CCS Thatch Newsletter Spring 2020

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Coronavirus in Somerset A message from our Chief Executive:

Dear CCS supporter/member First and foremost I hope you are well, keeping safe and managing to access the support and essential supplies you need in these difficult times.

CCS Thatch Spring Issue 2020 All CCS staff are able to work remotely and we have been doing so since the beginning of last week so that we do not put them at risk. We have set up telephone systems to enable staff to be able to receive calls promptly and action them in the best way possible. We have set up a specific web-form which will enable you to complete it with details of the support you require and this will be distributed

As you will be aware CCS, as a county-wide provider, is very much part of the response for both communities and individuals. I want to let you know what we are doing to ensure that we can continue to serve you the best we can.

internally to the best person to help you with your query or problem. As you can imagine, demand for our Agent staff is extremely high and in the first week of this new system we have handled 2,500 calls. Our Agents provide practical support in many ways and they have unrivalled contacts in local communities who they can mobilise to assist vulnerable and isolated (Cont’d on page 2)

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COVID-19 - CSS Agents can help!

Support for business and communities

Diverse Communities

Enhance Social Enterprise Network


The Community Council for Somerset : Agents Response (Cont’d from front page) people, including for our BME residents – if you need Agent support please USE THE CALL-BACK form which is on our website network_news/coronavirus-advice-march2020/

If you are a carer and look after a family member or dependent in an unpaid capacity you may need additional support so please call our Freephone number on 0800 31 68 600 or visit the website where we have a web chat facility. If you are concerned about a neighbour or someone you know in your local area who is a carer and they do not have access to the internet then please give them the advice line number.

In addition, we have experienced and knowledgeable staff who can support you if you are part of a Parish or Town Council, a Village Hall Committee, social or community enterprise or community group or charity, again advice is available on our website or you can still call the main CCS number on 01823 331222 for help. We are committed to helping you as much as possible but I would urge you and others you know to follow government guidelines for social distancing – if we all cooperate and work together we can minimise the impact of this unprecedented situation.

I hope you will also join me in thanking the dedicated and professional staff at CCS who are working tirelessly, often trying to juggle their own family and caring situations; please bear with us and be patient whilst we try to find the best solution for you. Thank you for your understanding. If you have positive comments about how our staff have helped you we would be really grateful to receive this feedback as it will make a huge difference to us to know that we are doing the right thing. Please submit your feedback here: Many thanks and take care. Best wishes, Keeley.


We Can Help! If you need support, we are here! During this COVID-19 emergency our CCS Agents are still providing their regular service via telephone or email, and are a key point of contact within the community - especially if you do not know who to turn to.

Contact your local agent 1. Click on this LINK or scan this code with the camera on your phone. 2. Fill in the simple form. 3. A local Agent will call you back.

Our Talking CafÊs are now closed but we’re still here to help you!


Helping Your Community : Sign Up To Corona Helpers At times like these, it’s more important than ever that we come together to look after our loved ones, neighbours and communities and there are lots of amazing people in Somerset who want to help! SPARK SOMERSET is working with local groups and organisations to coordinate your offers of support to help make sure everyone receives the help they need. Corona Helpers is an online platform on which individuals can pledge their support, and organisations and groups can let people know what they are doing and how to get involved. If you are already supporting your community to respond to COVID-19, either formally or informally, Corona Help is a useful platform on which to promote your work and encourage more people to join in. SPARK is also planning to use the site to share resources and information to support your work and help you to keep yourself and others safe. You can register at:

Be a Good Neighbour! It’s wonderful to see local communities throughout Somerset coming together to support one another during the COVID-19 emergency. Good Neighbour Schemes are groups of local people who come together to offer a service in their community for those in need of help and support. The people who need support may be the elderly, disabled, single or young parents or carers, those temporarily in need through illness or anyone who may be isolated within your community. The Community Council for Somerset has developed a toolkit with helpful advice and tips on setting up a Good Neighbourhood Scheme in your community.

You can download the tool kit here.

Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, our agents will have limited time at present to support the start up of schemes, however, we hope you find the pack useful if setting up a community response network to support people through this time. Contact your local agent for advice.


Mental Health : COVID-19 Social distancing and selfisolation can take a toll on your mental wellbeing. Mindline, run by Mind in Somerset , has set up a service people can call (local call rate) and talk to someone about their anxieties and worries. Support is available every day by calling 01823 276 892 or visit the Mindline website to find out more: mindline

NHS - Every Mind Matters offers expert advice and practical tips, or create a tailored self-care plan to support your mental health and wellbeing. Access the website for: Tips and advice on things you can do now to help you keep on top of your mental wellbeing and cope with how you may feel while staying at home. Make sure you get further support if you feel you need it. 10 ways you can help improve your mental health and wellbeing if you are worried or anxious about the coronavirus outbreak. And much more!


Important Information for Carers COVID-19: If you are an unpaid carer it's important to know what support is available to you as a carer and those you look after. Visit the Carers UK website for all the latest guidance and information:

Carers UK has also produced two briefings, with regards to the emergency Coronavirus Bill 2019-21, that the Government has introduced to tackle the Coronavirus crisis.  A briefing which sets out how millions of unpaid carers and the people they care for across the UK will be affected by this legislation. 

A more detailed briefing about the provisions in the Bill itself.

You can find both briefings on the Carers UK website - these will be updated as more information becomes available.

Somerset Community Foundation Appeal Somerset Community Foundation has set up the Somerset Coronavirus Appeal to raise funds for local charitable groups that are supporting the most vulnerable people affected by the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) and, looking ahead, to ensure that when the time is right we can help our communities recover well.

The funds raised will help to build the Somerset Coronavirus Response and Recovery Fund which will support local charities and community organisations across the county of Somerset in two stages: response and recovery. To find out more and to donate to the fund visit:


Coronavirus: Rural Halls and Small Charities Thousands of village halls will be temporarily closing their doors to the communities they have supported; some for over 100 years. For the community there is dismay and uncertainty about when they will be open again and their committees will be taking a hard look at the long-term future of their Hall. Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) has spoken to committees who feel they are in a precarious situation but also to those who have enough reserves to keep them going.

In the early stages of the crisis ACRE provided guidance to the ACRE Network on the process for Halls considering closure of their Hall ACRE has been in discussion with the rural team at Defra so that they are fully informed of the issues facing village halls now. Defra is working closely with the Communities Team at the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government. The ACRE Board and Senior Management are working alongside other infrastructure bodies to clarify how the proposals for supporting businesses can also support charities. ACRE is now in discussion with Government for financial support to fund halls at risk. Meanwhile the National Village Hall Survey is live until Monday 20th April 2020. Please complete it; as this information will now be so important as evidence of the valuable roles of halls in rural communities:

Community buildings to close unless hosting essential voluntary or public services Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday 23 March 2020 that most shops and other premises must now close until further notice. This includes ‘community centres, youth centres and similar’, with the exception that ‘Facilities may remain open for the purpose of hosting essential voluntary or public services, such as food banks or homeless services.’ In the context of village halls, this may also include those hosting services such as a village shop, post office or preschool with provision for the children of key workers.

For more information go to page 4 of the guidance at further-businesses-and-premises-to-close


Somerset Community Oil Scheme for Individuals & Businesses - an important update from our partner AF Affinity COVID-19 continues to cause localised disruption across the UK, heating oil demand has increased and delivery times have been extended. AF Affinity, our heating oil bulk buying scheme partner, is changing the way it operates fuel syndicates to help members until further notice. From 18 March 2020, AF Affinity will be reverting to daily orders only (with the exception of order requests already received, these will be processed). AF Affinity’s office is fully operational and they are continuing to work very closely with the national supply chain. Please check that you have adequate supplies of oil and order if it is appropriate to do so. This approach will help manage demand across the UK network and assist the syndicate members who are in most need.

To assist the increase in their enquiries, please email orders and enquiries to: Those without an email can call 01603 881888 from 10.00am to 4.30pm.

AF Affinity thanks you for your support and understanding.

Translations of COVID-19 advice into other languages COVID-19: guidance on social distancing and for vulnerable people with translations included can be found at: Doctors of the World (DOTW) are sharing COVID-19 advice for patients in 34 languages, which were produced in partnership with the Red Cross, Migrant Help and Clear Voice. The guidance is based on the Government’s updated advice and health information. Access these resources at: coronavirus-information


Advice for Business in Somerset : COVID-19 From the self-employed and small business owners worrying about how they'll cope with the financial fallout, to people being laid off, there are so many people affected by the measures being taken to contain the coronavirus pandemic. We’re sharing two valuable resources where local traders can keep up-todate with the latest COVID-19 advice for business, including information about grants and support.

The Heart of the West Growth Hub has put together a comprehensive list of guidance for employers and businesses including quick links to business support options and help on providing advice to staff, what to do if someone develops symptoms, sick pay, dependant leave and limiting the spread :

The Somerset Chamber of Commerce has created a dedicated COVID-19 hub to support businesses throughout this difficult and worrying time.

The Somerset Chamber will update their hub web page regularly as soon as information becomes available on how and where to apply for financial support, whether that is business rates relief and grants, or advice on tax, cash flow and employee welfare. They are also working with their members to run remote, online workshops to provide professional and expert advice for businesses on topics such as HR, remote-working and financial support. Access the business hub here: business-support/covid-19


Devon based Social Enterprise, Cosmic, has launched a Remote Working Advice Line to share their knowledge and expertise with organisations in the region and to ‘Keep the South West Working’.

The helpline and an associated toolkit provides advice and support on home working and managing a business during periods of disruption. The helpline is designed to support small businesses, charities and local organisations in the south west - helping them to prepare for the impacts of coronavirus (Covid-19). Julie Hawker, Joint Chief Executive and digital transformation consultant at Cosmic, said: ‘What we are seeing is unprecedented and we feel strongly that we should support the businesses and charities in our region.

Free emergency helpline to support businesses affected by coronavirus ‘There is the big picture for the south west and the impact this will have on our economy, and then the smaller picture as to how this is affecting our businesses and charities. We recognise that in order for our region to thrive, businesses need to be able to work at full capacity. We also understand that many organisations are struggling to make the change and fully embrace all the digital options available to them to enable efficient remote working and that is where we feel we can give support. It really is about ‘keeping the south west working’ and supporting organisations through this crisis.’

Cosmic will provide guidance and advice on the types of hardware, gadgets, software, policies and business processes that can be adopted to enable teams to work remotely from home during periods of isolation. Many businesses rely on face-to-face interaction between staff, customers and suppliers. Cosmic's advice will help people to adapt to new working conditions that may occur as a result of government enforced self -isolation, or the need to avoid virus transmission through close contact.

In addition, Cosmic will carry out a first run through of any recommended digital tools to help staff become familiar with running virtual meetings. These include Skype, Teams, Zoom and GoTo Meetings. The Cosmic Toolkit contains information on:

Virtual working

Technology needs

Policies and Best Practice

Meeting Protocols

Managing staff best practice

Internal and external communications

To access the helpline, contact 0330 088 4421. The line will be open from 9am-5pm, MondayFriday.


Chard Together Event Celebrates Ethnic Diversity In February, Somerset’s Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups took part in the first Chard Together event held at the Guildhall in Chard. This was a free multicultural event celebrating the ethnic diversity of Chard and also encouraging community cohesion and challenging stereotypes. Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups celebrated their culture through sharing food, performances and activities for children. Amongst the artists who performed at The Chard Together event were Slovakian children singing and dancing to Slovakian traditional songs and there was Portuguese singing as well. The activities included Ghanaian Idinkra printing, making potato heads and Global Learning and Development Education (GLADE) helped children to make ‘worry dolls’. Chard Museum held a stall to showcase Chard through the ages. Stalls were held by The WATCH Project to promote mental health support and SARI (Stand Against Racial Inequality). The Mayor of Chard, Jason Baker, opened the event by welcoming all communities and spoke about the importance of events like this which brings all communities together. Somerset Diverse Communities has directly supported over 40 BME community groups over the past 2 years. If you are in a group or would like to set one up, we want to hear from you. Visit our website for more details:


Take Part in the Carers UK’s State of Caring Survey 2020 This survey is the UK’s most comprehensive research into the lives and experience of carers. In 2019, over 8,000 current and former carers shared their experiences and helped inform Carers UK’s State of Caring 2019 report.

Caring costs: Almost 2 in 5 carers (39%) responding to the survey said they are ‘struggling to make ends meet’. Over two thirds of carers (68%) reported regularly using their own income or savings to pay for care or support services, equipment or products for the person they care for. Cuts to support: 1 in 8 (12%) of carers reported that they or those they support received less care or support services during the previous year due to a reduction in the amount of support from social services Carers put themselves last: 53% of carers said that they are not able to save for their retirement, and almost two thirds of carers (64%) say that they have focussed on the care needs of the person they care for, and not on their own needs. Read more in the full report here: stateofcaring-report.

Carers UK used the evidence of the impact of caring to call for all political parties to increase support and recognition for carers. The responses enabled Carers UK to provide comprehensive evidence as part of their ongoing work with Sport England to investigate the barriers carers face in taking part in physical activity. Building on evidence from previous years, experiences of working while caring was included in the Carers UK’s response to the Government Good Work Plan consultation, making the case for employers to provide more support for carers. As a result, the Government has committed to consulting on the introduction of Care Leave for working carers. The 2020 survey is now open and will close on 17 May 2020. You can complete the survey at the following link:


Film It! Enhance Somerset Event Brings Local Community Enterprises Together Members from Somerset’s Social Enterprises’ community joined a networking event at The Engine Room in Bridgwater, organised by the new Enhance Social Enterprise Network. What is a Social Enterprise? Social Enterprises are businesses that make a positive difference to their communities and that reinvest or donate their profits to create social change. Phil Shepherd of Somerset Film and the Engine Room delivered an inspiring talk about his involvement in social projects and how film and video can be used to capture an audience. Phil highlighted an award-winning film made at The Engine Room for local charity Ups and Downs who work with families and people involved with the care and education of children and young people who have Down Syndrome. Enhance Network Manager Jane Birch said: “The Enhance Somerset networking events are an opportunity for local Social Enterprises to collaborate, communicate and share experiences. Sincere thanks to all who attended, helping to make this event a success. Joining the Somerset network is free for local enterprises, giving them access to a host of member benefits and lots of opportunities to connect and learn within this new, supportive community.”

** NEW ** Enhance Social Enterprise Network Newsletter OUT NOW! ** Click here **

For more information visit or email


The Community Grants Project Managed Through Petroc College The Community Grants project is partfunded by the European Social Fund and Education and Skills Funding Agency. The project is being managed through Petroc College.

The scheme is running across Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset and is expected to reach 639 individuals during this time. The scheme opened in April 2019 and is set to close to applications in September 2020, with all activity being finished by July 2021. Grants up to ÂŁ20,000 are available for small or third sector organisations to support excluded or inactive people to move towards gaining employment. Organisations must be working with individuals who face barriers that prevent them from accessing employment opportunities. Beneficiaries of support must also be over 16, legally resident in the UK and able to take paid employment in the UK and be unemployed or inactive. There are 3 key objectives to the fund:

1. Engage with marginalised individuals and support them to re-engage with education, training or employment.

3. Provide support to the hardest to reach communities and individuals, especially those from deprived communities, to access employment or further learning and training.

2. Support a range of activities aimed at assisting the disadvantaged or excluded to move closer to the labour market by improving their access to mainstream ESF and domestic employment and skills provision.

There is a two-stage application process, with a number of assessment windows for application submission. Full details of the scheme together with the application forms and guidance can be found on the Petroc College website. projects/community-grants


Scarecrow Festival Funding Boost For The Bishops Lydeard Carers Group The Bishops Lydeard Carers Group has been given a helping hand thanks to funds raised at the Scarecrow Festival in the Somerset village last autumn. The generous sum of £500 was raised by kind donations from the local community as well as Miles Estate Agents and Quantock Funeral Services, sponsors of the 2019 event. The Bishops Lydeard Carers Group has been given a helping hand thanks to funds raised at the Scarecrow Festival in the Somerset village last autumn. The generous sum of £500 was raised by kind donations from the local community as well as Miles Estate Agents and Quantock Funeral Services, sponsors of the 2019 event. At the cheque presentation, Catherine Dance, of the Scarecrow Festival Committee, said: “The aim of the festival is to bring people together, in an entertaining way, to raise much needed

Cheque presentation by the Bishops Lydeard Scarecrow Festival Committee to the Bishops Lydeard Carers Group at the Lethbridge Arms (L-R) Catherine Dance, Eileen Zoers, Colin Dance, Elaine Gardner, William Parkman, Jody Parkman, Ross Parkman and Miles Orr.

funds for local causes. There is a really positive community spirit around the event. We are very proud to support the Bishops Lydeard Carers Group this year, raising awareness of the support available to help people who care for others.” Elaine Gardner from Somerset Carers Service; said: “I’m very grateful to the Bishops Lydeard Scarecrow Festival Committee for choosing the Carers Group as their nominated charity. We know that being an unpaid carer for a loved one or a friend can be an isolating, tiring and worrying time, but you are not alone”.

** NEW ** Somerset Carers Newsletter OUT NOW! ** Click here **


Bishops Fox’s Educational Foundation Is Recruiting! Two new trustees, with strong financial background, are being sought for the Bishop Fox's Educational Foundation, a grant giving charity for young people in Taunton. The Board of Trustees meet five times a year and considers applications from students in need of financial support.

To apply, please email your CV along with a covering letter to or for more information call Geraldine Braycotton on 01823 331222.

Join the Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group Citizens’ Panel Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is developing a Citizens’ Panel to ensure that they can listen to and learn from local residents. By sharing your feedback and opinions on health and care services, you can help the CCG to design services that take into account ‘what matters to people’, on a range of topics related to health and care services. What is involved if I join the Citizens’ Panel? Citizens’ Panel members will be contacted throughout the year to provide their input and views on health and care services in Somerset. You’ll be invited to take part in a range of surveys which you can fill in online or through the post, and you can also opt to attend focus groups, working groups or committees in person to talk about health and care in more detail. What’s in it for me? •You will be helping to ensure provision of better quality care in a way that matters the most to local residents. •You will have the opportunity to have your views heard by local health and care decision makers. •You will find out about new plans and ideas for Somerset. To join the panel, click the link below. If you have any questions please email or call 01935 384022.

Citizens Advice in Somerset Still Available! The Citizens Advice by phone service in Somerset is very well established and systems are in place for a team of homebased advisers. Clients can visit local Citizens Advice centre websites for full details of their options or clients can call Advice line: 03444 889 623 Each local Citizens Advice centre appoints a daily lead responsible for dealing with clients in crisis and will continue to make the Local Assistance Scheme available to those in crisis (fuel, food, essential items). Websites: Mendip: Sedgemoor: Taunton: West Somerset:

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