6 minute read
Member Events
All workshops and networking events are free to attend, thanks to funded support from Somerset’s four District Councils.
Save Money!
14th March
Find out more about the new Government Energy Bills Discount Scheme for businesses and eligibility. Check if your energy bills are accurate and identify billing errors. How to save costs and be ‘greener’ and where to go for further support and help. Utility Aid, the largest energy broker in the UK not for profit sector will give advice and answer your questions.
Stepping Out
Stepping Out unlocks the potential of adults with learning disabilities. Experienced and specialist staff offer bespoke education and offer provide young people (members) work experience, volunteering, life skills, mental well-being, social and leisure opportunities, including qualifications.
Their hub for micro-enterprises provides supported employment. Mowability provides grounds maintenance services, Bakeability is a bread baking and catering business and Createability sells art, craft and upcycled products. Members choose a role based on their skills and preferences, such as marketing (preparing advertising materials and order forms), Catering (making the bread and cakes to sell in the Bakeability cafe) or Operations (serving customers, handling money and delivering the bread). The handmade sustainable decorations pictured were made by members and sold local Christmas fairs.
Profits are split equally between re-investment into the micro-enterprises and funding for the members themselves to spend on outings, activities or resources of their choice, helping them to understand the financial purpose of employment and be motivated to join the world of work.
Caring for our community
Following on from the successful launch of the Somerset Micro-Enterprise Support project, our Enterprise Advisors are now also offering advice and signposting for those looking for employed or voluntary roles within local community care and support services.
Whether you're looking for the first step on your career path or coming back to care work, thinking about a change of direction or looking for a role that's more meaningful. We can...
Support and Advice
Wearelookingforpeoplewho providecareandsupportservices suchas:
NursingSupportWorker introduceyoutothepeoplewhocan helpyougetstarted provideinformationaboutthe optionsopentoyou offeradvice,supportand guidanceuntilyoufindtherightrole foryou.
Start your career in care and support today!
Volunteer andmore....
Events near you
Our Enterprise Advisors, Cat and Claire are regularly out and about across Somerset.
We have now added an events calendar to our webpage, making it easier for you to find out when they are going to be in your area. Scan the QR code below to view calendar.
Whether you're looking to start-up a new micro-enterprise, running an existing one or would rather find an employed or voluntary role. Please do come and talk to us.
Micro-Provider Support and Advice
Ongoing support for Micro-Providers
A number of existing Micro-Providers will need to resubmit their documents to be re-accredited. We are here to support existing Micro-Providers as well. If you have questions about renewing your accreditation or running your micro-enterprise, please get in touch.
Cat Sweatman (west of M5) 07746 340546 cat@somersetrcc.org.uk
Claire Searle (east of M5) 07939 910046 claires@somersetrcc.org.uk
Bishop Fox's Educational Foundation
Grants for young people aged 11-24 years
The aim of The Bishop Fox’s Educational Foundation (BFEF) is to promote the education of young people through a grant scheme.
Grants for young people from or going to school in Taunton.
School uniform grant
Capital grants for schools & youth organisations.
2023 Grant Deadlines
13th March 2023
29th May 2023
21st August 2023
30th October 2023
For full details of the grant scheme visit: www.bfef.org.uk or Contact Sarah on saraho@somersetrcc.org.uk
IjustwanttoreiteratehowthankfulIamforthebursaryof£550for thepurchaseformylaptopandprinter.Thesupportprovidedbythe BishopFoxesEducationalFundhasallowedmetoexcel tremendouslythroughoutmyfirstyearatuniversityresultinginan averageof70%acrosssevenmodules,withoutthissupportIbelieve myeducationalsuccesswouldnotbepossible.Thishasbeenlife changingforme.
Problem-solving, solutionfinding super heroes!
Updates from our Village & Community Agents
Mendip Team
Find your Local Agent
Nic Edwards: Frome & surrounding areas
Bella Lapwood: Wells & surrounding areas
John Lapwood: Evercreech & surrounding areas
Jackie Hayes: Glastonbury & surrounding areas
Tina Hazelhurst: Shepton Mallet & surrounding areas
For all our Village Agents contact details visit: www.somersetagents.org/find-an-agent/
Quilts and Christmas boxes
Over the Christmas period, the Agents delivered many gifts and extra goodies. Nic visited Wesley church to donate bags of baby and children's clothes for their clothes exchange.
Tina visited and dropped off some donations and had a chat with Dave Hall at the Baptist church and delivered some lovely handmade quilts.
Problem-solving, solutionfinding super heroes!
Updates from our Village & Community Agents
South Somerset Team
HaveyouregisteredwithaChardorIlminster GPsurgery?
DoyouknowthatyourlocalVillageAgentisholding monthlydrop-insessionsineachofthesurgeries?
IfyouwouldliketomeetyourVillageAgentthen pleasedocallinforaninformalchat.
Chard,ArielHealthcare,ForeStreet: 1stTuesdayofthemonth,10am-12noon
Chard,ArielHealthcare,StMary's: 2ndTuesdayofthemonth,10am-12noon
Ilminster,ChurchViewMedicalCentre,Broadway: 1stTuesdayofthemonth,10am-12noon
Ilminster,TheMeadowsSurgery: 1stTuesdayofthemonth,1pm-3pm
Ilminster,SummervaleMedicalCentre: LastFridayofthemonth,10am-12noon
ThePathwayto Independence-from age16intoadulthood
SilverLiningprovideawidevarietyofpathwaysto independenceandemployment,thedetailsof whicharespecificallytailoredtotherealistic ambitionsandneedsoftheyoungpersonandhave aclearfocusonpreparingstudentswithSENfor independentwork.
Our Village and Community Agents were thrilled to be able to distribute these beautiful, cosy hand crafted blankets to our most vulnerable clients. We were fortunate to have been offered a donation of new toys and gifts from the WI and Kingsbury Episcopi church which we were able to deliver to client’s ready for winter months.
Problem-solving, solutionfinding super heroes!
Updates from our Village & Community Agents
Sedgemoor Team
Our Village and Community Agents were very busy over the festive holiday delivering generous donations to our clients within the community.
From beautifully made patchwork lap quilts (made by a local sewing group) blankets from the Foodbank, festive delights from a local butchers shop, shoe boxes filled with gifts from the WI, to a fully a decorated Christmas Tree! The Jubilee Rooms Community Centre in Stogursey gratefully received the Christmas tree to add some festive cheer.
With colder weather approaching and the cost of living increasing, laptop quilts were gratefully received by members of the Berrow Community Café & Hub at the Festive lunch.
In January, Village Agent, Kim Wilcox was invited to the Mulberry Centre to collect bags filled with winter warmer items to distribute to our clients in need. These bags were donated to the Mulberry Centre.
WorkingalongsideVillagesTogether&HomesinSedgemooratthe BithamWalkCommunityHall, Woolavington weeklyfrom(11am–1pm)attheirWarmWoollyWednesdays.
StJohn’sBaptistChurchin Axbridge,Monday’s(10.30am-12.30pm)
StPeter&AllHallowsChurch, WestHuntspill,1stMondayofthe month(10.30am-12pm).
AllourTalkingCafescanbefoundat: www.somersetagents.org/talking-cafes/
Problem-solving, solutionfinding super heroes!
Updates from our Village & Community Agents
Taunton Team
Bishops Lydeard Steam Train Winter Lights
We were able to offer 80 carers and 40 cared for people a free train ride, hot drink and cookie and a goodie bag to our Winter Lights steam train event, the perfect opportunity to meet more members of the caring community.
On 2nd December 2022 we welcomed everyone with their goodie bags and toys (for children of carers). Everyone enjoyed meeting with each other over their hot drinks and cookies before being shown onto the train. Once on the train we gave enjoyed some mince pies whilst being able to sit, see the lights with many carers making new friends and swapping contact details to keep in touch.
A perfect start to the Christmas season and again a treat for those who most deserve it. We had some wonderful words of thanks and met some truly inspiring people.
We are actively looking to support carers around the locality.
Please do come and join us for coffee and chat at one of the 13 ‘Talking Cafes’ in the Taunton district - there are over 30 across the whole of Somerset!
Find all our Talking Cafes here: www.somersetagents.org/talking-cafes/ or call 01823 331222 for more information.
Somerset Carers
Wehavehadanexcitingstartto2023,collaborating withtheNEWSomersetDementiaWellbeingService, bringingtogetherallsupportandservicesforthosewith DementiaandtheirCarersunderone'roof'.
Joinusandover20other organisationsataroadshow nearyou!
TherewillalsobefreeaccesstotheVirtualDementia Toursimulatorfrom12.15pm-13.45pm,offeringa chancetoseehowitmightfeeltolivewithdementia.
www.somersetcarers.org/news/dementia-wellbeing-roadshow/ www.somersetcarers.org/carers-groups/
We haveupdatedour CarersGroups pagewhichnow includesasearchablemapand2023calendar,soyou caneasilyfindyourlocalgrouptoattend,andmeet otherswhocarefortheirlovedonesforafriendlychat, cupofteaandabreakfromyourcaringresponsibilities.
Have you seen newsletter for Carers?
Wordsearches and quizzes
Apps to help you
Book recommendations
Courses and training
Focus on topics such as Dementia and well-being
Packed with advice, tips and more for Carers in Somerset such as: Visit www.somersetcarers.org/register/
Somerset Moves is the new activity finder for Somerset, providing people with an easy way to search and book activities online.
With advancing technology, this new finder (launched early 2023) uses 'open data' to create an easier online experience for people.
It is important to keep it simple as studies have shown 1 in 5 adults have been put off doing a sport or physical activity because it was too difficult to find or book online.
SASP want to make it as easy to book a tennis court, as it is to book a hotel. If you would like to find out more about how to have your sessions promoted through the activity finder as well as the benefits to your organisation, you can find out more
Have you listened to Have you listened to Somerset Activity & Sports Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership’s Partnership’s NEW Podcast, "Somerset Moves" NEW Podcast, "Somerset Moves"
Each episode features different projects on Each episode features different projects on offer, organisations across the county, local offer, organisations across the county, local support and advice, personal experiences, as support and advice, personal experiences, as well as information on how to get you moving well as information on how to get you moving more, in your own way! more, in your own way!
You can listen to the latest episode here: You can listen to the latest episode here: www.somersetmovespodcast.buzzsprout.com www.somersetmovespodcast.buzzsprout.com https://www.saspchallenges.co.uk/
Did you know you can take part in SASP challenges with your work colleagues, community groups, friends and family or challenge yourself.Create an account and track your progress here.
Share your photos/videos with them using #GetOutsideStepChallenge and tagging us @GetOutsideSomerset.
For more inspiration for activities in Somerset, please visit www.getoutsideinsomerset.co.uk/
Crisis Fund
OurCCSAgentsworkwithpeoplewho findthemselvesinsituationsno-one shouldbein–withoutfood,heating,basic essentialsoratalife-changingmomentin theirlives,butpovertyoroverwhelmis preventingthemfrommovingforward.
People in crisis.
Crisis Fund
OurCrisisFundallowsAgentstoaccess fundstopayforthingstogetpeopleOUTof crisisandhelpmaketheirlivesinstantly better.
Weareindesperateneedoffundsforthe CrisisFundastheunprecedenteddemand hasdepletedourreserves.
Crisis Fund is not a cash grant, but allows for goods or services to be paid for.
It is NOT means tested, and is given at the discretion of the Village or Community Agent finding the need.
Make a real difference to people's lives
If you love Somerset, please support the people and communities who live in the County by donating to our Crisis Fund.
You can donate directly to our Crisis Fund via our Local Giving page.