Enhance Social Enterprise Network Bulletin Issue 3

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Somerset bulletin 12th june 2020


E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SOME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020




E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SO ME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020


TO BOOK ONTO OUR WEBINARS - CLICK THE LINK BELOWBELOWwww.eventbrite.co.uk/o/ enhance-socialenterprise-networksomerset-28503947649

MISSED OUR PREVIOUS WEBINARS? - CLICK THE LINK BELOW www.enhancesocialenterprise. org.uk/previous-webinars/

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SOME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020



Here’s a useful list of funding available to charities and social enterprises put together by Charity Bank to help with #COVID19 The bank is currently offering loans of between £100k and £1.5m to help organisations experiencing disruption to their normal business with 0% interest and no fees charged in the first 12 months: https://charitybank.org/news/resilience-and-recoveryloan-fund


SASP have received funding from Sport England to help keep people most affected during this pandemic physically active, or ready to get or resume activity. The Inequalities Funding aims to support targeted groups across Somerset with a simple expression of interest.


The Charity Commission have issued more detailed guidance for charities facing financial difficulties as a result of coronavirus: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ manage-financial-difficulties-in-your-charity-caused-bycoronavirus



Available to support heritage organisations which are severely affected by the impact of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and which require additional short-term emergency financial support https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/grants/ourgrant-schemes/hpc/proposals/


Grants are available to help increase mental support for people with and at risk of developing mental health problems. This might include befriending support, support or advice workers, peer support, and practical help including support whilst in self-isolation. Funding can cover costs such as core and capital costs, and direct project costs such as staff and volunteer training. https://amhp.org.uk/mental-healthresponse-fund/

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SO ME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020


COMMUNITY BUILDINGS TRAINING The Community Buildings Team at CCS are running free weekly webinars for community buildings throughout Somerset. These cover a wide range of topics including managing COVID-19, trustee roles and responsibilities and fundraising. They are suitable for all forms and sizes of community buildings including village halls, community centres and church halls. These webinars have been funded through the Somerset Community Foundation’s Coronavirus Fund.

For the full list of webinars, and to sign up click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/community-buildings-advisory-team-ccs-30284407230 For more information about these webinars, or the community buildings service at CCS, contact Sally Sargent, Community Buildings Adviser, on sallys@somersetrcc.org.uk

Coming out of COVID and beyond: An online workshop to help community halls with the

current situation, coming out of lockdown and future implications. Tuesday, June 23rd, 2-4pm

Trustee roles and responsibilities: Looking at what is involved in becoming a trustee of a

community building. This includes duties and liabilities, charity law, good practice, and advice on recruiting new trustees. June 16th, 10am-12pm. July 21st,10am-12pm

Fundraising for community buildings: Current sources and how to be successful

Exploring the current opportunities for funding available to community buildings, as well as practical advice on making successful applications. June 16th, 2-4pm. August 4th,10am-12pm

Trustee liabilities, including health and safety: Examining the liability of trustees, how it can

be limited, managing risk and what to do if things go wrong. We will also look at health and safety legislation relevant to community buildings. June 23rd, 10am-12pm. Sept 22nd, 10am-12pm

Governing documents for community buildings: Examining governing documents and

considering when and how to update them. June 30th, 10am-12pm. August 11th, 10am-12pm

Incorporation for community buildings: What is a CIO and how to make the change

Looking at the reasons for incorporation, the different types of CIO, what the change means and how the process works. We will look at costs and benefits to the charity and outline the support available. June 30th, 2-4pm, August 18th, 10am-12pm

Safeguarding issues for community buildings An important subject for all trustees. There will be guidance on signs to look out for, wording for policies and hiring agreements, duty of care and trustee responsibilities. July 28th,10.30am- 12pm. Sept 29th, 10.30-12pm

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SOME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020




When posting to our social media pages please include the first three characters of the postcode where the image was taken and the hashtags #creativelivesunderlockdown and #momentsofstillness Highbridge-based artists Leila Browning and Nadja Mcdevitt are inviting locals to film and share those precious moments of stillness we find in our Covid-19 affected worlds. Their artistic project Moments of Stillness is one of the five commissioned projects for the Creative Arts Under Lockdown programme commissioned by Seed. Can you take a moment to stop? Take notice? Listen? And hear what is going on around you during your daily exercise? Or maybe take a moment in your garden? Or on the way to the shops? Nadja Mcdevitt said “In these unprecedented times we have all learnt to adapt quickly to the challenges and changing circumstances, it is essential that we take some time for ourselves. We would like to ask you to do this; in this moment of stillness can you capture what this looks like to you. Using your phone or camera, film whatever catches your eye for up to one minute and share your video with us, just as it comes. If any words or thoughts come, please share these with us too.” Leila Browning added “Taking some timeout for a moment of stillness, gives a sense of mindfulness which is helpful for our individual wellbeing. Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” Participants are asked to film in landscape orientation and keep to the current government guidelines staying 2m apart. Please do not include people in your videos. The artists a will collate material and create a short film for everyone to enjoy. Seed Sedgemoor The Engine Room | 52 High St. Bridgwater Somerset TA6 3BL info@seedsedgemoor.com | 01278 433187

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SOME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020


TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Bounce Back Digital - Free webinars, online short courses and cyber support ‘buddy sessions’ for businesses The Heart of the South West Digital Skills Partnership has commissioned a range of experienced digital Training Providers to deliver Bounce Back Digital; a series of free, online webinars, short courses and cyber support buddy sessions for small businesses to adapt to new ways of working in light of Covid-19. Through working in partnership with the Growth Hub and getting feedback from the local business community, Bounce Back Digital has been designed to meet five key knowledge gaps cited by micro and small businesses: l l l l l

How to set up an e-commerce website Moving to cashless payments and digital bookkeeping Using online productivity tools Using digital marketing tools Being cybersecurity confident


Cosmic, SEUK also hosted a digital marketing webinar + accompanying slides which are available for anyone to view online – see list here: https://www.socialenterprise.org.uk/coronavirus-information/coronavirus-supportwebinars/

Wessex Community Assets have a series of webinars aimed at Community Led Housing Organisations and Community Land Trusts https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/wessex-community-assets-28534596701

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SO ME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020


DISTRICT COUNCILS NEWS AND LINKS As the focus now turns to the prospect of loosening of lockdown restrictions for some business sectors, it is important that we continue to follow guidance in order to remain trading in a safe environment. With this in mind, the ‘Better Business for All’ group who are a partnership of Local Authority regularity professionals working across Somerset and Devon, has put together a toolkit to help businesses understand how to restart safely. The toolkit is available on the Heart of South West Growth Hub website at BBFA Covid-19 Toolkit. https://www.heartofswgrowthhub.co.uk/covid-19support-for-business/ The Government has also produced guidance to help employers, employees and the selfemployed understand how to work safely during the pandemic. The eight guides set out practical steps for working safely during Coronavirus and cover a range of workplace settings. Read the full guidance here Working safely during coronavirus (Covid-19) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19 Also worth checking out, the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) are providing free webinars to help understand how to make your workplace Covid-19 secure. See BEIS Covid Working Safely Webinars. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/department-for-businessenergy-and-industrial-strategy-18685150848 Somerset West and Taunton Council is also urging owners of public building and volunteer-run premises to service their water and air conditioning systems before re-opening to staff and the public. Further guidance can be found here. https://www.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk/news/ businesses-urged-to-be-legionella-aware/ Details of all current Covid-19 business grant schemes run through Somerset West and Taunton Council can be found here. https://www.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk/business-rates/ business-grants-covid-19-response/ With COVID-19 placing local businesses under unprecedented pressure South Somerset District Council has processed and approved Government grants worth in excess of £28m to more than 2,300 businesses. Their staff along with their elected members are in the process of contacting all remaining businesses that they believe may be eligible for a grant which could be as many as 900. Officers have worked hard to assess applications for the Small Business Grants Fund and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund and have now looked at all applications. Businesses who have submitted an application but have not heard back from them are encouraged to check their emails and phone messages. If you have no messages then get in touch to check to see if there is an issue. Council Leader Val Keitch said: “We are working hard to process grant applications as quickly as possible and our online form (www.southsomerset.gov.uk/forms/apply-for-something/ business-support-grant-application/) enables businesses to submit all the details we require. It is also important to state that these are grants and not loans. Businesses will not be required to repay this funding.”

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SOME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020

www.enhancesocialenterprise.org.uk Sedgemoor District Council has put out an urgent call to small businesses, business groups and communities to spread the word that there are still grants available to help during the current crisis. The government money available is a grant - not a loan - so does not need to be repaid. Whilst the Council has received 1,983 applications, amounting to £19,350,000; they know that there are still hundreds of businesses in Sedgemoor who have not applied for the grant – so teams of Council staff are working hard trying to trace business owners. It’s simple to apply, but if you need help contact us on 0300 303 7801. The online form is here: www.sedgemoor.gov.uk/COVID19Biz. To check whether businesses are eligible, all they need to know is their rateable value and whether or not they are in receipt of any relief or discount. Messages received by the Council from businesses whose grants have been paid have shown that the sums of money are extremely welcome and could make the difference between whether a business survives or fails during the crisis. Sedgemoor is not alone. Across the south-west, it is estimated that around 40% of eligible companies have yet to come forward for help. Among the reasons for businesses not applying are: l Still doing some business so didn’t think they could claim l Thought it was a loan and had to be paid back l Didn’t know about the grants; despite being in difficulty and the many news bulletins stressing help for business is available l Not going to their business premises during lockdown, so not having the letters or the paperwork needed l The business is in someone else’s name l Don’t have email or ready access to a computer l Doing very well so don’t need it Mendip District Council have a large amount of information available for its Mendip businesses & community groups: Parishes/Community Groups: https://www.mendip.gov.uk/article/8930/COVID-19Information-and-Guidance-for-Parishes-and-Community-Groups Businesses: https://www.mendip.gov.uk/article/8774/COVID-19-Information-and-Guidancefor-Mendip-businesses-and-employers

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SOME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020

www.enhancesocialenterprise.org.uk Community Interest Companies A brief on the impact of the pandemic Prepared 15.04.20 @ 10:00 (V1)

This brief is for community organisations that are structured as Community Interest Companies (CICs). As with all businesses, CICs are impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The CIC Regulator has announced that their approach to registration and regulation will be as flexible and pragmatic as possible during this period. The CIC regulator is still contactable through its website and by email. CIC’s are also now able to file accounts and the community benefit report online and this is strongly advised as paper documents may not be processed as quickly as previously. Please refer to other briefs on the Job Retention Scheme, VAT for community businesses, cashflow and loan funding.

FAQs Q: What if I’m unable to deliver Community Benefit during this time? A: The CIC Regulator have said that they recognise that some CICs will have a period of time where they may be unable to provide normal services and meet the community benefit that they were set up to serve. This can be reported in the annual CIC report, (filed with the CIC Accounts), to explain any change in the delivery of the community interest company. Q: What if I can’t meet the deadline to file my accounts and annual report? A: Companies House is responsible for account filing and late filing penalties: CICs, affected by COVID-19, may be eligible to apply for an extension to their filing deadline of up to three months. Please note, you must apply for this extension before your filing deadline has passed. If an extension is granted by Companies House, the new account filing date will also apply to the CIC annual report as both documents together with a £15 fee - are filed and placed on the Public Register at the same time. Late filing penalties guidance is also available on the Companies House website: guidance on late filing penalties and appeals. Q: Can I file the accounts online? A: Yes. The facility to file CIC accounts online was introduced late last year, so there is no need to send a paper version. This facility includes the submission of the CIC report and the payment of the £15 filing fee. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/accounts/cic/before-you-start?_ga=2.78847572.1571362337.1586772749105462155.1577117270 Q: Can I apply for Government Support? A: Yes. The Government is supporting all businesses, including CICs, and their employees through a package of measures during this period of unprecedented disruption. This includes the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, VAT and tax deferrals, business rate holidays and grants and loan guarantees. See separate briefs for details. Q: Can I access other support available to the non-profit sector? A: Possibly. This will depend on the scheme and the nature of your organisation. Many funders will support CICs and other social enterprises as well as charities. The £370m support package Social Enterprise bodies, who also support community interest companies, are providing bespoke advice and guidance which may be particularly helpful to CICs. Are the emergency Government grants taxable? A: Yes. CICs are subject to the same Corporation Tax rules as private sector companies. However, costs incurred will be deductible for tax purposes. So for example with the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme as the grant is based on salary costs paid, then the tax impact will be neutral. Grants related to rates are also taxable however if costs are less than the expenditure then the net will effectively be taxable. If you operate VAT partial exemption rules, then you should refer to the separate rief on VAT.

E nh a n ce Social Enterprise Network

Devon & SO ME R S E T The Heart of the South West Enhance Social Enterprise Programme is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural & Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 - 2020


KEEP TALKING It’s important that we are all connected and talking to each other sharing ideas and offering support. JOIN the network and we can add you to the Facebook Forum where you can talk to others, inspire others and be inspired yourself. To join you can email your local team below or click on this link: https://enhancesocialenterprise.org.uk/join-the-enhance-network/

MEMBER BADGE Now you've joined the Enhance network we'd love you to use our 'member' logo on your website and social media pages. If you make the image a live link to our website it will be a great way of promoting the network and helping us to expand, which benefits us all! Plus, Google loves web links when it comes to deciding on your search ranking! To request a copy of the logo, please contact marketing@devoncommunities.org.uk.

CONTACT US Smart Communities Ltd (part of CCS) EnhanceSEN@somersetrcc.org.uk www.ccslovesomerset.org Members will be part of the wider Enhance Devon & Somerset network and will be able to access support and programmes within their own local network as well as those taking place in Devon.

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