Our services
Helping communities help themselves
www.devonrcc.org.uk T: 01392 248919
E: info@devonrcc.org.uk
Community Council of Devon, First Floor, 3 & 4 Cranmere Court, Lustleigh Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter EX2 8PW Registered Charity No. 1074047, Company limited by guarantee No. 369095, VAT registration No. 942 0496 27 Registered office as above
Who are the
Community Council of Devon? We are an independent charitable company founded in 1961, and part of a national network of Rural Community Councils. We ‘help communities help themselves’ by advising communities and supporting projects throughout rural Devon. Our 900 members include the principal statutory bodies and voluntary organisations in the county, and many other local organisations. The Community Council of Devon is a community development organisation, with a strong focus on rural communities, coastal and market towns, their needs and aspirations, and their institutions. For example, we have specialist staff working with community buildings such as village halls, and with parish councils. We also have a team focused on helping communities plan for their futures. We also have other expertise and programmes that adapt over time. In recent years we have run projects relating to community and rural enterprise, migrant workers, women’s business development, climate change and community-based learning. With over 50 years experience of community development work, we are able to understand and engage with what really matters to communities.
www.devonrcc.org.uk email: info@devonrcc.org.uk telephone: 01392 248919 Community Council of Devon, First Floor, 3 & 4 Cranmere Court, Lustleigh Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter EX2 8PW
Our services
Community Development Retaining and developing local identity, distinctiveness and a sense of place. “Good
community development is action that helps people to recognise and develop their ability and potential and organise themselves to respond to problems and needs which they share. It supports the establishment of strong communities that control and use assets to promote social justice and help improve the quality of community life. It also enables community and public agencies to work together to improve the quality of government.� Scottish Community Development Centre
How we can help: Public consultation, local surveys and questionnaires. Parish, community and neighbourhood plans. Funding information. Project development and community action. Advice and guidance.
Contact our Community Development Advisors Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*280
Email: martin@devonrcc.org.uk Photograph Š Yuri Arcurs - Fotolia
Our services
Community Buildings “Community Buildings are a lot more than just bricks and mortar. They are the backbone of many communities - enabling local people to come together, and offering new opportunities for communities to thrive and flourish.” Biffa
hall is at the centre of the village geographically, and in every other way it plays a vital role.” Why Community Buildings Matter
How we can help: Advice and project support Information sheets and model documents Help with funding applications Membership scheme with online community building directory Training and events Grants and loans Hallmark Quality Assurance Scheme Discount purchasing
Contact our Devon Community Buildings Advisors Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*240
Email: davidk@devonrcc.org.uk
Our services
Affordable Rural Housing The cost and availability of housing is forcing people out of the countryside. This affects the economic and social strength of rural communities and is a real threat to their long term sustainability.
How we can help: Our Rural Housing Team can provide advice and practical support to get the most appropriate and affordable housing solution for your community. This includes: Help with undertaking local housing needs assessments Help with finding sites Practical advice and guidance on the choices available to communities Bringing partners together to work more effectively Championing new ideas and exploring new ways of working
Contact our Rural Housing Enablers Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*220 Email: sue@devonrcc.org.uk
Our services
Community Engagement
Our Community Engagement projects offer creative activities, public events and local projects to engage communities with the environment, arts, culture, local heritage and topical issues. We have undertaken a wide range of community engagement work, ranging from small one-off assignments to large scale projects spanning a number of years.
Highlights have included: Home Grown: Community Owned (HogCO)- practical advice and training for community growing groups Women Do Business- business support and training for women entrepreneurs Climate Change Toolkithelping communities develop action plans to deal with climate change Natural Environment Toolkitadvice for anyone wanting to get more involved in Devon’s natural and historic environment Migrant Workers Projectsupporting migrants in building positive relationships with local communities
Contact our Community Projects Advisors Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*181
Email: greg@devonrcc.org.uk
Our services
Sport and Play
Our open countryside belies the fact that playing fields, sports facilities and play areas are a struggle for rural communities, yet they are an important part of a community’s development and wellbeing.
How we can help: We champion the protection and creation of playing fields and the development of sport and play facilities. We help with project and operational advice, public consultation, negotiation, funding and training.
Contact our Devon Playing Fields Advisor Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*141
Email: martin@devonrcc.org.uk
Our services
Devon Oil Collective
The Devon Oil Collective is an ethical social enterprise project that can reduce the cost of domestic heating oil. Using the power of bulk buying, this scheme can make significant savings and pass them directly to the consumer. The Devon Oil Collective was launched in February 2012 as a part of our work on tackling Fuel Poverty. Fuel poverty is a serious issue in Devon where a large percentage of the county is off the main gas network. Many of those households will be relying on heating oil and in these times of rising energy costs some families having to choose between eating or heating. The scheme works on the principle of buying heating oil in bulk through consolidating its members’ orders. The Collective places an order via their broker who will negotiate the best possible price on their behalf. Membership is open to businesses, community organisations and domestic properties and prices start from just £24 per year.
Contact the Devon Oil Collective Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*290
Email: oilscheme@devonrcc.org.uk Photograph Š Copyright Martin Bodman and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Licence
Our services
Healthwatch Devon is the independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public on health and social care. Healthwatch Devon’s role is to give a local and national voice to the key issues that affect people in Devon who use health and care services. They collect evidence based on real experiences to highlight national issues and trends and raise these at the highest levels.
Healthwatch Devon will: • Have the power to enter and view services, not just care homes, but hospitals and surgeries too. • Influence how services are set up and commissioned by having a seat on the local health and wellbeing board. • Produce reports which influence the way services are designed and delivered. • Provide information, advice and support about local services. • Pass information and recommendations to Healthwatch England and the Care Quality Commission.
Contact Healthwatch Devon Telephone: 0800 520 0640
Email: info@healthwatchdevon.co.uk
Photograph © Minerva Studio - Fotolia
Our services
Community Enterprise
A community enterprise is a community based organisation that has both commercial and social aims and objectives. It is owned and controlled by the people who live in a community or who share other forms of common interest. The aims of a community enterprise are to create sustainable wealth and social benefit for the community by owning and administering community assets; undertaking activities in a commercially sustainable and socially responsible way on behalf of the community and being a focus for local economic development.
How we can help: Information and guidance Training Research
Contact our Community Enterprise Advisors
Funding advice
01392 248919 ext*270
Project planning
Public consultation
Email: nemo@devonrcc.org.uk
Our services
Devon Association of Local Councils The voice of local councils in Devon
The Devon Association of Local Councils is a membership organisation run by and for its 357 member councils for over 50 years. They aim to represent, advise, consult, communicate, train, inform and listen. As the voice of local councils they welcome ideas and seek thoughts from all. Member councils vary in size from large town councils to tiny parish meetings. DALC seeks to uphold the interests of its diverse membership and to put forward the views of the tier of local government closest to the people and their communities in general.
Contact DALC Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*230
Email: lesley@devonrcc.org.uk
Our services
Creating change in Devon Catalyst is our in-house consultancy service. Our customers can be confident that they are drawing upon the experience and good standing that our 50 year history as a leading specialist in rural development has given us.
How we can help: Business Plans Feasibility Studies Governance & Legal Structures Neighbourhood Planning & Localism Training & Mentoring
Fundraising Strategies Consultation Community Assets Rural Housing
Contact Catalyst Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*270
Email: catalyst@devonrcc.org.uk
Room Hire
Flexible spaces for meetings and training
Contact our Facilities Team Telephone: 01392 248919 ext*200
Email: facilities@devonrcc.org.uk