2013 Training Directory

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Voluntary and Community sector February 2013 – June 2013 Tr a i n i n g D i r e c t o r y

Welcome to the Buckinghamshire Training Directory Training for the voluntary and community sector in Buckinghamshire This training directory is a Buckinghamshire partnership project supported by the Big Lottery. Its aim is to ensure that the voluntary and community sector has access to the training it needs for its staff and volunteers. The key training partners for the project are : Buckinghamshire County Council, Aylesbury Vale District Council, Chiltern District Council, The Clare Foundation, Community Impact Bucks, Bucks Sport and Action4Youth. These partners have come together to produce this training directory showing what they have on offer for the period February 2013 to June 2013

How to use the Training Directory Training can be easily viewed by using the relevant colour coded symbols. For full course details and booking please go to the individual web site of the training partner providing the course.

Aylesbury Vale District Council www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/community-living/communityvoluntary/funding/sources-of-funding-advice/ 01296 585364 Chiltern District Council www.chiltern.gov.uk/training 01494 732058 Community Impact Bucks www.communityimpactbucks.org.uk/training_events.php 0845 389 0389 Bucks Sport www.buckssport.org/en/app/calendar/seminars 01296 585215 Action4Youth www.action4youth.org 0845 6009731

Looking for a venue If you are a trainer or training organisation looking for excellent training facilities to deliver training to the voluntary sector then the Clare Foundation can meet your needs. Contact david.lawrance@theclarefoundation.org


Searching for Training? Training in this directory is classified under four categories.

Managing your Organisation In this category you will find a wide range of courses all designed to help you and your organisation improve effectiveness and capacity.

Fundraising In this category you will find courses if you are new to fundraising, if you are a professional fundraiser or if fundraising is one element of your role.

Volunteering In this category you will find courses that are relevant for any organisation that works with volunteers. They include courses for anyone who recruits, supervises or manages volunteers.

Community Club, Facility Management and Catering Training In this category you will find training relevant if you are running a sports, youth or community club. This category also includes catering courses. For additional information on sports coaching and national governing bodies courses, please go to www.buckssport.org /en/app/calendar/seminars

The Directory also contains information on : - Training available to voluntary groups via Buckinghamshire County Councils e learning portal. - Additional courses available by request from Aylesbury Vale District Council. - Organisations providing specific training for voluntary groups who work with children and young people with disabilities or vulnerable adults. - Organisations providing First Aid training. - For additional information on training for working with children or young people please go to www.action4youth.org

Further Information If you need any further information on any of these courses please contact the individual training provider. If you wish to talk to someone about your group’s specific training requirements then please call our training advisor at Community Impact Bucks or e mail info@buckstraining.co.uk Tailored training is available.



COURSE TITLE Funding Fair 2013







AVDC Link: http://fundingfai r2013.eventbrit e.co.uk

Full Day



CDC Link: http:www.chilte rn.gov.uk/traini ng

8.45 - 2.30

Urban Media 18 Manor Courtyard Hughenden Avenue High Wycombe HP13 5RE


CIB Link: http://internetm arketingseminar 26feb12.eventb rite.co.uk/

10.00 - 1.00

Monks Risborough


CIB http://www.co mmunityimpact bucks.org.uk/tr aining_events.p hp

Come and speak directly with people who provide funding or advice to the community, voluntary or social enterprise sector. No appointments – go to whichever funders you are interested in. Attend workshops that give useful tips to improve your fundraising chances. Stay as long as you like.


Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering Previously known as foundation level. This course is relevant if you work in catering or hospitality where food is prepared, cooked or served. This certificate is issued by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health will satisfy the legal requirement for formal training for people who handle high risk food.


Internet Marketing Charity Seminar Many charities are feeling the pinch in the current economic climate and are struggling to generate the finances or volunteers that they used to. Are you one of them? We have specifically tailored our Internet Marketing; Breakthrough Seminar to make it relevant for charities and help you achieve results! To enable you to attract more visitors to your website, convert more of them into results (donations or volunteering time, learn how to monitor your progress and understand what you are doing and learn how to effectively market to your existing supporters.


Attracting and recruiting new trustees or members to your management committee A relaxed and friendly opportunity for older peoples groups to think about this important area There will be an opportunity to meet people from other groups, share ideas and take away handouts and information to help your organisation. The workshop will be facilitated by Community Impact Bucks Volunteering Development Manager. Lunch will be provided




COURSE TITLE Funding Advice Surgery


Representatives of voluntary and community groups in Buckinghamshire can book a free 45 minute one to one session with members of the Community Impact Bucks sustainability team and /or the Outreach Officer of Bucks Community Foundation. A great opportunity to discuss and seek advice on sustainability issues and funding for your organisation or project. Further information and booking details can be found via the attached link.


Funding Advice Surgery Representatives of voluntary and community groups in Buckinghamshire can book a free 45 minute one to one session with members of the Community Impact Bucks sustainability team and /or the Outreach Officer of Bucks Community Foundation. A great opportunity to discuss and seek advice on sustainability issues and funding for your organisation or project. Further information and booking details can be found via the attached link. http://hwfunding2013.eventbrite.co.uk/#

Getting fit For Funding






10.00 - 4.15 45 minute slots

South Bucks District Council Offices (Denham)


CIB Link: http://chilternfu nding2013.eve ntbrite.co.uk/#

10.00 - 4.15 45 minute slots

High Wycombe (Micklefield Library)


CIB http://hwfundin g2013.eventbrit e.co.uk/#

10.00 - 1.00

Monks Risborough


CIB http://www.co mmunityimpact bucks.org.uk/tr aining_events.p hp





Aylesbury The Gateway


CIB http://www.co mmunityimpact bucks.org.uk/tr aining_events.p hp

Monks Risborough


CIB http://www.co mmunityimpact bucks.org.uk/tr aining_events.p hp

This practical and interactive workshop is aimed at those people whose role is to submit funding applications for their organisation or group. It will take you through the preparatory steps necessary to ensure you are ready to apply to grant funders , it will help you to avoid common pitfalls and develop your skills in making good funding applications.




Funding Advice Surgery


Lone Worker Training

10.00 - 4.15 Representatives of voluntary and community groups in Buckinghamshire 45 minute slots can book a free 45 minute one to one session with members of the Community Impact Bucks sustainability team and /or officers of Bucks Community Foundation and /or Aylesbury Vale District Council . A great opportunity to discuss and seek advice on sustainability issues and funding for your organisation or project. Further information and booking details can be found via the attached link. *

From time to time staff and volunteers may come across individuals who are argumentative, aggressive or worse. Our "Lone Worker" course will give you the tactics and skills needed to manage difficult situations both safely and sensitively in the office, on the move or in someone's home.

10.00 - 1.00



COURSE TITLE Strategic Volunteering






9.45 - 4.30

Aylesbury area


CIB http://www.com munityimpactbu cks.org.uk/traini ng_events.php

A one day workshop focussed on how to involve volunteers to reach strategic and long term goals, including high calibre professionals or expert volunteers.

Invest in your volunteers


9.45 - 4.30 Aylesbury Area

For anyone who supervises, manages or coordinates volunteers. These are interactive events with a chance to meet others in the voluntary sector. We will focus on good practice and top tips for success when recruiting and retaining volunteers.

Lone Worker Training


10.00 - 1.00

Monks Risborough

10.00 - 4.15 45 minute slots

CDC Offices Amersham

From time to time staff and volunteers may come across individuals who are argumentative, aggressive or worse. Our "Lone Worker" course will give you the tactics and skills needed to manage difficult situations both safely and sensitively in the office, on the move or in someone's home.

Exact Date confirmed in April


Funding Advice Surgery Representatives of voluntary and community groups in Buckinghamshire can book free 45 minute one to one sessions with members of the Community Impact Bucks sustainability team and /or officers of Bucks Community Foundation. A great opportunity to discuss and seek advice on sustainability issues and funding for your organisation or project. Further information and booking details can be found via the attached link: *

COURSE TITLE Invest in your volunteers



9.45 - 4.30

Chiltern & South Bucks

8.45 - 2.30

Urban Media 18 Manor Courtyard Hughenden Avenue High Wycombe HP13 5RE

For anyone who supervises, manages or coordinates volunteers. These are interactive events with a chance to meet others in the voluntary sector. We will focus on good practice and top tips for success when recruiting and retaining volunteers.



Internet Marketing Charity Seminar Many charities are feeling the pinch in the current economic climate and are struggling to generate the finances or volunteers that they used to. Are you one of them? We have specifically tailored our Internet Marketing; Breakthrough Seminar to make it relevant for charities and help you achieve results! To enable you to attract more visitors to your website, convert more of them into results (donations or volunteering time, learn how to monitor your progress and understand what you are doing and learn how to effectively market to your existing supporters

CIB Full Day £30.00 Half Day £15.00 http://www.com munityimpactbu cks.org.uk/traini ng_events.php £15.00 CIB http://www.com munityimpactbu cks.org.uk/traini ng_events.php Free

CIB http://www.com munityimpactbu cks.org.uk/traini ng_events.php



Full Day £30.00 CIB Half Day £15.00 http://www.com munityimpactbu cks.org.uk/traini ng_events.php £10.00

CIB http://www.com munityimpactbu cks.org.uk/traini ng_events.php

JUNE Exact Date confirmed in May

COURSE TITLE Funding Advice Surgery Representatives of voluntary and community groups in Buckinghamshire can book free 45 minute one to one sessions with members of the Community Impact Bucks sustainability team and /or officers of Bucks Community Foundation. A great opportunity to discuss and seek advice on sustainability issues and funding for your organisation or project. Further information and booking details can be found via the attached link: *



10.00 - 4.15 45 minute slots

High Wycombe


CONTACT CIB http://www.com munityimpactbu cks.org.uk/traini ng_events.php

*Further details on Funding Advice & Support can be found by the attached link: www.communityimpactbucks.org.uk/pages/funding-information.html

Additional Training Available: AVDC offer voluntary and community groups the opportunity to attend training. The courses will be run according to demand. The full training directory including booking instruction and costs is available online http://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/community-living/communityvoluntary/support/avdc-general-support/ If you have any questions call the AVDC Training Administrator on 01296 585019

Some of the Courses offered include: Assertiveness Skills

Effective Recruitment and Selection Skills

Resolving Difficult Issues

Basic Sign Language Kick-Start Workshop

Essential Child Protection Handling Difficult Face to Face Interviews

Stress Management Time Management

Coping at the Sharp End

Hidden Disabilities Awareness

Understanding Body Language

Creative Thinking

Meeting Skills

Customer Care – working on the Front Line

Minutes Made Easy

Deaf Awareness

Networking & Influencing

Develop Your Team

Personal Development Workshop

Difference Matters

Personal Safety

Drug Awareness

Presentation Skills

Negotiation Skills

Visual Awareness – Front Line Staff Working in Partnership – Facilitating Group Meetings Writing Effectively & With Confidence


Find it difficult to make time for training? Why not do it at a time to suit you E-learning courses are available to you via Bucks County Council’s e-Learning Hub. Microsoft Office e-learning can help improve your organisation’s efficiency around IT. Includes Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook and Powerpoint)

Buckinghamshire County Council


Project management Also available are courses around Management Development Covering essential steps in managing projects helpthe you best to deliver projects on time and in and Self Development to help youtoget from yourself budget and your team. Such as…. Time Management

Project Management Showing how to create the time needed to achieve the things that are really Covering steps performance in managing projects importantessential to your overall at work. to help you to deliver projects on time and in budget

Team Building

Time ExploringManagement the key factors that make teams effective and the skills required to build, strengthen andto create the time needed to achieve the things that are really important Showing how to your overall performance at work. maintain the team. Also available are courses Team Building on Safeguarding Vulnerable Exploring the key factors that make teams effective and the skills required to build, Adults , Mental Health and strengthen and maintain the team. Older People, Advocacy and Participation to Residential Childcare and Parental Drug Also available are courses Misuse. And many more…. on Safeguarding Vulnerable , Mental and Older People, There maybe a nominal cost Adults to allow accessHealth and Bucks County Council will look at your organisation’s needs and provide access at the Drug best possible Advocacy and Participation to endeavour Residentialto Childcare and Parental Misuse. price. If youmore…. would And many like more information please contact. Jude Reynolds HR Officer e-learning on 01296maybe 382155a nominal cost to allow access and Bucks County Council will look There or email:organisation’s jreynolds@buckscc.gov.uk at your needs and endeavour to provide access at the best possible price. If you would like more information please contact. Jude Reynolds HR Officer e-learning on 01296 382155 or email: jreynolds@buckscc.gov.uk

Buckinghamshire County Council

Training support for voluntary groups who work with children & young people with disabilities or vulnerable adults. The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board offers comprehensive multi-agency training aimed at those in regular contact or who have a period of intense but irregular contact with children, young people or parents/carers. This training is open to voluntary sector providers. The training calendar can be found via their website www.bucks-lscb.org.uk. Follow the BSCB training link on their homepage and then scroll down to the BSCB Inter – Agency Training Programme 2011-12. The Buckinghamshire Children and Young Peoples Trust offers a range of training aimed at people who work with children and young people and their families. A training guide is also available to those who want to enhance their skills for working with disabled children, young people and their families. The training and development guide for disabled children services can be found via their website www.buckinghamshirepartnership.gov.uk, follow the link to the Children & Young Peoples Trust and then the link to Aiming High for disabled children.

Action4Youth provide a comprehensive training programme to the voluntary youth sector and groups that work with children and young people aged 5-25. The training is tailored to the needs of volunteers working with young people and can be delivered directly to youth groups and organisations where they are located. The training calendar can be found on their website www.action4youth.org or contact them on 01296 631319 to discuss your training requirements.

The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Board (BSVAB) offers a range of training, information and advice for the support and care of vulnerable adults. Their website www.bsvab.org provides key supportive information along with a link to the Safeguarding Adults Training Directory.


MKB Care Association. Working in partnership with Bucks County Council provides a training pro gramme and support for the private, voluntary and independent sector in Adult Social Care operating in Buckinghamshire. Full details as well as useful information can be found on their website www.mkbcare.org.uk.

First Aid Training First Aid training for your organisation is available from the Red Cross or St John Ambulance

The Red Cross deliver over 800 Health & Safety Executive approved First Aid courses across the UK each month in over 165 venues. To access their range of training go via the attached link www.redcrossfirstaidtraining.co.uk or contact the area office on 0844 4122 750.

St John Ambulance teaches people first aid so that they can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved. Each year more than 800,000 people complete a St John Ambulance training course. St John Ambulance delivers First Aid and Health & Safety courses for the workplace, the general public and young people. Courses include risk assessment, fire marshal and a suite of first aid courses. For further information on becoming a volunteer or for details of training courses please visit www.sja.org.uk or call 01296 744360.



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