Board Meeting Summary BY JEAN ROGERS, BOARD ADMINISTRATOR 360-734-8158 Cordata Store
315 Westerly Road Bellingham WA 98226 Open daily 7 am–9 pm
Downtown Store
1220 N Forest Street Bellingham WA 98225 Open daily 7 am–10 pm
Co-op Bakery Café 405 E Holly Street Bellingham WA 98225 Open daily 7 am–7 pm
Community Food Co-op General Manager Jim Ashby
The Co-op Board of Directors Melissa Morin, Chair Caroline Kinsman, Vice Chair Phil Buri Margaret Gerard Brent Harrison Ceci Lopez Seth Mangold, staff representative Ryan Peters
Board of Directors Contact 360-734-8158, ext. 216
Board Meetings
Meetings are on the second Wednesday of most months. Member-owners are welcome to attend. To share your suggestions or concerns at the 10-minute member-owner forum at the start of each meeting, contact Board Administrator Jean Rogers in advance, at 360-734-8158 or, by the first Monday of the month, if possible.
Our Cooperative Principles
• Voluntary and open membership • Democratic member control • Member economic participation • Autonomy and independence • Education, training, and information • Cooperation among cooperatives • Concern for the community Co-op News is produced by the Community Food Co-op and published eight times per year. Editor: Laura Steiger Design: Matt Curtis Opinions expressed in the Co-op News are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Co-op Board, management, staff or member-owners. Nutrition and health information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for a consultation with a licensed health or dietary practitioner. Acceptance of advertising does not indicate endorsement by the Co-op of the product or service offered.
From December 13, 2017
The group noted final questions related to the investment
shares program and made minor edits to the proposed update of the Co-op bylaws and articles of incorporation. If approved by the Board in January, member-owners would vote on the updated bylaws, articles, and investment shares program during the March election. HR Assistant Manager Amanda Grelock gave a presentation on the Co-op’s racial equity work and related training opportunities and resources. The Board will write policy to ensure the work continues and can be monitored effectively. The Board endorsed the 2018 Bellingham School District bond proposal. The Board agreed to remove a director who has been unable to attend meetings for a lengthy period of time. That seat will remain open until the March Board election. The group held a brief executive session with no decisions to report at this time. MORE BOARD INFORMATION MORE BOARD INFORMATION Complete minutes for this, and all Board meetings, and the governing policies are available at the service desk. Complete minutes are also posted at Member Input: The first 10 minutes of every Board meeting are reserved for member input. Member-owners are welcome to attend the session or the full meeting. Hope to see you there. Next Meeting: January 10 at 7 pm, Cordata Roots
Room, 315 Westerly Rd.
Last Reminder: Co-op Now Seeking Board Candidates Application Deadline: January 18, 2018
o you want to help create the Co-op’s future? If so, you should consider running for the Board of Directors. The Co-op Board elections will be held in March 2018. Stop by the service desk at either store and ask for a candidate packet. Attend a Board meeting and see the process in action. CONTACT Board Administrator Jean Rogers, 360-734-8158, ext. 311, or
Upcoming Community Events Poetry Celebration with Local Poets Saturday, January 13, 6–7:30 pm
Community Food Co-op Downtown store mezzanine Free, everyone welcome
Enjoy an evening with local poets as they share their award-winning work and celebrate one year of the Poem Booth Project—a communityfunded art project that brings poetry and art to the street by turning abandoned phone booths into communal treasures. A compilation of 2017 poems will be available along with information about a Kickstarter campaign to fund the Poem Booth through 2018. Visit the Poem Booth located on the Forest Street side of the Co-op’s Downtown store. LEARN MORE at
20th Annual MartinLuther King Jr. Human Rights Saturday Conference Saturday, January 13, 9 am–4 pm
Whatcom Community College Syre Student Center Hosted by Whatcom Human Rights Task Force Free, everyone welcome
Keynote: “A Collective Contribution—A fi shbowl conversation featuring womxnof color.” Event includes skill-building workshopsfor school-aged children (accompanied by an adult), youth, andadults; information booths; complimentary refreshments; food vendors on site. LEARN MORE at or @whrtf on Facebook.
Let’s Talk: Stretching our Edges on Race and Privilege Sunday, February 11, 2–4:30 pm
Hosted by: Co3 Consulting: Co-Creating Cohesive Communities and Riveters Collective, made possible with support from Community Food Co-op Suggested donation $10
Open to anyone interested in listening and hearing the stories of womxn of color and participating in some deep self-reflection. Let’s Talk is about obtaining the foundational skills to explore better ways to connect with each other by engaging in deep listening and transformative dialogue about issues that divide us. Participants will learn to “see,” talk about, and reflect on race and racism and power and privilege, which can be both jarring and liberating. Please join us for the start of an important community dialogue. LEARN MORE at @CommunityFoodCoopBellingham on Facebook
18th Annual Bellingham Human Rights Film Festival February 15–24
Various locations Opening night at Pickford Film Center with reception, silent auction, and 7 pm showing of “All Governments Lie” Free, everyone welcome
BHRFF supports independent filmmakers, fosters dialogue, and promotes action. Films are followed by facilitated discussion, some led by the filmmakers themselves. LEARN MORE at or @BHRFF on Facebook.
Cooperator of the Year
A well-earned Cooperator of the Year award goes to Jade Vantreese.
er work to promote the cooperative business model, bring awareness through education to food justice issues, and build an equitable food system is inspiring to all who know her, and her accomplishments continue to grow as she works and lives cooperatively for a more just and equitable society. While working at the Community Food Co-op, Jade was elected by coworkers to serve as the staff representative on the Board of Directors. She also served on the Co-op Board’s Members Affairs Committee, seeking ways to engage member-owners with cooperative values and strengthen the fabric of our community. She was an active participant in the Domestic Fair Trade conferences held in Bellingham, and worked to support farmworker rights and small cooperative businesses. While studying and working in environments steeped in cooperative principles, Jade continues to raise her children in cooperative housing. She graduated from
Fairhaven College with a concentration in alternative food systems and sustainable agriculture and economics. While on campus, she spearheaded efforts to create a food bank at Western Washington University, which is now a reality. Jade now works with the Puget Sound Food Hub Cooperative, where she is responsible for marketing and development while working with farmers and buyers to promote the mission of the cooperative. As if that wasn’t enough, she is also working on a master’s degree in public administration at Evans School of Public Policy, University of Washington, and has participated in many conferences and trainings on cooperatives. Jade was recently highlighted in Cooperative Spirit magazine for gathering stories of people living and working cooperatively, intended for a future book. Our community is very lucky to benefit from her studies and her passion for creating a more just and sustainable society. Thanks, Jade!
Volunteer of the Year BY KARL MEYER, OUTREACH TEAM
We are honored to recognize Frances Charlock as the 2017 Community Food Co-op Volunteer of the Year.
t our Annual Meeting and Party, at which the Co-op prepares food and beverage for over 600 members, Frances has been an able and steady volunteer helping with the beverage station year after year. I am grateful for her commitment to volunteering in the community and know I can always count on Frances to be upbeat and eager to help at this event and at our other events throughout the year. Frances also volunteers at Sustainable Connections, Womencare Shelter, and The Lighthouse Mission. During our interview, Frances mentioned her favorite part of volunteering is getting to know the people she gets to work with. Her weekly shifts at The Mission
have made her familiar with the community there and she speaks highly of that connection. She said it was a “kick in the pants” getting to know folks at The Mission and now they all look out for her as she bikes around town. Frances does not drive a car and uses her bike extensively. She and her partner also play piano and sing as part of their volunteer service. It’s been a pleasure working with Frances. I also enjoy the way she ends her emails with: “Tickle my memory with all the good things you’ve done for me, so that I have a thankful, happy, spirit today!” Thank you, Frances!
Gone but Never Forgotten
e are sad to share news of the passing of two longtime Co-op members. Our condolences to all who knew and loved these two members of our community.
Jeanne Armstrong
Jerry Brownfield
Donation information will be available at the memorial tribute gathering.
Donations in his memory can be made to: Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center ( Bellingham Human Rights Film Festival (
Memorial tribute gathering: Thursday, January 18, 4 pm, Solarium at Western Washington University
C O - OP
Memorial service: Saturday, January 27, 3:30—6 pm, Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship
2 01 8
Ask the Nutritionist: Dairy Intolerance
ear Nutritionist: I have always had issues with dairy, especially milk and ice cream. However, I seem to tolerate goat and sheep dairy just fine. Can you explain why that can be?
f you are struggling with GI issues or have been struggling to feel your ultimate best, then you might want to take a closer look at dairy. Besides lactose intolerance, there are other things to consider that could be contributing to your symptoms.
Mineral Rich Nut Milk By Selva Wohlgemuth
A1 and A2 Dairy Research suggests that a common form of cow’s milk casein protein called A1 could potentially cause stomach pain and gut distress unrelated to lactose intolerance. Many thousand years ago, a single gene mutation in Holstein cows (black and white cows) changed the type of beta casein protein. As Holstein cows were crossed with other cow breeds, the mutation spread. Therefore, A1 is a type of casein protein found in largest concentration in the milk from Holstein cows (most predominant species in U.S.). Dairy herds in Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe produce mostly A2. When A1 dairy is digested, it produces a peptide called beta-casomorphin, or BCM-7. Studies have found that BCM-7 has pro-inflammatory actions that can cause stomach pain and digestive distress. For some individuals, this protein can stimulate an immune system response. A recent double-blind randomized crossover trial found that A1 casein was associated with increased gastrointestinal inflammation, reducing intestinal transit time (more prone to diarrhea), and impaired brain function, specifically cognitive speed and accuracy. A2 casein does not elicit the same inflammation and immune response because it does not create the BCM-7 peptide. Guernsey cows generally have the highest amount of A2 casein at 90%, whereas about 50% of Jersey cows carry the A2 casein gene. Goat, sheep, buffalo, yak, etc., all produce A2. Since goat and sheep dairy contain A2 casein and are generally lower in lactose than cow’s milk, many people can tolerate them without any problems. How to Determine A1 Dairy Intolerance If you have struggled with any of the following symptoms (or just are not feeling your best despite a healthy, balanced diet) then consider eliminating A1 dairy. Common symptoms include: hay fever, sinus infections, eczema, asthma, and recurring tonsillitis or ear infections. Remove all dairy for four weeks and see if symptoms improve. Then add in A2 dairy only to see if symptoms return. If no symptoms return, continue consuming only A2 dairy. If symptoms do return, stick to a completely dairy-free diet using fortified nut, soy, or coconut milk products, or try making my nutrient-dense Mineral Rich Nut Milk recipe. A2 Dairy Products Available at the Co-op • MyShan Dairy (100% Guernsey) – Lynden • Twin Brook Creamery (100% Jersey) – Lynden • Old Silvana Creamery (100% Guernsey) – Arlington • 100% goat, sheep or buffalo dairy (yogurt, kefir, butter, cheese) • Nut milks (homemade or store bought)
Photos by Selva Wohlgemuth. HAVE QUESTIONS? Send them to Learn more about Selva’s approach to general health and well-being at, and see her recipes and other kitchen tips at
Makes 4 cups
aking your own nut/seed milk is simple and the quality and cost far outweigh what you can buy at the store. You are 100% in control. You can choose to add a healthy sweetener (date, maple syrup, honey) or spices. Also, you can choose which nuts and seeds you would like to use. This recipe is unique because it contains a wonderful variety of nutrients due to the variety of nuts and seeds. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium and zinc, sesame seeds are rich in calcium, and on and on it goes. Why stick with just the same old almond or cashew milk? Why not make a super rich and creamy nut milk that is full of vitamins and minerals for a dairy-free alternative? INGREDIENTS 1/3 cup raw almonds 1/3 cup raw pumpkin seeds 3 tablespoons sesame seeds, hulled 4 Brazil nuts Pinch sea salt 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey (optional) Optional spices: vanilla extract, spirulina, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, or turmeric, etc METHOD • In a bowl, cover the nuts and seeds with warm water and soak 4 hours or overnight. Strain, rinse, and add to a blender. Add 4 cups water, a pinch of salt, optional 1–2 tablespoons sweetener, and your choice of spice. Blend on high for 45 to 60 seconds. • Line a bowl with a nylon nut milk bag and pour the nut milk into the bag. Squeeze out the milk, leaving behind the nut pulp and fibers. Save this pulp to add to baked goods, to make crackers, or simply compost it. • Store the strained nut milk in a glass container for up to a week in the refrigerator and shake well prior to each use. Note: If you want to make Mineral Rich SPIRULINA Nut Milk then add 1/4 teaspoon spirulina powder per cup of nut milk.
Focus on Health: Wellness Day at the Co-op Saturday, January 13, 1–4 pm Downtown
Store Free, everyone welcome
20th Annual MLK, Jr. Day Event: Keeping the Dream Alive!
Focus Health ON
he Co-op wishes you a happy and healthy New Year, and to give you a head start on your best health, we invite you to join us for Wellness Day at the Co-op.
In both stores: • Demos and samples from local vendors and tasty treats (like smoothies) from various Co-op departments. • 20% off all supplements. • Enter to win wellness products.
In the Downtown store: • Live music by Hawthorn Creek. Smoky, sultry, swamp music with amazing vocal harmonies and dirty slide guitar. • Chair massage by Dora Keating, ND/LMT, from The Shanti Center. • Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement (WAHA) answers questions regarding health care, open enrollment, and general health education.
In the Co-op Connections classroom (across the street from the Downtown store): Co-op Wellness Talks feature knowledgeable local health practitioners giving 15- to 20-minute presentations. Attend one session, or join us for the entire series! • Brain Health with Jim Ehmke, clinical nutritionist. Learn proactive ways to enhance memory and prevent Alzheimer’s.
January 15, 6 pm Connections building classroom, 405 E. Holly St. Free, everyone welcome Co-op
oin us to celebrate Dr. King’s notion of a “Beloved Community,” envisioned as a society based on justice, equal opportunity, and love of one’s fellow human beings.
Musical Guest: • Checo Tohomaso communicates the positive, healing qualities of soul music.
Presentations: • “Healing Must Start with Actions” by Vernon Damani Johnson, director of the Ralph Munro Institute for Civic Education, professor of political science at Western Washington University, and co-founder of the Whatcom Human Rights Task Force. • “Racial Equity Work at the Co-op” by Amanda Grelock, Community Food Co-op Racial Equity co-chair and Human Resources assistant manager.
Open Mic • With emcee Kevin Murphy. Share a poem, story, or song focused on diversity, human rights, or related issues. Presentations limited to three minutes or less. Contact to sign up.
• What Your Face and Tongue Say About Your Health with Katrina Svoboda Johnson, certified ayurvedic practitioner, owner of Ayurvedic Health Center & Wellness Shop. Like a reflexology map, the health of the body can be read in both the face and tongue. • DIY Health with Mystique Grobe, naturopathic doctor. Discover ways to help yourself medicinally and preventively in a world where real health has to be our priority. • Joyful Self-care & Resilient Well-being with Deborah Zucker, naturopathic doctor and author of The Vitality Map. Free yourself from the trap of being too serious about health and self-care. Learn to be flexible, curious, and playful on your health journey to sustain it for the long run. • Carbohydrates: How Low Can You Go? with Selva Wohlgemuth, registered dietitian nutritionist. Join in the discussion on carbohydrates and their role in health and disease. Be prepared for some solid evidence-based nutrition information. • Tai Chi and Qigong with Kelly Hong-Williams, certified tai chi and qigong instructor, owner of Powered by Qi. Improve energy flow and balance. Learn some quick techniques to melt stress, improve posture, and clear the mind. • Tips for a Deliciously Balanced Plant-Based Diet with Michelle Smith, registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition coach. Learn simple ways to adopt a more plantbased way of eating with simple and practical steps. • Rapid Relaxation through Hypnosis with Erika Flint, board certified hypnotist and accredited certified professional hypnotherapy instructor. Utilize the power of your mind to achieve near instantaneous relaxation with hypnosis. Feel lighter, reduce stress, sleep better, and enjoy your life more than ever before. • Ten Ways to Nourish Yourself Today with Kate MacKenzie, health coach. Start the New Year with simple and nourishing ideas for your body and mind.
Citrus Fest III Saturday, January 27 Cordata: 11 am–2 pm Downtown: 3–6 pm Samples galore. Screaming deals. Live music in the Downtown store.
shop on Saturday, January January’s SEED recipient
Whatcom Human Rights Task Force
Whatcom Human Rights Task Force members connect with Western Washington University students while tabling on campus.
The Whatcom Human Rights Task Force promotes and protects the rights of the human family. It works to ensure an individual’s right to be treated with dignity and to live without fear of violence, intimidation, or discrimination based on group identification or personal characteristics. SEED funds will support the 20th annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Conference (see info on page 2), and to host skill-building workshops on topics to be determined by community input such as racism, working with diverse groups, micro-aggressions, what true democracy looks like, or developing personal action plans to increase community activism. LEARN MORE, DONATE, OR VOLUNTEER at or @whrtf on Facebook.
Whatcom Civil Rights Project in December 2017
of the day’s total sales will be donated
ROUND UP your purchase amount and Donate the Difference at any Co-op register throughout the month.
Members of the Whatcom Human Rights Task Force gather at the Co-op Connections Building for their monthly meeting to discuss committee work, plan future events and programs, and discuss local human rights issues and questions. Photos courtesy of Whatcom Human Rights Task Force.
recent 2% Saturday
Bellingham Giving Circle in November 2017
Whatcom County Farmland Preservation Trust in October 2017 COMMUNIT Y FOOD CO - OP
annual meeting & party MORE THAN JUST A GROCERY STORE
CLASSES Upcoming Classes Through January Hormonal Health
with Jim Ehmke, CN Tuesday, Jan. 9, 6:30–8:30 pm Learn all about the body’s endocrine system. We’ll discuss all the major glands of the endocrine system and how hormones interact, as well as hormonal therapies, fertility options, and PMS. Certified Nutritionist Jim Ehmke has been a practitioner of diverse alternative therapies since 1976.
Cordata • reg at CO-OP • $5
with Emerson Powers Wednesday, Jan. 10, 6:30–8 pm Learn the basics of cybersecurity and internet usage. We’ll discuss how ads, data mining, and Google affect your online experience and dispel common myths about web security. No technological skills or knowledge required. Emerson Powers studied computers and security for two years at WCC and is in his first year at WWU. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge of this topic.
Downtown • reg at CO-OP • free
New Year’s Purpose
with Sarah Clarke Thursday, Jan. 11, 6:30–8:30 pm It’s 2018—what’s next? Learn how to bring more meaning, satisfaction, and sense of purpose to your daily activities in this inspiring experiential workshop. Sarah Clarke, certified life coach, demonstrates simple techniques to bring you into deeper alignment with your life and your true purpose. Find the motivation to embark on a plan and take action to transform the upcoming year.
Your Brain Health
with Avery Martin, DC Thursday, Jan. 18, 6:30–8 pm Learn simple, natural ways to keep your brain and nervous system healthy. We’ll share exciting current research in brain and neurological repair relating to pain, disease, and overall health. When the brain is given a chance to be healthy, often the body and mind will follow!
Downtown • reg at CO-OP • free
Post-Holiday Detox
Winter Soups for the Body and Soul
If you overindulged during the holidays, now is the time to get back on track! Detoxing is internal cleansing to help the body more efficiently eliminate toxins and waste which can lead to food cravings, anxiety, and fatigue. Certified Food and Health Coach Demetree Robinson shares details of the 7- to 10-day detox program she uses with her clients with great success. Experience the feeling of a healthy body. Refreshments will be served.
Karina creates four nourishing soups guaranteed to warm the body and inspire the soul. Enjoy a variation of the ever-popular Hungarian mushroom soup that includes broccoli and potatoes, along with turkey and pinto bean chili, beef Burgundy barley soup, and Italian vegetable soup with gnocchi.
with Demetree Robinson Friday, Jan. 19, 2–3:30 pm
Cordata • reg at CO-OP • $10
African Cooking
with Assefa Kebede Monday, Jan. 22, 6:30–9 pm Rescheduled to: Monday, Feb. 5, 6:30–9 pm Assefa Kebede, former chef and owner of Vancouver’s awardwinning Nyala African Restaurant, is a native of Ethiopia who has traveled all over Africa collecting recipes wherever he’s gone. In this class, he shares two of his favorites—baboutie, the national dish of South Africa, which he will prepare in both meat and vegetarian versions; and, from Senegal, mafe chicken with peanut sauce.
Downtown • reg at WCC • $39
Bone Health and Osteoporosis with Jim Ehmke, CN Tuesday, Jan. 23, 6:30–8:30 pm
Understand bone chemistry, bone building, and bone health. Jim Ehmke will give details on a comprehensive program for increasing bone density. He’ll discuss the role of calcium and other minerals and vitamins, the pros and cons of bone density testing, the effectiveness of hair tissue analysis, and more.
Downtown • reg at CO-OP • $5
Cordata • reg at CO-OP • $5
Finding Order in a Chaotic Life
Food and Wine Pairing
with Bruce Hostetter Tuesday, Jan. 16, 6:30–9 pm
Improve your relationship to time, communication, and the space you occupy. If you have often felt overwhelmed because the forces in your life seem out of control, this workshop is for you. Gain new tools which can help reframe the way you navigate your calendar, your relationships, and your home and work environment. Bruce Hostetter, local certified professional coach and facilitator, is a member of Northwest Corner Coaches.
with Robert Fong and Laurent Martel Wednesday, Jan. 24, 6:30–9 pm Wine educator Laurent Martel joins Robert Fong to demystify the art of food and wine pairing. Enjoy five classic French wines paired with time-honored American comfort foods: smoked ham split pea soup, beef rib roast, spot prawn linguine, winter squash with herb butter, and baked apples with caramel sauce. Come for a great meal embellished with culinary tips and adventurous banter. Must be 21 to enroll; photo ID required at class.
Downtown • reg at CO-OP • $5
Cordata • reg at WCC • $75
Northwest Native Coniferous Trees and Ecology
The Vitality Map
Learn more about our amazing needle-leafed trees. Join us to explore their relationship to various biotic and abiotic factors influencing adaptations, distributions, and survival challenges. We will cover the field ID of species occurring on both the western and eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains in this fun look at our incredible tree diversity. Freelance naturalist David Drummond’s long history with trees includes climbing them, clearing them off trails, writing poetry about them, and teaching classes on them.
“The Vitality Map” by Deborah Zucker is a guide to deep health, joyful self-care, and resilient well-being. In this experiential workshop, Dr. Deborah reveals key principles and practices that allow you to disentangle from the patterns that hold you back and build a foundation for long-term health and well-being. Deborah Zucker is a naturopathic physician, transformational health coach, and award-winning author, offering many local, virtual, and retreat-based programs through Vital Medicine.
Downtown • reg at CO-OP • $10
Downtown • reg at CO-OP • $5
with David Drummond Wednesday, Jan. 17, 6:30–8:30 pm
To learn about upcoming classes, check our class listings at
with Deborah Zucker, ND Wednesday, Jan. 24, 6:30–8:30 pm
with Karina Davidson Thursday, Jan. 25, 6:30–9 pm
Downtown • reg at WCC • $39
Ethiopian Cuisine
with Assefa Kebede Monday, Jan. 29, 6:30–9 pm Assefa Kebede, former owner and chef at Vancouver’s awardwinning Nyala African Cuisine, shares favorite recipes from his native Ethiopia. Enjoy key wat (spicy beef stew), yetakilt wat (Ethiopian-style cabbage, carrots, and potatoes) and, of course, injera, the distinctive sourdough flatbread that accompanies all Ethiopian meals.
Downtown • reg at WCC • $39
Just Sushi
with Robert Fong Tuesday, Jan. 30, 6:30–9 pm Chef Fong and Seiji McCoy of Blue Fin Sushi demonstrate the creation of uramaki sushi—America’s favorite sushi, the inside-out roll. This is a hands-on class where you will roll your own California roll with ahi, crab, and avocado; as well as a rainbow roll with albacore, sockeye salmon, shrimp, and avocado. Seiji and Fong will also present a fun uramaki sushi with Hokkaido sea scallops.
Downtown • reg at WCC• $55
Intro to Self-Hypnosis
with Erika Flint Wednesday, Jan. 31, 6:30–8 pm Learn what hypnosis really is and how you can use self-hypnosis to achieve the changes you want to make in your life. This powerful tool can provide significant results in just 12 minutes a day. Erika Flint is an award-winning hypnotist, a certified professional hypnotherapy instructor, and the author of “Reprogram Your Weight.”
Cordata • reg at CO-OP • $10
LOCATIONS: Downtown = Cordata = Co-op Connections Building, Roots Room at the Cordata store, 405 E Holly St, Bellingham 315 Westerly Rd, Bellingham
REGISTRATION: CO-OP = register online at WCC = co-sponsored by Whatcom Community College, register at 360-383-3200 or QUESTIONS? Contact Kevin Murphy at 360-734-8158 ext. 313 or Please do not wear strong fragrances to class.
Staff pick
Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein Pure “It is a one-ingredient protein that has naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, and Type II collagen. It mixes into most drinks and smoothies with no flavor or texture. I love it!”
Late July Snacks Salsas $4.25/15.5 ounces Co-op shoppers love Late July chips. Now you can buy Late July salsa too! Made with non-GMO ingredients and no artificial anything. mild, medium, salsa verde
Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips $5.25/5 ounces The siete (seven) members of the Garza family have created these delicious grain-free items that even Grandma Garza agrees taste better than her own handmade flour tortillas. paleo • vegan • non-GMO • free of gluten, dairy, soy sea salt, lime, nacho
Nitro Cold Brew from Bellingham Coffee Roasters $4.49/8 ounces Energize with a cold brew. Locally made with only two quality ingredients: purified water and single-estate 100% Colombian coffee.
Maxine’s Organic Ice Cream $7.25/1.5 quart Live a little richer with Maxine’s. Made with organic sugar to sweeten, organic egg yolk to emulsify, and real organic ingredients to flavor. vanilla, chocolate, cookies & cream
Jesi van Leeuwen Cordata Wellness