Collier County, Florida – 2017

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Johnson School of Business

2017 Vital Signs Report October 15, 2017

2017 Vital Signs Report

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form, by Community Foundation of Collier County.

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2017 Vital Signs Report This report was compiled by the Johnson School of Business Hodges University, Naples, FL Contact Information Aysegul Timur, Ph.D., Anke Stugk, MBA, Eve Olvera, BS,

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2017 Vital Signs Report About Hodges University Founded in 1990, Hodges University is a private, nonprofit and one of Florida’s leading institutions of higher learning. With campuses located in Naples and Fort Myers, the university uses its local roots and global reach to provide transformational, learner-driven educational opportunities for its students. In addition to offering associate, baccalaureate and graduate degrees in a variety of disciplines and delivery options, Hodges University enhances the ability of students to achieve personal and professional objectives through diverse educational experiences and programs including English as a Second Language and the Center for Lifelong Learning. For more information, call (239) 513-1122 or visit

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2017 Vital Signs Report

Contents Collier County Demographics .......................................................................... TABLE 1 Total Population Estimates .............................................................................................. 12 TABLE 2 Total Population Estimates Percentage Change .............................................................. 12 TABLE 3 Population Estimates Gender Distribution ...................................................................... 12 Population by Age Groups ................................................................................................................... 13 TABLE 4 Collier County - Population by Age Group in Percent .................................................... 13 TABLE 5 Florida - Population by Age Group in Percent ................................................................ 14 TABLE 6 United States - Population by Age Group in Percent ...................................................... 14 TABLE 7 Population Estimates Under 18 Years ............................................................................. 15 TABLE 8 Population Estimates 65 and Over .................................................................................. 15 GRAPH 1 Collier County Population Trend Line ........................................................................... 16 TABLE 9 Components of Resident Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2016 .................. 16 Population by Race or Ethnicity ........................................................................................................... 17 TABLE 10 Ethnicity- Hispanic or Latino ........................................................................................ 17 GRAPH 2 2016 Collier County Hispanic/Latino Population .......................................................... 17 Table 11 Race Alone or in Combination with One or More Other Races........................................ 18 GRAPH 3 2016 Collier County Population by Race ....................................................................... 19

Economic Indicator................................................................................... Economic Wealth Index ....................................................................................................................... 20 TABLE 12 Woods & Poole Economics Wealth Index .................................................................... 20 Gross Regional Product ........................................................................................................................ 20 TABLE 13 Gross Regional Product (in millions of 2009 dollars) ................................................... 20 Unemployment ..................................................................................................................................... 20 TABLE 14 Annual Unemployment Rate – Not Seasonally Adjusted.............................................. 20 GRAPH 4 2016/2017 Monthly Unemployment Rate – Not Seasonally Adjusted .......................... 21

Labor Force and Employment .......................................................................... TABLE 15 Labor Force and Employment Status ............................................................................ 22 GRAPH 5 Labor Force .................................................................................................................... 23 TABLE 16 Females 16 years and over Labor Force ........................................................................ 24 GRAPH 6 Female Labor force ........................................................................................................ 25

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 17 Employment Status with Own Child ............................................................................. 26 TABLE 18 Occupations ................................................................................................................... 27 GRAPH 7 2016 Collier County Occupation .................................................................................... 28 Compensation ....................................................................................................................................... 29 TABLE 19 Average Annual Pay...................................................................................................... 29 GRAPH 8 Average Annual Pay....................................................................................................... 29 TABLE 20 Average Weekly Pay ..................................................................................................... 30 GRAPH 9 Average Weekly Pay ...................................................................................................... 30 TABLE 21 Collier County Subdivisions - Median Income ............................................................. 31 Charitable Giving ..................................................................................................................................... 32 TABLE 22 Average Charitable Giving and Adjusted Gross Income (Household Income by Zip) 32 GRAPH 10 Itemized Tax Return Reporting Contributions ............................................................. 33 TABLE 23 Florida - Average Charitable Giving and Adjusted Gross Income by Income Level...34 TABLE 24 United States - Average Charitable Giving and Adjusted Gross Income by Income Level ................................................................................................................................................. 35 TABLE 25 Median Contributions based on 2012 IRS Tax Records ............................................... 36 Volunteering............................................................................................................................................. 37 TABLE 26 Volunteer Rates and Hours by Age Group .................................................................... 37 TABLE 27 Volunteer Rates and Hours by Race .............................................................................. 37 GRAPH 11 Volunteer Rate .............................................................................................................. 38 GRAPH 12 Volunteer Interest Areas ............................................................................................... 38 GRAPH 13 Top 5 Volunteer Activities ........................................................................................... 39 Community Arts and the Environment .................................................................................................... 40 TABLE 28 Employment in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (in thousands of jobs) ................ 40 GRAPH 14 Employment in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation ................................................... 40 TABLE 29 Earnings in Arts, Entertainment, & Recreations (in millions of 2009 dollars).............. 41 Nonprofits in Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation ................................................................................. 41 TABLE 30 Registered Nonprofit Organizations .............................................................................. 41 TABLE 31 Percentage of Students (PK-12) Who Participated in a Fine Arts Discipline................ 42 Protected Land and Conservations ....................................................................................................... 42 TABLE 32 Protected Land Almanac ............................................................................................... 42

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 15 Collier County Map of Protected Land ........................................................................ 43 TABLE 33 Conservation Land by Lead Managing Agency in Acres .............................................. 43 Health and Mental Health ........................................................................................................................ 44 TABLE 34 Registered Nonprofit Organizations in Health and Mental Health ................................ 44 County Health Ranking ........................................................................................................................ 44 GRAPH 16 Collier County Overall Health Outcomes and Health Factors Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties................................................................................................................................ 44 GRAPH 17 Collier County Health Outcomes Components Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties45 GRAPH 18 Collier County Health Factors Components Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties ..... 46 Reported Health Issues ......................................................................................................................... 46 TABLE 35 Population Reporting Poor or Fair Health in Percent .................................................... 46 GRAPH 19 Reported Poor or Fair Health........................................................................................ 47 TABLE 36 Reported Poor Physical and Mental Health Days per Month ........................................ 47 GRAPH 20 Reported Poor Physical Health Days ............................................................................ 48 GRAPH 21 Reported Poor Mental Health Days .............................................................................. 48 TABLE 37 Adult Obesity – Percent of Population .......................................................................... 49 TABLE 38 Low Birth Weight as Percentage of Total Births........................................................... 49 TABLE 39 Reported Excessive Alcohol Consumption (percent of total population) ..................... 49 TABLE 40 Teen Birth Rate as Percentage ....................................................................................... 50 GRAPH 22 Teen Birth Rate as Percentage ...................................................................................... 50 TABLE 41 Population reporting inadequate Social Support in Percent of Total Population........... 50 TABLE 42 Primary Care Physicians................................................................................................ 51 TABLE 43 Mental Health Care Providers ....................................................................................... 51 GRAPH 23 Collier County Primary Care Physicians and Mental Health Care Providers ............... 52 Health Insurance ................................................................................................................................... 53 TABLE 44 Collier County – Percent No Health Insurance by Sex and Age ................................... 53 TABLE 45 Florida – Percent No Health Insurance by Sex and Age ............................................... 54 TABLE 46 United States – Percent No Health Insurance by Sex and Age ..................................... 55 GRAPH 24 Adults could not see a doctor due to cost ..................................................................... 56 TABLE 47 Total U.S. Current Health Expenditure as Percent of Gross Domestic Product ............ 56 GRAPH 25 Total U.S. Current Health Expenditure as Percent of Gross Domestic Product ........... 57

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 48 2017A Household and Healthcare Demographics and 2022 Demographic Household and Healthcare Estimates – Collier County ...................................................................................... 58 TABLE 49 2017A Household and Healthcare Demographics and 2022 Demographic Household and Healthcare Estimates - Florida ................................................................................................... 59 TABLE 50 2017A Household and Healthcare Demographics and 2022 Demographic Household and Healthcare Estimates – United States......................................................................................... 60 TABLE 51 Health Care Insurance 2017A Statistics and 2022 Estimates ........................................ 61 TABLE 52 Health Care Services and Other Services 2017A Statistics and 2022 Estimates ........... 62 TABLE 53 Health Care Supplies and Equipment 2017A Statistics and 2022 Estimates................. 63 GRAPH 26 Selected Vaccine Preventable Disease Rate for All Ages ............................................ 64 GRAPH 27 Preventable Hospitalizations under 65 from Vaccine Preventable Conditions ............ 65 TABLE 54 HIV/AIDS Rate per 100,000 ......................................................................................... 65 GRAPH 28 HIV/AIDS Age-Adjusted Death Rate .......................................................................... 66 TABLE 55 Total Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Infectious Syphilis Rate Per 100,000.......................... 67 GRAPH 29 Total Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Infectious Syphilis Rate ............................................. 67 TABLE 56 Total Number of ER Visits in which the Patient was Uninsured/ Underinsured in Collier County .................................................................................................................................. 67 Middle and High school Student Risk Factors ......................................................................................... 68 TABLE 57 Percent of Collier County Elementary and Middle School Students at Risk for Being Overweight ....................................................................................................................................... 68 TABLE 58 Percent of Collier County Elementary and Middle School Students in the Obese Range ..........................................................................................................................................................68 GRAPH 30 Collier County Elementary and Middle School Student Weight Risk ......................... 68 TABLE 59 Percentage of Collier County and Florida Statewide Youth in Middle School and High School who reported gang membership - 2008 to 2016 ................................................................... 69 TABLE 60 Percentage of surveyed Collier County and Florida youth who reported Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days .....................................................................................................................................69 Table 61 Percentages of Collier County and Florida youth who reported that bullying caused them to worry............................................................................................................................................. 70

Adults with health-related difficulties ................................................................... TABLE 62 Percent of Residents with an Ambulatory Difficulty .................................................... 71 TABLE 63 Sex by Age by Self-Care Difficulty .............................................................................. 72 TABLE 64 Sex by Age by Independent Living Difficulty .............................................................. 73 HU Johnson School of Business Page 8

2017 Vital Signs Report Education and School Environment ......................................................................................................... 74 TABLE 65 School District of Collier County Demographics - All Grades ..................................... 74 GRAPH 31 2017 School District of Collier County Demographics ................................................ 75 TABLE 66 Free and Reduced Lunch by Grade Level ..................................................................... 75 GRAPH 32 Free and Reduced Lunch .............................................................................................. 76 TABLE 67 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) - School District of Collier County ....................... 77 TABLE 68 Language spoken at home (2016 Estimate)................................................................... 78 TABLE 69 ACT Test Takers and Participation Rate (Public Schools)............................................ 78 TABLE 70 ACT Average Scores (Public Schools) ......................................................................... 79 TABLE 71 Collier County ACT Composite Scores and Participation by Race (Public Schools) ..79 TABLE 72 FCAT Reading Scores - Percent of Students scoring 3 or above (Public Schools) ....... 80 TABLE 73 SAT Five-Year Trend of Participation Rates (Public Schools) ..................................... 80 TABLE 74 SAT Critical Reading, Writing and Math Mean Score Comparison ............................. 81 TABLE 75 Collier County Five-Year Trend for College-Bound Senior SAT Test Takers: Mean Scores and Participation Rate by Ethnicity ....................................................................................... 81 TABLE 76 Mean SAT scores public and independent school comparison ..................................... 82 TABLE 77 High School Graduation Rates, Florida's Calculation ................................................... 83 GRAPH 33 High School Graduation Rate ....................................................................................... 83 TABLE 78 School Enrollment ......................................................................................................... 84 TABLE 79 Educational Attainment ................................................................................................. 85 Table 80 Collier County Detailed Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 years and over ................................................................................................................................... 86 Table 81 Florida Detailed Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 years and over ............................................................................................................................................ 87 Table 82 United States Detailed Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 years and over ................................................................................................................................... 88 Collier County 211 Caller Statistics ......................................................................................................... 89 TABLE 83 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month by Fiscal Year ......................................... 89 TABLE 84 Collier County 2-1-1 Call Problems/Needs for Sept. 2014 – July 2015........................ 90 TABLE 85 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month per Race and Ethnicity for Sept. 2014 – July 2015 ........................................................................................................................................... 91 TABLE 86 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month per Gender for Sept. 2014 – July 2015 ..91 HU Johnson School of Business Page 9

2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 87 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month per Age for Sept. 2014 – July 2015 ........ 92 Children and Child Care........................................................................................................................... 93 TABLE 88 Private Child Day Care Services by population under 5 years ...................................... 93 GRAPH 34 Children per Day Care Ratio ........................................................................................ 94 GRAPH 35 Change in population under 5 years and change in child daycares .............................. 94 TABLE 89 Householder with own Children under 18 and no Spouse Present ................................ 95 TABLE 90 Percentage of all married-couple and single parents with own Children under 18 ....... 96 TABLE 91 Grandchildren under 18 years living with Grandparents ............................................... 97 Children in Poverty .............................................................................................................................. 98 GRAPH 36 Percentage of Related Children Under 5 Years Living Below Poverty Level.............. 98 GRAPH 37 Percentage of Related Children 5-17 Years Living Below Poverty Level ....................99 TABLE 92 Percentage of Families and People whose income in the past 12 months is below poverty level ................................................................................................................................... 100 TABLE 93 Percentage of Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP With Children Under 18 101 Poverty and Homelessness ..................................................................................................................... 101 TABLE 94 Point in Time Estimates of Homeless People .............................................................. 101 TABLE 95 Highest Rates of Unsheltered Homeless People by State in 2016 ............................... 101 TABLE 96 Highest Rates of Unsheltered Homeless People in Families by State in 2016 ............ 102 TABLE 97 Collier County Homeless Students Reported in Florida Public Schools by Florida County ............................................................................................................................................ 102 TABLE 98 Causes of Homelessness in Florida ............................................................................. 102 TABLE 99 Total Percentage of Poverty by Age Group................................................................. 103 TABLE 100 Below Poverty Level by Employment Status ............................................................ 103 Housing Cost and Foreclosure ............................................................................................................... 104 TABLE 101 Housing Cost Burden ................................................................................................ 104 GRAPH 38 Collier County Housing Cost Burden as Percentage of Household Income – Population 65+ ................................................................................................................................ 104 TABLE 102 Foreclosure Status Distribution – August 2017 ......................................................... 105 TABLE 103 Median Home Prices – August 2017 ......................................................................... 105 Domestic Violence ................................................................................................................................. 106 TABLE 104 Reported Domestic Violence Offenses for 2012-2016 .............................................. 106

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 105 Collier County and Florida Reported Domestic Violence Offenses Rate Per 100,000 Population from 2012-2016 ............................................................................................................ 107 GRAPH 39 Domestic Violence Offense Rate ............................................................................... 107 TABLE 106 National Human Trafficking Resource Center Inbound Phone Call Statistics .......... 108

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2017 Vital Signs Report Collier County Demographics In 2016, Collier County had a reported total population of 365,136. This represented a percentage increase of 2.40 from the prior year. Total population in Florida and the United States also increased from year to year since 2011, but at a lower rate compared to Collier County. The percentage change from 2015 to 2016 was 1.82 in Florida and 0.70 in the United States. TABLE 1 Total Population Estimates 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 327,541 332,332 339,244 347,899 356,570 365,136 Collier County 19,096,952 19,344,156 19,582,022 19,888,741 20,244,914 20,612,439 Florida 311,663,358 313,998,379 316,204,908 318,563,456 320,896,618 323,127,513 United States Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 Population Estimates: Table PEPAGESEX. Retrieved from TABLE 2 Total Population Estimates Percentage Change from 2011 to from 2012 to from 2013 to from 2014 to from 2015 to 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 1.46% 2.08% 2.55% 2.49% 2.40% Florida 1.29% 1.23% 1.57% 1.79% 1.82% United States 0.75% 0.70% 0.75% 0.73% 0.70% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 Population Estimates: Table PEPAGESEX. Retrieved from Population estimates indicate that Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States have a higher female gender distribution versus the male gender distribution. On average, the gender population is 51 percent female and 49 percent male. TABLE 3 Population Estimates Gender Distribution 2011






Collier County Male 49.26% 49.12% 49.15% 49.18% 49.19% 49.06% Female 50.74% 50.88% 50.85% 50.82% 50.81% 50.94% Florida Male 48.89% 48.88% 48.88% 48.88% 48.87% 48.85% Female 51.11% 51.12% 51.12% 51.12% 51.13% 51.15% United States Male 49.18% 49.19% 49.21% 49.21% 49.22% 49.23% Female 50.82% 50.81% 50.79% 50.79% 50.78% 50.77% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 Population Estimates: Table PEPAGESEX. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Population by Age Groups Collier County has seen an increase in total population since 2012. The largest age group in Collier County is between 65 and 74 years of age. In 2016, this age group represented 16.30 percent of the total population in Collier County, 11.10 percent of the total population in Florida, and 8.90 percent of the national total population. TABLE 4 Collier County - Population by Age Group in Percent 2012





Collier County Total Population 332,427 339,642 348,777 357,305 365,136 Under 5 years 5.10% 4.80% 4.80% 4.60% 4.50% 5 to 9 years 6.10% 4.70% 4.90% 4.90% 5.20% 10 to 14 years 4.60% 6.10% 5.40% 5.20% 4.80% 15 to 19 years 5.40% 4.90% 5.40% 5.10% 5.20% 20 to 24 years 5.00% 5.20% 5.00% 5.00% 4.70% 25 to 34 years 10.10% 10.10% 9.70% 9.80% 9.60% 35 to 44 years 10.30% 10.30% 10.20% 9.80% 10.00% 45 to 54 years 12.40% 12.20% 12.20% 12.10% 11.50% 55 to 59 years 5.40% 6.40% 6.00% 6.70% 6.10% 60 to 64 years 7.60% 6.80% 7.10% 6.60% 7.30% 65 to 74 years 15.10% 15.00% 15.30% 15.60% 16.30% 75 to 84 years 9.00% 10.10% 10.80% 11.00% 10.40% 85 years and over 4.00% 3.40% 3.20% 3.50% 4.20% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table CP05. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 5 Florida - Population by Age Group in Percent 2012





Florida Total Population 19,317,568 19,552,860 19,893,297 20,271,272 20,612,439 Under 5 years 5.50% 5.50% 5.40% 5.40% 5.40% 5 to 9 years 5.80% 5.60% 5.60% 5.60% 5.50% 10 to 14 years 5.80% 5.90% 5.80% 5.70% 5.70% 15 to 19 years 6.20% 6.10% 6.00% 6.00% 5.90% 20 to 24 years 6.80% 6.70% 6.60% 6.30% 6.10% 25 to 34 years 12.30% 12.50% 12.60% 12.80% 12.90% 35 to 44 years 12.50% 12.30% 12.20% 12.20% 12.00% 45 to 54 years 14.20% 13.90% 13.70% 13.50% 13.40% 55 to 59 years 6.60% 6.80% 6.70% 6.70% 6.90% 60 to 64 years 6.10% 6.10% 6.20% 6.40% 6.40% 65 to 74 years 9.80% 10.20% 10.50% 10.80% 11.10% 75 to 84 years 5.80% 5.90% 5.90% 6.10% 6.20% 85 years and over 2.50% 2.50% 2.60% 2.60% 2.60% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table CP05. Retrieved from TABLE 6 United States - Population by Age Group in Percent 2012





United States Total Population 313,914,040 316,128,839 318,857,056 321,418,821 323,127,515 Under 5 years 6.30% 6.30% 6.20% 6.20% 6.10% 5 to 9 years 6.50% 6.50% 6.40% 6.40% 6.30% 10 to 14 years 6.60% 6.60% 6.50% 6.40% 6.40% 15 to 19 years 6.90% 6.80% 6.70% 6.70% 6.70% 20 to 24 years 7.20% 7.20% 7.10% 7.00% 6.90% 25 to 34 years 13.40% 13.50% 13.60% 13.70% 13.70% 35 to 44 years 13.00% 12.80% 12.80% 12.70% 12.60% 45 to 54 years 14.10% 13.80% 13.60% 13.40% 13.20% 55 to 59 years 6.60% 6.70% 6.70% 6.70% 6.70% 60 to 64 years 5.70% 5.80% 5.90% 6.00% 6.10% 65 to 74 years 7.60% 8.00% 8.30% 8.60% 8.90% 75 to 84 years 4.20% 4.30% 4.30% 4.40% 4.40% 85 years and over 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table CP05. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016, the percentage of population under 18 years old has been declining at the county, state and national level. During the same period of time, the percentage of population 65 years and over has been increasing at the county, state and national level. Compared to state and national levels, in 2016, Collier County had the lowest percentage of population under 18 years, but the highest percentage of population 65 years and over. TABLE 7 Population Estimates Under 18 Years 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 62,621 62,793 63,544 63,998 64,262 % of Total Population 18.84% 18.51% 18.27% 17.95% 17.60% Florida 4,009,471 4,023,512 4,054,764 4,100,495 4,146,712 % of Total Population 20.73% 20.55% 20.39% 20.25% 20.12% United States 73,707,355 73,579,424 73,577,154 73,616,759 73,642,285 % of Total Population 23.47% 23.27% 23.10% 22.94% 22.79% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 Population Estimates: Table PEPAGESEX. Retrieved from TABLE 8 Population Estimates 65 and Over 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 93,626 98,007 102,591 107,721 113,064 % of Total Population 28.17% 28.89% 29.49% 30.21% 30.96% Florida 3,514,396 3,648,852 3,792,505 3,941,129 4,094,917 % of Total Population 18.17% 18.63% 19.07% 19.47% 19.87% United States 43,157,574 44,670,144 46,211,686 47,734,292 49,244,195 % of Total Population 13.74% 14.13% 14.51% 14.88% 15.24% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 Population Estimates: Table PEPAGESEX. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report The comparison of population groups in Collier County indicate that the population under 18 years is declining, while the age group of 65 and over is increasing. GRAPH 1 Collier County Population Trend Line

Collier County Population Estimation 33.00%

Percent of total Population

31.00% 29.00% 27.00% % of Total Population under 18 years

25.00% 23.00%

% of Total Population 65 years and over

21.00% 19.00% 17.00% 15.00% 2012





Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 Population Estimates: Table PEPAGESEX. Retrieved from From 2010 to 2016, Collier County had a total population change of 43,616. Most of Collier County’s population change is due to domestic migration. TABLE 9 Components of Resident Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2016 Total Population Change Collier County Florida United States

Net Migration Total

Net Migration International

Net Migration Domestic

43,616 955 20,150 19,195 41,092 1,807,847 203,166 1,353,262 1,150,096 1,562,390 14,369,408 8,527,205 24,762,895 16,235,690 5,842,203

12,336 695,906 5,842,203

28,756 866,484 (X)

Natural Increase



Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 Population Estimates: Table PEPTCOMP. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Population by Race or Ethnicity In 2016, Collier County consisted of 27 percent Hispanic or Latino populations and 73 percent nonHispanic population. In Florida, Hispanic or Latino populations represented 24.9 percent of the total population, and in the United States, Hispanics or Latinos represented 17.8 percent of the total population. TABLE 10 Ethnicity- Hispanic or Latino 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 365,136 Collier County Total Population 332,427 339,642 348,777 357,305 27.00% Hispanic or Latino 26.20% 26.30% 26.70% 26.80% 73.00% Not Hispanic or Latino 73.80% 73.70% 73.30% 73.20% Florida Total Population 19,317,568 19,552,860 19,893,297 20,271,272 20,612,439 24.90% Hispanic or Latino 23.20% 23.60% 24.10% 24.50% 75.10% Not Hispanic or Latino 76.80% 76.40% 75.90% 75.50% U.S. Total population 313,914,040 316,128,839 318,857,056 321,418,821 323,127,515 17.80% Hispanic or Latino 16.90% 17.10% 17.30% 17.60% 82.20% Not Hispanic or Latino 83.10% 82.90% 82.70% 82.40% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table CP05. Retrieved from GRAPH 2 2016 Collier County Hispanic/Latino Population

2016 Collier County Hispanic/Latino Population Hispanic or Latino

Not Hispanic or Latino

27% 73%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table CP05. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report In 2016, 88 percent of Collier County’s population was white, and 7.20 percent was black or African American. Since 2013, the Asian population has slightly decreased from 1.30 percent to 1.10 percent in 2015; however, it increased to 1.30 percent in 2016. In 2016, 75.6 percent of the State of Florida population was white and 16.1 percent were black or African American. The Asian population slightly increased from 2.60 percent in 2014 to 2.70 percent in 2015. The United States population was 72.6 percent white and 12.7 percent were black or African American in 2016. The Asian population increased from 5.20 percent in 2014 to 5.40 percent of total population in 2015. Table 11 Race Alone or in Combination with One or More Other Races 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 339,642 348,777 357,305 365,136 Total population 89.20% 85.30% 89.40% 88.00% White 6.70% 7.10% 7.00% 7.20% Black or African American 0.30% 0.60% 0.20% 0.30% American Indian and Alaska Native 1.30% 1.30% 1.10% 1.30% Asian 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 1.60% 4.40% 0.90% 2.20% Some other race Florida 19,552,860 19,893,297 20,271,272 20,612,439 Total population 76.20% 76.00% 75.80% 75.60% White 16.10% 16.20% 16.20% 16.10% Black or African American 0.30% 0.30% 0.20% 0.30% American Indian and Alaska Native 2.60% 2.60% 2.70% 2.70% Asian 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 2.50% 2.50% 2.60% 2.80% Some other race United States 316,128,839 318,857,056 321,418,821 323,127,515 Total population 73.70% 73.40% 73.10% 72.60% White 12.60% 12.70% 12.70% 12.70% Black or African American 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% American Indian and Alaska Native 5.10% 5.20% 5.40% 5.40% Asian 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 4.70% 4.70% 4.80% 5.10% Some other race Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table CP05. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 3 2016 Collier County Population by Race

2016 Collier County Population By Race American Indian and Alaska Native


Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

Some other race

Black or African American


Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table CP05. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Economic Indicator Economic Wealth Index From 2012-2017, Collier County has consistently had the highest Woods & Poole Wealth Index score, compared to the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 12 Woods & Poole Economics Wealth Index 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017* 2025* Collier County 176.02 175.1 172.87 173.54 173.88 174.2 176.43 Florida 97.55 97.18 96.86 96.88 96.88 96.89 97.07 United States 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Source: Woods & Poole. (2017). 2016 State Profile: Florida [DATA FILE]. Washington, DC: Author (*Forecast Estimation) Gross Regional Product From 2012-2017, Collier County and the State of Florida has had a positive yearly increase in Gross Regional Product. This trend is similar to the increase of Gross Regional Product the United States and Florida from 2012-2017.

TABLE 13 Gross Regional Product (in millions of 2009 dollars) 2012







12,019 12,770 13,423 14,016 14,517 15,023 19,529 722,170 743,331 771,217 793,296 815,203 837,178 1,024,608 15,116,011 15,384,326 15,894,995 16,302,781 16,696,645 17,088,653 20,345,969 Source: Woods & Poole. (2017). 2016 State Profile: Florida [DATA FILE]. Washington, DC: Author (*Forecast Estimation) Collier County Florida United States

Unemployment Since 2010, the annual unemployment rate has consistently declined in all observed geographical areas. TABLE 14 Annual Unemployment Rate – Not Seasonally Adjusted 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 11.6 10.1 8.5 7.1 6 5.2 4.8 Florida 11.1 10 8.5 7.3 6.3 5.4 4.9 United States 9.6 8.9 8.1 7.4 6.2 5.3 4.9 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Labor Force Statistics from Current Population Survey. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report The 2016-2017 monthly unemployment rate in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States has fluctuated throughout the year. The fluctuations in the monthly unemployment rate for Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States follow a similar path, but during summer months, the Collier County unemployment rate is above state and national unemployment rate. GRAPH 4 2016/2017 Monthly Unemployment Rate – Not Seasonally Adjusted

2016/2017 Monthly Unemployement Rate - Not Seasonally Adjusted 6.0

Monthly Unemployement Rate






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 2016


Collier County 4.8 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.0 4.9 5.4 5.3 5.5 5.1 4.8 4.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.6 3.7 4.3 4.6 4.7 Florida

5.1 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.9 5.1 4.9 5.1 4.9 4.8 4.7 5.2 4.7 4.4 4.1 4.0 4.4 4.4 4.2


4.9 4.9 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.4

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Labor Force Statistics from Current Population Survey. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Labor Force and Employment From 2012-2016 in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the unemployment rate gradually decreased. In 2016, Collier County had the largest percentage of its population not in the labor force (46.90%), compared to the State of Florida (41.60%) and the United States (36.90%). The labor force consists of the number of individuals 16 years and over available for work. While the number of population of 16 years and over increased from 2012 to 2016 in Collier County, the percentage of labor force decreased from 53 percent to 53.1 percent. TABLE 15 Labor Force and Employment Status 2012





Collier County Population 16 years and 272,972 277,491 283,561 291,946 300,290 over In labor force 54.80% 53.50% 53.70% 53.00% 53.10% Civilian labor force 54.80% 53.50% 53.70% 53.00% 53.10% Employed 49.50% 48.90% 49.00% 49.60% 50.60% Unemployed 5.30% 4.60% 4.70% 3.40% 2.50% Armed Forces 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Not in labor force 45.20% 46.50% 46.30% 47.00% 46.90% Florida Population 16 years and 15,545,512 15,784,363 15,996,701 16,308,785 16,640,196 over In labor force 59.80% 59.60% 58.90% 58.60% 58.40% Civilian labor force 59.50% 59.30% 58.60% 58.30% 58.10% Employed 52.10% 52.40% 52.90% 53.60% 54.00% Unemployed 7.40% 6.80% 5.70% 4.70% 4.10% Armed Forces 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% Not in labor force 40.20% 40.40% 41.10% 41.40% 41.60% United States Population 16 years and 246,194,111 248,601,283 250,835,999 253,588,947 256,167,758 over In labor force 64.00% 63.80% 63.60% 63.30% 63.10% Civilian labor force 63.60% 63.40% 63.20% 62.90% 62.70% Employed 57.00% 57.50% 57.90% 58.40% 58.80% Unemployed 6.50% 5.90% 5.30% 4.50% 3.90% Armed Forces 0.40% 0.40% 0.40% 0.40% 0.40% Not in labor force 36.00% 36.20% 36.40% 36.70% 36.90% Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 22

2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 5 Labor Force

Labor Force Percent of Population 16 and Over

66.00% 64.00% 62.00% 60.00%

Collier County




United States

54.00% 52.00% 50.00%







Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 23

2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2015 in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the number of females 16 years and over who are employed has gradually increased. However, the national percentage of females 16 years and over in the labor force is declining while the state percentage remained unchanged, and the county percentage increased from 2014-2015. *Per the Census Bureau, the 2016 dataset for Collier County is currently being released on a flow basis, and have not yet been released. TABLE 16 Females 16 years and over Labor Force 2012





Collier County Females 16 years and over 142,377 145,223 149,682 154,269 In labor force 47.40% 48.20% 48.10% 48.80% Civilian labor force 47.40% 48.20% 48.10% 48.80% Employed 43.40% 44.70% 45.00% 46.00% Florida Females 16 years and over 8,145,450 8,253,942 8,419,995 8,597,749 8,751,482 In labor force 55.20% 54.40% 54.10% 54.10% 53.70% Civilian labor force 55.10% 54.30% 54.00% 54.00% 53.60% Employed 49.00% 49.20% 49.60% 50.30% 50.30% United States Females 16 years and over 127,549,401 128,595,480 130,068,058 131,333,465 132,227,193 In labor force 58.80% 58.50% 58.20% 58.10% 58.20% Civilian labor force 58.70% 58.40% 58.10% 58.00% 58.10% Employed 53.30% 53.60% 54.00% 54.40% 54.80% Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 24

2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 6 Female Labor force *Per the Census Bureau, the 2016 dataset for Collier County is currently being released on a flow basis, and have not yet been released.

Percentage of Female Population 16 and Over

Female Labor Force 61.00% 59.00% 57.00% 55.00%

Collier County




United States

49.00% 47.00% 45.00% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016*

Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 25

2017 Vital Signs Report In Collier County, the percentage of households that have children 6-17 years old and include both parents in the labor force has continued to increase since 2013. The percentage of households with children under 6 and include both parents in the labor force increased by 8.7 percentage points from 2015 to 2016. A similar trend can be observed at the state and national level. TABLE 17 Employment Status with Own Child 2012 Collier County Own children under 6 years All parents in family in labor force Own children 6 to 17 years All parents in family in labor force Florida Own children under 6 years All parents in family in labor force Own children 6 to 17 years All parents in family in labor force United States Own children under 6 years All parents in family in labor force













































23,310,844 23,202,782 23,032,325 22,907,637 22,863,705 64.60%





Own children 6 to 17 years 47,112,352 46,949,993 46,888,388 46,968,394 47,080,679 All parents in family in labor 70.60% 70.60% 70.30% 70.30% 70.30% force Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 26

2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016 in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the majority of residents are employed in a management, business, science and arts occupation. They are also employed in a service occupation or a sales and office occupation. TABLE 18 Occupations Collier County Civilian employed population 16 years and over Management, business, science and arts occupations Service occupations Sales and office occupations Natural resources, construction and maintenance occupations Production, transportation and material moving occupations Florida Civilian employed population 16 years and over Management, business, science and arts occupations Service occupations Sales and office occupations Natural resources, construction and maintenance occupations Production, transportation and material moving occupations United States Civilian employed population 16 years and over Management, business, science and arts occupations Service occupations Sales and office occupations Natural resources, construction and maintenance occupations



























































































HU Johnson School of Business Page 27

2017 Vital Signs Report Production, transportation and material moving occupations





Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from GRAPH 7 2016 Collier County Occupation

2016 Collier County Occupations

Management, business, science, and arts occupations

9% 10%


Service occupations Sales and office occupations

26% 21%

Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations Production, transportation, and material moving occupations

Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 28


2017 Vital Signs Report Compensation Since 2010, the average annual pay in Collier County has been below Florida average annual pay. During the same time frame, average weekly pay was also below state average. TABLE 19 Average Annual Pay 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Collier County $40,820 $40,979 $41,778 $43,214 $43,934 $45,020 Florida $41,581 $42,313 $43,211 $43,649 $44,803 $46,260 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages. Retrieved from http://www. GRAPH 8 Average Annual Pay

Average Annual Pay $48,000 $47,000

Annual Pay

$46,000 $45,000 $44,000

Collier County



$42,000 $41,000 $40,000 $39,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages. Retrieved from http://www.

HU Johnson School of Business Page 29

2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 20 Average Weekly Pay 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County $785 $788 $803 $831 $845 $866 $874 Florida $800 $814 $831 $839 $862 $890 $905 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages. Retrieved from http://www. GRAPH 9 Average Weekly Pay

Average Weekly Pay $930 $910 $890

Weekly Pay

$870 $850

Collier County



$810 $790 $770 $750 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages. Retrieved from http://www.

HU Johnson School of Business Page 30

2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 21 Collier County Subdivisions - Median Income Everglades CCD Household Total Hispanic or Latino Origin (of any race) White alone, not Hispanic or Latino Immokalee CCD Household Total Hispanic or Latino Origin (of any race) White alone, not Hispanic or Latino Marco Island CCD Household Total Hispanic or Latino Origin (of any race) White alone, not Hispanic or Latino Naples CCD Household Total Hispanic or Latino Origin (of any race) White alone, not Hispanic or Latino





$ 47,766 $ 34,805 $ 51,925

$ 51,188 $ 31,478 $ 54,403

$ 51,800 $ 34,221 $ 54,053

$ 50,665 $ 32,073 $ 55,282

$ 50,941 $ 33,808 $ 73,415

$ 49,432 $ 36,123 $ 69,024

$ 54,148 $ 36,697 $ 76,035

$ 57,557 $ 37,724 $ 91,523

$ 73,942 $ 51,500 $ 74,889

$ 68,478 $ 52,031 $ 69,485

$ 72,377 $ 52,066 $ 73,337

$ 72,500 $ 61,709 $ 73,516

$ 56,354 $ 39,646 $ 63,072

$ 56,123 $ 40,664 $ 61,266

$ 55,756 $ 40,721 $ 61,636

$ 56,891 $ 41,200 $ 62,870

Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2015 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates: Table S1903. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 31

2017 Vital Signs Report Charitable Giving In 2011 and 2013, Collier County had the highest AGI average on itemized returns, as well as the percentage of itemized returns and average itemized contributions reported, compared to the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 22 Average Charitable Giving and Adjusted Gross Income (Household Income by Zip) Number of Itemized Tax Returns Filed

Average AGI on Itemized Returns

Number of Itemized Returns Reporting Contributions

% of Itemized Returns

Average Itemized Contribution reported

% of Average Itemized Contribution reported

2013 Collier County 52,270 $ 266,916 43,910 84.01% $ 13,885 5.20% Florida 2,184,920 $ 132,502 1,770,130 81.02% $ 5,823 4.39% USA 44,380,440 $ 124,224 36,478,140 82.19% $ 4,928 3.97% 2012 Collier County 53,030 $ 306,412 44,360 83.65% $ 14,642 4.78% Florida 2,277,630 $ 142,131 1,829,820 80.34% $ 5,698 4.01% USA 45,592,210 $ 126,262 37,298,370 81.81% $ 4,802 3.80% 2011 Collier County 52,695 $ 305,788 43,512 82.57% $ 11,418 3.73% Florida 2,358,331 $ 213,650 1,862,177 78.96% $ 4,884 2.29% USA 46,813,356 $ 183,128 38,009,698 81.19% $ 4,308 2.35% Source: Internal Revenue Service, Charitable Giving by Households that Itemize Deductions (AGI and Itemized Contributions Summary by Zip, 2011, 2012, 2013. The Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 32

2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 10 Itemized Tax Return Reporting Contributions

Reporting Chartiable Contribution Percent of all itemized tax return

84.00% 83.00% 82.00% 81.00% 80.00% 79.00% 78.00% 2011 Collier County

2012 Florida

2013 United States

Source: Internal Revenue Service, Charitable Giving by Households that Itemize Deductions (AGI and Itemized Contributions Summary by Zip, 2011, 2012, 2013. The Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 33

2017 Vital Signs Report Residents of the State of Florida and the United States who earn $75,000 or higher itemize at least 83.54 percent of their tax returns and on average, contribute at least $3,253 of their income to charitable causes. Data for Collier County is not reported to the National Center for Charitable Statistics. TABLE 23 Florida - Average Charitable Giving and Adjusted Gross Income by Income Level Number of % of % of Average Number of Average Itemized Itemized average AGI on Itemized Returns Itemized Tax Tax AGI on Itemized Reporting Contributions Returns Returns Itemized Returns Contributions Reported AGI Size Filed Filed Returns Florida $1 under 259,540 $ 15,470 162,970 62.79% $ 1,835 11.86% $25,000 $25,000 under 478,030 $ 37,447 352,930 73.83% $ 2,571 6.87% $50,000 $50,000 under 397,740 $ 61,902 321,870 80.92% $ 3,159 5.10% $75,000 $75,000 under 298,930 $ 86,917 254,540 85.15% $ 3,736 4.30% $100,000 $100,000 under 506,070 $ 137,519 451,530 89.22% $ 4,753 3.46% $200,000 $200,000 244,610 $ 602,567 226,290 92.51% $ 22,037 3.66% or more Source: Internal Revenue Service, Charitable Giving by Households that Itemize Deductions (AGI and Itemized Contributions Summary by Zip, 2013). The Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 34

2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 24 United States - Average Charitable Giving and Adjusted Gross Income by Income Level Number of % of % of Number of Average Average Itemized Itemized average Itemized AGI on Itemized Returns Tax AGI on Tax Returns Itemized Contributions Reporting Returns Itemized Filed Returns Reported AGI Size Contributions Filed Returns U.S. $1 under 3,531,590 $ 15,066 2,282,770 64.64% $ 1,889 12.54 $25,000 $25,000 7,352,780 $ 38,274 5,389,430 73.30% $ 2,517 6.58% under $50,000 $50,000 under 8,125,380 $ 62,351 6,450,670 79.39% $ 2,874 4.61% $75,000 $75,000 under 7,202,730 $ 87,249 6,016,940 83.54% $ 3,253 3.73% $100,000 $100,000 under 13,016,250 $ 137,926 11,553,640 88.76% $ 4,089 2.96% $200,000 $200,000 5,151,670 $ 501,783 4,784,690 92.88% $ 15,886 3.17% or more Source: Internal Revenue Service, Charitable Giving by Households that Itemize Deductions (AGI and Itemized Contributions Summary by Zip, 2013). The Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 35

2017 Vital Signs Report In 2012, Collier County’s residents’ median contribution was $3,862, and the percent of income contributed towards charitable causes was 4.28 percent. This median contribution is larger when compared to the contributions from residents of the State of Florida during that same year. *Data for the United States in 2012 was not available. TABLE 25 Median Contributions based on 2012 IRS Tax Records Median Contribution Median Income % of Income Given 2012 Collier County $ 3,862 $ 90,191 4.28% Florida $ 3,346 $ 70,744 4.73% United States* Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy (2017). Interactive: How America Gives. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 36

2017 Vital Signs Report Volunteering Statewide, the 55-64 population has the largest amount of hours to volunteering, and the 75 and over population has the largest amount of hours nationwide. The age group 65-74 has the highest volunteer rate in Florida with 22.18 percent, and the 35-44 population has the highest rate nationwide with 29.75 percent. TABLE 26 Volunteer Rates and Hours by Age Group 16-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Florida Rate 20.03 13.96 16.59 20.23 21.41 20.49 22.18 14.47 Hours 48 48 52 64 United States Rate 26.21% 18.55% 22.04% 29.75% 28.26% 25.64% 26.47% 19.96% Hours 40 40 32 45 52 53 81 100 Source: Corporation for National and Community Service. (2017). 2015 Volunteering and Civic Engagement. Retrieved from In the State of Florida, the percentage of the population that donates time to volunteerism is less than the percentage of the population of the United States that donates their time to volunteerism. TABLE 27 Volunteer Rates and Hours by Race White


Native Am / Alaskan


Hawaiian / Pacific Is.

More than one RNO

Florida Rate 19.42% 17.96% - 14.37% Hours 60 68 United States Rate 26.70% 19.18% 18.90% 18.36% 24.45% Hours 50 52 50 40 48 Source: Corporation for National and Community Service. (2017). Volunteering and Civic Engagement. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 37

23.90% -

26.61% 46

2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 11 Volunteer Rate

Volunteer Rate 31.00% 29.00% 27.00% 25.00% 23.00% 21.00% 19.00% 17.00% 15.00% 2006






United States






Source: Corporation for National and Community Service. (2017). 2015 Volunteering and Civic Engagement. Retrieved from People in both the State of Florida and the United States tend to donate the largest amount of time to religious causes, educational endeavors and social service causes; however, they donate less of a percentage of their time to health-related causes, civic causes, sports and arts, and other causes. GRAPH 12 Volunteer Interest Areas

Volunteer Interest Areas 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00%

Sports/ Arts Civic





United States


Social Service

Source: Corporation for National and Community Service. (2017). Volunteering and Civic Engagement. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 38

2017 Vital Signs Report Residents of the State of Florida and the United States tend to devote the largest portion of their volunteering hours in activities relating to fundraising and collection/distributing of food. GRAPH 13 Top 5 Volunteer Activities

Top 5 Volunteer Activities 14.60%

Tutor/ Teach

18.00% 14.50% 17.50%

Mentor Youth


Collect/ Distr. Food

24.20% 20.00%


24.00% 14.30%

General Labor

18.80% Florida

United States

Source: Corporation for National and Community Service. (2017). 2015 Volunteering and Civic Engagement. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 39

2017 Vital Signs Report Community Arts and the Environment From 2013-2017, the percentage of total employment in Collier County has decreased, and it is projected to continue to increase in 2020. In the State of Florida, the percentage of total employment began to increase in 2014, and it is projected to continue increasing in 2020. In the United States, the percentage of total employment slowly increased in 2014; however, it is expected to increase in 2020. TABLE 28 Employment in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (in thousands of jobs) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017*


Collier County % of Total Employment

9,383 4.82%

9,571 4.72%

9,748 4.68%

9,936 4.66%

9,761 4.44%

10,783 4.60%

Florida % of Total Employment

313,449 2.95%

326,486 2.99%

332,370 2.99%

338,657 2.98%

346,686 2.96%

366,986 3.00%

United States 4,048,812 4,149,416 4,211,679 4,278,859 4,353,597 4,583,345 % of Total Employment 2.22% 2.23% 2.23% 2.23% 2.22% 2.23 Source: Woods & Poole Economics. (2017). 2016 State Profile: Florida [DATA FILE]. Washington, DC: Author. (*Forecast Estimation) GRAPH 14 Employment in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation

Percent of Total Employment

Employment in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation

6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017* 2020* United States


Collier County

Source: Woods & Poole Economics. (2017). 2016 State Profile: Florida [DATA FILE]. Washington, DC: Author. (*Forecast Estimation)

HU Johnson School of Business Page 40

2017 Vital Signs Report Since 2013, Collier County has experienced an upward trend in earnings in arts, entertainment and recreations. This trend can also be seen in the State of Florida, as well as the United States. TABLE 29 Earnings in Arts, Entertainment, & Recreations (in millions of 2009 dollars)

Collier County % of Total Employmen t

Florida % of Total Employmen t

United States


















181.19% 10,492,93 9










109,580,94 8

11,752,29 7

114,076,45 7

105,357,45 2


120,846,43 4


124,545,10 0

% of Total Employmen t 57.76% 58.98% 59.17% 59.45% 61.70% 61.90% Source: Woods & Poole Economics. (2017). 2016 State Profile: Florida [DATA FILE]. Washington, DC: Author. (*Forecast Estimation)

Nonprofits in Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation As of August 2016, 5.69 percent of Collier County’s total registered nonprofit organizations were classified as “Arts, Culture and Humanities.” This is less than the State of Florida with 6.16 percent and the United States with 7.49 percent. TABLE 30 Registered Nonprofit Organizations Total Registered Nonprofit Arts, Culture, and Animal Organizations Humanities Environment Related Collier County 97 41 56 1,706 Florida 5,052 1,373 1,959 82,056 United States 118,498 35,314 28,084 1,581,445 Source: Internal Revenue Service. (2017). Exempt organizations business master file, The Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 41

2017 Vital Signs Report In both Collier County and the State of Florida, the highest percentage of students in PK-12 participated in music, following visual arts, theatre and dance. TABLE 31 Percentage of Students (PK-12) Who Participated in a Fine Arts Discipline 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Collier County Dance 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% Theatre 0.9% 1.0% 1.1% 2.2% 1.4% Visual Arts 55.3% 54.6% 54.9% 54.7% 55.0% Music 57.2% 57.7% 57.8% 57.1% 56.2% Florida Dance 1.6% 1.7% 1.7% 1.8% 1.9% Theatre 3.1% 3.3% 3.5% 3.7% 3.7% Visual Arts 43.9% 41.3% 41.8% 42.8% 42.8% Music 47.3% 44.6% 44.8% 45.4% 45.3% Source: Florida Department of Education. (2017). 2016-17 Fine Arts Students of Total Students by Discipline. Retrieved from Protected Land and Conservations The State of Florida has 29.1 percent of its region designated as protected land, compared to 9.7 percent of the Southeast portion of the United States, and 20.5 percent of the United States total. TABLE 32 Protected Land Almanac Protected Acres % of Region Total Acres Protected per Capita Protected Florida 10,049,676 0.55 29.1% U.S. Southeast 28,960,509 0.43 9.7% U.S. Total 473,653,971 1.57 20.5% Source: Conservation Almanac (2017). Almanac. Conservation Almanac Tracking Investments in Protected Lands. Retrieved from (County data not available at time of report)

HU Johnson School of Business Page 42

2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 15 Collier County Map of Protected Land

This map was created on August 28, 2017, using the Conservation Almanac Interactive Mapping site. Information on the map is for discussion and visualization purposes only. 2012 The Trust for Public Land. TPL, The Trust for Public Land, and The Trust for Public Land logo are trademarks of The Trust for Public Land. Collier County has 68 percent of its land designated as conservation land, compared to the State of Florida, which has 28 percent of its land designated as conservation land. TABLE 33 Conservation Land by Lead Managing Agency in Acres Local State Federal Private Total Conservation Area Total % of Area Collier County 4,490 213,750 648,130 12,480 878,850 1,296,640 68% Florida 495,466 4,890,173 4,061,780 127,777 9,575,196 34,721,280 28% Sources: Florida Natural Areas Inventory. (2017). Acres of conservation lands by county. Retrieved from; Florida Natural Areas Inventory. (2017). Summary of Florida Conservation Lands. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 43

2017 Vital Signs Report Health and Mental Health As of September 28, 2017, 5.22 percent of Collier County’s total registered nonprofit organizations were designated as “Health and Mental Health,” organizations. This is less than the State of Florida, which has 6.49 percent and the United States with 6.18 percent. TABLE 34 Registered Nonprofit Organizations in Health and Mental Health

Mental Health & Voluntary Health Total Registered Health Crisis Association & Medical Nonprofit Care Intervention Medical Disciplines Research Organizations Collier County 41 16 28 4 1,706 Florida 2,066 985 2,051 224 82,056 United States 45,312 17,233 30,876 4,284 1,581,445 Source: Internal Revenue Service, (2017). Exempt organizations business master file, The Urban Institute. National Center for Charitable Statistics. Retrieved from County Health Ranking In 2012, Collier County was ranked fourth among 67 Florida counties in regards to health outcomes. The county’s health outcomes ranking has dropped to second and has maintained the same ranking until now. In 2012, Collier County was ranked 10th in Florida in measured health factors, and since then, has improved to be ranked fifth among 67 Florida counties. GRAPH 16 Collier County Overall Health Outcomes and Health Factors Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties

Collier County Overall Health Outcomes and Health Factors Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties 2017








2013 2012

5 5 6 8 3

10 4


Well-------------------------------------------------------------------------Worse Health Outcomes Health Factors

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from HU Johnson School of Business Page 44

2017 Vital Signs Report Collier County’s ranking among 67 Florida counties for length of life improved in 2017, ranking from third in 2015 to first. The ranking for quality of life worsened from fourth in 2013 to ninth in 2017. GRAPH 17 Collier County Health Outcomes Components Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties

Collier County Health Outcomes Components Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties 2017







8 7






5 Well-------------------------------------------------------------------------Worse Length of Life Quality of Life

7 4 4

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 45

2017 Vital Signs Report In 2012, Collier County was ranked 19th of 67 Florida counties in regards to clinical care, and 17th in 2017. Since 2014, Collier County improved state ranking in relation to physical environment from 11th to sixth. In 2012, Collier County was ranked 31st in social and economic factors; however, decreased to 18th in 2017. GRAPH 18 Collier County Health Factors Components Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties

Collier County Health Factors Components Ranking Among 67 Florida Counties 6

2017 2 2016 2015 2014

17 18



8 3 3

2013 2012 3

11 5 5





18 19 30

17 6 19


Well-------------------------------------------------------------------------Worse Physical Environment Social & Economic Factors Clinical Care Health Behavior

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from Reported Health Issues In 2015, Collier County and the United States had the same percentage of its population reporting poor or fair health; however, in 2017, the United States and Florida had the same percentage. TABLE 35 Population Reporting Poor or Fair Health in Percent 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 15.7 16.8 17.0 16.0 15.0 Collier County 15.7 15.9 16.0 18.0 17.0 Florida 16.6 17.3 17.0 17.0 17.0 United States Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 46

2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 19 Reported Poor or Fair Health

Reported Poor or Fair Health 18.5 18 17.5 17 16.5 16 15.5 15


2014 Collier County

2015 Florida



United States

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from From 2013-2017, Collier County has either matched or been below the State of Florida and the United States reported poor physical and mental health days per month. TABLE 36 Reported Poor Physical and Mental Health Days per Month 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Collier County Poor physical health days 2.9 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 Poor mental health days 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.0 Florida Poor physical health days 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.9 4.2 Poor mental health days 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.2 United States Poor physical health days 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.0 4.0 Poor mental health days 3.4 3.6 3.6 4.0 4.0 Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 47

2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 20 Reported Poor Physical Health Days

Reported Poor Physical Health Days 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2013

2014 Collier County

2015 Florida



United States

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from GRAPH 21 Reported Poor Mental Health Days

Reported Poor Mental Health Days 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2013

2014 Collier County

2015 Florida



United States

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

HU Johnson School of Business Page 48

2017 Vital Signs Report From 2013-2017, Collier County has consistently had a lower obese population than the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 37 Adult Obesity – Percent of Population 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 21.4 20.9 20.0 19.0 Florida 26.1 25.8 26.0 25.0 United States 30.3 30.6 31.0 31.0 Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

2017 20.0 26.0 31.0

From 2013-2017, Collier County has constantly had a lower percentage of low birth weight as a percent of total births, compared to the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 38 Low Birth Weight as Percentage of Total Births 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Collier County 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 Florida 8.7 8.7 8.7 9.0 9.0 United States 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.0 8.0 Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from From 2013-2017, Collier County’s alcohol consumption has fluctuated, with 18.0 percent of Collier County’s population reporting excessive alcohol consumption in 2017. TABLE 39 Reported Excessive Alcohol Consumption (percent of total population) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Collier County 16.7 17.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 Florida 15.9 15.9 16.0 17.0 17.0 United States 14.5 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Compared to the State of Florida and the United States, Collier County has the highest teen birth rate from 2013; however, this rate has steadily declined. From 2014-2017, Collier County was below the United States’ teen birth rate. TABLE 40 Teen Birth Rate as Percentage 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Collier County 48.5 43.9 39.0 34.0 30.0 Florida 39.9 38.1 36.0 34.0 31.0 United States 45.8 44.4 43.4 42.0 39.0 Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from GRAPH 22 Teen Birth Rate as Percentage

Teen Birth Rate 60 55 50 45 40 35 2013

2014 Collier County

2015 Florida



United States

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from From 2011-2012, Collier County has generally had the least percent of its population reporting inadequate social support, compared to Florida and the United States; however, between 2013 and 2014, Collier County’s percent was 0.2 percent higher than the United States. TABLE 41 Population reporting inadequate Social Support in Percent of Total Population 2011 2012 2013 2014 Collier County 19.0% 19.2% 19.5% 19.5% Florida 21.4% 21.2% 21.5% 21.4% United States 19.5% 19.4% 19.3% 19.3% Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2014-2017, Collier County had the highest ratio of primary care physicians to population compared to the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 42 Primary Care Physicians 2014 2015 2016 2017 Collier Number 221 231 237 239 Ratio 1485:1 1439:1 1,433:1 1459:1 Florida Number 13,364 13,578 14,094 14,428 Ratio 1426:1 1423:1 1,387:1 1379:1 United States 459,232 467,004 478,251 482,214 Number 1354:1 1341:1 1319:1 1303:1 Ratio Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from Collier County has consistently had the highest ratio of mental health care providers to population compared to the State of Florida and the United States. The number of mental health providers has been increasing from 2013-2016; however, the number decreased in 2017. This trend is also seen in the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 43 Mental Health Care Providers 2014 2015 2016 2017 Collier Number 279 331 357 313 Ratio 1191:1 1026:1 977:1 1142:1 Florida Number 21,696 26,272 28,867 27,120 Ratio 890:1 744:1 689:1 747:1 United States Number 852,111 1,191,360 1,284,090 1,283,372 Ratio 751:1 528:1 495:1 1105:1 Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2014-2016, there was a dramatic increase in mental health care providers in Collier County; however, the number decreased in 2017. From 2014-2017, the number of primary care physicians in Collier County stayed relatively constant. GRAPH 23 Collier County Primary Care Physicians and Mental Health Care Providers Physicians

Collier County Primary Care Physicians and Mental Health Care Providers 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 2014

2015 Collier PCP



Collier MHP

Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Health Insurance In 2016, the percentage of males without health insurance decreased for the age groups 6 to 17 years, 18-24 years, 35 to 44 years, 45-54 years and 75 years and over. The female age groups under 6 years, 25 to 34 years, 35 to 44, 45 to 54 years, 55 to 64 years, 65 to 74 years, and 75 years and over also had a percentage decrease of individuals without health insurance. TABLE 44 Collier County – Percent No Health Insurance by Sex and Age 2013 2014 2015 2016 Male 7.02% Under 6 years 9.15% 3.57% 9.43% 15.27% 6 to 17 years 18.51% 16.51% 10.66% 35.88% 18 to 24 years 36.00% 33.45% 28.07% 41.18% 25 to 34 years 45.05% 51.62% 44.90% 37.39% 35 to 44 years 44.73% 40.74% 37.37% 33.95% 45 to 54 years 33.19% 27.48% 26.08% 14.53% 55 to 64 years 18.43% 20.21% 20.60% 1.25% 65 to 74 years 1.98% 0.81% 3.34% 0.45% 75 years and over 0.45% 0.92% 0.16% Female 6.31% Under 6 years 21.09% 3.77% 4.40% 16.41% 6 to 17 years 17.47% 14.81% 17.02% 20.31% 18 to 24 years 27.88% 39.41% 34.66% 29.99% 25 to 34 years 48.88% 38.39% 29.77% 34.72% 35 to 44 years 34.69% 37.42% 27.52% 18.98% 45 to 54 years 30.94% 17.84% 16.27% 12.66% 55 to 64 years 19.22% 16.35% 12.55% 1.83% 65 to 74 years 0.57% 2.08% 1.56% 0.31% 75 years and over 2.47% 1.86% 1.23% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table B27001. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report In the State of Florida, from 2013-2016, the male and female population percentages without health insurance were highest for ages 18-24, 25-34 and 35-44. TABLE 45 Florida – Percent No Health Insurance by Sex and Age 2013 2014 2015 2016 Male 5.11% Under 6 years 7.66% 6.74% 4.81% 6.77% 6 to 17 years 12.56% 10.68% 7.66% 21.91% 18 to 24 years 36.51% 29.30% 24.12% 27.37% 25 to 34 years 41.03% 34.76% 29.61% 23.21% 35 to 44 years 33.67% 28.49% 24.13% 17.74% 45 to 54 years 27.91% 22.92% 19.12% 12.87% 55 to 64 years 20.26% 16.66% 12.73% 1.56% 65 to 74 years 1.75% 1.68% 1.74% 0.75% 75 years and over 0.86% 0.87% 0.74% Female 4.32% Under 6 years 8.14% 7.20% 5.42% 7.06% 6 to 17 years 12.62% 10.23% 7.94% 17.96% 18 to 24 years 29.67% 24.96% 19.25% 19.71% 25 to 34 years 30.03% 24.72% 20.60% 16.77% 35 to 44 years 27.05% 22.46% 18.35% 16.14% 45 to 54 years 25.56% 20.50% 16.45% 12.64% 55 to 64 years 19.92% 16.73% 12.40% 1.93% 65 to 74 years 2.46% 1.89% 1.77% 0.76% 75 years and over 1.22% 1.17% 0.92% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table B27001. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report In the United States, from 2013-2016, the male and female population percentages without health insurance were highest for ages 18-24, 25-34 and 35-44. TABLE 46 United States – Percent No Health Insurance by Sex and Age 2013 2014 2015 2016 Male 3.82% Under 6 years 5.66% 4.82% 3.97% 4.81% 6 to 17 years 7.78% 6.49% 5.26% 14.74% 18 to 24 years 26.02% 20.96% 16.82% 18.39% 25 to 34 years 30.59% 25.04% 20.70% 15.40% 35 to 44 years 23.46% 19.46% 16.45% 11.40% 45 to 54 years 18.31% 14.87% 12.15% 7.86% 55 to 64 years 13.36% 10.25% 8.19% 0.92% 65 to 74 years 1.16% 1.07% 0.99% 0.44% 75 years and over 0.62% 0.61% 0.52% Female 3.81% Under 6 years 5.80% 4.95% 4.04% 4.72% 6 to 17 years 7.83% 6.55% 5.12% 11.55% 18 to 24 years 21.10% 16.77% 13.13% 12.93% 25 to 34 years 22.48% 18.09% 14.34% 11.82% 35 to 44 years 19.10% 15.45% 12.69% 9.52% 45 to 54 years 16.55% 13.06% 10.17% 7.17% 55 to 64 years 13.61% 10.01% 7.65% 1.01% 65 to 74 years 1.40% 1.23% 1.05% 0.55% 75 years and over 0.71% 0.68% 0.63% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table B27001. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2015, the highest percentage of adults who could not see the doctor due to cost was in the State of Florida, followed by Collier County and the United States. GRAPH 24 Adults could not see a doctor due to cost

Adults could not see a doctor due to cost 18.0% 17.0% 16.0% 15.0% Collier County 14.0%

Florida United States

13.0% 12.0% 11.0% 10.0% 2012




Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2017). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from Total current health expenditure as a percent of GDP has increased 0.4 percent in 2016. TABLE 47 Total U.S. Current Health Expenditure as Percent of Gross Domestic Product 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.6 8.8 Private Sector 7.9 8.0 8.2 8.3 8.5 General Government 16.3 16.4 16.6 16.9 17.3 Total Expenditure Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and development. (2017). Health Expenditure and Financing [custom table]. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 25 Total U.S. Current Health Expenditure as Percent of Gross Domestic Product

Total Current Health Expenditure as % of GDP 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 2012

2013 Private Sector




General Government

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and development. (2017). Health Expenditure and Financing [custom table]. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report The projected income and projected health care-related expenses for Collier County, Florida and the United States are anticipated to increase in 2022. TABLE 48 2017A Household and Healthcare Demographics and 2022 Demographic Household and Healthcare Estimates – Collier County 2017A 2022* Collier County Household Demographics Total Households 150,152 Average Household Income $97,411 Median Household Income $60,795 Health Care Consumer Expenditure Total Health Care $4,732.55 $5,626.27 As percentage of Average Household Income 4.86% As percentage of Median Household Income 7.78% Health Care Detail Health Care Insurance $3,215.51 $3,795.70 As percentage of Average Household Income 3.30% As percentage of Median Household Income 5.29% Medical Services $934.44 $1,127.52 As percentage of Average Household Income 0.96% As percentage of Median Household Income 1.54% Medical Supplies $168.22 $209.79 As percentage of Average Household Income 0.17% As percentage of Median Household Income 0.28% Source: DemographicsNow. (2017). Collier County, FL, Florida and Entire US CEX - Health Care Detail Comparison [Data]. Retrieved October 3, 2017 from DemographicsNow database.

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 49 2017A Household and Healthcare Demographics and 2022 Demographic Household and Healthcare Estimates - Florida 2017A 2022* Florida Household Demographics Total Households 8,032,700 Average Household Income $71,442 Median Household Income $49,043 Health Care Consumer Expenditure Total Health Care $4,136.50 $4,995.14 As percentage of Average Household Income 5.79% As percentage of Median Household Income 8.43% Health Care Detail Health Care Insurance $2,830.98 $3,397.47 As percentage of Average Household Income 3.96% As percentage of Median Household Income 5.77% Medical Services $805.78 $986.84 As percentage of Average Household Income 1.13% As percentage of Median Household Income 1.64% Medical Supplies $136.23 $173.15 As percentage of Average Household Income 0.19% As percentage of Median Household Income 0.28% Source: DemographicsNow. (2017). Florida and Entire US CEX - Health Care Detail Comparison [Data]. Retrieved October 3, 2017 from DemographicsNow database.

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 50 2017A Household and Healthcare Demographics and 2022 Demographic Household and Healthcare Estimates – United States 2017A 2022* United States Household Demographics Total Households 122,737,174 Average Household Income $81,217 Median Household Income $56,296 Health Care Consumer Expenditure Total Health Care $4,496.36 $5,415.28 As percentage of Average Household Income 5.54% As percentage of Median Household Income 7.99% Health Care Detail Health Care Insurance $3,108.72 $3,714.80 As percentage of Average Household Income 3.83% As percentage of Median Household Income 5.52% Medical Services $810.76 $985.60 As percentage of Average Household Income 1.00% As percentage of Median Household Income 1.44% Medical Supplies $145.95 $185.67 As percentage of Average Household Income 0.18% As percentage of Median Household Income 0.26% Source: DemographicsNow. (2017). Entire US CEX - Health Care Detail Comparison [Data]. Retrieved October 3, 2017 from DemographicsNow database.

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2017 Vital Signs Report The costs for health insurance plans, health maintenance plans, Medicare payments and Medicare supplements are projected to increase in 2022 for Collier County, Florida and the entire United States. TABLE 51 Health Care Insurance 2017A Statistics and 2022 Estimates 2017A 2022* Collier County Blue Cross / Blue Shield $ 770.54 $ 905.61 Commercial Health Insurance $ 381.85 $ 446.51 Health Maintenance Plans $ 803.03 $ 935.48 Medicare Payments $ 664.16 $ 786.97 Medicare Supplements $ 324.52 $ 393.40 Florida Blue Cross / Blue Shield $ 726.11 $ 886.57 Commercial Health Insurance $ 328.96 $ 392.57 Health Maintenance Plans $ 767.64 $ 906.84 Medicare Payments $ 542.87 $ 657.35 Medicare Supplements $ 253.24 $ 313.67 United States Blue Cross / Blue Shield $ 954.18 $ 1,128.84 Commercial Health Insurance $ 569.14 $ 673.34 Health Maintenance Plans $ 665.31 $ 781.74 Medicare Payments $ 465.42 $ 567.61 Medicare Supplements $ 239.57 $ 294.95 Source: DemographicsNow. (2017). Collier County, FL, Florida and Entire US CEX - Health Care Detail Comparison [Data]. Retrieved October 3, 2017 from DemographicsNow database.

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2017 Vital Signs Report The cost of health care services and other services in 2017A was the highest for Collier County, followed by Florida, then the entire United States. TABLE 52 Health Care Services and Other Services 2017A Statistics and 2022 Estimates 2017A 2022* Collier County Dental Services $ 382.78 $ 458.55 Eyecare Services $ 61.80 $ 78.70 Other Medical Services $ 33.13 $ 41.65 Physician Services $ 170.38 $ 202.84 Convalescent/Nursing Home Care $ 31.73 $ 39.48 Lab Tests and X-Rays $ 51.60 $ 62.11 Rental of Medical Equipment $ 0.70 $ 0.91 Services by Non-Physician Professionals $ 68.29 $ 83.94 Florida Dental Services $ 323.36 $ 392.81 Eyecare Services $ 48.96 $ 63.45 Other Medical Services $ 26.18 $ 33.33 Physician Services $ 152.64 $ 183.97 Convalescent/Nursing Home Care $ 24.71 $ 30.88 Lab Tests and X-Rays $ 44.76 $ 54.98 Rental of Medical Equipment $ 0.52 $ 0.69 Services by Non-Physician Professionals $ 61.73 $ 77.18 United States Dental Services $ 302.47 $ 369.67 Eyecare Services $ 43.60 $ 54.42 Other Medical Services $ 24.78 $ 30.59 Physician Services $ 178.17 $ 214.07 Convalescent/Nursing Home Care $ 19.66 $ 24.34 Lab Tests and X-Rays $ 45.61 $ 54.90 Rental of Medical Equipment $ 0.60 $ 0.80 Services by Non-Physician Professionals $ 65.60 $ 81.60 Source: DemographicsNow. (2017). Collier County, FL, Florida and Entire US CEX - Health Care Detail Comparison [Data]. Retrieved October 3, 2017 from DemographicsNow database.

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2017 Vital Signs Report The cost of drugs is the highest for Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, which is followed by health care supplies and equipment, and eyeglasses and contact lenses in 2017A. In 2022, it is estimated for the costs to increase. TABLE 53 Health Care Supplies and Equipment 2017A Statistics and 2022 Estimates 2017A 2022* Collier County $ 74.93 $ 92.68 Eyeglasses And Contact Lenses $ 168.22 $ 209.79 Health Care Supplies and Equipment $ 414.37 $ 493.26 Drugs Florida $ 62.09 $ 78.16 Eyeglasses And Contact Lenses $ 136.26 $ 173.15 Health Care Supplies and Equipment $ 363.51 $ 437.67 Drugs United States $ 66.88 $ 83.96 Eyeglasses And Contact Lenses $ 145.95 $ 185.67 Health Care Supplies and Equipment $ 430.93 $ 529.22 Drugs Source: DemographicsNow. (2017). Collier County, FL, Florida and Entire US CEX - Health Care Detail Comparison [Data]. Retrieved October 3, 2017 from DemographicsNow database.

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2017 Vital Signs Report Collier County reported a below state rate for selected vaccine-preventable diseases, with the exception of the year 2008, 2011, 2013 and 2014. In addition, Collier County has seen an increase of preventable hospitalizations from vaccine-preventable conditions per 100,000 people under 65 years of age. GRAPH 26 Selected Vaccine Preventable Disease Rate for All Ages

Selected Vaccine Preventable Disease Rate for All Ages 8

Rate Per 100,000

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Collier Florida

2005 2.9 4.1

2006 3.2 3.8

2007 2.5 3.3

2008 4.4 3.7

2009 2.5 4.5

2010 2.8 3.5

2011 6.5 3

2012 3.4 4.6

2013 6.5 5.8

2014 6.8 5.8

Source: Florida Department of Health. (2017). Communicable Diseases: Selected Vaccine Preventable Disease Rate for All Ages. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 27 Preventable Hospitalizations under 65 from Vaccine Preventable Conditions

Preventable Hospitalizations Under 65 from Vaccine Preventable Conditions Per 100,000 Rate Per 100,000

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Collier

2007 0

2008 0

2009 0

2010 0

2011 0

2012 2.1

2013 2

2014 0

2015 2

2016 0












Source: Florida Department of Health. (2017). Communicable Diseases: Preventable Hospitalizations under 65 from Vaccine Preventable Conditions. Retrieved from From 2010-2016, Collier County has consistently had a much lower HIV/AIDS rate per 100,000 than the State of Florida. The HIV rate per 100,000 in Collier County was high in 2016. In the State of Florida, the HIV rate per 100,000 was high in 2010. The AIDS rate per 100,000 in Collier County was high in 2012-2013. In the State of Florida, the AIDS rate per 100,000 was high in 2010. TABLE 54 HIV/AIDS Rate per 100,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County HIV Cases Rate 13 12.9 11 10.4 9.4 14.5 17.6 AIDS Cases Rate 6.2 7.1 8.6 8.6 5 5.8 7.1 HIV/AIDS Age Adjusted Death 1.7 1.3 0.7 2.3 0.9 0.6 1.7 Rate Florida HIV Cases Rate 25.1 24.7 23.6 22.6 23.5 24.5 24.6 AIDS Cases Rate 16.8 16 15 15.2 11.7 11.2 10.5 HIV/AIDS Age Adjusted Death 5.4 5.1 4.6 4.5 4.2 4 3.9 Rate Source: Florida Department of Health. (2017). Communicable Diseases: AIDS Cases; HIV Cases; Deaths from HIV/AIDS. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 28 HIV/AIDS Age-Adjusted Death Rate

HIV/ AIDS Age Adjusted Death Rate 6

Rate Per 100,000

5 4 3 2 1 0 2010




Collier County





Source: Florida Department of Health. (2017). Communicable Diseases: AIDS Cases; HIV Cases; Deaths from HIV/AIDS. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2010-2015, Collier County consistently had a much lower total gonorrhea, chlamydia and infectious syphilis rate per 100,000 than the State of Florida. Total gonorrhea, chlamydia and infectious syphilis rate per 100,000 were highest during 2015 for the State of Florida and Collier County. TABLE 55 Total Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Infectious Syphilis Rate Per 100,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Collier County 232.0 249.4 275.5 262.0 261.4 290.1 Florida 510.4 511.9 518.7 536.1 539.5 588.7 Source: Florida Department of Health. (2017). Communicable Diseases: Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Total Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Infectious Syphilis. Retrieved from GRAPH 29 Total Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Infectious Syphilis Rate

Total Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Infectious Syphilis Rate Rate Per 100,000

600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 2010




Collier County




Source: Florida Department of Health. (2017). Communicable Diseases: Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Total Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Infectious Syphilis. Retrieved from The total number of people who visited the ER in Collier County was highest in 2014-2015. TABLE 56 Total Number of ER Visits in which the Patient was Uninsured/ Underinsured in Collier County 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 14, 017 15, 778 15,364 14, 523 14,523 Collier County Source: Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida. (2017). 2017 Collier County Florida Health Profile. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Middle and High school Student Risk Factors From 2010-2013, the percentage of Collier County elementary and middle school students at risk for being overweight was 18-19 percent. This trend has been constant during this time period. TABLE 57 Percent of Collier County Elementary and Middle School Students at Risk for Being Overweight 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Collier County 18% 19% 18% Source: NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition. (2017). NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition 2013 Annual Report. Retrieved from From 2010-2013, the percent of Collier County elementary and middle school students in the obese range slightly fluctuated, ranging from 23-24 percent. TABLE 58 Percent of Collier County Elementary and Middle School Students in the Obese Range 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012- 2013 Collier County 23% 24% 22% Source: NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition. (2017). NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition 2013 Annual Report. Retrieved from GRAPH 30 Collier County Elementary and Middle School Student Weight Risk

Collier County Elementary and Middle School Student Weight Risk 30% 25%


20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2010-2011


At Risk For Being Overweight

2012-2013 In Obese Range

Source: NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition. (2017). NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition 2013 Annual Report. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report In the State of Florida, the percentage of surveyed youth in middle school and high school who reported gang membership declined from 2010-2016; however, in 2015, the percentage of high school students reporting gang membership increased by 0.2 percent. Collier County data from 2008-2012 and 2015 was not available. TABLE 59 Percentage of Collier County and Florida Statewide Youth in Middle School and High School who reported gang membership - 2008 to 2016 2008 2010 2012 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 2.70% 2.70% Middle School 4.40% 1.90% High School Florida 7.50% 5.90% 4.30% 3.60% 3.50% 3.30% Middle School 6.60% 5.30% 4.20% 3.70% 3.90% 3.50% High School Source: Florida Department of Children & Families. (2017). 2016 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey Collier County Data Tables. Retrieved from In Collier County and the State of Florida, the percentage of surveyed youth in middle school and high school who reported alcohol use in the past 30 days declined from 2008-2016. Data for Collier County was not reported in 2015. TABLE 60 Percentage of surveyed Collier County and Florida youth who reported Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days 2008 2010 2012 2014 2015 2016 Collier 13.70% 13.90% 14.80% 7.30% 7.30% Middle School 44.60% 41.70% 36.40% 29.60% - 29.40% High School Florida 17.30% 16.80% 12.30% 10.10% 9.40% 8.00% Middle School 39.50% 38.00% 33.90% 28.40% 27.10% 25.50% High School Source: Florida Department of Children & Families. (2017). 2016 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey Collier County Data Tables. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2008-2015, Collier County and the State of Florida middle school students and high school students were asked if bullying caused them to worry; 17.00-45.10 percent of them indicated that it had. In both Collier County and the State of Florida, the percentages fluctuated during these same years. Table 61 Percentages of Collier County and Florida youth who reported that bullying caused them to worry 2008 2010 2012 2014 2015 Collier 30.7% Middle School 25.60% 38.50% 45.10% High School 17.00% 24.10% 28.6% Florida 30.1% Middle School 29.80% 36.60% 42.3% 43.2% High School 17.80% 22.90% 27.5% 27.6 Source: Florida Department of Children & Families. (2017). 2015 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey Collier County Data Tables. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Adults with health-related difficulties From 2011-2016, males and females who were 5-17 years of age experienced the lowest percentage of ambulatory difficulty. Females 75 years and over experienced the highest percentage of ambulatory difficulty. TABLE 62 Percent of Residents with an Ambulatory Difficulty 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier 1.81% 0.77% Male 5 to 17 years 0.00% 0.52% 2.48% 0.24% 1.67% 0.00% Male 18 to 34 years 1.17% 0.43% 1.14% 1.22% 5.69% 2.84% Male 35 to 64 years 3.84% 5.89% 6.83% 4.22% 7.30% 6.93% Male 65 to 74 years 5.19% 7.48% 5.02% 7.63% Male 75 years and over 18.07% 14.23% 14.92% 17.59% 10.62% 18.48% 0.45% 0.00% Female 5 to 17 years 0.35% 1.05% 0.30% 0.00% 0.57% 0.81% Female 18 to 34 years 2.31% 0.28% 2.14% 0.35% 2.95% 4.26% Female 35 to 64 years 6.53% 4.55% 5.06% 3.35% 4.07% 6.54% Female 65 to 74 years 6.08% 5.98% 10.13% 8.50% Female 75 years and over 27.52% 28.44% 23.48% 18.38% 24.13% 20.28% Florida 0.61% 0.58% Male 5 to 17 years 0.59% 0.57% 0.73% 0.58% 1.31% 1.53% Male 18 to 34 years 1.49% 1.46% 1.38% 1.44% 6.75% 6.82% Male 35 to 64 years 7.27% 7.00% 7.09% 7.06% Male 65 to 74 years 12.60% 12.63% 12.68% 12.61% 12.73% 12.20% Male 75 years and over 27.11% 24.95% 26.23% 25.27% 26.16% 26.29% 0.59% 0.56% Female 5 to 17 years 0.58% 0.67% 0.56% 0.56% 1.33% 1.39% Female 18 to 34 years 1.23% 1.42% 1.51% 1.23% 7.49% 7.58% Female 35 to 64 years 7.39% 7.65% 7.92% 7.55% Female 65 to 74 years 15.25% 14.96% 15.25% 15.33% 14.75% 14.74% Female 75 years and over 35.40% 33.67% 34.75% 34.79% 34.35% 33.50% United States 0.67% Male 5 to 17 years 0.70% 0.69% 0.67% 0.67% 67.00% 1.37% 1.42% Male 18 to 34 years 1.46% 1.42% 1.42% 1.40% 6.74% 6.70% Male 35 to 64 years 6.73% 6.75% 6.89% 6.84% Male 65 to 74 years 13.81% 13.67% 13.93% 14.71% 13.91% 13.75% Male 75 years and over 27.60% 27.52% 28.04% 27.50% 27.33% 27.46% 0.58% 0.58% Female 5 to 17 years 0.61% 0.59% 0.59% 0.60% 1.38% 1.38% Female 18 to 34 years 1.44% 1.42% 1.44% 1.43% 7.97% 7.98% Female 35 to 64 years 8.07% 7.97% 8.10% 8.13% Female 65 to 74 years 17.78% 17.43% 17.47% 17.30% 16.93% 16.92% Female 75 years and over 36.97% 36.52% 37.05% 36.92% 36.40% 36.26% Source: Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table B18105. Retrieved from HU Johnson School of Business Page 71

2017 Vital Signs Report From 2011-2016, in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the male and female population percentages with self-care difficulty were highest for ages 75 and older. TABLE 63 Sex by Age by Self-Care Difficulty 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier 2.37% 0.58% Male 5 to 17 years 0.25% 0.67% 2.95% 1.01% 0.40% 0.29% Male 18 to 34 years 0.54% 0.43% 0.00% 0.84% 0.37% 1.40% Male 35 to 64 years 0.38% 1.14% 1.69% 2.42% 1.20% 1.72% Male 65 to 74 years 0.96% 4.10% 1.32% 3.44% 1.47% 8.66% Male 75 years and over 7.49% 4.23% 5.79% 9.69% 1.08% 0.00% Female 5 to 17 years 0.69% 0.00% 0.30% 0.66% 0.19% 0.40% Female 18 to 34 years 2.13% 0.44% 1.47% 0.67% 1.00% 1.09% Female 35 to 64 years 1.15% 0.87% 2.02% 2.47% 0.78% 3.09% Female 65 to 74 years 0.51% 1.30% 2.32% 3.95% 5.98% 12.70% Female 75 years and over 6.05% 10.15% 12.65% 15.20% Florida 1.14% 1.15% Male 5 to 17 years 0.91% 1.06% 1.08% 1.01% 0.89% 1.02% Male 18 to 34 years 1.02% 0.96% 0.87% 0.84% 2.29% 2.31% Male 35 to 64 years 2.51% 2.55% 2.38% 2.42% 3.73% 3.22% Male 65 to 74 years 4.00% 3.91% 3.45% 3.44% 9.62% 9.69% Male 75 years and over 10.26% 9.16% 9.38% 9.69% 0.72% 0.69% Female 5 to 17 years 0.76% 0.75% 0.76% 0.66% 0.64% 0.91% Female 18 to 34 years 0.69% 0.71% 0.94% 0.67% 2.36% 2.39% Female 35 to 64 years 2.33% 2.54% 2.44% 2.47% 3.67% 3.60% Female 65 to 74 years 4.16% 3.84% 3.66% 3.95% Female 75 years and over 15.17% 14.81% 14.35% 15.20% 14.47% 13.89% United States 1.15% 1.25% Male 5 to 17 years 1.13% 1.17% 1.10% 1.16% 0.93% 0.99% Male 18 to 34 years 0.92% 0.91% 0.90% 0.91% 2.38% 2.34% Male 35 to 64 years 2.39% 2.36% 2.36% 2.37% 4.20% 4.21% Male 65 to 74 years 4.32% 4.28% 4.16% 4.22% Male 75 years and over 11.13% 11.11% 10.94% 11.09% 10.84% 10.98% 0.73% 0.79% Female 5 to 17 years 0.74% 0.74% 0.69% 0.74% 0.74% 0.78% Female 18 to 34 years 0.76% 0.75% 0.76% 0.77% 2.55% 2.53% Female 35 to 64 years 2.58% 2.56% 2.58% 2.57% 4.62% 4.51% Female 65 to 74 years 4.98% 4.96% 4.77% 4.73% Female 75 years and over 16.05% 15.88% 16.02% 15.84% 15.59% 15.47% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year Estimate: Table B18106. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2011-2016, in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the male and female population percentages with independent living difficulty were highest for ages 75 and older. TABLE 64 Sex by Age by Independent Living Difficulty 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier 2.05% 2.77% Male 18 to 34 years 0.54% 1.11% 2.05% 0.81% 1.47% 4.15% Male 35 to 64 years 1.57% 3.85% 2.94% 2.34% 3.64% 6.54% Male 65 to 74 years 2.26% 5.48% 2.86% 5.39% 5.81% 18.68% Male 75 years and over 15.68% 10.01% 13.60% 11.69% 1.57% 2.21% Female 18 to 34 years 2.30% 1.12% 2.69% 2.02% 1.80% 4.89% Female 35 to 64 years 4.55% 3.74% 2.87% 1.55% 3.32% 8.49% Female 65 to 74 years 1.10% 3.01% 3.93% 4.56% Female 75 years and over 24.86% 27.65% 20.14% 15.87% 17.28% 29.10% Florida 2.43% 2.96% Male 18 to 34 years 2.68% 2.49% 2.44% 2.76% 4.20% 4.17% Male 35 to 64 years 4.37% 4.29% 4.16% 4.22% 5.32% 5.07% Male 65 to 74 years 5.88% 6.23% 5.59% 5.75% Male 75 years and over 17.79% 17.16% 17.00% 16.84% 16.80% 16.87% 1.71% 2.14% Female 18 to 34 years 1.57% 1.94% 2.03% 1.92% 4.65% 4.62% Female 35 to 64 years 4.51% 4.74% 4.65% 4.81% 7.18% 6.98% Female 65 to 74 years 7.78% 7.54% 6.69% 7.24% Female 75 years and over 27.90% 27.28% 27.12% 27.49% 27.44% 25.89% United States 2.57% 1.50% Male 18 to 34 years 2.34% 2.35% 2.43% 2.50% 4.16% 2.78% Male 35 to 64 years 4.06% 4.08% 4.12% 4.12% 6.54% 2.60% Male 65 to 74 years 6.81% 6.77% 6.69% 6.71% 18.91% 9.24% Male 75 years and over 19.38% 19.36% 19.15% 19.03% 2.06% 0.79% Female 18 to 34 years 1.84% 1.92% 1.95% 2.06% 4.88% 2.54% Female 35 to 64 years 4.89% 4.85% 4.87% 4.94% 8.62% 4.74% Female 65 to 74 years 9.38% 9.29% 8.83% 8.85% 29.58% 18.77% Female 75 years and over 30.73% 30.43% 30.25% 30.03% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year Estimates: Table B18107. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Education and School Environment The School District of Collier County has a total of 48 schools (29 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, 8 high schools, 1 PreK-thru-12 school). These schools serve a total student body of 47,000 students. In addition, the district has two technical colleges and adult education programs. From 2010-2017, in the School District of Collier County student body, students who were white, black and Hispanic made up the largest percentages. The Hispanic population dominates the highest percentage of students in Collier County schools. TABLE 65 School District of Collier County Demographics - All Grades 2016 2017 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 41% 40% 39% 38% 37% 36% 34% 36% White 17,431 17,174 16,960 16,701 15,420 16,487 16,386 16,712 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 11% 12% Black 5,096 5,181 5,203 5,308 5,418 5,416 5,637 5,334 43% 44% 44% 46% 47% 48% 49% 49% Hispanic 18,329 18,682 19,205 19,966 20,786 21,510 22,420 24,412 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% Multi 1,227 851 897 914 878 904 1511 904 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Asian 511 464 478 470 493 522 647 575 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% Pacific Islander 0 50 42 41 48 51 47 43 Source: Collier County Public Schools (2017). District Profile: Demographics by race -- grade all district. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 31 2017 School District of Collier County Demographics

2017 School District of Collier County Demographics 3% 1%



49% 11%






Pac Islander

Source: Collier County Public Schools (2017). District Profile: Demographics by race -- grade all district. Retrieved from From 2009-2013, in Collier County, the percentages of KG-5, Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12 needing a free and reduced lunch increased. TABLE 66 Free and Reduced Lunch by Grade Level 2015 2016 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 58% 61% 65% 66% 67% 67% 66% 66% KG - 5 11,210 11,888 12,855 13,159 13,556 13,771 13,828 13,826 51% 53% 59% 59% 61% 60% 61% 61% Grades 6 - 8 4,862 5,027 5,608 5,642 5,944 6,059 6,432 6,485 38% 42% 47% 49% 51% 53% 53% 54% Grades 9-12 4,798 5,261 5,974 6,244 6,600 6,815 6,924 7,329 Source: Collier County Public Schools (2017). District Profile: Demographics by free and reduced lunch- combined grades - district. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 32 Free and Reduced Lunch

Free and Reduced Lunch 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30%



2011 KG - 5



Grades 6 - 8




Grades 9-12

Source: Collier County Public Schools (2017). District Profile: Demographics by free and reduced lunch- combined grades - district. Retrieved from The Florida Department of Education has created various domain codes that are utilized to indicate which students are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP) and their standing regarding having enrolled in a course that has been created for LEP students. Students who have been assigned the code of “LY” were identified as being Limited English Proficient, and are currently enrolled in courses created for LEP students. Students who have been assigned the code “LN” have been identified as LEP students, but have not enrolled in courses created for LEP students. Students who have been assigned the code “LF” have attended an ESOL program and are being monitored for two years. Students who have been assigned the code “LP” are in grades 4-12 and have various indicators that indicate they should receive an aural/oral assessment to measure their English proficiency levels. Students who have the code “LZ” assigned to them have been identified as an LEP student, have exited the ESOL program and are no longer being monitored. In the School District of Collier County, students who are in KG-5 are the highest percentage of students who are considered “LY” students. The percentage of students who have been coded as “LY” students has gradually trended upward from 2009-2014; however, trended downward from 2014-2016.

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 67 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) - School District of Collier County 2009







KG - 5 21% 21% 20% 21% 22% 23% 22% LY 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% LN 5% 3% 7% 8% 6% 7% 8% LF 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% LP 5% 5% 4% 2% 3% 3% 3% LZ 69% 71% 69% 69% 69% 67% 67% Non-LEP Grades 6 - 8 7% 8% 6% 5% 6% 6% 5% LY 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% LN 7% 5% 7% 7% 5% 5% 7% LF 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% LP 18% 20% 19% 19% 21% 21% 20% LZ 67% 67% 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% Non-LEP Grades 9 - 12 9% 8% 7% 6% 6% 5% 5% LY 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% LN 3% 2% 3% 4% 2% 3% 3% LF 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% LP 17% 20% 22% 23% 25% 25% 24% LZ 71% 70% 68% 68% 67% 67% 68% Non-LEP Source: Collier County Public Schools (2017). District Profile: LEP status - Combined Grades. Retrieved from

2016 22% 0% 8% 0% 4% 65% 5% 0% 6% 0% 18% 70% 5% 0% 3% 0% 24% 68%

LY = Limited English Proficient (LEP), currently enrolled in LEP course LN = Identified as LEP students, but have not enrolled in LEP courses LF = Student attended an English second language (ESOL) program, and are being monitored for two years LP = 4th-12th grade, various indicators for need to measure English proficiency levels. LZ = LEP students, completed ESOL program, no longer monitored

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2017 Vital Signs Report Estimates from 2016 indicate that Collier County has a higher percentage of its residents who speak a different language at home (34.4%) than in the State of Florida (28.0%) and the United States (21.6%). TABLE 68 Language spoken at home (2016 Estimate) Collier County Florida United States 348,707 19,494,972 303,328,961 Population 5 years and over 65.6% 71.2% 78.4% English only 34.4% 28.0% 21.6% Language other than English 16.5% 12.0% 8.6% Speak English less than "very well" 23.6% 21.3% 13.3% Spanish 12.7% 9.4% 5.5% Speak English less than "very well" 9.4% 5.2% 3.7% Other Indo-European languages 3.2% 1.0% 1.1% Speak English less than "very well" 0.7% 1.6% 3.5% Asian and Pacific Islander languages 0.3% 0.7% 1.6% Speak English less than "very well" 0.7% 0.7% 1.1% Other languages 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% Speak English less than "very well" Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey. Table CP02. Retrieved from From 2012-2016, in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the percentage of students who were ACT test takers increased gradually. TABLE 69 ACT Test Takers and Participation Rate (Public Schools) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 2,234 n 1,773 1,998 1,987 2,008 78% % 68% 72% 74% 74% Florida 131,621 n 118,420 124,131 129,676 130,798 81% % 70% 74% 81% 79% United States 2,090,342 n 1,666,017 1,799,234 1,845,787 1,924,436 64% % 52% 34% 57% 59% Source: Collier County Public Schools. (2017). 2015-2016 ACT Assessment Results Memorandum. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016, the ACT average scores were relatively stable in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States. Collier County and the State of Florida’s ACT average score were very close to each other, and the average ACT score for the United States tended to be slightly higher than that of Collier County and the State of Florida. TABLE 70 ACT Average Scores (Public Schools) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Composite Scores 20.1 20.2 Collier County 20.1 19.8 19.6 19.9 19.9 Florida 19.8 19.6 19.6 21.0 20.8 United States 21.1 20.9 21.0 English Scores 19.3 19.4 Collier County 19.2 18.8 18.7 18.9 18.9 Florida 18.9 18.7 18.7 20.4 20.1 United States 20.5 20.2 20.3 Mathematics Scores 19.8 19.7 Collier County 20.4 19.9 19.5 19.6 19.5 Florida 20.0 19.0 19.5 20.8 20.6 United States 21.1 20.9 20.9 Reading Scores 21.0 21.2 Collier County 20.6 20.4 20.5 21.0 21.1 Florida 20.5 20.4 20.7 21.4 21.3 United States 21.3 21.1 21.3 Science Scores 19.9 19.9 Collier County 19.8 19.5 19.3 19.5 19.5 Florida 19.3 19.1 19.1 20.9 20.8 United States 20.9 20.7 20.8 Source: Collier County Public Schools. (2017). 2015-2016 ACT Assessment Results Memorandum. Retrieved from From 2012-2016 in Collier County, the ACT composite scores and participation by race were measured. Collier County’s white student population had the highest ACT composite scores, followed by the Hispanic student population and the black student population. TABLE 71 Collier County ACT Composite Scores and Participation by Race (Public Schools) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Composite Scores 17.2 16.9 Black 16.3 16.4 16.4 22.6 22.8 White 22.7 22.4 22.2 18.5 18.6 Hispanic 18.3 18.2 18.1 Number of Students 298 269 Black 223 295 238 792 847 White 769 805 752 814 933 Hispanic 629 721 816 Source: Collier County Public Schools. (2017). 2015-2016 ACT Assessment Results Memorandum. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2014, the percent of students scoring a FCAT reading score of 3 or above was consistently similar for Collier County and the State of Florida. TABLE 72 FCAT Reading Scores - Percent of Students scoring 3 or above (Public Schools) 2012 2013 2014 Grade 3 Collier County 53% 54% 54% Florida 56% 57% 57% Grade 4 Collier County 61% 55% 56% Florida 62% 60% 61% Grade 5 Collier County 58% 59% 56% Florida 61% 60% 61% Grade 6 Collier County 59% 58% 63% Florida 57% 59% 60% Grade 7 Collier County 57% 59% 58% Florida 58% 57% 57% Grade 8 Collier County 57% 55% 59% Florida 55% 56% 57% Grade 9 Collier County 55% 59% 56% Florida 52% 53% 53% Grade 10 Collier County 50% 55% 59% Florida 50% 54% 55% Source: Collier County Public Schools. (2017). 2013-2014 FCAT State Assessment Results for Grades 3-10 Memorandum. Retrieved from From 2012-2013, the SAT five-year trend of participation rates for Collier County trended upwards; however, from 2014-2016, the trend of participation rates for Collier County trended downward. TABLE 73 SAT Five-Year Trend of Participation Rates (Public Schools) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 1,569 1,620 1,416 1,535 1,427 n 55% 50% % 60% 58% 55% Florida 122,939 122,294 n 112,057 112,554 115,437 74% 63% % 66% 67% 72% United States 1,664,476 1,660,047 1,672,395 1,698,521 1,637,589 n 52% 47% % 52% 50% 52% Source: Collier County Public Schools. (2017). 2015-2016 SAT Assessment Results Memorandum. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016, the SAT critical reading, writing and math mean score for students from Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States fluctuated. TABLE 74 SAT Critical Reading, Writing and Math Mean Score Comparison 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 498 Collier County Critical Reading 491 490 499 508 482 Writing 474 477 480 488 493 Math 497 493 494 501 486 Florida Critical Reading 492 492 491 481 468 Writing 476 475 472 462 480 Math 492 490 485 475 495 United States Critical Reading 496 496 497 494 484 Writing 488 488 487 482 511 Math 514 514 513 508 Source: Collier County Public Schools. (2017). 2015-2016 SAT Assessment Results Memorandum. Retrieved from From 2011-2015, the five-year trend for college-bound senior SAT test takers participation rate by ethnicity experienced an upward trend for all groups. The highest percentage of SAT-takers was the white students, followed by the Hispanic students and the black students. TABLE 75 Collier County Five-Year Trend for College-Bound Senior SAT Test Takers: Mean Scores and Participation Rate by Ethnicity 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 White Students 758 Number 893 888 880 794 61% Participation Rate 65% 67% 67% 66% 526 Critical Reading Mean 510 519 520 519 510 Writing Mean 494 500 508 502 524 Math Mean 521 525 528 516 Hispanic Students 490 Number 392 450 483 416 45% Participation Rate 40% 52% 48% 40% 472 Critical Reading Mean 462 460 466 472 460 Writing Mean 450 445 453 452 466 Math Mean 468 468 467 465 Black Students 170 Number 139 125 136 105 46% Participation Rate 40% 43% 38% 34% 441 Critical Reading Mean 410 426 418 432 414 Writing Mean 389 413 405 412 Math Mean 407 422 410 410 414 Source: Collier County Public Schools. (2017). 2014-2015 SAT Assessment Results Memorandum. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 76 Mean SAT scores public and independent school comparison Schools Critical Reading Mathematics Writing 2016 Florida 474 467 454 Public 522 520 516 Religious 540 560 539 Independent United States 487 494 472 Public 532 537 525 Religious 530 579 536 Independent 2015 Florida Public 481 474 461 Religious 520 516 513 Independent 538 555 535 United States Public 489 498 475 Religious 533 536 527 Independent 532 579 538 2014 Florida Public 486 479 465 Religious 519 515 510 Independent 535 556 534 United States Public 492 501 478 Religious 533 537 527 Independent 535 580 542 2013 Florida Public 488 486 469 Religious 519 516 513 Independent 529 552 529 United States Public 491 503 480 Religious 531 536 528 Independent 536 581 545 Source: The College Board. (2017). 2016 SAT Report on College-Bound seniors. Retrieved from:

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2011-2016, the high school graduation rates for Collier County and the State of Florida increased. TABLE 77 High School Graduation Rates, Florida's Calculation 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 78.4% 81.3% 82.1% 84.3% 86.7% Collier County 74.5% 75.6% 76.1% 77.9% 80.7% Florida 80.9% 81.0% 82.3% 83.2% United States Source: Florida Department of Education. (2017) 2015-16 Florida’s High School Cohort Graduation Rate. Retrieved from:; National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD). Dropout and Completer Data Tables. Retrieved from: GRAPH 33 High School Graduation Rate

High School Graduation Rates 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 70.0% 65.0% 60.0% 2011-12



Collier County




United States

Source: Florida Department of Education. (2017) 2015-16 Florida’s High School Cohort Graduation Rate. Retrieved from:; National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD). Dropout and Completer Data Tables. Retrieved from:

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2017 Vital Signs Report School enrollment has fluctuated since 2012-2016 in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 78 School Enrollment 2012





Collier County Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 61,818 64,171 63,871 67,853 65,401 Nursery school, preschool 5.70% 6.20% 3.80% 6.0% 5.0% Kindergarten 6.40% 4.80% 4.50% 5.4% 5.4% Elementary school (grades 1-8) 45.70% 43.90% 45.90% 42.5% 43.5% High school (grades 9-12) 23.30% 19.70% 24.90% 22.8% 23.5% College or graduate school 18.90% 25.50% 20.90% 23.4% 22.5% Florida Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 4,688,008 4,643,948 4,674,255 4,706,933 4,718,808 Nursery school, preschool 6.10% 6.20% 6.00% 6.1% 6.0% Kindergarten 5.00% 4.90% 4.80% 4.7% 4.9% Elementary school (grades 1-8) 38.40% 39.00% 39.20% 39.0% 39.1% High school (grades 9-12) 19.90% 20.60% 20.90% 20.9% 21.0% College or graduate school 30.60% 29.30% 29.10% 29.1% 29.0% United States Population 3 years and over 83,085,860 82,395,254 82,063,714 81,618,288 81,572,277 enrolled in school Nursery school, preschool 6.10% 6.00% 6.00% 6.0% 6.0% Kindergarten 5.10% 5.20% 5.10% 5.0% 5.0% Elementary school (grades 1-8) 39.60% 40.00% 40.20% 40.3% 40.3% High school (grades 9-12) 20.50% 20.60% 20.70% 20.9% 21.0% College or graduate school 28.80% 28.30% 28.00% 27.8% 27.7% Source: Census Bureau (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimate Table: CP02. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016, the number of people who obtained either a graduate or professional degree gradually increased for Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States. TABLE 79 Educational Attainment 2012





Collier County Population 25 years and over 245,709 252,800 259,692 268,250 275,724 Less than 9th grade 8.20% 6.90% 8.10% 6.3% 8.20% 9th to 12th grade, no diploma 7.00% 5.50% 7.10% 6.9% 6.70% High school graduate 26.00% 28.30% 25.30% 26.1% 25.90% (includes equivalency) Some college, no degree 19.40% 17.80% 18.20% 17.9% 17.30% Associate degree 8.40% 9.10% 6.50% 7.7% 7.90% Bachelor's degree 18.80% 17.60% 21.20% 21.4% 19.60% Graduate or professional 12.20% 14.80% 13.60% 13.8% 14.30% degree Florida 14,703,671 Population 25 years and over 13,503,747 13,726,996 14,041,196 14,394.28 Less than 9th grade 5.30% 5.30% 5.20% 5.2% 5.20% 9th to 12th grade, no diploma 8.20% 7.90% 7.60% 7.2% 7.40% High school graduate 29.80% 29.50% 29.60% 29.2% 28.90% (includes equivalency) Some college, no degree 20.80% 20.70% 20.70% 20.4% 20.10% Associate degree 9.20% 9.50% 9.70% 9.6% 9.70% Bachelor's degree 17.30% 17.60% 17.40% 18.2% 18.20% Graduate or professional 9.60% 9.70% 9.80% 10.2% 10.40% degree United States Population 25 years and over 208,731,498 210,910,615 213,725,624 216,447,163 218,475,480 Less than 9th grade 5.80% 5.80% 5.60% 6% 5.4% 9th to 12th grade, no diploma 7.90% 7.60% 7.50% 7% 7.2% High school graduate 28.00% 27.80% 27.7% 28% 27.2% (includes equivalency) Some college, no degree 21.30% 21.10% 21.00% 21% 20.6% Associate degree 8.00% 8.10% 8.20% 8% 8.4% Bachelor's degree 18.20% 18.40% 18.70% 19% 19.3% Graduate or professional 10.90% 11.20% 11.40% 12% 11.9% degree Source: Census Bureau (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimate Table: CP02. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2013-2016 in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the population of 25 years and over chose (highest to lowest) business, education and science and related fields as their first major. Table 80 Collier County Detailed Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 years and over 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County Total 81,883 90,277 94,443 93,512 Science and Engineering Computers, Mathematics and Statistics 1,782 2,043 2,350 2,236 Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 3,792 4,785 5,377 5,091 Physical and Related Sciences 2,718 2,113 3,110 3,016 Psychology 2,534 3,327 4,315 3,721 Social Sciences 6,617 7,422 6,874 6,914 Engineering 7,652 5,447 7,461 7,286 Multidisciplinary Studies 341 471 378 402 Science and Engineering Related Fields 8,062 8,263 7,390 8,293 Business 20,406 21,124 23,752 23,054 Education 12,257 15,843 15,549 14,154 Arts, Humanities and Other Literature and Languages 2,939 4,819 4,112 5,000 Liberal Arts and History 4,255 5,370 3,350 4,524 Visual and Performing Arts 2,598 2,240 3,096 3,805 Communications 1,902 2,007 3,178 2,132 Other 4,028 5,003 4,151 3,884 Source: Census Bureau (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimate Table: B15010. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Table 81 Florida Detailed Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 years and over 2013 2014 2015 2016 Florida Total 3,734,175 3,830,504 4,092,338 4,208,456 Science and Engineering Computers, Mathematics and Statistics 143,087 146,526 151,990 155,050 Biological, Agricultural and Environmental 176,401 184,611 197,129 209,207 Sciences Physical and Related Sciences 108,410 112,839 112,242 113,952 Psychology 165,060 175,474 197,723 187,936 Social Sciences 254,051 264,583 285,945 298,762 Engineering 292,118 293,646 318,838 331,390 Multidisciplinary Studies 21,508 26,769 19,826 25,404 Science and Engineering Related Fields 366,293 385,093 414,601 432,861 Business 904,151 936,865 995,869 1,002,581 Education 551,325 550,212 589,792 566,225 Arts, Humanities and Other Literature and Languages 126,754 118,586 133,919 150,060 Liberal Arts and History 172,513 163,744 177,220 185,286 Visual and Performing Arts 117,624 122,926 122,006 138,054 Communications 130,122 136,864 148,969 161,048 Other 204,758 211,766 226,269 250,640 Source: Census Bureau (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimate Table: B15010. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Table 82 United States Detailed Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 years and over 2013 2014 2015 2016 United States Total 62,466,383 64,255,026 66,241,553 68,334,277 Science and Engineering Computers, Mathematics and 2,715,000 2,839,305 2,994,162 3,070,646 Statistics Biological, Agricultural and 3,812,540 3,943,346 4,084,323 4,261,869 Environmental Sciences Physical and Related Sciences 2,029,125 2,109,399 2,072,146 2,158,914 Psychology 2,934,650 3,018,445 3,125,659 3,270,563 Social Sciences 4,810,224 4,941,702 5,102,173 5,221,852 Engineering 4,882,084 5,004,316 5,212,950 5,357,590 Multidisciplinary Studies 393,336 421,146 431,426 463,442 Science and Engineering Related Fields 5,689,946 5,922,912 6,180,927 6,487,863 Business 12,796,411 13,116,144 13,585,532 13,874,749 Education 8,275,751 8,345,701 841,457 8,546,076 Arts, Humanities and Other Literature and Languages 2,717,884 2,760,995 2,851,805 2,927,045 Liberal Arts and History 3,212,230 3,242,151 3,282,681 3,373,305 Visual and Performing Arts 2,529,975 2,600,701 2,687,762 2,812,759 Communications 2,334,866 2,470,219 2,549,845 2,665,764 Other 3,332,361 3,518,544 3,662,705 3,841,839 Source: Census Bureau (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimate Table: B15010. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Collier County 211 Caller Statistics From 2012-2014, there has been a gradual increase in the number of people calling Collier County 2-11 requesting assistance. TABLE 83 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month by Fiscal Year 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 July 122 119 255 August 194 179 201 September 153 284 253 October 141 202 286 November 121 161 178 December 105 164 177 January 117 180 181 February 82 170 147 March 80 237 166 April 118 221 184 May 122 250 161 June 142 211 162 Year Total 1497 2378 2351 Source: Collier 2-1-1. (2017). 2014-2015 Caller Statistics. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From September 2014 – July 2015, housing and utility assistance, information services assistance, health care assistance, and food and meals assistance were the top four needs for county residents. TABLE 84 Collier County 2-1-1 Call Problems/Needs for Sept. 2014 – July 2015 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Arts, Culture and Recreation 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 Clothing/Personal/ 5 3 4 2 5 3 4 1 2 Household Needs Community Services 2 2 Disaster Services 1 1 Education 4 1 6 5 7 2 4 4 2 1 6 Employment 2 4 3 6 6 6 2 8 6 3 3 Food/Meals 27 45 24 27 22 14 11 14 15 27 22 Health Care 31 40 19 14 27 27 25 23 27 11 40 Housing/Utilities 102 115 61 80 67 43 46 47 64 65 78 Income Support/Assistance 14 7 11 8 22 14 16 16 11 9 10 Individual, Family and 22 32 18 15 16 13 12 21 10 8 12 Community Support Information Services 41 57 32 26 35 23 29 31 16 14 34 Legal, Consumer and 19 13 12 8 6 15 10 15 7 4 6 Public Safety Mental Health/Substance Abuse 11 25 7 6 13 11 14 15 11 14 18 Other Government/Economic Services 1 2 1 2 Transportation 15 10 2 5 6 3 8 3 4 3 9 Volunteers/Donations 2 2 2 6 3 1 2 2 1 1 Source: Collier 2-1-1. (2017) 2014 - 2015 Caller Statistics. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From September 2014 – July 2015, the largest percentage of people calling for assistance were white followed Hispanic/Latino callers and black/African Americans callers. TABLE 85 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month per Race and Ethnicity for Sept. 2014 – July 2015 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Black/African 21 36 13 21 16 13 13 20 11 21 14 American White 128 112 93 100 100 88 91 96 94 80 95 Haitian 4 16 5 4 7 1 3 8 1 5 3 Hispanic/Latino 47 39 36 44 45 34 30 33 37 38 36 Asian 3 3 1 1 2 1 73 American Indian /Alaska 2 2 1 2 1 Native Hawaiian or 1 1 Other Pacific Islander Other 18 22 11 5 17 13 11 12 15 14 17 Refused 76 116 55 45 45 29 48 54 40 43 51 Unknown 4 3 1 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 Source: Collier 2-1-1. (2017) 2014 - 2015 Caller Statistics. Retrieved from In 2015, females made the most calls to Collier County 2-1-1. TABLE 86 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month per Gender for Sept. 2014 – July 2015 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Female 217 235 131 130 124 106 119 125 116 119 129 Male 31 41 42 45 56 39 46 56 41 41 43 Transgender/Other 0 1 1 Unknown/Refused 5 9 5 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 6 Source: Collier 2-1-1. (2017) 2014 - 2015 Caller Statistics. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2014-2015, people in the age ranges of 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 and 55-64 called the Collier County 2-1-1 phone line the most. TABLE 87 Collier County 2-1-1 Total Calls per Month per Age for Sept. 2014 – July 2015 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July 0 to 11 1 12 to 17 1 1 1 18 to 24 16 11 10 7 7 10 7 8 6 11 9 25 to 34 30 49 32 44 31 15 12 15 30 25 25 35 to 44 38 33 31 24 21 15 28 24 19 18 27 45 to 54 31 33 15 35 40 26 24 30 21 29 18 55 to 64 27 24 17 12 26 29 24 30 25 18 28 65 to 74 20 13 17 12 12 10 7 17 12 9 10 75 + 16 14 4 6 6 14 18 6 10 14 12 Refused 75 108 52 37 37 28 46 54 37 37 49 Unknown Source: Collier 2-1-1. (2017) 2014 - 2015 Caller Statistics. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Children and Child Care The amount of reported child day care establishments increased in Collier County in 2014, while the number of establishments increased at the state level in 2012-2013 and later decreased in 2014. TABLE 88 Private Child Day Care Services by population under 5 years 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 47 Number of Establishments 44 44 47 45 964 Number of employees 752 781 769 765 22,551,717 Total Wages in thousands 17,458 18,015 18,591 18,488 450 Average Weekly Wage 446 444 465 465 23386 Average Annual Pay 23,205 23,067 24,165 24,175 16,667 16,518 16,620 16,793 16,870 Population under 5 years 359 Children per 1 day care 379 375 354 373 Florida 4,085 Number of Establishments 4,164 4,211 4,124 4,030 53,177 Number of employees 49,110 49,623 49,839 51,127 1,098,858 Total Wages in thousands 932,477 953,605 978,210 1,028,690 397 Average Weekly Wage 365 370 377 387 20,664 Average Annual Pay 18,988 19,217 19,627 20,120 1,076,975 1,076,020 1,084,349 1,099,832 1,114,110 Population under 5 years 273 Children per 1 day care 259 256 263 273 United States 70,877 Number of Establishments 70,257 70,007 69,819 70,067 850,196 Number of employees 788,389 788,254 799,437 824,359 Total Wages in thousands 15,464,226 15,735,442 16,374,041 17,454,791 18,429,254 417 Average Weekly Wage 377 384 394 407 21,676 Average Annual Pay 19,615 19,962 20,482 21,174 19,980,310 19,867,850 19,867,880 20,122,640 20,168,520 Population under 5 years 285 Children per 1 day care 284 284 285 287 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. Retrieved from; Woods & Poole Economics. (2017) 2017 state profile: Florida. Washington, DC: Author.

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2017 Vital Signs Report GRAPH 34 Children per Day Care Ratio

Children Per Day Care Ratio 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0




Collier County




United States

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. Retrieved from; Woods & Poole Economics. (2017) 2017 state profile: Florida. Washington, DC: Author. From 2012-2015, in Collier County, the percent of the population that is under 5 years and the percent of the population that is in day cares have both declined; before gradually starting to increase. However, in 2016 it declined again. GRAPH 35 Change in population under 5 years and change in child daycares

Percentage Change

Collier County Percentage Change of Population Under 5 Years and Percentage Change in Day Care 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% -5.00% -10.00% Population under 5 years Children per 1 day care

2012 -1.03% -3.28%

2013 -0.89% -0.89%

2014 0.62% -5.80%

2015 1.04% 5.53%

2016 0.46% -3.82%

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. Retrieved from; Woods & Poole Economics. (2017) 2017 state profile: Florida. Washington, DC: Author. HU Johnson School of Business Page 94

2017 Vital Signs Report From 2013-2016, in Collier County, the percentage of a female householder with no husband was higher than a male householder with no wife. Overall, female householders with no husband have a higher percentage than males in the United States, followed by Collier County and Florida. TABLE 89 Householder with own Children under 18 and no Spouse Present 2013




Collier County Male Householder, no wife present 7,150 4,662 5,552 4,597 With own children under 18 years 3,379 1,999 3,287 2,192 As % of all Male householder, no 47.26% 42.88% 59.20% 47.68% wife present Female Householder, no husband present 12,985 11,482 12,618 12,157 With own children under 18 years 7,028 6,121 6,697 6,427 As % of all Female householder, no 54.12% 53.31% 53.07% 52.87% husband present Florida Male Householder, no wife present 335,618 353,537 359,661 364,873 With own children under 18 years 145,860 155,425 161,212 157,756 As % of all Male householder, no 43.46% 43.96% 44.82% 43.24% wife present Female Householder, no husband present 956,387 959,771 1,002,174 985,794 With own children under 18 years 498,564 494,344 502,732 495,544 As % of all Female householder, no 52.13% 51.51% 50.16% 50.27% husband present United States Male Householder, no wife present 5,619,899 5,765,116 5,730,981 5,794,777 With own children under 18 years 2,660,793 2,736,649 2,718,895 2,709,515 As % of all Male householder, no 47.35% 47.47% 47.44% 46.76% wife present Female Householder, no husband present 15,201,756 15,272,285 15,083,980 15,023,387 With own children under 18 years: 8,378,172 8,257,048 8,072,458 7,942,075 As % of all Female householder, no 55.11% 54.07% 53.20% 52.86% husband present Source: Census Bureau. (2017) 2016 American Community Survey: Table B11003. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 90 Percentage of all married-couple and single parents with own Children under 18 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County All Families 85,790 91,539 95,011 91,425 Married-couple w/ Children under 18 15,780 19,380 17,853 16,773 As % of Married-couple w/ Children under 18 18.39% 21.17% 18.79% 18.35% Single Male w/ Children under 18 3,379 1,999 3,287 2,192 As % of Single Male w/ Children under 3.94% 2.18% 3.46% 2.40% 18 Single Female w/ Children under 18 7,028 6,121 6,697 6,427 As % of Single Female w/ Children under 18 8.19% 6.69% 7.05% 7.03% Florida All Families





Married-couple w/ Children under 18 As % of Married-couple w/ Children under 18









Single Male w/ Children under 18 As % of Single Male w/ Children under 18









Single Female w/ Children under 18 As % of Single Female w/ Children under 18 United States









All Families

76,680,463 77,152,072 77,530,756 77,785,962

Married-couple w/ Children under 18 As % of Married-couple w/ Children under 18

22,242,905 22,112,890 22,208,234 22,188,306

Single Male w/ Children under 18 As % of Single Male w/ Children under 18













Single Female w/ Children under 18 8,378,172 8,257,048 8,072,458 7,081,312 As % of Single Female w/ Children under 10.93% 10.70% 10.41% 9.10% 18 Source: Census Bureau. (2017) 2016 American Community Survey: Table B11003. Retrieved from HU Johnson School of Business Page 96

2017 Vital Signs Report The total number of grandchildren less than 18 years living with their grandparents declined in Collier County in 2015, before increasing in 2016. The total number of grandchildren less than 18 years living with their grandparents gradually increased in the State of Florida from 2015-2016. The total number of grandchildren under 18 years living with their grandparents gradually trended upward in the United States from 2013-2016. TABLE 91 Grandchildren under 18 years living with Grandparents 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 4,116 7,701 Total 5,398 4,500 Under 6 years 3,174 1,502 2,417 3,936 1,143 2,874 6 to 11 years 1,119 1,605 12 to 17 years 1,105 1,393 556 891 Florida 359,892 373,692 Total 347,420 352,311 162,973 155,055 Under 6 years 164,886 159,120 113,228 127,101 6 to 11 years 107,172 114,861 83,691 91,536 12 to 17 years 75,362 78,330 United States Total 5,712,157 5,829,891 5,886,720 5,964,069 2,647,137 2,589,817 Under 6 years 2,674,098 2,673,367 18,778,085 1,963,246 6 to 11 years 1,754,972 1,819,225 1,361,778 1,411,006 12 to 17 years 1,283,087 1,337,299 Source: Census Bureau. (2017) 2016 American Community Survey: Table B10001. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report Children in Poverty From 2012-2016, the percentage of children under 5 years living below the poverty level in the State of Florida and the United States has started to gradually increase before starting to decline. During this same time period, the percentage of children under 5 years living below the poverty level in Collier County has sharply increased before steadily decreasing. GRAPH 36 Percentage of Related Children Under 5 Years Living Below Poverty Level

Percentage of Related Children Under 5 Years Living Below Poverty Level 45.0%


40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% Collier County Florida United States

2012 21.0% 28.3% 25.6%

2013 23.6% 27.0% 24.8%

2014 33.6% 26.2% 23.9%

2015 30.7% 25.8% 22.8%

2016 15.8% 23.2% 21.3%

Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016, the percentage of related children 5-17 years living below the poverty level in the State of Florida and the United States has started to gradually increase before starting to decline. During this same time period, the percentage of related children 5-17 years living below the poverty level in Collier County has decreased before steadily increasing, and finally, gradually trending downward. GRAPH 37 Percentage of Related Children 5-17 Years Living Below Poverty Level

Percentage of Related Children 5-17 Years Living Below Poverty Level 45.0%


40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% Collier County Florida United States

2012 22.7% 23.9% 21.0%

2013 20.5% 23.1% 20.8%

2014 25.0% 22.5% 20.4%

2015 22.3% 21.6% 19.5%

2016 16.7% 19.8% 18.3%

Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016 in Collier County, the State of Florida and the United States, the percentage of families and people whose income in the past 12 months is below the poverty level has been the highest for families with a female householder, no husband present with related children under 18 years and related children under 5 years. TABLE 92 Percentage of Families and People whose income in the past 12 months is below poverty level 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County All families 7.90% 8.80% 8.90% 9.30% 6.30% With related children under 18 years 15.90% 16.80% 20.50% 19.90% 12.70% With related children under 5 years only 10.80% 15.10% 11.60% 19.30% 2.70% Married couple families 4.60% 6.80% 4.90% 6.40% 3.80% With related children under 18 years 9.00% 13.60% 12.80% 13.60% 7.30% With related children under 5 years only 5.20% 6.50% 9.40% 7.80% 0.00% Families with female householder, no husband 24.90% 15.40% 27.80% 18.80% 18.10% present With related children under 18 years 28.80% 19.30% 37.70% 26.80% 22.60% With related children under 5 years only 23.60% 14.10% 22.20% 48.10% 7.60% Florida All families 12.60% 12.40% 12.00% 11.30% 10.50% With related children under 18 years 21.00% 20.30% 19.90% 18.90% 17.10% With related children under 5 years only 20.70% 18.80% 19.30% 17.30% 16.40% Married couple families 6.80% 7.00% 6.60% 6.10% 6.10% With related children under 18 years 10.40% 10.40% 9.60% 9.10% 8.60% With related children under 5 years only 7.50% 7.70% 8.20% 7.00% 6.90% Families with female householder, no husband 30.30% 29.10% 29.40% 27.00% 25.00% present With related children under 18 years 40.00% 38.70% 39.70% 37.10% 33.80% With related children under 5 years only 43.40% 40.90% 42.70% 39.60% 37.00% United States All families 11.80% 11.60% 11.30% 10.60% 10.00% With related children under 18 years 18.80% 18.50% 18.00% 17.10% 15.90% With related children under 5 years only 19.30% 18.30% 17.50% 16.40% 15.10% Married couple families 5.80% 5.80% 5.60% 5.20% 5.10% With related children under 18 years 8.70% 8.50% 8.20% 7.70% 7.10% With related children under 5 years only 7.10% 7.00% 6.50% 5.90% 5.30% Families with female householder, no husband 31.80% 30.90% 30.50% 29.00% 27.30% present With related children under 18 years 41.50% 41.00% 40.60% 39.20% 37.00% With related children under 5 years only 48.00% 46.20% 45.40% 43.90% 41.40% Source: Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey: Table CP03. Retrieved from HU Johnson School of Business Page 100

2017 Vital Signs Report From 2012-2016, Collier County’s percentage of households receiving food stamps/SNAP with children under 18 was above the state and national percentage. In the State of Florida and the United States, the percentage of households receiving food stamps/SNAP has gradually decreased; however, in Collier County, although there was a decrease in 2013, the percentage increased in 2015; however, declined again in 2016. TABLE 93 Percentage of Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP With Children Under 18 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 62.3% 56.8% 60.7% 67.2% 63.8% Florida 49.0% 48.8% 48.6% 48.5% 47.5% United States 54.1% 54.0% 52.9% 52.1% 50.8% Source: Census Bureau (2017) 2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimate Table: S2201. Retrieved from Poverty and Homelessness From 2010-2016, the United States and the State of Florida had a downward trend in the point in time estimates of homeless people. From 2010-2016, the point in time estimates for Naples/Collier County fluctuated. TABLE 94 Point in Time Estimates of Homeless People 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Naples/Collier County 401 390 455 396 361 389 545 Florida 57,551 56,687 55,170 47,862 41,542 35,900 33,559 United States 640,466 625,217 622,982 591,768 578,424 564,708 549,928 Source: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2017). The 2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress. Retrieved from In 2016, Florida was ranked as the state with the second highest rate of unsheltered homeless people (45.8%). TABLE 95 Highest Rates of Unsheltered Homeless People by State in 2016 # of Homeless # of Unsheltered % of Homeless People States With the Highest Rates People Homeless People who were Unsheltered California 66.4% 118,142 78,390 Florida 45.8% 33,559 15,361 Washington 40.6% 20,827 8,466 Oregon 60.4% 13,238 8,002 Texas 29.9% 23,122 6,908 Source: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2017). The 2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report In 2016, Florida was ranked as the state with the second highest rate of unsheltered homeless people in families (29.9%). TABLE 96 Highest Rates of Unsheltered Homeless People in Families by State in 2016 % of Homeless # of Homeless # of Unsheltered People in Families People in Homeless People in who were States With the Highest Rates Families Families Unsheltered California 21.7% 20,482 4,450 Florida 29.9% 9,358 2,801 Oregon 59.1% 3,859 2,281 Georgia 30.0% 3,331 1,000 Colorado 13.8% 6,927 955 Source: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2017). The 2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress. Retrieved from Collier County homeless students reported in Florida public schools began to gradually increase since 2015-2016. TABLE 97 Collier County Homeless Students Reported in Florida Public Schools by Florida County 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Collier 1,281 1,123 849 779 808 Source: Florida Department of Children and Families. (2017). Council on Homelessness 2017 Annual Report. Retrieved from In 2016, the largest cause of homelessness in the State of Florida was employment/financial difficulties. This was followed by medical/disability, family problems and forced relocation. TABLE 98 Causes of Homelessness in Florida 2016 Number 2016 Percentage 2015 Percentage Employment/Financial 8,393 44.5% 41.5% Medical/Disability 4,111 21.8% 17.5% Family Problems 3,306 17.5% 19.6% Forced to Relocate 2,714 14.4% 19.6% Recent Immigration 109 0.6% 1.0% Natural Disaster 212 1.1% 0.8% Source: Florida Department of Children and Families. (2017). Council on Homelessness 2016 Annual Report. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report TABLE 99 Total Percentage of Poverty by Age Group Region/ Year 18 to 24 years 25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 64 years Collier County 2010 29.5% 18.8% 18.9% 11.9% 11.2% 2011 21.4% 15.7% 18.7% 12.8% 12.0% 2012 16.0% 18.0% 15.2% 12.5% 9.5% 2013 13.8% 12.9% 17.0% 11.8% 8.3% 2014 18.8% 18.0% 16.8% 11.7% 9.9% 2015 19.0% 18.0% 18.4% 10.0% 11.4% 2016 11.6% 13.4% 13.6% 8.9% 11.5% Florida 2010 23.5% 17.5% 14.5% 12.8% 12.3% 2011 24.0% 17.0% 15.3% 13.6% 12.3% 2012 24.0% 17.7% 14.4% 13.2% 13.1% 2013 22.8% 17.2% 15.3% 13.6% 13.3% 2014 22.5% 16.3% 14.6% 13.0% 13.6% 2015 21.2% 15.7% 13.5% 12.3% 12.6% 2016 39.6% 14.1% 12.8% 11.4% 12.9% United States 2010 23.0% 15.6% 12.4% 10.5% 9.7% 2011 23.6% 16.0% 13.1% 11.4% 10.2% 2012 23.1% 16.0% 13.1% 11.3% 10.6% 2013 22.8% 15.9% 13.3% 11.4% 10.8% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table B17001. Retrieved from; U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates: Table B01001. Retrieved from TABLE 100 Below Poverty Level by Employment Status Region/ Sex 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County Male 7,789 5,108 6,106 7,149 7,861 6,162 Female 4,539 4,300 5,617 5,973 5,325 4,573 Both 12,328 9,408 11,723 13,122 13,186 10,735 Florida Male 305,118 313,112 327,455 328,290 301,587 302,395 Female 344,135 357,247 364,739 382,985 373,821 349,961 Both 649,253 670,359 692,194 711,275 675,408 652,356 United States Male 4,743,111 4,809,449 4,948,486 5,007,735 4,700,888 4,483,921 Female 5,564,780 5,742,964 5,924,357 6,058,649 5,831,441 5,593,732 Both 10,307,891 10,552,413 10,872,843 11,066,384 10,532,329 10,077,653 Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). 2016 American Community Survey1-year estimates: Table: S1701. Retrieved from Note. Year-to-year percentage changes were calculated by the research team. HU Johnson School of Business Page 103

2017 Vital Signs Report Housing Cost and Foreclosure The majority of households spend less than 30 percent of household income on housing. However, the number of households spending more than 50 percent of household income on housing costs is increasing, and it is projected to increase. TABLE 101 Housing Cost Burden 2000





Collier County 57,853 79,515 86,170 96,287 105,427 30% or less 22,227 27,486 29,436 32,681 35,502 30.1 – 50% 22,568 26,176 28,165 31,256 33,941 More than 50% Florida 3,504,739 4,316,936 4,616,994 5,053,365 5,445,525 30% or less 1,341,559 1,515,330 1,614,513 1,761,110 1,891,398 30.1 – 50% 1,361,750 1,581,574 1,686,079 1,834,256 1,967,728 More than 50% Source: Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse. (2017). Household Demographic Data- Households by tenure, age of householder, income, and cost burden. Retrieved from: (*Forecast Estimation) GRAPH 38 Collier County Housing Cost Burden as Percentage of Household Income – Population 65+


Collier County Housing Cost Burden as Percentage of Hourhold IncomePopulation 65+ 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 30% or less 30.1 – 50% More than 50%











6,233 7,634

8,501 9,780

9,566 10,995

10,963 12,574

12,563 14,372

Source: Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse. (2017). Household Demographic Data- Households by tenure, age of householder, income, and cost burden. Retrieved from: (*Forecast Estimation)

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2017 Vital Signs Report Collier County’s foreclosure rate is above the state and national rate. In Collier County, the preforeclosure percentage from the prior month decreased by 47.4 percent. Additionally, the preforeclosure percentage from the prior year decreased by 66.7 percent. Median home prices in Collier County are above the state and national home prices. TABLE 102 Foreclosure Status Distribution – August 2017 Collier County Florida United States 1 in 3157 1 in 1093 1 in 1758 Foreclosure Rates Pre-Foreclosure Current 32.30% 40.60% 31.70% 47.40% 21.10% 18.30% Prior month 66.70% 18.80% 13.90% Prior Year Auction 40.30% 28.70% 39.10% Current 0.00% 1.80% 5.40% Prior month 41.90% 34.80% 19.20% Prior Year Bank-Owned 27.40% 30.70% 29.20% Current 0.00% 32.10% 21.00% Prior month 63.80% 20.50% 29.60% Prior Year Source: RealtyTrac (2017). U.S. Real Estate Trends and Market Info: Foreclosure rates. Retrieved from TABLE 103 Median Home Prices – August 2017 Median List Price Median Sales Price Median Foreclosure Sales Price $364,500 $290,000 Collier County $229,900 $190,000 Florida $238,000 $220,000 United States Source: RealtyTrac (2017). U.S. Real Estate Trends and Market Info: Foreclosure rates. Retrieved from *Data was not available for Median Foreclosure Sales Price

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2017 Vital Signs Report Domestic Violence In Collier County and the State of Florida during 2012-2016, the most reported domestic violence offense was simple assault, followed by aggravated assault and threat/intimidation. TABLE 104 Reported Domestic Violence Offenses for 2012-2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 333,663 350,202 Total Population 329,849 336,783 343,802 5 Murder 2 3 2 0 0 Manslaughter 0 0 0 0 22 Forcible Rape 15 34 16 25 4 Forcible Sodomy 3 217 Forcible Fondling 29 11 6 11 1 Aggrav. Assault 221 241 236 269 1167 Aggrav. Stalking 0 4 0 0 43 Simple Assault 1,318 1,114 1,258 1,198 0 Threat/Intimidation 24 18 20 33 1459 Stalking 1 2 1 0 Total Reported Offenses 1,613 1,427 1,539 1,536 Florida Total Population 19,074,434 19,259,543 19,457,270 19,815,183 20,148,654 179 Murder 191 170 193 184 14 Manslaughter 11 17 12 15 1,535 Forcible Rape 981 1,588 1,417 1,517 713 Forcible Sodomy 377 16,734 Forcible Fondling 931 744 692 756 171 Aggrav. Assault 16,828 17,043 17,040 17,354 84,382 Aggrav. Stalking 192 201 136 153 1,502 Simple Assault 85,929 85,606 84,994 85,608 410 Threat/Intimidation 2,209 2,161 2,010 1,641 105,640 Stalking 397 500 388 438 350,202 Total Reported Offenses 108,046 108,030 106,882 107,666 Source: Florida Department of Law Enforcement. (2017). Florida’s County and Jurisdictional Reported Domestic Violence Offenses, 2016. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report The reported domestic violence offenses rate per 100,000 population from 2012-2016 has declined for Collier County and the State of Florida. TABLE 105 Collier County and Florida Reported Domestic Violence Offenses Rate Per 100,000 Population from 2012-2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collier County 489.01 427.68 457.00 446.80 416.6 Florida 566.44 560.92 547.90 543.40 524.3 Source: Florida Department of Law Enforcement. (2017). Total Reported Domestic Violence Offenses by County, 1992-2016. Retrieved from GRAPH 39 Domestic Violence Offense Rate

Domestic Violence Offense Rate Rate Per 100,000 Population

580 560 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 400


2013 Collier County





Source: Florida Department of Law Enforcement. (2017). Total Reported Domestic Violence Offenses by County, 1992-2016. Retrieved from

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2017 Vital Signs Report In the State of Florida during 2014-2017, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center received the majority of their inbound phone calls for sex trafficking, followed by labor trafficking. The majority of inbound phone callers were females, and the majority of the callers were United States citizens. TABLE 106 National Human Trafficking Resource Center Inbound Phone Call Statistics 2014 2015 2016 2017 Florida 878 Total Number of Calls 1,428 1,518 852 329 Human Trafficking Cases Reported 364 407 265 Types of Trafficking Reported 215 Sex Trafficking 251 302 195 79 Labor Trafficking 67 68 38 20 Trafficking Type Not Specified 24 24 16 15 Sex and Labor 22 13 16 54 Gender 54 Male 53 54 33 277 Female 301 348 229 Age 225 Adult 245 291 178 120 Minor 113 122 81 Citizenship 98 US Citizen 154 140 77 73 Foreign National 81 70 53 United States 13,897 Total Number of Calls 21,431 21,941 13,454 4,460 Human Trafficking Cases Reported 5,042 5,544 3,646 Types of Trafficking Reported 3,186 Sex Trafficking 3,598 4,136 2,678 689 Labor Trafficking 818 721 470 411 Trafficking Type Not Specified 454 509 369 174 Sex and Labor 172 178 129 Gender 607 Male 672 574 433 3,698 Female 4,155 4,683 3,058 Age 2,812 Adult 3,258 3,559 2,299 1,438 Minor 1,581 1,621 1,181 Citizenship 1,082 US Citizen 1,845 1,660 1,018 872 Foreign National 1,243 1,041 648 Source: National Human Trafficking Resource Center. (2017). Hotline Statistics. Retrieved from

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