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Hassle free property ownership experience
Estate Planning
Three Things to do After a Scary Diagnosis
BY JEFFREY HALL, CPA, JD Probate / Trust Attorney
A scary health diagnosis can be emotionally and logistically challenging for many reasons. For instance, how can you take care of your family if you’re physically incapacitated? In addition to working closely with your medical providers, consider these three legal tips:
1. Check your estate plan with your attorney to make sure it is up to date.
Do you count yourself among the 42 percent of American adults with a will or trust? If not, take action to start planning. Even if you do have an estate plan, review it. Maybe one of your heirs got married or died. Maybe you’d like to add or remove people from your will. Or perhaps your personal representative is no longer capable of handling your estate. Make sure you have designated alternates for your personal representative, legal guardian, and trustee.
You should also review your estate’s assets. If you live in one of the states that allows for the inclusion of a personal property memorandum, you may be able to revise the distribution of personal property by simply revising your list without amending your will. If not, you will need to revise your will to reflect any changes. If you maintain a separate record of account information and essential documents, take steps to update this as well.
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2. Consider passing control to your successor trustee/agent so you can focus on your health.
If you find yourself overwhelmed by having to split your focus between managing your health and managing day-to-day responsibilities, consider relying on your successor trustee. By granting your successor trustee the authority to manage the assets in your trust, you can alleviate significant stress and save time. Remember that you trusted this person enough to manage your assets in your absence; you should be able to trust them to manage your assets while you are alive. Keep in mind that you can always take control back if you want in the future.
If you do not have a trust, but other financial matters are consuming your time, consider appointing an agent under a financial power of attorney to assist with managing your finances.
3. Make sure your current assets are properly coordinated with your estate plan and/or funded trust.
Evaluate your assets to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Consult with your estate planning attorney and tax professional to make sure you’re avoiding the common mistake of assets not being properly titled. In order for the trust to be funded, the assets need to be titled in the name of the trust. Also, review any beneficiary designations to ensure they match up with your overall estate plan. Because the distribution will be made according to who is listed on the beneficiary designation form, you want to make sure that this is not undoing the work of your estate plan.
Managing your health should be your top priority. Now is the time to lean on those you trust. If you need any assistance with ensuring your affairs are in order, call your neighborhood estate planning attorney – Jeffrey Hall at (925) 230-9002 to schedule an appointment or you may visit his website at www.HallLawGroup.com. We are a veteran owned --veteran friendly law firm.
Disclaimer: this article is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice nor the establishment of an AttorneyClient relationship. SPONSORED CONTENT
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Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

The Law Office of Jeffrey Hall, Inc., is an estate planning law office serving Contra Costa county in a wide range of estate planning matters, including:

Medi-Cal Planning Trusts and Wills Trust Administration Trust Litigation Probate
www.HallLawGroup.com 925-230-9002
Stronger Than You Know
Expansion of Time BY DENA BETTI survived by noticing potential danger in the future, our short-sided tendencies
Almost all of us the environment or what offered an opmay pose a greater threat to our wellhave experienced portunity for food. being. And, as technology continues to something simiAs our human brain evolved, it grab more of our attention, causing our lar to the following was designed to notice danger in the attention spans to decrease even more, scenarios. Someone environment as opposed to examining the challenge becomes even greater. says something to us the full picture and long-term impact When we simply react to what we see we deem rude and we react harshly to of a single event. This worked well for and hear, when we move from excitethem. Or we meet a new person whose our earliest ancestors but doesn’t work ment and intoxication to fear and panic charm captivates us and we instantly nearly as well now, in a complex world. at each new piece of sensational news, want to be their friend. Then weeks Now we go around like Dug, the talkwe can know that we are giving in to go by and new information comes to ing dog in the animated movie “Up,” what is the most primitive and potenlight. The person who was rude to us and suffer from “squirrel syndrome.” tially destructive part of our brain’s just learned they had cancer. The new Our minds make us notice what mostly makeup. friend we met turns out to be toxic and stimulates our senses and emotions and When we strive to counter this pull, it takes us years to get them out of our miss much of the larger picture. to consider more deeply the conselives. This is why we tend to give much quences of what we do and the nature
Most of us can look back on our more attention to the immediate pains of our long-term actions, we may move lives and pick out similar scenarios. But featured on the daily news versus to realizing our true human potential as why do we lack so much perspective in something like global warming, which cognitive beings. the present moment? is much more an abstract and distant And just as short-term thinking can
As it turns out, perspective is rare pain. Even though global warming repamong us humans. It seems to require resents greater long-term danger since an effort that is almost beyond us. The it puts the very survival of the planet at reason for this is simple. Short-term risk, the immediate pain of what’s on thinking is hard wired into our brains. the news has a more immediate emoWe are designed to respond to what is tional impact on us. immediate and to seek out instant gratiIn a world that is complex, with fication. Our early human ancestors evidence pointing to dangerous cues in


be contagious, people who embody long-term thinking can have an immensely positive effect on the people around them. Such individuals make us aware of the larger picture and reveal a mindset that we recognize as superior. The wisdom of these individuals draws us in and we want to imitate them for we see the same potential within ourselves.
If possible, avoid deep contact with those whose timeframe is narrow and who are in continual react mode. Strive to associate with those with an expanded awareness of time.
Dena Betti is a graduate from the University of San Francisco, Executive Director of #hersmile Nonprofit, certified advisor and iSoulify Podcast co-host. For more information, email dena@strongerthanyouknow.com.
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Changes in District
Mt Diablo School District Hires New Leaders MDUSD Education ing goal of $100,000 for the 2019-2020 Foundation in Action school year. The money will support
In July, MDUSD Education Foundaenrichment programs for MDUSD stution President Mary Gray presented a dents and help provide remote learning check to the newly appointed Superintools in response to the COVID-19 sheltendent Dr. Adam Clark in the amount ter in place directive. of $38,156.65 from their Coronavirus The foundation, incorporated in Remote Learning Fund, which was es2017, with a current board of 11, contablished in April. The money, collected tinues to build momentum and strives from community members and local to support the STEAM learning opporbusinesses, will go to support students tunities of ALL students within the disin MDUSD in need of Chromebooks trict. “We work in tandem with MDUSD for online learning this fall. Gray noted administration to identify programs that, “So many companies wanted to fithey would like to offer or expand that nancially help out during this time, and we can help fund. Because district revsome saw us and reached out to help.” enue fluctuates annually, they may not In addition, the foundation reported in always be in a position to support some July that they reached their fundraisof these programs,” said Gray. Project Lead the Way, a stem-based curriculum, the Art in Action Program, the first day of school. Unfortunately, which provides a high quality, standthe global pandemic has challenged ards-based visual arts curriculum and our normal way of doing business. The Mystery Science - science lessons that present time and circumstance regretinspire kids to love science - are a few of tably does not allow for the typical the ways the foundation has financially listening tours or the implementation supported student learning in the last of a 90-day entry plan. With that said, I two years. do plan on hitting the ground running. The foundation will continue to I am ready to face the global pandemic help students during distance learnthat has not only plagued our country ing by expanding STEAM curriculum and our county, but most importantly, opportunities in all schools. “I want the our district. Mt. Diablo Unified School District to be I promise that I will build on the
LOOKING FOR a district that attracts families; I want it to be a destination district,” Gray stated. work that so many of you have been do ing since March. We will work together NEW HARDWOOD? A noble mission indeed. To learn more about the foundation, visit: www.mdto achieve our mission of educating and lifting up our students. Every single emIN CONCORD edf.org. ployee is vital in helping us achieve this 40 YEARS! New MDUSD Superintendent On July 13, the MDUSD Governing goal. Clear and concise communication will be a critical component of keeping 50,000 HOMES WITH NEW FLOORS Board of Education formally appointed Dr. Adam Clark as the next Superintendent of Mount Diablo Unified School staff informed about current short term and long term plans moving forward. I believe in being fully transparent about 1081 Detroit Ave., Concord, CA 94518 (Next to Costco) District. Dr. Clark had his first day at the Dent Center office on Monday, July 20. In a message to district staff after his appointment, Dr. Clark wrote, “It is my the challenges and successes that we will face together. I am committed to ensuring that every student reaches their potential. 925-609-2150 belief that a district is defined by the individuals who show up each day to supThis happens when classified and cer tificated staff are supported with the www.PacificCoastCarpet.com port our greatest gift—our students… tools necessary to effectively do their License#708486 In normal times, many staff members jobs. With an equity lens, we can crewould be vacationing or planning for ate experiences for our students that


will have a lasting impact on their lives. All of our students need our support! There are so many amazing people and programs throughout the district. I look forward to you sharing with me the successes as well as the challenges of your role in supporting student learning.” Dr. Clark comes from the Vallejo City Unified School district where he was the superintendent for three years.
New CPHS Principal
At the July 13 board meeting, the MDUSD Governing Board approved the appointment of Kevin Honey, principal at Sequoia Middle School to be College Park High School’s new principal. He wrote on his Facebook page, “The last seven years at Sequoia Middle School have been incredible. I have worked with tremendous students, supportive parents, and an outstanding faculty and staff. While it is difficult to walk away from the best middle school in the district, I am excited for a new journey and the opportunity to return to a comprehensive high school after being away for 15 years. The 20-21 school year will be like no other, and I am ready for the challenge. Go Falcons!” Honey replaces Joe Alvarez, who will now serve as principal at Woodside Elementary in Concord.
Read My Mind ©
Books by the Numbers BY MICHAEL G. past and future. HARRIS, OD His latest book,
This month’s col21 Lessons for umn features books the 21st Century, with numbers in their tries to help us titles: 12, 21, and 5. deal with the They all help make present. Each of sense of the complex world we live in. the book’s 21 lesJordon B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life is sons provides “a billed as “an antidote to chaos.” Today’s provocative and profound” look at how world is filled with chaos and unprecto prepare for the future. Here are some edented change. Going as far back as excerpts. Work: When you grow up, you the ancient Egyptians, Peterson formumight not have a job. Ignorance: You lates “12 profound directives” that will know less than you think. Justice: Our help bring order to the chaos in our sense of justice might be out of date. lives. Humility: You are not the center of the
While his rules are rather straightworld. Education: Change is the only forward, the stories behind them go constant. His ultimate goal is to help us much deeper. For example, Rule 1 is “live in an age of bewilderment, when “Stand up straight with your shoulders the old stories have collapsed, and no back.” While this makes all the sense in new story has yet emerged to replace the world, you’ll find out why this is imthem.” This isn’t a book for the faint of portant for both humans and lobsters heart, but its lessons are powerful. - yes, lobsters! - as both creatures move Moneyball author Michael Lewis’ through life. latest is The Fifth Risk (I know ”fifth” is
I’m especially fond of Rules 4 and not a number, but I’m claiming poetic 5. I’ve struggled with Rule 4 in the past license.) It’s about an unanticipated but now recognize its importance to risk to our country and our democraall of us. “Compare yourself to who you cy. According to John MacWilliams of were yesterday, not to someone else the Energy Department, the first four today.” As Teddy Roosevelt said, “Comrisks are no-brainers: nuclear accidents, parison (with others) is the theft of joy.” war with North Korea, our continuAnd, we want to keep all the joy we ing struggle with Iran, and attacks on can. Rule 5 is really important as we get our electrical grid. “But the fifth, most older. ”Do not let your children do anyimportant risk, is a stunner: program thing that makes you dislike them.” Afmanagement.” It happens when we ter all, they’re the ones who will choose use short-term solutions to respond to your old age home, and you don’t want long-term risks because our governthem to get even with you when they ment is too lazy or just doesn’t care. “It do! is the innovation that never occurs and
Peterson’s 12 Rules are an excellent the knowledge that is never created. It addition to the lessons in Ethan Hawke’s is what you never learned that might Rules for a Knight. If you haven’t already have saved us.” Are we destined to relive read Hawke’s little gem, read it with another Hurricane Katrina because we your children now! You’ll be glad you didn’t learn from our previous mistakes? did. If so, we’ll become our own worst en
Yuval Noah Harari was an obscure emy. Lewis’s book also pays tribute to Israeli historian until he published the the bureaucrats who give a damn. While blockbuster Sapiens. He quickly foltroubling and sometimes downright lowed that up with another hit, Homo scary, Lewis remains optimistic, and so Deus. In those books, he looked at the should we.
Teppanyaki, Sushi & Sports Bar Temporary 1918 Oak Park Blvd. Pleasant Hill Business Hour Tel: (925)705-7065/7066 WWW.Kobejapanrestaurant.com NOON–8:00 PM 7 Days a week CURBSIDE MEALS TO GO We are temporarily closing our dine-in services at PleasantHill. In addition, our business hours will We are offering Curbside Meals To Go Pick-Up. All temporarily change to 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm 7 days a week. Please stay tuned. We will inform you of changes. Please call us to place your order menu items are available for to go pick-up; except Happy Hour menus
JulySpecial for Kobe Japan Pleasant Hill
Add $2 for Soup or Salad And $3.50 for both Soup & Salad
1). KitchenSpecial (Cannot combine w/ other offers)
Chicken Fried Rice $8.5
Chicken or Pork Katsu Over Rice: $9
Chicken with Veggies TeriyakiOver rice $9
Beefwith VeggiesTeriyakiOver rice $11
Sautéed Hot & Spicy Beef & Veggies with Side of Steam Rice $12.50
Grilled 3 pieces Salmon Collars Dinner with side of steam rice $10.95
2). Sushi BarTwoSushi RollCombo (Cannot combine w/ other offers)
Classic Roll Combo: CaRoll & Spicy Tuna Roll $8
CrispyRollCombo: Dynamite & Spicy Sunset Blvd $17
Best Seller Combo: 49er Roll & California Crunch: $20
Spicy Roll Combo: Bay Bridge Roll & Red Lion Roll: $24
Signature Roll Combo: Lion King & Dragon Roll: $24
3). Hibachi Special
with Mushroom appetizer, Veggies & Steamed rice add $2 for Soup or Salad And$3.50for bothSoup & Salad (Cannot combine w/ other offers)
Hibachi Chicken Breast $16
Hibachi Shrimp $22
Hibachi NewYork Steak (Certified Angus Beef ® ) $22
Hibachi Hot & Spicy Shrimp & Chicken Combo $27
Hibachi Steam Rice Upgrade To
Fried Rice are also available: w/ Veggie $4.25or Bacon $5.25 4). Otherdrinksare also available for Both dine-in andpickup
Bonsai Martini$8
Fresh Pineapple Infused Premium Vodka
Mango Margarita$8
Tequila, Mango Puree, Triple Sec, Lime Juice, Agave Syrup on the rocks
Mosco Mule $8
Premium Vodka, Ginger Beer, Fresh Lime Juice
Good throughJuly1, 2020 toJuly31, 2020. Cannot combine with any other offer.
Harvest is Coming
Grape and Wine Lovers Rejoice BY MARIA TERRY of Italy. It is a dry wine with many of the
Good news for flavors you find in dessert wines since the grapes! It looks like grapes are dried before making them into our wine supply will wine. The duck complements the gamey not be affected by the notes often found in Italian wines and the COVID. Leda Garside, a cooked grapes echo the dried grapes flanurse from the organivors developed in production. zation Salud!, says, “(Vineyard workers) As a fun, easy ending, Wine-Frosted have an advantage from other agricultural Grapes are cold and refreshing. A bright crops in that they are able to maintain soending to a rich meal, they are too sweet cial distancing at worksites,” and that the for wine. number of positive tests for these workers So, go on. Pair Up! dropped since May. With this good news Maria Terry is a certified sommelier and in honor of the upcoming harvest, and wine educator in the San Francisco here are a variety of grape centric recipes Bay Area. www.LaSommelierre.com. and wines to pair with them.
Grapes are often a part of a beautiPan-Roasted Potatoes ful cheese tray. This is because grapes INGREDIENTS offer much of the same benefit to cheese 12 small white rose or Yukon potatoes, that wine does. Grapes, like most white cut into 2” cubes wines, are juicy and acidic. They cleanse ½ cup olive oil the palate by cutting through the fat. But, 2 sprigs fresh thyme, plus ½ T chopped although they provide much of the same fresh thyme leaves value to the cheese, grapes and wine Coarse salt and freshly cracked do not go together. The sugar in grapes black pepper makes wine taste sour. Red wines suf1 clove garlic, sliced fer even more when paired with grapes DIRECTIONS because the acid in the grape can make Over low heat, add the olive oil to a a low acid red wine taste flat. One wine medium-sized heavy-bottomed saucethat has the acid and the sugar to stand pan, then add the potatoes, thyme up to grapes is Sauternes from France. It is sprigs and season generously with salt made from a combination of Sauvignon and pepper. Blanc and Semillon grown in an environPlace the lid on the pan and allow ment that maximizes both sugar and acid. to cook, undisturbed, shaking the pan The resulting dessert wine has flavors of every 5 minutes or so, until the bothoney and stone fruits. I often recomtoms of the potatoes are tender and mend Sauternes for picnics because it browned, about 20 minutes. (Check goes so well with meats, cheeses, nuts, occasionally to make sure the potatoes and fruits. It is a lovely partner for the aren’t browning too quickly and adjust Grape Cheese Balls recipe, which comheat accordingly.) bines cheese, grapes, and nuts into biteRemove the lid and cook a further 2 sized morsel. to 3 minutes, for the condensation to
A wonderful fall meal is roasted duck evaporate. and potatoes. This simple seared duck Remove the thyme sprigs and add breast is quicker and easier to make than the sliced garlic and chopped fresh a whole duck. Paired with these panthyme and cook until the garlic is cararoasted potatoes, you can make both melized and chewy, about 2 minutes. on the stove top rather than heating-up Drain the oil from the potatoes and the oven. The perfect wine for this dish is serve. a rich Amarone from the Veneto region Yield: 4 Servings
Wine Frosted Grapes INGREDIENTS
1 lb. white seedless grapes 1 lb. red seedless grapes (1) 750 ml. sweet Gewürztraminer or Riesling 1 Tablespoon grated lemon zest Granulated sugar or coarse sugar crystals
Cut grapes into small clusters. Mix wine with lemon zest in a bowl large enough to hold all the grapes. Add grapes and cover. Refrigerate 24 hours. Line cookie sheet with waxed paper. Remove grapes from marinade and place on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with sugar. Place in freezer one hour before serving.
Yield: 6 Servings
Grape Cheese Balls INGREDIENTS
1 banana, peeled and sliced lengthwise ¼ cup coffee-flavored liqueur (such as Kahlua®) 2 Tablespoons butter 2 Tablespoons brown sugar 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 275°. Pulse almonds in a food processor until finely chopped (do not over process). Spread in a 15x10x1-in. pan; bake until golden brown, 6-9 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer to a shallow bowl; cool slightly.
In another bowl, mix cream cheese, blue cheese, parsley and cream until blended. Insert a skewer into each grape. Roll grapes in cheese mixture, then in almonds; place on waxed paper-lined baking sheets.
Refrigerate, covered, until serving.
Yield: 10-12 Servings .......................................................... Seared Duck Breast with Bacon and Grapes INGREDIENTS
4 duck breasts Kosher salt Extra-virgin olive oil 2 cups seedless red grapes 2 strips bacon, cut crosswise into ½” pieces (lardons) ½ cup port wine 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1½ cups chicken stock
Using a sharp paring knife, score the fat in the duck breasts a couple times in two directions to create a crosshatch pattern. Cut through the fat but not into the meat of the breast. Salt the breasts and let sit outside the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes to allow them to come to room temperature.
Add about 1 tablespoon olive oil to a large sauté pan. Place the duck in the pan skin-side down. Bring the pan to a medium heat and cook the duck breasts low and slow to allow the fat to render and so the skin can get nice and crispy. As the fat renders out of the duck, pour or spoon it out of the pan and SAVE IT for another purpose.
Cook the duck for 8 to 9 minutes on the skin side. Turn the duck over and cook the duck for 2 to 3 minutes on the flesh side. Remove the duck from the pan, cover with foil and let rest for about 10 minutes.
Add the grapes to the pan with the bacon and bring the pan to a medium heat. Cook grapes until they split and let out their juices and the bacon is crisp.
Spoon half the grapes out of the pan and reserve. Add the port and vinegar to the pan, season with salt and reduce the port by half. Add the chicken stock and reduce it by half. Add in the reserved grapes. Taste and re-season if needed.
Slice the duck at an angle and serve garnished with the sauce.
Yield: 4 Servings
In the Mix with Our New Normal
Finding Live Music Online BY PAUL COTRUVO there has been some ingenuity to try and
Music shapes our bring us together. society. In this world Down at the Alameda County Fairof divisiveness, music grounds, you can see and hear live music soothes our soul. Refrom the comfort of your car, as they are cent research suggestholding, “Drive-in” concerts. Which begs ing that playing or listhe question, is honking the new lighter? tening to music may be particularly potent And a few local restaurants are holding in bringing about social closeness through pop up acoustic shows with social distancthe release of endorphins. We need music ing. But these events are on a day to day now more than ever. The self-quarantine basis, as the requirements change daily. has created such loneliness and depresI feel the best form for these times, sion for many of us and deprived our souls is the “live-streaming” shows on social of much needed medicine. There is nothmedia. While I admit it is not like going ing like going to a concert or just a local to a concert, it is kind of cool to see some club, and hearing and feeling the passion great performances from your couch. No of an artist with other likeminded people. worries about parking or babysitting. And Concerts provided a venue for interacting everyone is sharing: Elton John, Garth with people from all walks of life. Brooks, James Taylor, and Radiohead. You
So, what now? with the absence of just need to search the many platforms for live music due to COVID-19, what will be these shows. the new normal for concerts and gigs? For a local flavor, here are some of my The first few months of the shutdown, the suggestions. One of the first weekly shows industry was pretty much silent. But lately, created since the shutdown was done by
Mr. Hat introduces a new way to enjoy live music. A “Cruise-In” Concert Series is coming to the Bay Area starting on August 29. This vehicle-based, socially distanced, COVID-conscious concert experience will once again allow all to safely gather and enjoy your favorite bands. The series will kick off with Jerry’s Middle Finger, performing the iconic music of the Jerry Garcia Band under the stars at the Solano County Fairgrounds. The band will perform under a giant archway, illuminated by the unparalleled Mad Alchemy Psychedelic Liquid Lightshow. Cruise-In Concerts are for all ages, and shows are from 7-11pm. Tickets go on sale Weds. 7/29 at mrhatpresents.com.
Greg Keidan, the founder of independent Bay Area concert promotions, Mr. Hat Presents, says he is committed to finding safe ways for fans to enjoy live music during the pandemic, “Human beings need fun, and some of us feel that live music is essential.” Keidan and staff at the non-profit fairgrounds are working in partnership with Solano County Health Officials to craft and execute a detailed safety plan for these Cruise-In Concert events, which they hope will serve as a model for future events. In addition to the PA system, you will be able to tune into a high-quality FM broadcast of the show inside your vehicle, thanks to the genius of Burning Man Information Radio Lead Engineer Mark Chang. There will be two food trucks and a full bar, with online ordering and delivery to your trunk or rear window to facilitate social distancing. Restroom attendants will prevent crowding and will disinfect the facilities every half hour. Restroom ventilation will also be enhanced. Dancing will be permitted on the driver’s side of vehicles, and attendees are rethe Martinez Music Mafia, who created the successful Armando’s Happy Hour and a Half, which featured many local musicians. Each show features around 8-10 different artists. Tune in on the Martinez Music Ma fia Facebook page every Friday at 4:30pm.
Another great multi-artist show is the Concord Couch Concerts. This is a bi-weekly 2-hour show featuring around 9-12 different performances. This is truly a wonderful mix of genres, ranging from singer songwriter, to jazz, to alternative music. You can tune in on Friday nights from their Facebook page.
There are many musicians who stream live every week. First, the wonderful Sin Silver, who usually performs every Saturday around 1pm PST or 9pm Irish Time (changes week to week, so double check.) Sin has a different show every week with different themes. She has an amazing voice, and her Irish brogue gets me every time. Tune in to Sin Silver’s Face book page.
One of the bands that will perform, Jerry's Middle Finger.
quired to wear a mask outside of their vehicles and to stay within their vehicle area. Up to 4 adults are permitted in each vehicle, and the organizers ask that you only attend with people in your social bubble, and stay home if you may have been exposed to the virus so that we can
The extremely talented Mitch Polzak brings his rockabilly and country flavor every Friday night at 6pm to his Facebook page. They’re always fun shows, and the amazing thing is they last 3 hours. The Springsteen of country!
There are so many other great shows on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram that I could mention, but there’s not enough room in my article. I really recommend that you tune in and support all the musicians who are logging in and performing. Most have a virtual tip jar which you can donate to. So many depended on income from their live performances, and now that is gone. This is our new normal. But I always try to find the silver lining, and I do believe these streams are letting us discover new music that we otherwise wouldn’t have considered. So, search for music in your preferred social media platform (stay off the crazy political posts), and keep your soul happy! Is it
First Ever Drive-In Concert
Coming to Solano County Fairgrounds August 29th
2021 yet?

stop the spread and get back to regular concerts and festivals.
This event is sponsored by Hella Dank, a small family owned Bay Area company. Learn more at helladank.co. For more information, visit mrhatpresents.com.
From the Contra Costa County Historical Society HERCULES
Not the Greek Hero, but the City BY MARJORIE NEWTON were erected in gullies and ravines in an
Hercules began as a manufactureffort to separate the different proding plant that made dynamite and later ucts from each other and to minimize TNT. Known at that time as California the damage if one line exploded, savPowder Works (CPW), it was first located ing the others. An explosion that ocon the sandy dunes that are now Goldcurred in 1882 is described in detail in en Gate Park. As the growing populaW.A. Slocum & Co.’s The History of Contra tion of San Francisco began getting too Costa County. The explosion was felt in close to the plant, it moved to the East Oakland, San Rafael, and Livermore, but Bay. The Gold Rush of 1849 and the of the 50 men working there, only one Civil War made getting dynamite from was killed. factories in the East difficult. As a result, The Northern Railway station nearseveral plants that produced explosives est the site was named Powning, after were erected in the East Bay. For examthe CPW’s general manager. Upon ple, Vulcan Powder Works was built near Powning’s retirement in 1895, however, Stege on the San Pablo Rancho, and the the station was renamed Hercules, the Atlas Powder Plant was located at Giant, brand name of the explosives produced where the Point Pinole Regional Park is by CPW. today. In 1900, company officials applied
One of these plants was the CPW, for and were given the right to incorpowhich had relocated to 45 acres near rate. At this point, Hercules became an Pinole in 1879. The plant’s buildings entity with the privilege of governing
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Homes were built for the CPW’s factory worker’s families. 20 of those homes have been remodeled and are now being occupied. Dormitories were provided for the single men. 350 Chinese were billeted in two dormitories, with bunks stacked three high. The Hercules Club, the social center of the community, included a meeting room, dining Hall, a post office and a bar. In town, there was a hospital, a company store, and at one time a hotel. The CPW office building is still in existence but under private ownership. There were no other stores. For shopping, one trekked to nearby Pinole, which also offered 14 saloons. More detailed information is available in the book Hercules by Jennifer Posedel and Stephen Lawton. The book is available on our website and at the History Center in Martinez. In 1907, the U.S. government filed an anti-trust suit against DuPont company, which had in 1869 acquired full control of CPW, though it continued to use the CPW name. The result of that suit, in 1913, created two new companies, one of which was the Hercules Powder Company.
Also, in 1913, a statue of Hercules was erected on a hill overlooking the Southern Pacific tracks. The 13-foothigh statue was offensive to many. Evidently, even though draped in a lion’s skin, the frontal view was too graphic. It was demolished in 1920.
The Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 resulted in 14 deaths, despite an ordinance which directed that everyone wear a mask to cover mouth and nostrils when in public places.
During World War I, the Hercules plant was the largest producer of TNT at seven million pounds a month. During World War II, the plant greatly expanded. It was claimed that the plant had produced 1.8 billion pounds of ordinance.
After the wars, the plant shifted to producing fertilizer which used nitrogen in its manufacturing. After 75 years, the plant was sold in 1977. In 1987, the Contra Costa Times headlined Hercules as the fastest growing city in Contra Costa County. In 1989, its population was 14,550. Today, the population is estimated to be about 25,000. Talk about an explosion!
A History Note is presented by the Contra Costa County History Center, 724 Escobar St., Martinez, using materials from the Society’s collections. Normal Open hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 9-4 and the first and third Saturdays from 10-2. The History Center is currently closed due to the coronavirus. Updates can be found and queries and orders made on the CCCHS website: www.cocohistory.org.
All Are One
Celebrity Fund Gives Cash to Those Hardest Hit in East Contra Costa
On June 25 four Hollywood notables made their first distribution of stimulus cash from their new “All Are One” fund to 23 families in Antioch who are in severe financial trouble as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
All Are One (http://www.allr.one) is the creation of actor Annie Potts (Ghostbusters, Designing Women, Toy Story, Young Sheldon) and her husband, director/producer Jim Hayman (NCIS: New Orleans, Ugly Betty, The Sopranos, Northern Exposure). They have partnered with longtime friends, writer/producers Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider (Chicago Med, Bosch, The Sopranos, Northern Exposure).
The four have launched this unique fund to receive personal checks and electronic contributions. Schneider says, “The idea is to extend gifts directly to people in need through a chain of trusted friends without the overlay of a formal charitable organization. These are gifts, not charity.”
At the June 25 event, held at a church in Antioch, each of the families received a gift of $1,200 (the amount of a stimulus check) in cash wrapped in a beautiful gift box tied with ribbons. Each family was handed the gift just as if it were given from a loved one.
The All Are One founders are working with the nonprofits White Pony Express and Following Francis to identify families desperately short of cash in California, South Carolina, and Washington, DC. Both of these organizations, founded by East Bay community leader, Dr. Carol Weyland Conner, have had extensive experience working in underserved communities in these three areas.
Says Hayman, “This is direct giving. There are no administrative costs, no legal fees. Every penny will go to the recipients.”
Potts says, “Maybe you got a residual check or a stimulus check that you weren’t expecting or don’t really need, or maybe you had a little tucked away for a rainy day. Maybe, even with all the problems brought on by COVID, you’re actually feeling pretty secure.”
Schneider adds, “We know many people are already helping out, but perhaps they’re asking themselves, ‘What else can I do?’ This could be the answer.”
Friends Open Retail Store
The Friends of the Pleasant Hill Library will officially open their new retail store in Downtown Pleasant Hill on August 3. The Book Store, located at 35 Crescent Drive, is open from 11am to 5pm, 7 days a week. The large retail space allows the organization to display their wide-ranging inventory, with proceeds going towards books, programs, resources and services for the new Pleasant Hill Library. All the clever interior signage was created by volunteer and professional book artist, Rae Trujillo. Pleasant Hill Mayor Matt pected to begin construction soon.” !
Operations of the Book Store are in keeping with the County health regulations for COVID-19. Masks must be worn at all times, and Friends’ volunteers will monitor the num
sanitizer will be offered. The Friends’ website, phlibraryfriends.org, has been revamped to allow customers to shop online and order books for contactless curbside pickup during
“These gifts are anonymous,” reports Potts. “Sort of like Secret Santa.”
Potts wants people to know, “This is not a charity. You are gifting, not donating. There is no tax deduction. You don’t get a testimonial dinner. You don’t get a mug. You don’t get a t-shirt. What you do get is the satisfaction of helping somebody who is very much in need.”
Frolov adds, “And the satisfaction of doing your own small part to help the economy by keeping money flowing.”
Hayman says, “We understand we’re breaking the mold here. We just love the idea that friends can come together and pass along not just some monetary help, but also a sense of loving concern. And we really hope this idea will catch on!”
Future distributions will depend on the amount of donations that will be collected. Funds are already being collected for the next distribution, which will be in Washing ton, DC. If enough funds come in after that, South Carolina will be the site of the following distribution.
The All Are One founders hope others will be inspired to donate either a part or all of their stimulus check to those in their own community who urgently need financial help to weather the COVID-19 crisis.
Those interested can go to: http://

All Are One Founders: Jim Hayman (top left), Andy Schneider and Diane Frolov (top right), and Annie Potts (bottom). Photo by Margaret Mayer.
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Rinn said, “Congratulations to the Friends of the Pleasant Hill Library on the opening of their new downtown store. The City appreciates everything the Friends’ volunteers are
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Gardens, A Treasured Commodity
A Valuable Resource Offers Escape During Tough Times BY LESLEY STILE, mask and stay six feet apart. for about eight years. I am just now OWNER OF ROXX Our Roxx gardens are flourishing spotting them at farmers’ markets and ON MAIN grandly as cucumbers ripen rapidly, am eternally grateful to have stumbled
Gardens are providing oodles of crunchy love for our upon them. Tender to a fault, Música abounding during salads along with the Sun Gold Cherslightly out plays traditional Romano COVID. Since leaving ry Tomatoes. Fresh snipped basil and beans. Even when left on the vine a tad the house is frowned rosemary scent our kitchen and provide long, Música holds color and texture upon and working from home may be muse while adding layers of flavor to better, especially after being touched a forever prospect, garden tending has all we prep. I do not believe I have ever by oil and flame, outshining her Italian become a popular pastime. Personally, had such a prolific zucchini season. counterpart. I am working more than I have in many We harvest enough of these smooth Majestic in stature and growing beyears, but I am still getting my garden elongated beasties to satisfy Roxx and yond 6 feet high if left unchecked, they time in and it is nutrition for my soul. then some. Balmy evening temperaare heralded as the biggest as well as Here at Roxx on Main we continue to tures gently force tomatoes to go from earliest producers on the market. Like be open for takeout but now we get green to red overnight surprising even almost anything that grows, if you keep to have outside diners, and it has been the most experienced gardener. Green picking them, they will continue to a great boon for us. With the City of beans and corn rise as if Jack himself is pump out more and more beans and Martinez closing Main Street to traftugging their mane. we are fortunate to acquire them from fic on Friday and Saturday nights, we Hiking the hills and valleys of farmers’ markets into October. Rest ascan now take our restaurant outdoors Spain a few years ago on my Camino sured they will be on the Roxx menu at in its entirety. We are also able to offer trip, I discovered, along with a million some point this summer. live music again adding a bit more of a other things, an amazing bean. Spanish Música are outstanding raw but European vibe to enhance your dining Música Broad Beans were on every pinenhanced with a quick dip in boiling experience. We ask that as long as you cho list and after the first order I knew water -3 minutes max then drained are not eating or drinking you continue why. Juicy, sweet, and super meaty, this and shocked with ice water. Heat a half to wear your mask, and if you get up to tender, crunchy bean is big. Harking cube of butter with 4 cloves of chopped dance, which you can, you wear your from Spain they have been stateside fresh garlic per 2 pounds of beans. Keep heat low paling garlic and add a few pepper flakes. Crack sea salt and pepper into mixture and pour over beans for a new take on a veggie platter. Cut beans into one-inch pieces and sauté

Super simple summer love to share!
2 large cucumbers, seeded and chopped 2 large tomatoes, chopped ½ red onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, peeled ½ bunch basil ½ bunch parsley Juice and zest of 1 lemon 4 tablespoons rice vinegar 1 tablespoon honey Salt and pepper to taste
Place all in a blender and puree. Season to taste. That’s it!
in a few teaspoons of lemon olive oil until bright green but slightly tender. Throw in a handful of crispy pancetta, a good amount of fresh corn cut off the cob, and a handful of chopped tarragon seasoning with salt and pepper. Being dubbed as the hardest working legume, Música may just be around for Thanksgiving feasts yet.
Also, a tapas staple on our backpacking adventure were Padrona peppers. We walked through Padron, where they come from. A food freak moment of silence was had. Blistered in olive oil and liberally sprinkled with crunchy salt, they are tricksters. About three in ten are hot, but the others are super amazing. If Russian roulette isn’t your game, you can try Shishito peppers. Same prep but no heat, just all flavor. Super easy to grow both of these prolific producers. They will make occasional appearances in Roxx specials.
It is a weird and unchartered world we are navigating now. It will not be going back to our old normal so hang on tight and make it work. We will be practicing tolerance, compassion, prudence, social distancing, peaceful behaviors and love for all in our family here at Roxx on Main. Stay safe, be well and take time to watch the tomatoes grow.
Roxx on Main
Be sure to visit Lesley’s restaurant. It’s outdoor dining at its very best! Live music every Friday and Saturday night under the stars. Roxx on Main is located at 627 Main Street in Historic Downtown Martinez. Open Tuesday through Friday from 11am to 8pm and Saturday 2pm to 8pm. It is closed Sundays and Mondays. www.roxxonmain.com
Lesley Stiles is a graduate of the California Culinary Academy and Chef/ Owner of Roxx on Main, offering delicious, sustainable foods to the community.
She can be reached at lesley@roxxonmain.com • www.roxxonmain.com • www.lesleystilesfoods.com 925 370 ROXX
Trinity Center - A Safe Haven A Doorway to Opportunity for Homeless and Working Poor
On Friday, May 15 the Trinity Center celebrated a long awaited move to their new facility on the ground floor of St. Paul’s Commons in Walnut Creek. Trinity Center is a non-residential program serving the community by providing a drop-in center with services to meet the needs of persons experiencing homelessness and working poor residents in Central Contra Costa County.
Trinity Center is a Contra Costa County Coordinated Assessment Referral and Engagement (CARE) Facility. They provide basic safety net services including daily meals, showers, laundry, emergency food & clothing as well as intensive case management and substance use counseling through their Member Advocacy program. The opportunity to expand Trinity Center’s programming and the collaboration to create affordable housing has paved the way for a new concept in Contra Costa County. Recently, through a partnership with Trinity Center, the Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa opened a new dining room within the Trinity Center. This partnership has expanded their delivery service of providing hot, nutritious lunch meals Monday through Friday, with the long term goal of opening the dining room to more people who are in need of food living in Walnut Creek. Leslie Gleason, Trinity Center’s executive director remarks, “When I look around the Center, I see people who are someone’s child, sibling or grandparent. I am so grateful for the community’s support that allows us to offer a safe haven that provides basic resources and helps restore a sense of belonging and hope.”
Trinity Center is considered an essential service and has continued to operate its day program to meet the growing demand for services, particularly as a result of COVID-19. A significant number of Trinity Center members are low-wage workers with minimal access to a safety net. Most of their members experience food insecurity and rely upon Trinity Center to meet this basic need. Trinity Center serves more than 850 unique individuals and provides over 55,000 services each year.
St. Paul’s Commons represents an innovative partnership between St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Trinity Center, the City of Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County and Resources for Community Development (RCD). St. Paul’s Commons consists of 45 recently occupied affordable housing units and community meeting space. “In the summer of 2012, Rev. Sylvia Vasquez (now retired) and I stood on the property where St. Paul’s Commons now stands, and visualized a new community center and affordable housing. I am excited to see that vision realized,” says Donna Colombo, Trinity Center’s founder and recently retired executive director.
Trinity Center Member Advocates provide ongoing case management to several of the residents, offering individualized support to ensure their long term success. “I’m finally inside and in a space of my own,” exclaimed a Trinity Center member and St. Paul’s Commons tenant as she received keys to her apartment. Many of the tenants were able to access housing just before the recent Shelter-in-Place Order. Trinity Center remains focused on growing their mission to be a doorway to opportunity for homeless and working poor people by providing hope to each person through supported access to services and resources. Trinity Center welcomes the community to join their program through a variety of volunteer opportunities, including the Day Program, Fund Development and Events. Additional donations are needed to help support the growing need in the community. To learn more or donate, visit: trinitycenterwc.org.
About Trinity Center, TrinityCenterWC.org
Trinity Center is a non-residential program serving homeless and working poor adult men and women in Walnut Creek and Central Contra Costa County, offering a safety net of basic human services including food, breakfast and lunch; showers and laundry; mail and telephone access; clothing; referral services; and help with benefit applications. Trinity Center is an opportunity for community and a safe place for people who are homeless and those experiencing poverty. To learn more or donate, visit: trinitycenterwc.org.

Trinity Center and St. Paul’s Commons. Photo by Zella Urmson Photography
Trinity Center Interior. Photo by Zella Urmson Photography

General Manager’s Message InvisibleBarriers ByMichelle Lacy General Manager, PleasantHill Recreation &ParkDistrict
Lastmonth ourBoard ofDirectors released an important statementon PleasantHill Recreation &ParkDistrict’s commitmentto make equityand inclusion a fundamental guiding tenetin ourdecision making and operational practices to provide parks, communityservices and recreation programs forpeople ofall ages, ethnicities, cultures and abilities. Read statmentin farrightcolumn.
A t rstglance, people maywonderwhatdiversity, equity and inclusivityhas to do with us.We do own and manage over269 acres ofpublicparkland afterall.This is where i nvisible barriers come in.Yes, ourparks are open to all people butifyou take a closerlook, we have workto do to remove limitations.We are taking this momentin history to lookharder, do more and be better. Here are some of areas thatwe are activelyworking on:
P arkLocations:Access to parkspace is keyformental and physical well-being forall people;a factthathas been amplii ed during this pandemic. As such, itis importantto lookatthe distribution ofparkland to make sure thatall Rec&Parkresidents have equal access from theirhomes.
During the Big Picture MasterPlan process, we mapped ourparks and found thatourparkassets are primarily located in the central and eastern parts ofthe District. This inequitable distribution ofparkland means that residents who live in the north and west, musttravel fu rtherto access open space, playgrounds, balll elds, and otherparkand recreation amenities. In orderto address this inequitable parkland distribution, we will continue to identifyopportunities to acquire additional land in those quentlybuiltthe spectacularnewall-abilities playground neighborhoods. Knowing where we need to focus is the rststep to resolving inequities. More recently, we were approached bythe BayArea Bike Projectaboutadding a bike trackto one ofourparks. A bike trackwould provide a newrecreation opportunityfor those who are notinto more traditional sports like baseball, soccerorfootball. In the case ofthese two parkamenities, the invisible barrieris ourown limited thinking around traditional parkfeatures.We will continue to evaluate our parks and investin amenities thatserve as manydifferent types ofneeds as possible. Continued communityengagementis anotherimportantstep to breakthrough inequity barriers and uncoveropportunities beyond whatwe have always done in the past.
Programming:Although we have a fee waiverassistance program alreadyin place forfamilies struggling nancially, we are currentlyreevaluating pricing forall programs to determine ifadditional subsidies are needed to provide greatersupportand access to recreation opportunities for all families, regardless ofincome-level.We also love our t raditional programs, events and classes. Ourparticipants do too so we often defaultto whatwe’ved done and not lookto whatwe could do. We need to make programming decisions thatare notsolelybased on tradition.We need to make space fornewideas, concepts, and recreation oppor

Staffing:AsoneofthelargestemployersinPleasantHill, Rec&Parkisassessingourhiringpolicies,stafftrainingand practicestoensurethatnotonlyisthediversityofourstaff representativeofthecommunitybutthatourstaffconductis respectfulandinclusivetowardallpeople.Lastyear,for example,ourentirestaffwaseducatedaboutpeopleexperiencinghomelessnesstobetterunderstandtheirdifficult circumstancesandtohelpfostermorepositiveinteraction.
P arkAmenities:Priorto opening ournewall-abilities playground in February2020, Rec&Parkdidn’thave a single playstructure forchildren with disabilities. Autumn Green, Executive Directorand FounderofAll-In-Need, a nonproot, serving children who have special needs and their families, broughtthis to ourBoard’s attention.We subsetunities thatappeal to more diverse audiences.
in PleasantOaks Parkand all future playground structures will include elements to allowall children to play. Theseactionsandassessmentsareonlythebeginning. Ipersonallyinviteyoutoreachouttomeortomembersof theBoardtoshareyourthoughtsandideaswithusonhow wecandobetter.
OurvisionistobetheleadersinprovidingWOW!experiences everydayandtoachievethis,ourmissionistoputpeople rst--allpeople.Ilookforwardtohearingfromyou. P leaseemailmeatmlacy@pleasanthillrec.com. Statementfrom theBoard ofDirectorson CommitmenttoEquityand Inclusion
TraumaticeventsacrosstheU.S.in recentweeks haveled toan importantnational discussion aboutracein America and systemicinequality. ThePleasantHill Recreation and ParkDistrict Board acknowledgestheinjusticesand pain that peopleofcolorhaveendured forcenturies,and wepledgetodoourparttocreategreaterequity i n o u r community.
Werejectracism and discrimination.Every memberofourcommunitydeservesaccesstothe peaceand beautyofnature,tospacesand activitiesthatfostergood health,toenrichmentprogramsthatsparkknowledgeand passion,and to limitlessopportunitiestoplayand celebratelife. Ourparks,open spaces,facilitiesand programs werecreated tobewelcoming and inclusive experiencesforall toenjoy.
Weacknowledge,however,thattheremaybe barrierstoaccessand participation forsome membersofourcommunity.Wepromiseto examinethosebarriersand activelyworkto eliminatethem.
Asan agencyand aselected officialswhoserve thiscommunity,wewill usethismomentasa catalysttolookinward,hearfrom thecommunity, and examineourpolicies.Ourpromisetoyou is totakethenecessarystepsand committodoing theworktoensureequityin everything wedo.
W earehonored toservea diversecommunity and embracetheopportunitytoprovidewelcoming and inclusiveexperiencesforall.Yourinputon howtheDistrictand staffcan dobetterisencouraged and welookforward toyourfeedback.
JenniferOrtega,Chair AndrewPierce,ViceChair ZacShess,Secretary BobbyGlover,Board Member Sandra Bonato,Board Member