 2 to 4

we hope you will find useful and interesting.

Please help us improve what we do! Send your

Talking Cafés • P. 9

feedback and suggestions for future bulletins to

We look forward to hearing from you!

Domestic Abuse • P. 10 & 11

Diverse Communities • P. 12 to 14

Village Halls CCS is continuing to support our community halls with information, advice and training, helping them adapt to these challenging times.

We are keeping halls regularly updated with information about financial support, as well as guidance on the practicalities of maintaining halls during closure and planning for their reopening.

Our Community Buildings Members Facebook Group is a new forum for halls to ask questions and share ideas with each other. Join us

Reopening your Village Hall


ACRE - Action with Communities in Rural England - has produced guidance looking at how village halls can prepare risk assessments, ensure social distancing once open and introduce effective cleaning regimes.

There are some practical resources too including checklists, notices for display in halls and sample terms of hire. Find out more


The latest Government advice COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities can be downloaded HERE

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Webinar Programme for Community Halls CCS is running a programme of FREE online webinars for village hall trustees. The first event, ‘Coping with COVID and beyond’ generated interesting discussion about the challenges posed by the pandemic.

See the full list of webinars below, click on the links to find out more information and to book. If you have any questions, please contact Sally Sargent, CCS Community Involvement Officer, at

TUE, 7 JUL 10:00

TUE, 18 AUG 10:00

Meetings and AGMs for Community

Incorporation for Community Buildings

Buildings. TUE, 25 AUG 10:00 TUE, 14 JUL 10:00

Finances & Marketing for Community

Finances & Marketing for Community


Buildings TUE, 8 SEP 10:00 TUE, 21 JUL 10:00

Meetings and AGMs for Community

Community Buildings: Trustee Roles


and Responsibilities TUE, 15 SEP 10:00 TUE, 28 JUL 10:30

Community Buildings: Trustee Roles

Safeguarding for Community Buildings

and Responsibilities

TUE, 4 AUG 10:00

TUE, 22 SEP 10:00

Funding for Community Buildings:

Trustee Liabilities for Community

Current sources and how to

Buildings, (including

be successful

Health and Safety)

TUE, 11 AUG 10:00

TUE, 29 SEP 10:30

Governing Documents: How and when

Safeguarding for Community Buildings

to update them

P. 3

Hand Sanitiser for Community Buildings With community buildings reopening, CCS is working with Exmoor Distillery to supply discounted hand sanitiser to our member halls. This is clinical grade sanitiser which is being supplied to frontline services across the county.

Distribution is being arranged through our incredible network of Village Agents. For more information contact Sally at:

JOIN the Enhance Social Enterprise Network!

The Enhance programme has been created to support social enterprise network development across Somerset and Devon. It will create strong social enterprise networks, help develop a healthy ecosystem for social enterprise growth and development. We want to ensure that all social enterprises across Somerset flourish.

The COVID-19 pandemic unfortunately stopped our blossoming networking events we are hoping to start these up again as soon as it is safe to do so – but in the meantime we are hosting online webinars to support Social Enterprises through this difficult period.

You can catch up on previous webinars here:

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The Enhance network is shaped by its members, so the subjects we offer training on or how you would like to network going forward is up to its members!

We want to be able to grow this network over the coming years and are currently able to provide membership for free – but we need organisations to join! Over 170 social enterprises in Somerset already have - so why haven’t you?


Join us to be:

Part of an important social movement in Somerset and Devon

Signposting and advice from the Smart Communities team

Free business listing - have your enterprise put on the map at

Peer Support we will be encouraging people to SHOP

Private Members Facebook group


to discuss issues

Free webinars, networking and training events

P. 5

JOIN the Enhance Social Enterprise Network!


Social Enterprises are: Community Buildings Not-for-profit


Community Shops Trading Charities


and CIC’s

The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving up to

£ 1,053,610

of funding from the

England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for ERDF. Established by the European Union, ERDF funds help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.

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Good Neighbours Scheme CCS

is helping to launch a new Good

Neighbours scheme in Bishops Lydeard and surrounding villages. The scheme is intended to partner willing volunteers and helpers with anyone needing support with small one-off tasks, such as lifts to medical appointments, dog walks, or even simply sharing a cup of tea and a friendly chat.

The aim is to bring people together and help build strong relationships and connections within local communities so that they can support each other in CCS Village Agent Christine Brewer

a neighbourly way.

CCS Village Agent Christine Brewer says:

“We are delighted to be able to offer

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, support for vulnerable people in our communities is needed now, more than ever before.

this scheme in the Bishops Lydeard area and we have been very lucky that we already have some wonderful volunteers.

CCS is working towards setting up

If any community in Somerset is interested in setting up a Good Neighbours scheme, please contact CCS at or call 01823 331 222. We look forward to hearing from you.

more Good Neighbours schemes in the Taunton area with the aim of building a network of schemes across the county of Somerset. These groups will help those in our communities who need help to access services or feel isolated and lonely. They will make a huge difference to vulnerable people’s lives.”

P. 7

If you need help we are here! CCS Village, Community and Carers Agents are providing their regular service via telephone or email and are key points of contact within the community - especially if you don't know who to turn to.

Contact an Agent Click on this


or scan the

code with the camera on your mobile phone. Fill in the simple form.

Call us on

A local Agent will call you back

01823 331 222

Somerset Carers Who cares for the carers? We do!

This year, unpaid carers across Somerset are continuing to face new challenges as the result of the coronavirus pandemic. Many people are taking on more caring responsibilities for their relatives and friends who are disabled, ill or older and who need support.

Somerset Carers is here to help! Please get in touch if you need any Somerset Carers' newsletter is packed with useful advice and information. Download or read online

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support, no matter how big or small. We are here for you! Call 0800 31 68 600 or visit:

Free help and advice every weekday at 11 am If you are looking for information, advice, and support – or just a friendly chat – you can now use Facebook Live to join people across the county for daily Talking Café events.

Social distancing measures meant that our usual Talking Café events had to be temporarily suspended, but they have now been relaunched digitally on Facebook Live, the social network’s live video platform.

Talking Cafés are a great support if you are looking for help and advice for staying safe, information about important services such as housing, finance, adult social care and children’s services.

The sessions are run daily from the Talking Cafés Facebook page (

@talkingcafesomerset )


Community and Village Agents, who help local people find the help, information, and support they need.



– like the Talking Cafés

Facebook page – and set a reminder to listen in and take part. We look forward to ‘seeing’ you soon!

P. 9

Domestic Abuse

If you feel that you, or someone else,

For anyone living with domestic abuse, this is a

are in immediate

particularly difficult time. The message is, you

danger you must

are not alone, there is a lot of support available and there are

no closed doors .

call 999 and ask for the police.

Contact the Somerset Domestic Abuse Support helpline:

0800 69 49 99 . Even if you cannot

Find help online:

speak for fear of

being overheard,

you can get help

by pressing 55 Talk to any health professional.

when the operator answers.

Somerset pharmacies allow their consulting rooms to be a safe place for people experiencing abuse to get help and advice.

If you are a young person under 18 experiencing domestic abuse, Childline can help you find ways to cope, stay safe and get support:

Domestic take






as: •






Lucy Macready, from Somerset County Council, talks about the help that is available, during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond, for people experiencing domestic abuse


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No Closed Doors As part of their


campaign, Somerset County Council are encouraging everyone to be vigilant and look out for the warning signs in the behaviour of the people around them.

If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t, don’t ignore a gut feeling or the small signs.

Your first reaction may be to jump in

Do you want to talk to someone about domestic abuse?

and protect that person, but, dealing with it on your own could be

Contact the Somerset Domestic

dangerous and could even expose them to further abuse.

Abuse Support helpline:

0800 69 49 999

That said, you really can make a difference, and you truly may be their only path to a life free from their abuser.

If you are worried about someone you know then help and advice is available: or by telephoning 0800 49 69 999.

In an emergency you should always dial 999, if you are worried that an abuser may overhear your call you can remain silent and dial 55 for help.


If you want to report possible domestic abuse anonymously you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 111 555 or go to

P. 11

Somerset Language Connect Somerset Language Connect is a new project aimed at bringing together learners from minority ethnic communities across Somerset, who would like to improve their conversational English, with learning partners who aim to support them.

The scheme is completely free of charge and is supported by the Somerset Coronavirus Response and Recovery Fund.

When learning a language, meeting up with a fluent speaker is the ideal opportunity to practise language skills, learn new vocabulary and become more confident. The Language Connect project does just that, pairing English learners with volunteers, with learning sessions taking place online via a video conferencing platform.

Somerset Diverse Communities is encouraging all those who would like to get involved to call Community Engagement Workers Jusna on 07946 461544 Email: or Michal on 07377 363165 Email: Download the Language Connect flyer

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Somerset Together Somerset Together celebrates the county’s vibrant cultural diversity through music, food, story-telling, dance, film and information sharing.

If you missed this fantastic online event, or if you’d like to watch it again, a recording is now available on YouTube



Coronavirus community support grants – have you applied?

Somerset Coronavirus Response and Recovery Fund is offering grants of up to

£ 10,000

for community organisations

and groups who are supporting those most at risk during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Through this crisis, it is clear that black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities are disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Somerset Community Foundation is working alongside Somerset Diverse Communities in an effort to reach out to diverse cultures across our county.

Please get in touch, we’re here to help you. To find out more and to apply, visit:

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Somerset Home Learning Support Polonia and Friends is offering support with home learning for children from Portuguese, Italian and Polish speaking communities in Somerset.

The scheme is completely free of charge and is supported by the Somerset Coronavirus Response and Recovery Fund.

The project provides learning assistants who will support home-schooled children in their native language and help them to understand the requirements of their homework which might be unclear due to the language barrier.

To find out more visit the Somerset Diverse Communities website


Download the Home Learning Support flyer

HERE Italian HERE Portuguese HERE

Download the flyer in Polish Download the flyer in Download the flyer in

P. 14


Get West Somerset Moving CCS would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to people in the West Somerset area who have donated their second-hand bikes to help get West Somerset moving again. The initiative is being funded by the West Somerset Opportunity Area and Somerset County Council.

In less than a month CCS has received offers of over 40 bikes. The bikes are being lovingly refurbished by local expert mechanic, Mark Gibbs, from Exmoor Bike Repair.

The first person to benefit from the scheme said: “What with the struggle and price of finding a bike lately, I began to think I wouldn’t be able to get to work. I work long hours and walking to work would have left me no time for my family. Thanks to the person who donated this bike and everyone who was involved, I not only can get to work but have a very decent bike to ride. A massive thank you to everyone who made this possible for me!”

Izzy Silvester, CCS Village Agent for West Somerset, says: “Thank you to the people of Somerset for this incredible show of support and generosity. Having a bike can help people get back into work or education, save them money and allow them to travel safely, especially during these times of social distancing.”

Raj Singh, CCS Deputy Chief Executive, says: “Thank you to all who have donated their bikes, they will make a huge difference to people in West Somerset who are in urgent need of transport, but for whom buying a new bike is not an option financially!”

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Stay Hydrated! The warmer weather is here, and it’s really important we all stay well hydrated.

Carers - it’s important to make sure someone drinks enough. Sometimes the people you care for do not have a sense of how much they're drinking. To help them:

1. Make sure they drink during mealtimes

2. Make drinking a social thing, like "having a cup of tea"

3. Offer them food with a high water content – for example, soups, ice cream or jellies, or fruits like melon

Find more useful information and advice:

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Useful information

CCS latest COVID-19 updates

Somerset Coronavirus helpline

Visit our webpage The helpline is available from 8am to 6pm every day, including weekends making it easier for you to



links to help and advice for individuals and businesses in

access any local authority help you may need,


including emotional support, in the current crisis.

Call 0300 790 6275 If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired you can contact the helpline using SMS text: 07781 482858

Continue to use the 111 NHS online service for medical advice and only ring 111 if you can’t get help online.

Distressed? Anxious? Feeling overwhelmed? The Mindline Somerset emotional support helpline is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Set up by Mind in Somerset, Mindline is a service you can call (local call rate) to talk to someone about your anxieties and worries.

Support is available, around the clock, every day by calling 01823 276 892.

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