Chillicothe, OH 2013 Community Profile and Resource Guide

Page 1

What’s Inside Young & In Charge Coming Home to the Family Business.............................. 2

Historical Society Museum A Community’s Commitment to Its Heritage.................... 18

New Kenwor th T680 Sets High Standard for Excellence With Superior Fuel Efficiency, Performance and Comfort............................................... 6

Must-See Chillicothe A CVB Itinerary............................................................. 21

A Family’s Love of Ar t — & Each Other Giving Inspiration to the Community................................. 8

City & Ross County Firsts & Significant Facts Historical Highlights...................................................... 26

Leader in Me Empowering Success in City Schools............................. 10

Chamber Marketing Oppor tunities Chamber Packages Can Mean New Customers for You!................................................ 27

Adena Cancer Center Advanced Cancer Care, Close to Home.......................... 12

Small Business Resources Expertise for Entrepreneurs........................................... 30

Pickaway-Ross CTC Regional Leader in Education........................................ 14

Demographics Ross County Facts and Figures...................................... 31

OU-C Technology and Business Development Center Bringing Resources to Enterprising Community Members................................. 16

Membership Directory Alphabetical Listings..................................................... 32 Categorical Listings....................................................... 43

~ Index of Advertisers ~ Adena Health System........................... Outside Back Cover Advanced Services Inc...................................................... 1 AKM Building Systems...................................................... 9 Allstate – Sandra McAllister.............................................. 3 Amerifirst Home Mortgage.............................................. 29 Bishop Flaget School....................................................... 14 Brock’s Inc......................................................................... 1 Caldwell, Ott & Co., CPA’s................................................ 28 Central Center Merchants............................................... 21 Chillicothe Animal Clinic.................................................. 21 Chillicothe City School District........................................ 11 Chillicothe Gazette............................................................. 9 Chillicothe & Ross County Public Library.......................... 3 Classic Brands........................................ Inside Front Cover d.e. Huddleston, Inc. General Contractors....................... 28 Dairy Queens of Chillicothe............................................. 29 Dennewitz Pools & Construction, Inc............................... 31 Kimberly DiFrango, Gemologist, Appraiser, Designer...... 21 The Dock at Water........................................................... 22 Eastern Ave. Lumber Co.................................................. 21 Exit First Capital Realty................................................... 27 Family Healthcare, Inc..................................................... 17 First Capital Answering Service, LLC............................... 27 First Capital Enterprises.................................................... 5 Frisch’s Big Boy............................................................... 21 Glatfelter............................................................................ 7 Globe Furniture.................................................................. 1 Gustin Insurance Agency................................................. 23 Halm Investment Services, LLC....................................... 28 Hanson Heidelberg Cement Group.................................. 28 Hastings Electric.............................................................. 21 Heartland of Chillicothe................................................... 15 Holmes Surgical Associates, Inc...................................... 29 Homeland Credit Union.................................................... 19 Horizon...................................................................... 24–25 The Huntington National Bank......................................... 17

Kenworth Truck Company.................................................. 6 Kindred Transitional Care & Rehabilitation Chillicothe.... 14 The Kitchen Collection, LLC............................................. 21 The Lakes of Plyley’s Lane Apartments........................... 30 Leading Edge Integration................................................ 28 Litter Quality Propane...................................................... 30 National Church Residences Chillicothe.................... 12–13 Neil Coleman Insurance Services, Inc............................. 12 O’Bryant Enterprises, Inc................................................. 11 Ohio University Chillicothe Campus................................. 16 Paint Valley ADAMH Board............................................... 23 John H. Patterson, DDS – The Center for Dental & Facial Restoration................. 11 Personal Touch Carpet Cleaning...................................... 29 Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center.................. 15 Preferred Staffing of Ohio................................................ 30 Ricks Park ’N’ Save......................................................... 22 Ross County Banking Center............................................. 9 Ross County Board of Developmental Disabilities – Pioneer Center............................................................. 19 Ross County Fairgrounds................................................ 11 The School of Dance....................................................... 30 Scioto Valley Association of REALTORS®........................ 29 State Electric Supply Co.................................................. 30 State Farm – Susie Natoli, CLU, Agent............................ 28 State Farm – Dave Strickland, Agent.............................. 30 Stoney Creek Cottage at Scioto Trail............................... 22 The Reserves Network.................................................... 31 United Way of Ross County............................................. 11 VA Medical Center........................................................... 17 Wagner Custom Carts and Parts / Wagner WRS Rental & Supply...................................... 17 Ware Funeral Home, LLC................................................. 31 WesBanco........................................................................ 23 Wilson’s Automotive & Transmission............................... 17 Woodland Heights Apartment Community....................... 29

1 800-455-5600

production vp of production operations Amanda White

cover design Kelly Friederich

copywriting Ruth Jones

lead design Josh Mueller

photography Vickers Photographic Studio

web site creation & support Josh Chandler

photography coordinator Jay Nehrkorn

director of media purchasing Diana Vaughn

director of publication design Kelly Friederich

business development director of business development George Prudhomme

business development manager Bonnie Ebers

director of outside sales Debbie Moss

customer service director Kathy Risley

regional director of publications Heidi Robson

advertising ad research Mary Kopshever Mildred Walker

ad traffic Carol Smith ad design Mindy Brock

administrative support administrative support Kathy Hagene Carol Smith account support Terri Ahner

human resources assistant Teresa Craig mailroom technician Melinda Bowlin

information technology publishing systems specialist Christopher Miller

executive leadership chairman and founder Craig Williams

chief financial officer Rhonda Harsy

ABOUT   This book is published by CommunityLink and

distributed through the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce. For advertising information or questions or comments about this book, contact CommunityLink at 800-455-5600 or by e-mail at FOR INFORMATION   Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce, 45 East Main Street, Chillicothe, OH 45601, Telephone 740-702-2722, Fax 740-702-2727, ww

© 2013 Craig Williams Creative, Inc., 4742 Holts Prairie Road, Post Office Box 306, Pinckneyville, IL 62274-0306, 618-357-8653. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher.


All in the family: Top left are Bill and Bart Herrnstein, at right are Emily Gerber Poe and Joel Gerber of Nationwide Insurance, and bottom are Megan Brumfield and Ron Fewster of McDonald’s.

Young & In Charge Coming Home to the Family Business


ne thing quickly becomes clear when listening to young people who have come home to work in the family business — their love and respect for their families and the businesses those families have created and their care and concern for the community. Emily Gerber Poe said it best. “Something my Dad has pushed on me is his love for me, this community and Grandpa’s love of this community. I know every single one of our businesses thrive on being local. It’s important that people know that it’s not something we take lightly, that people have worked their fingers to the bone for three, four or five generations making sure this community is the best it can be.” At a forum at the Chamber late last summer, a group of the youngest family members


in second-, third-, fourth- and fifth-generation family businesses met to discuss mutual concerns they all face as they begin the process of operating the family business. Bart Herrnstein has been in his family business the longest, 19 years, and is now president of Herrnstein Chrysler and Herrnstein Hyundai. He is the fourth generation in that family business, which began with his great grandfather, H. Welsh, and his grandparents, Art and Lucille Herrnstein, in 1945. His parents, Bill and Linda Herrnstein, are still on the Board of Directors and his father is still chairman of the board, but he says his father is semi-retired. Angie Lochbaum has been working for Chillicothe Fire and Security for 17 years and is now the president. She said her father, Dick

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Kutschbach, is fully retired from the business he bought in 1987. Megan Brumfield began working for her stepfather’s business at 15 and is now an owner/ operator with RHF Enterprises, which owns all the McDonald’s Restaurants in the area. Ron Fewster began the business in 1972 and is still actively involved. Megan has been with the company for 15 years. Seth Brown is a vice president at Globe Furniture, where he is the fifth generation in a family business founded in 1905 by Seigfried Schachne. He has worked there for 12 years and watched the transition as his mother, Linda Brown, took over the business from her father, Herb Friedman. He also works with his aunt, Susan Bales.

Chad McAllister has been working with his father, C. Patrick McAllister, for seven years and is currently the general manager of the Christopher Inn and Suites, one of the businesses owned by CP Management, his father’s company, which also owns the Comfort Inn and Suites and the Hampton Inn and has interests in several restaurants. His father is still running the company. Emily Gerber Poe is the third generation to work for the Joel Gerber Insurance Agency, begun by her grandfather, Ed Gerber, in 1943. She is an associate agent and has been there for six years. Her father is still running the agency, but can now take a vacation, she says. Brian White is the commercial manager for Accurate Mechanical, a division of Accurate Heating and Cooling, begun by his father, Tom White, in 1977. He has been working at his family business for six years. His father is still running the company, but has a lot fewer fires to address, he said.

experience in a different industry,” said White. “My wife works at the hospital now, and if they hadn’t had a job for her, we would not have come back. Going to school, I knew there was a possibility of going this way.” “I think one of my weak points is I did not take the opportunity to work somewhere else and see how other people have done things,” said Herrnstein. “But we are involved in consulting groups so we can see two or three times a year where we can get ideas from other companies and what their best practices are at their stores and we can bring that back.”

No pressure to join the business

“I think that is a great idea. We’re involved in groups like that also,” said Brown. “This is the only job I’ve ever had, I’ve been involved in the business since I was 15,” said Brumfield. “I think most of us are thankful that our families have a successful business that we were lucky to get in,” added Lochbaum.

All of these young business people said they were not pressured to come home and become involved in their family businesses. They did it by choice. And they also said they would not pressure their children to get involved in the business, but felt a responsibility to build the business so they could be a part of it if they chose. “I didn’t think I would be here,” said Lochbaum. “I tried something else and hated it,” said Brown. “This was supposed to be stop gap, but I never left. The opportunity was there. A lot of people don’t have that opportunity.” “I always wanted to work away, somewhere else, at least for a little bit, and get some

“I think that is one of the hardest parts about working for family,” said McAllister. “The perception of, ‘Oh you work for your Dad, that must be easy street.’ I think everyone here would say it is the complete opposite, that we were not just handed anything. This was just an opportunity we could take.” One difference for their generation, they said, is their family obligations make it harder for them to work the hours their parents did. “Their work ethic and our work ethic might be a little different,” said Brumfield. “I’m a Mom, I’m a business owner. It’s hard. When Ron [her

“You come in and earn their respect.”

Pressure to perform is self-directed They also discussed the perception that they were just handed their jobs and did not have to work hard. “There is a lot of pressure you put on yourself to make sure you are successful in what you are doing,” Herrnstein said.

stepfather] was building his business, he had to work 80 hours a week. Our business is established, I don’t have to work 80 hours a week. I have two small children at home that I have obligations to also. That’s something that is kind of hard to work through, too. I know that is something you guys face with your parents, they think you should work seven days a week, 15 hours a day. When you don’t meet that expectation, they say, ‘You’re not putting in the kind of time I had to put in.’” White agreed. “It took my Dad a couple of years to get over that. He would go home and make comments to my Mom. My wife works, too. I can’t leave her hanging to do all the work with the kids.”


Lochbaum said when her Dad makes comments about her leaving work to do something with her children, she tells him, “When you were running the company, Mom was home running the kids. I do both.” “I think that is my hardest struggle, being in the family business,” said Gerber Poe. “When we leave, it’s not like our staff when they leave. We still get e-mails and calls and texts. We’re always thinking about what we have to do tomorrow. I had the privilege of having a stay-at-home mother. My children will never know that. I love what I do, but it’s not like it was 20, 30, 50 years ago.”

Family time is now different They also said their family time with their parents is still about work. “Dinner is not just dinner anymore,” said Lochbaum.

“We go to dinner and work is all we talk about. My husband says, ‘Can we just have one hour we don’t talk about McDonald’s?’” Brumfield said. “So everyone experiences that?” said Brown. “That was one of my questions.” “My Mom has put a rule in the rule book, that my Dad and I are not allowed to talk about work at home,” said Gerber Poe. “My wife sees it from a different angle. She asks if I would have a different relationship with my Dad if I worked somewhere else,” said McAllister. “I think about it, and yeah, I would definitely have a different relationship with my father if I did not work for him.” “I agree,” said Herrnstein. “It brings us closer together, but it is a different kind of closeness. It’s nice over the course of my career to learn from him and spend so much time with him.”

Top: Pat and Chad McAllister of CP Management. Below: Angie Kutschbach Lochbaum flanked by Dick and Clara Kutschbach


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

“We get to know our parents as Mom and Dad, but I have a whole new respect for my Dad,” Gerber Poe said.

Technology having a big impact Technology has been a great help, they said, making it easier to be out of the office. “I can chat with my girls online, I can watch them on camera,” said Lochbaum. “I can do my work.” “It also makes it hard to get away from,” said Brown. “Everyone has a cell phone now. It’s just something we just have to deal with,” Brumfield said. Lochbaum said it was a problem for her company, with employees out in the field taking personal calls. White agreed. “It’s hard for us to monitor with employees in the field. They’ve got their own phones. It does matter to us.” Gerber Poe said monitoring computer use is tough. “At this point in time we just tell them, ‘We are trusting you with our computers, and we can only download so many things.’” “It’s hard for us because we use Facebook and those tools with our customers,” Brown said. “There’s a fine line there.” “We’ve always said, ‘If you are marketing or trying to find new customers, by all means do what you have to do,’” Gerber Poe said. “We do have a policy to keep personal calls to a minimum.” “Young employees are the worst,” said White. “Every time they go to the van they are texting on the way out and on the way back.” “I can see some of the advantages,” Brumfield said about texting. “All of our store managers have cell phones. The other day I got a notice of a recall and I was able to text them all at the same time, instead of calling them. Now I expect them to have a cell phone.” “It’s an easy way to communicate,” Herrnstein said. “You can send a message when it is convenient for you and you can get a reply when it is convenient for them. You don’t have to worry about interrupting them. I do it a bunch. One of our guys was at the [auto] auction this morning and we were texting back and forth.” “What I’ve experienced in the last few months is when my Mom is not at the store, she is texting me a lot with things she is thinking about or wants me to check on,” said Brown. “That’s how she is communicating with me.” Brumfield mentioned how times had changed in terms of employees. “In our handbook, men were not allowed to have ear piercings; our employees were not allowed to have visible tattoos. Now you go into our store, 50 percent of

the people have on a long-sleeve shirt because they have a visible tattoo. Ron asks why we are hiring people like that, and I tell him to go out onto the street and look. It’s not like it was in the 70s. Everyone has facial hair, tattoos and piercings.”

Community service different from generations Lochbaum asked about volunteering. “A lot of our parents have volunteered and done big things in the community. It’s harder for me to attend the after-hours stuff with my kids’ schedule. I feel guilty I can’t get there and represent our business.” Herrnstein agreed. “It’s hard for me. I have kids too. It’s tough, it’s a long day at work and you have children. You want to do all that stuff. Most of our parents have been visible and the face of the business in the community, but it is tough right now.” “My Dad didn’t come home until 6:30 or 7 growing up,” said White. “If I tried that now, it wouldn’t work. It’s a choice of do you want to volunteer for this, or attend this meeting, or go to your kid’s event.” “When I started working for Dad, I got a contract that said I would join Rotary and two other groups,” said McAllister. “I said, ‘Yes sir,’ but realistically not a lot of that happened.” All said they faced an uphill battle with the employees when they started at their family business. The perception that they were just given a job with no responsibility was far from the truth, they all said. For starters, they are held accountable all the time, including evenings and weekends. And their parents expected a higher level of commitment than from other employees. “You come in and earn their respect,” said Gerber Poe.

Top: Brian and Tom White of Accurate Heating and Cooling Below: Linda and Seth Brown of Globe Furniture



Kenworth T680 Sets High Standard for Excellence With Superior Fuel Efficiency, Performance and Comfort


enworth Truck Company set a high standard for excellence with the introduction of the Kenworth T680™, which offers superior fuel efficiency, performance and comfort. The new model is being built at Kenworth’s plant in Chillicothe. “It’s a great honor to proudly introduce the Kenworth T680, which establishes a new standard of excellence in the industry with exceptional styling, superior fuel efficiency, outstanding performance and extraordinary comfort,” said Gary Moore, Kenworth general manager and PACCAR vice president. “Our goal for the T680 is to be best-in-class in key areas, including aerodynamics, quietness, comfort, reliability, durability and

Kenworth Quarter Page (QP) 3.583" x 4.833"


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

serviceability. The Kenworth T680 is the new leader of The World’s Best® product line.” Kenworth has designed an outstanding truck that takes the company’s long tradition of superior aerodynamics to a new level of achievement. “Simply put, the Kenworth T680 is Kenworth’s most aerodynamic truck … ever,” said Preston Feight, Kenworth chief engineer. “The T680 is designed to smoothly slice through the air, setting an industry standard for aerodynamics and fuel efficiency.” The T680’s extremely stylish and aerodynamic body shape also benefits from a sculpted full-height roof, optimized bumper and hood, full-height side extenders, cab/sleeper-to-fairings closeout panels, chassis fairings extenders, and flush-mounted lighting. It all adds up to a significant 10 percent enhancement in aerodynamics. The T680 was engineered with 65 percent more storage capacity, a 50 percent larger windshield, 40 percent less interior noise, 30 percent larger door openings, and best-in-class forward lighting. The Kenworth T680 is also designed to maximize performance in line haul, pickup and delivery, and regional hauling operations. Available with a new 76-inch sleeper or as a day cab, the T680 is standard with the fuelefficient, 12.9-liter PACCAR MX engine and optional with the Cummins ISX15 engine. Kenworth’s newly designed T680 cab is a spacious 83 inches wide with a comfortable 23 inches of room between the seats for excellent sleeper ingress and egress. The T680 offers the premium Diamond VIT and Vantage trim levels and two interior color options of Sandstone Tan and Slate Gray.

Alan Gough in front of Schlegel’s Coffee House in photo taken by son Robert.

A Family’s Love of Art — & Each Other Giving Inspiration to the Community “There is a barebones quality to winter that I especially like. In winter, you get a skeletal look at nature. It’s like a string quartet or trio in that you can hear each individual instrument. In the summer and fall, with the foliage, the area landscape is more like a full orchestra.” Alan Gough


ith quotes like this and the beautiful clarity of his oil landscapes, Alan Gough’s talents have been central to the community’s culture for more than five decades. Joy Gough’s talents are displayed not only with her watercolors, but in pushing this community to recognize its architecture and history. Her work in acquiring and restoring the West Sixth Street home where First Lady Lucy Webb Hayes was born preserved an important cultural landmark, and her early work in designing maps for downtown walking tours helped establish the downtown as a historic district. An exhibit at Ohio University-Chillicothe last summer vividly illustrated the contributions of the Gough family to this community and celebrated the couple’s 60th wedding anniversary. The exhibit celebrated “a family’s love of art, as well as each other,” according to the university. Along with Alan’s oil paintings and Joy’s watercolors were the artwork of their children, Robert Perrin Gough and the late Kathryn Gough Boulger. “One of the delights of this entire exhibit, seeing so many works of all four family members hanging in the room, is to observe the similarities


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

among the differences,” said Alan. “The other wonderful revelation is to see pieces of Kathryn’s and the revealing of aspects of color harmonies and subtle images we had no idea even existed until illuminated by the lights in the Patricia Scott Gallery. That has been a supremely rewarding experience.” Kathryn died unexpectedly in 2011. Fifty new pieces of her work were included in the exhibit. Robert, who now works in Indianapolis, displayed photographs as well as a video of some of his work. His photograph of his father sipping coffee in front of Schlegel’s Coffee House received a prize recently from a contest for photographs of a small town and captured perfectly Paint Street on a summer day. “These works — and these artists — beautifully and eloquently speak for themselves,” said Ken Breidenbaugh, the OU-C faculty member who helped the family assemble and hang the exhibit. They also speak for the community. The lives of the Gough family — from Alan’s starring role in a community theater production of Inherit the Wind, to Joy’s support of local art organizations, to their regular table for the Goosetown Astonishers on Thursday nights at the Crosskeys Tavern — celebrate all that is best about living in Ross County. After 60 years of marriage, the couple remains happy with their decision to make this area their home. “This is where I choose to reside and do my work,” Alan said. “The inspiration is right here.” Inspiration is what the Gough family gives to the community; they remind us to celebrate all that is beautiful right here where we live.

Alan Gough, center, chats with visitors to the show displayed in the OU-C gallery.

“Building Quality Since 1983”

211 Hopetown Road Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 Tel: 740-773-4500 “We Continually Strive to Provide the Best Product Value in Construction Services”

Joy Gough talks with local artisan Dard Hunter III in the OU-C gallery.


Teachers and staff with Muriel Summers (third from left, front row) of The Leader in Me at Chamber’s Annual Dinner

Leader in Me Empowering Success in City Schools


hat began two years ago as a pilot project sponsored by the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce in one of the four elementary schools in the city now is not only in all elementary buildings, but also the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. In fact, Chillicothe City School District is the only one in the state of Ohio where The Leader in Me initiative touches nearly all students. The Leader in Me initiative of the FranklinCovey organization instills Dr. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in students starting in kindergarten. The Chamber introduced the initiative as a way to teach future workers about thinking proactively, working in teams, respecting others and taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Allen Elementary was the first to accept the Chamber’s proposal, starting with the 2010–2011 school year. Principal Jason Fife and his staff underwent four days of training to learn about the 7 Habits and how to make them a way of life in the school without changing the curriculum. The initiative is credited as one reason the school went from “Effective” to “Excellent” in statewide school ratings. Here is what some of Allen’s students have to say about The Leader in Me: • “The habits help me make good goals, and make good choices. It also helped me get good grades.” • “It’s helped me get good grades because it made me make goals and I’ve achieved them.”


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

• “All of the 7 Habits are just how a person should be. We’re not asking you to change, but just change your acts and do the right thing.” • “I learned about recycling, school, respect, being nice and staying proactive thanks to The Leader in Me.” • “The 7 Habits got me more reading points and helped me to not get in a fight.” • “I learned not to think only about myself.” • “The 7 Habits helped me by staying proactive. Like making decisions, being responsible, try to be a leader and a lot of good stuff. When you synergize, you work together.” • “I learned to be responsible. Not to fight, not be a quitter, study harder and get new friends. Everybody can win and be nice.” Parents notice a difference in their children. “This program is teaching students leadership and other qualities that are making them successful in and out of school,” said Julie Bolen, the mother of a third grader at Allen. “I see my son demonstrating the 7 Habits all the time, whether it’s while doing his homework, playing sports or interacting with his little brother. “My son comes home after school and is so excited to show me his student planner. He shows me the goals he has set for the week and the work he needs to accomplish. His planner also illustrates his behavior and feelings at school that day. I am so impressed that at age 7 he is so accountable for his school work and behavior!” she said.

“All of the 7 Habits are just how a person should be. We’re not asking you to change, but just change your acts and do the right thing.” Worthington Elementary was the second city school to sign on. Following their training, several teachers discussed how they feel it will be a game-changer. One said the concepts can be applied in the classroom, the lunchroom and the playground. “I’m especially excited because [teachers] will all be on the same page,” she was quoted in a Chillicothe Gazette article. Another said the 7 Habits can be used throughout the curriculum, including in literature, as they relate to characters’ interactions, and science, where forming a hypothesis is “seeking to understand,” one of the 7 Habits. Superintendent Jon Saxton wrote to the Chamber board, “This will enable our children to become better leaders which will ultimately empower them to accept responsibility for their learning and be more successful in school. The training is consistent with the mission and vision of our district and I am proud of what has already been accomplished.” Chamber members through early fall of 2012 had invested more than $85,000 in the training and supplies for Allen and Worthington and have plans to continue with investments in the coming years to ensure the initiative becomes the culture in the entire district.

O’Bryant Enterprises, Inc. Warehousing, Assembly and J.I.T. Line Sequencing 254 Delano Road • Chillicothe, OH 45601

(740 ) 773-6223 Fax: (740 ) 775-6427


Ronald Dunsieth, President


Adena Cancer Center Advanced Cancer Care, Close to Home


he Adena Cancer Center provides patients with state-of-the-art cancer fighting treatment in a caring environment — close to home. The Cancer Center offers patients access to the latest in cancer care advances, provided by a team of highly skilled physicians and a caring staff, all in a serene environment near family and friends. “Quality care and the support of loved ones are critical in a health crisis,” said Mark Shuter, president and chief executive officer of Adena Health System. “The Adena Cancer Center gives cancer patients living in southern Ohio the opportunity to have the best possible treatment, without the stress of having to travel into congested areas surrounded by strangers.”


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Cancer care is one of many specialty services provided by Adena Health System. Certified by the American College of Surgeons, the Adena Cancer Center provides treatments for nearly all cancers, with specialty programs for cancers of the breast, lung, colon and rectal, and head and neck. It also provides expert care for hematologic cancer (cancers of the blood or liquid cancers) such as leukemia and lymphoma. Adena’s patient-centered philosophy ensures each patient receives highly personalized and effective treatment at an advanced level. Additionally, cancer patients at Adena don’t have to go through the journey of diagnosis and treatment alone. Adena offers specialized and individualized care to cancer patients, families and caregivers through the Patient Navigator Program.

Adena’s patient-centered philosophy ensures each patient receives highly personalized and effective treatment at an advanced level. At the Adena Cancer Center, patients can expect outstanding, comprehensive care and service, along with the following: • Expert cancer physicians; • Multi-specialty team approach to coordinate the best treatment options; • Ongoing monitoring and evidence-based care; • State-of-the-art services and equipment; • Access to cancer-related information, education and support; • Information about ongoing clinical trials and new treatment options; • Cancer registry that collects data on type/stage of cancers/treatment results and offers lifelong patient follow-up; and • Quality care, close to home. To learn more about Adena’s services and the Adena Cancer Center, call 740-542-3030 or visit


Pickaway-Ross CTC Regional Leader in Education

By Jeff Phillips


ickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center continues solidifying its position as a regional leader in high school and adult education. Primarily serving Ross and Pickaway counties, but attracting students from outlying areas, Pickaway-Ross CTC is giving its students the knowledge and skills to launch a career or retrain for an exciting new job and/or career opportunity. Pickaway-Ross CTC continues upgrading its programs and facilities to meet the need for talented tradesmen and professionals in a variety of areas. Its Secondary Education Division modified several programs and is creating a new program offered to students in its 10 affiliated high schools in the two-county area. The purpose of these changes is to meet the demands of employers and industries at the local, state and national levels. For instance, the curriculum of the former Heavy Equipment Technologies program was modified and then rebranded as Medium and Heavy Transportation Equipment Technologies. This change is a nod to the growing importance and ever-increasing opportunities in the field of logistics and transportation in our region and state. Beginning August 2013, Pickaway-Ross CTC will add Engineering Technologies to its list of high school programs. This exciting new program will prepare students for career opportunities in the field of engineering or to meet the demands of a college engineering program. In this program, students will: • Explore a variety of engineering disciplines, design concepts and practices in a hands-on, projectbased environment. • Use state-of-the-art computers, application and simulation software, and robotics systems to apply industrial principals used in all fields of engineering, such as manufacturing, industrial, mechanical, production, applications, design and electronics. • Use creative thinking, problem-solving and analytical processes to design products and testing systems applying specific engineering principles, such as hydraulics, pneumatics, power transmission, material forming/joining/fabrication and robotics.

Pickaway-Ross CTC continues making strides to meet the demands of the community, its employers and local residents. Not to be outdone, the Adult Education Division of Pickaway-Ross CTC has an eye on the future while continuing to provide essential knowledge and skills in all its program areas. For example, its Healthcare Technologies programs got a new home the summer of 2012, when Pickaway-Ross CTC purchased the former Mound Street Elementary School from the Circleville City School District. Mound Street Elementary was slated for demolition as part of a new school construction project, and its purchase by Pickaway-Ross CTC gives the organization a permanent physical presence in Pickaway County. The Circleville Campus of Pickaway-Ross CTC has been well received to date and allows the organization to continue expanding program offerings in this highly popular field of study. It also allows for expansion of a Health Information Technologies program specifically offered to high school students in Pickaway County. Pickaway-Ross CTC continues making strides to meet the demands of the community, its employers and local residents. For more information about Pickaway-Ross CTC, call 740-642-1200, or visit us at our website: Learn today why Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center is a “Center of Opportunity.”


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

PRCTC’s New Digs – The former Mound Street Elementary School in Circleville is now known as the Circleville Campus of Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center.


OU-C Technology and Business Development Center Bringing Resources to Enterprising Community Members


he newly opened Technology and Business Development Center will not only provide business development resources to students and regional residents, but the initiatives housed within the walls articulate Ohio University-Chillicothe’s mission of serving its students and serving its region. “In many ways, this endeavor captures the Chillicothe Campus’ mission by supporting

academic programming and further bolstering the campus’ ability to serve as an economic driver for the region,” OU-C Dean Martin Tuck said. “This new space will allow for Chillicothe Campus students and area residents to receive the support they need to take their ideas from concept to reality, and then to the marketplace.” The building, which became operational in January 2012, provides access to the resources and

Ohio University Chillicothe Quad Panel (QUAD)

4.833" x 6.5"22


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

support that students and area residents need to put their own concepts in motion and launch their own business ventures. In this way, enterprising students and community members are positioned to possibly make their own jobs, which have the potential to stimulate the local economy. The campus is partnering with organizations in the region that have a similar focus to best utilize the resources of this area and realize the power of partnerships and teamwork. “We do not know for certain what the future holds, in terms of emerging career fields and business opportunities, but we realize the importance of being adaptable if we are going to continue to prepare students for an increasingly competitive job market,” Tuck said. “The Technology and Business Development Center helps to ensure that the pieces are in place to meet changing circumstances.” The center is designed to host meetings for campus and local groups and has a conference room with videoconferencing capabilities, allowing for individuals to meet locally and connect with colleagues and experts around the globe. Among its offerings are consultation services through the Chamber, local SCORE chapter and the OSU South

“This new space will allow for Chillicothe Campus students and area residents to receive the support they need to take their ideas from concept to reality, and then to the marketplace.”

For information regarding meeting capabilities at the OU-C Technology and Business Development Center, contact: Tom Brown 740-774-7237 Centers; workshops and seminars designed to assist entrepreneurs and small-business development; university courses tailored toward those starting and growing a business; and a library of materials to assist small-business leaders and entrepreneurs. Additionally, Law Enforcement Technology classes are being held in the building’s classrooms, as well as classes related to Business Management Technology, Technical and Applied Studies, and the Bachelor of Science in Applied Management degree programs, in addition to other business and technology classes. The facility includes simulation training areas and other enhancements to provide students in the popular LET program the training they need to become top-tier law-enforcement professionals to protect area citizens. The center is the result of an 8,200-squarefoot addition to the Technical Studies Building that increases the building’s total size to approximately 13,900 square feet. Ground was broken for the addition on June 28, 2010. Total cost was $2 million. Also, this structure is the first LEED (Leadership in Environment and Energy Design) certified building on any of Ohio University’s regional campuses. This certification confirms that the Chillicothe Campus is modeling best-practices methods in terms of conservation and sustainability.


Historical Society Museum A Community’s Commitment to Its Heritage


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce


hen asked why the Ross County Historical Society has one of the best small museums in the country, Director Tom Kuhn cites one factor — its history. The Ross County Historical Society was founded in 1896 on the 100th birthday of Chillicothe. Its mission was, and still is, “to preserve and promote the study of the history of the city, Ross County and the surrounding region.” The society’s collections are so diverse and numerous, Kuhn said, because the society has been collecting them for more than 116 years, and during that time the “people in the community recognized the importance of preserving our history and were very generous with gifts to the society.” One of the most generous of those gifts was from Colonel David McCandless McKell. During a 22-year period starting in 1940, the avid collector began donating rare documents and manuscripts to the society. At his death in 1962, his family donated his personal collection, and that collection forms the core of the McKell Library, which has 37,000 items in its catalog. “The collection is well organized,” Kuhn said, “and contains many rare books and papers, including a large collection of 18th- and 19th-century children’s books.” One of the most recent additions is the new Heritage Center, which connects the McKell Library to the original museum. The center was built to commemorate the Ohio bicentennial in 2003 and now houses a large historical transportation display that includes everything from a horsedrawn hearse, to the Kingston Bandwagon, to an early automobile built in Chillicothe. The center is Americans with Disabilities Act accessible and also has a museum store.

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To Go: The Ross County Historical Society 45 West Fifth Street, Chillicothe, OH For more information, call: The Society: 740-772-1936 The Library: 740-773-1896 The museums are open by advanced appointment only from January through March for prepaid group tours and for members. From April through December the museums are open Tuesday through Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m.

Services for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities Adult Habilitation Services Adult Residential Services Supported Living Adult Employment Services Early Intervention Preschool School-age Services Transportation Coordination Services Coordination Family Resources


Another recent addition to the museum complex is the Knoles Log House, acquired in 1992. It was built in the 1820s in the area now occupied by the Glatfelter paper plant. It was moved twice before it was given to the society and reconstructed behind the museum. It features displays of furniture and household tools from the early 1800s, as Ross County was being settled. It is also the site of seasonal demonstrations of cooking and other household activities Located around the corner on Paint Street, the Franklin House was donated to the society in 1972 and preserves the history of women in Ross County. It was designed by Frank Packard and built in 1907, and the interior architecture remains the same as it was when it was built. Exhibits there include clothing, bedding and household items from the 19th and 20th centuries. The next addition planned by the society is an artifact preservation facility to house items in the collections that are not currently on display. The 2,800-square-foot building will be a close replica of a carriage house now on the property behind the main museum. It will create a space for the society


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

to store new acquisitions, as well as creating new display areas and providing conservation, loading, utility and laboratory/workshop areas. The building will be handicap-accessible and climate-controlled to preserve artifacts. The local fundraising goal is $200,000 from private donations, with other money coming from corporate gifts and foundation grants. Construction is planned for early 2013, with a grand opening in the summer of 2013.

Must-See Chillicothe A CVB Itinerary


hillicothe and Ross County are fortunate to have first-class museums and an abundance of historical sites, plus 30 miles of biking and walking trails and outdoor recreation opportunities. Add that to our exceptional shopping and dining and you can see why we say “Chillicothe and Ross County are Where To Be!” Just have 24 hours to visit Chillicothe? We have suggested an itinerary that will allow you to visit all the sites and sounds that are a “must see” while visiting Chillicothe.

Your first stop should be Historic Downtown Chillicothe. Also known as the First Capital District, it is home to unique dining options and over 20 shops. There are several great places for lunch. Among local favorites are Carl’s Townhouse, an original diner specializing in homemade soups and sandwiches, and the Dock at Water, a popular gathering spot offering pizza and sandwiches as well as outdoor dining. After lunch enjoy browsing the shops in the area. You can find high-end kitchen supplies at About Cooking, while Ivy’s Home and Garden offers a wide selection of home and gift items. 804 Eastern Ave C Chillicothe, OH 45601 740-773-2274 Mastercard • Visa • Discover

“Your Complete Building Materials Store, For Building Repair and Remodeling” Do-It-Yourself HeadquartersEverything From Lumber to Hardware

See us on the web at:


Susie’s Gifts for All Seasons and other shops have a complete array of home decor, jewelry and collectibles. Shopping not your thing? Head over to the Ross County Heritage Center. Visitors may tour exhibits on the Northwest Territory and Ohio statehood, the founding of Ohio’s first capital, the Civil War years in Ross County, Camp Sherman and World War I, historical toys and dolls, and a display of historical vehicles and transportation. After your busy afternoon, check into your accommodation of choice to relax and prepare for your evening activities. Visitors have many options to choose from when it comes to accommodations. Chillicothe is home to seven hotels. The Hampton Inn, Christopher Inn, Comfort Inn and Best Western–Adena Inn are conveniently located just off North Bridge Street and offer many guest amenities, from complimentary breakfast to indoor/outdoor pools. Is a cozy bed and breakfast more your speed? Be welcomed to the Atwood House Bed and Breakfast, a Greek Revival house built in 1843 and restored by owner Bill Hirsch, who served as butler to President Nixon, or relive the Victorian era in the Queen Anne-styled Greenhouse Bed and Breakfast. There is an abundance of evening entertainment options for you to enjoy. From June until Labor Day, you can encounter the ultimate outdoor drama experience by attending the Tecumseh! outdoor drama. Head to Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre to witness the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader as he struggles to unite the various tribes across his homelands in the Ohio Country. Is baseball your favorite pastime? Then you’re in luck. Chillicothe is home to the Chillicothe


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Paints baseball team. The Chillicothe Paints are a member of the top collegiate wood bat league in the country, the Prospect League. V.A. Memorial Stadium is their home and is located three miles north of Chillicothe, off State Route 104. The stadium’s concessions offer all of your favorite ballpark fare, from peanuts, popcorn and hotdogs to your favorite adult beverage. Looking for a more low key evening out? Then try The Old Canal Smoke House, located in historic downtown Chillicothe. It serves everything from great ribs, chicken, prime rib and salmon to sandwiches, burgers and appetizers and legal beverages. You can also enjoy outdoor dining there. Another great place for dinner is the Cross Keys Tavern, with 17 East Restaurant attached. It is a long-time local favorite that serves pub food along with dinner options. If you’re there on a Thursday evening, make sure to enjoy the sounds of the Goosetown Astonishers, who perform Dixieland and jazz. Schlegel’s Coffee House is a great place to finish your evening with coffee and dessert. If you have a preferred restaurant, Chillicothe is sure to have it. Bridge Street is home to favorites like Max and Erma’s, Tumbleweed Southwest Grill, Frisch’s Big Boy, and many other options. After enjoying your morning coffee and breakfast, head to Hopewell Culture National Historical Park to learn about the native cultures who lived here some 2,000 years ago. These peoples left behind ceremonial mounds that have intrigued archeologists and historians ever since. Before you leave town, make sure to stop by Adena Mansion & Gardens. Completed in 1807 for Ohio’s first Senator, Thomas Worthington, the 20-room stone mansion was designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe, architect of the United

States Capitol. The grounds offer a new visitors center with interactive exhibits as well as an heirloom garden that contains flowers and vegetables. The vision of becoming “The Monticello of the West” is being pursued. As you can see, Chillicothe has a lot to offer, and we didn’t even scratch the surface. The staff of the Ross-Chillicothe Convention and Visitors Bureau makes planning your visit easy. Sample itineraries, packages and discounts can be found at, or you can call 1-800-413-4118 for a FREE visitor’s packet.

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City & Ross County Firsts & Significant Facts Historical Highlights

Compiled by and our thanks to the Ross County Historical Society

Chillicothe/Ross County Firsts First Settlement in the Interior of Ohio Chillicothe, 1796 First State Constitutional Convention Chillicothe, 1802 First Capital of Ohio Chillicothe, 1803 First Governor of Ohio Edward Tiffin First Ohio Secretary of State William Creighton, Jr. First Treasurer of Ohio William McFarland First Speaker of the Ohio Senate Nathaniel Massie First Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives Michael Baldwin First U.S. Senator From Ohio Thomas Worthington The First Cattle Drive From the Western Country to the Eastern Markets Led by George Renick, of Chillicothe, in 1805 The First Steam-Operated Mill in Ohio Opened in Chillicothe, 1817 The First Dental School in the U.S. Established in Bainbridge by Dr. John Harris, 1826. First Wife of a U.S. President to Be Called “The First Lady” Chillicothe-born Lucy Webb Hayes, wife of President Rutherford B. Hayes (elected 1876)

Other Significant Facts • The last battle between Indians and white settlers prior to the Greenville Treaty of 1795 was fought at Reeves Crossing near Bainbridge in Ross County. • The Chillicothe Gazette, established in April 1800, is the oldest newspaper in continuous publication west of the Allegheny Mountains. • The Mount Logan range of hills east of Chillicothe forms the background of the Great Seal of the State of Ohio. • Camp Bull, located north of Chillicothe, was the only prisoner of war camp in the interior of the U.S. during the War of 1812. • Camp Sherman, a World War I army training camp, was located north of Chillicothe. • Chillicothe was the home of four of Ohio’s governors: Edward Tiffin, Thomas Worthington, Duncan McArthur, and William Allen. • Ross County is home to one of the largest concentrations of pre-historic earthworks in the U.S. • Paper has been manufactured in the Chillicothe area since 1812.

First American Company to Export Trucks From the U.S. The Logan Construction Company of Chillicothe (two delivery trucks to China in 1905)


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Chamber Marketing Opportunities Chamber Packages Can Mean New Customers for You!


hether yours is a fairly new business or it’s been around for decades, a membership in the Chamber opens a myriad of ways to let other members — and the community — know about your products and services. From our popular e-mail blasts to sponsoring a board of directors meeting, the Chamber provides opportunities for you to promote your business. Check out all the offerings below and decide which ones are best for you. Or give us a call at 702-2722 and we’ll tailor a program to help you accomplish your marketing goals.

E-mail Blast Advertising Want to reach every member of the Chamber and many of their employees with a message all

your own? Ship us your message as a Word, PDF or JPEG file (no larger than 8.5 by 11 inches) and we’ll e-mail it to the more than 850 members and employees on our e-mail distribution list. Rate: $50, or less than 7 cents per exposure. If you want us to design it, there is an additional cost of $50. We only ship one per day, so make sure to schedule well in advance. (And please don’t ask us for our e-mail address list since it isn’t available.)

Weekly Update Advertising Packages The Chamber’s newsletter goes out to our more than 850 members and their employees by Friday afternoon each week. It’s chock-full of local business news, Chamber event updates, items to help you run your business, listings of commercial

building permits and vendors licenses, plus submissions by members. Many call it their best benefit of Chamber membership. Your message can take readers straight to your website. You decide your frequency to fit your campaign or goals.

Website Advertising Packages Members turn to the Chamber’s website — — to check out events and to find information useful for their businesses. It’s also the site potential new businesses and residents turn to when they want to learn more about Chillicothe and Ross County. It’s a great resource, and it’s a great place to have your message. Your ad, linked to your website, appears on nearly every page on the Chamber’s website. Call or e-mail us to get a quote.


Premium Membership

Business Expo/BAB

Your business gets added exposure and discount rates on sponsorships by committing in December to a premium membership for the coming year. While packages can vary, staples include a link on our homepage, mention on a sign in the Chamber office, entry in the golf outing, space at the Business Expo/BAB or ads on the weekly newsletter. Inquire now and we’ll make sure you have an opportunity to take advantage of this benefit next year.

Every November, the Chamber sponsors an Expo at the monthly Business After Business to give members an opportunity to showcase their products or services at their exhibits. The event is open to the public and attracts hundreds who also vie to receive a door prize that each exhibitor supplies. Reservations for space are taken beginning in early October.

Annual Dinner Attendance ranges from 300–500 for this February event in which members celebrate the Chamber’s successes from the previous year and hear from a nationally known speaker. Sponsoring a table gives you the opportunity to decorate the space with your promotional items for others to enjoy and gets you a seat closer to the front. Let us know at least two weeks ahead of the event to secure your spot.

Business After Business Hosting one of these monthly mixers can do wonders for the image of your business. Attendance averages 100 but can be as high as 200 or more, depending on how much you promote it to your customers and others. You provide the food and refreshments (from other Chamber members, of course), and you decide if you’d like to hand out door prizes, coupons or any other promotional items. If your place isn’t large enough or you want to share the cost of an event, the Chamber will try to find a partner or two. If you’re thinking about hosting one, get on the schedule now as we’re usually booked more than a year in advance.

Mailing Labels When you want to get your message directly to all the other members or just a select few, use the set of labels we supply in the format you want, whether hard copy or in an Excel file we can e-mail to you. You promise to use the information only once. All members are entitled to one set free each year. Additional sets are $50 each. Labels are not available to non-members.

Viewbook & Membership Directory The publication you’re holding goes to every member and is handed out by lodging members to their guests and by realtors to those coming to the area looking for housing (and maybe your services). It also goes in packets to those who request information on the area. The guide is published by a third party under contract to the Chamber. Ad sales are generally conducted in the summer, with publication in late December or early January.

2013 Business After Business Schedule Please consult the online calendar for possible changes. January 16: To be decided February 20: Team Tokey Hill March 20: Holiday Inn Express April 17: Valero and The Deli by Polished Comfort May 15: Kingston National Bank on Western Avenue June 19: Fluor-B&W Portsmouth at site to be decided July 17: Chivaho Credit Union and Chillicothe Paints August 21: AKM Building September 18: Sweet T’s Apparel in Kingston October 16: Herrnstein Auto Group November 20: Business Expo/BAB December 18: Eagles


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Map Like the directory, the Chamber’s map is handed out free of charge to lodging guests who request one, by realtors to their clients and by the Chamber to walk-in guests. The visitors bureau makes it a part of its welcome packages. The map is published about every two years, and all members are contacted for an opportunity to be included.

Brochures/Business Cards Space is available for your materials in the Chamber lobby, which also serves as the reception area for the Welcome Center, which includes the visitors bureau. The racks will hold trifolds, flyers and business cards. You’re responsible for keeping your slot filled.


Surgical Associates, Inc. Proud to offer surgical and endoscopy services to the community since 1947.

Dr. Herbert Sinning, M.D. Dr. Sinning is an independent practitioner serving the community since 1990.

4447 State Route 159 Chillicothe, OH 45601

(740) 774-3100

Board Meetings Each month, the 20-some members of the Chamber board conduct business and have lunch. They love to learn more about other members, so, for the price of the lunch, you’ll get 10–15 minutes to present your message before this group and provide a tour of your facilities, if that’s appropriate. If you don’t have a place big enough, we’ll find the site and you’ll still get your time in front of the group.

Referrals This one is real easy. You don’t have to do a thing except continue to pay your dues. When we get a call from someone asking about a service or a product, we let them know which of our members can be of assistance. Only Chamber members get referred.


Small Business Resources Expertise for Entrepreneurs


ooking for some expert advice in growing your present small business? Looking to start a business in the area? Here are some resources of local, state and national groups you might find helpful. If you don’t find what you need, give the Chamber a call at 740-702-2722 and we’ll try to find the right resource for you.

a business started or helping an existing business become even more successful. To learn more about this national organization, visit www. To inquire about a confidential session with a local counselor, call 740-779-0845, leave a message and your call will be returned within 72 hours.

Economic Development Alliance of Southern Ohio

Small Business Administration

Based in Chillicothe, the Alliance is a partnership of business and government with the purpose of providing jobs in the area by working with existing business and industry and attracting new ones to the area. The website has demographic information, a listing of sites available for new business or industry and other resources to get your business off the ground.

Small Business Development Center

The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon services the Ross County and southern Ohio area by providing workshops and seminars in addition to one-on-one confidential counseling. You can call the centers at 800-860-7232 to schedule an appointment or visit the website at the address above.


The Chillicothe branch has counselors available for one-on-one sessions to help emerging business people with almost any aspect of getting


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

The federal government has one agency dedicated to helping small businesses become and stay successful. It has one website with many resources to help get your business off the ground or provide existing business owners with information to help them become more prosperous. Just visit the address above.

National Federation of Independent Businesses

This group’s name says it all. In addition to providing resources, it also lobbies Congress to ensure the best possible environment in which to do business.

US Chamber of Commerce

This organization serves the needs of businesses big and small across the nation. Its primary purpose is to lobby Congress to make sure the government’s intrusion in your business is minimal. It has a website devoted to the needs of small business owners.

Demographics Ross County Facts and Figures Social Population, 2010..........................................................................................................78,064 Persons under 5 years, percent, 2011.............................................................................. 5.8% Persons under 18 years, percent, 2011.......................................................................... 22.3% Persons 65 years and over, percent, 2011...................................................................... 13.7% Female persons, percent, 2011...................................................................................... 47.3% White persons, percent, 2011........................................................................................ 90.9% Black persons, percent, 2011........................................................................................... 6.3% American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2011............................................. 0.3% Asian persons, percent, 2011.......................................................................................... 0.4% Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2011........................................................ 2.0% Persons of Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent, 2011........................................................ 1.0% White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2011................................................................... 90.1% Living in same house 1 year and over, 2006–2010 .................................................... 84.1% Foreign-born persons, percent, 2006–2010 . ............................................................... 1.0% Language other than English spoken at home, percent age 5+, 2006–2010...................... 2.7% High school graduates, percent of persons age 25+, 2006–2010..................................... 82.3% Bachelor’s degree or higher, pct of persons age 25+, 2006–2010 . .............................. 13.1% Veterans, 2006–2010..................................................................................................... 7,779 Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2006–2010................................... 25.7 Housing units, 2010.....................................................................................................32,148 Homeownership rate, 2006–2010.................................................................................. 73.3% Housing units in multi-unit structures, percent, 2006–2010.......................................... 12.1% Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2006–2010......................................$111,800 Households, 2006–2010...............................................................................................28,107 Persons per household, 2006–2010.................................................................................. 2.52 Per capita money income in past 12 months (2010 dollars), 2006–2010......................$20,595 Median household income, 2006–2010.......................................................................$42,626 Persons below poverty level, percent, 2006–2010.......................................................... 17.3%

Business QuickFacts Private nonfarm establishments, 2009............................................................................ 1,287 Private nonfarm employment, 2009...............................................................................20,715 Private nonfarm employment, percent change 2000–2009.............................................. -6.2% Nonemployer establishments, 2009................................................................................ 3,809 Total number of firms, 2007........................................................................................... 5,162 Women-owned firms, percent, 2007 ......................................................................... 30.5% Manufacturers shipments, 2007 ($1,000) . ...........................................................2,522,193 Merchant wholesaler sales, 2007 ($1,000) . .............................................................226,559 Retail sales, 2007 ($1000)...........................................................................................831,195 Retail sales per capita, 2007........................................................................................$10,947 Accommodation and food services sales, 2007 ($1,000)................................................90,194

Geography QuickFacts Land area in square miles, 2010....................................................................................689.19 Persons per square mile, 2010........................................................................................ 113.3 Source: US Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts


Membership Directory Alphabetical Listings . .Com Advertising Associates

Anthony Hays PO Box 504 Bainbridge OH 45612 (740) 634-2313 http://ww Advertising Marketing/Promotions

3 35 Raceway

Tony Boetcher 3500 Little Creek Rd. Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 998-2179 http://ww Race Tracks

A AAA of South Central Ohio

Bobbi Curtis 141 W. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-3838.............Fax: (740) 702-3840 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations Travel Agencies

AAdvantage Tent Fittings

Mike Hall 11661 Pleasant Valley Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3015.............Fax: (740) 773-8371 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Aaron M. McHenry, Attorney at Law, LLC

Aaron McHenry 36 South Paint Street Chillicothe, OH 45601 740-773-4040................ Fax: 740-773-3610 Attorneys

Accurate Heating & Cooling

Tom White 3001 River Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5005.......... Fax: (740) 775-9956 Heating and Cooling Contractors-HVAC

Adena Davita Dialysis

Betty Sparks 1180 N Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3733 Health Care

Adena Mansion and Gardens

Teresa Sparks 846 Adena Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1500.............Fax: (740) 775-2746 http://ww Tourist Attractions

Adena OB/GYN

Greg Law 4439 St Rt 159 Ste G 70 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-8591.............Fax: (740) 779-7206 Physicians and Surgeons

Adena Surgical Associates

Cheryl Evans 4439 St Rt 159 Ste 160 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-4550.............Fax: (740) 779-4569 Physicians and Surgeons

Advanced Services Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Dave Pinkerton 221 Renick Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4499.............Fax: (740) 773-6245 http://ww Heating and Cooling Contractors-HVAC

Advantage Data Systems

Roger Veach 33 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3754.............Fax: (740) 775-3769 http://ww Computer Service/Sales

Advantage Inspection Services

Ken Shelton 172 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1340.............Fax: (740) 773-1032 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers Employment Agencies/Job Placement

AEP Ohio

Jon Buck 701 Hardin Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (800) 277-2177.............Fax: (740) 779-5221 http://ww Utility Companies


Nick Wilson 17 Hawthorne Drive Ashville OH 43103 (614) 762-0731.......... Fax: (614) 451-1692 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters


Matthew Cosenza, R.Ph., D.O. 4439 St Rt 159 Ste 100 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-4393.............Fax: (740) 779-4399 Physicians and Surgeons

Tom Johnson 1843 River Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 649-8548.............Fax: (740) 876-9190 http://ww Health Care Air Ambulance

Adena Health System

Airgas Great Lakes

Adena ENT & Allergy Associates Inc.

Mark Shuter 272 Hospital Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-7500.............Fax: (740) 779-7934 http://ww Hospitals

Dan Miller 22 Marietta Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2248.......... Fax: (740) 775-2248 http://ww Welding, Safety, and Industrial Supplies

AKM Building Systems, Inc.

Jerry Amole 211 Hopetown Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4500.............Fax: (740) 773-4502 http://ww Construction Companies Contractors - General

AKM Roofing Company

Mike Gross 213 Hopetown Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-0264.............Fax: (740) 773-3077 http://ww Roofing Contractors Contractors - General

All Signs of Chillicothe, Inc.

Sheri Oliver 559 N. High St. Chillicothe OH 45601-1636 (740) 773-5016.............Fax: (740) 779-2255 http://ww Sign Companies

All State Fire & Security

Ralph, McFann 625 S. Watt Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1222.............Fax: (740) 774-1422 http://ww Fire and Security Systems

Allstate - Brian Zurface

Brian Zurface 1620 N. Bridge St. Ste A Chillicothe oh 45601 (740) 772-5433.............. Fax: 740-772-5434 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Allstate McAllister Insurance Agency

Sandra McAllister 20 Executive Ctr. Dr., Ste G Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-1262.............Fax: (740) 773-0673 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

America's Best Value Inn

Sunny Patel 1135 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2500.............Fax: (740) 775-2500 http://ww Lodging

American Cancer Society Beth Krouse 50 Fruithill Dr Chillicothe OH 45601 (888) 227-6446 ext. 3105 Social Service Organizations Health Care

American Red Cross, First Capital District Chapter

Mary McCord 181 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2014.............Fax: (740) 772-2009 http://ww Social Service Organizations

AmeriFirst Home Mortgages

Niska Baker 39 S. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 851-4107.............Fax: (740) 851-5369 http://ww Mortgage Companies

AmeriStop Food Mart

America's Tax and Business Services

Amy's Simply Divine Beauty Salon

Ater, Schmidt & Wissler, LLP

Anderson Accounting Service

Atomic Credit Union

Tom Trutschel 801 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3865.......... Fax: (740) 773-1458 Convenience Stores Amy Hatfield 63 east water st Chillicothe Oh 45601 (740) 773-1784 Beauty Salons

Dave Anderson 319 Fairway Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5999 Accounting Services/Tax Preparation

Anderson Drug Store

Mary Ann Dixon 160 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2670.......... Fax: (740) 779-0296 Pharmacies Downtown Chillicothe

Animal Care Clinic

Dr. Lisa Pelfrey 1246 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7297.......... Fax: (866) 456-0126 http://ww Veterinarians

Anna Villarreal Jenkins Law Office Anna Villarreal Jenkins 2 West Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4466 Attorneys

Arrow Construction, LLC

Ed Detty 68 W. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-6505.......... Fax: (740) 773-6508 http://ww Contractors - General Construction Companies

Arrow Title Agency, LLC

Chris Moore 37 N. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4660.............Fax: (866) 299-7353 Title Services

Art Tech

Lana Corcoran 337 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2377.............Fax: (740) 773-3056 http://ww Sign Companies


Staci Ashworth 950 North Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 740-775-5035 http://ww Telecommunications Telecommunications

Craig Derexson Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-1341 http://ww Accounting Services/Tax Preparation

Matthew Schmidt 72 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-3100.............Fax: (740) 702-3106 Attorneys Christy Haning 1290 N. Bridge Street #E Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-6940.............Fax: (740) 775-6943 http://ww Credit Unions

Atwood House

Bill Hirsch 68 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1606 http://ww Lodging Bed and Breakfasts

B B & B Roofing, Inc.

James Butt 150 Cooks Hill Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4759.............Fax: (740) 773-2139 http://ww Roofing Contractors

B & C Communications

Ralph Anderson 118 S. Renick Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2722.......... Fax: (740) 772-2978 http://ww Wireless Communications

Barber Spring-Ohio

Scott Diehl 387 Wetzel Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-6450.............Fax: (740) 775-6498 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Friend of the Chamber James Barrington Friend of the Chamber

BBB Music Center

Robert Green 20 E. Water Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2262 http://ww Music Stores

Friend of the Chamber William Beatty Friend of the Chamber

Friend of the Chamber Ed Behanna Friend of the Chamber

The information in this membership directory has been provided and reviewed for accuracy by the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce. CommunityLink and Craig Williams Creative Inc. assume no responsibility for omissions or errors of any kind.


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Benchmark Mortgage

Jennifer Conley 29 N. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (866) 889-3110.............Fax: (866) 585-4126 Mortgage Companies

Benson & Benson LLC.

J. Jeffrey Benson 36 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3600.............Fax: (740) 773-3610 Attorneys

Best Glass & Mirror, LLC

Glenn, Fultz 14700 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-0172........ Fax: (740) 773-0935 Glass Services Our products & services include Windows, Auto Glass, Plate Glass, Screens, Aluminum Doors, Home Improvement, General Contracting and Bathroom Remodeling, we do it all. Servicing both Commercial & Residential, no job is too big or small! Call us today!

Best Western - Adena Inn

Dinesh Patel 1250 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7000.............Fax: (740) 773-1622 http://ww Lodging

Better Business Bureau

Joan Coughlin 1169 Dublin Rd. Columbus OH 43215 (800) 759-2400 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations

Better Hearing Place, Inc.

Melody Wipert 138 Marietta Road, Suite D Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-4327.............Fax: (740) 773-3277 Hearing Aids

Big Beaver Creek Golf Club

Ralph McFann 1762 Zahns Corner Rd. Piketon OH 45661 (740) 289-3643.......... Fax: (740) 289-1650 Golf Courses

Bishop Flaget School

Laura Corcoran 570 Parsons Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2970.......... Fax: (740) 774-2998 http://ww Schools PreK-12

Black Hawk Charters, LLC

David Grizzell P.O. Box 278 Kingston OH 45644 (740) 804-7382 http://ww Travel and Tourism

Blair House Bed & Breakfast Angela Young-Robinson 58 W. Fifth St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3140 Bed and Breakfasts

Bob's Bootery

Robert Stewart 100 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5652 Shoe Stores

Bonnies Tours LLC

Bonnie Rider 2860 Straight Creek Road Waverly OH 45690 740-708-9701 Travel and Tourism

Boulevard Salon & Day Spa Wendy Crowe 20 Executive Center Dr. Ste A Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2583 http://ww Beauty Salons

BPO Elks Lodge #52

Kay Ott 42 W. Second Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2310 Community Service Organizations/Associations Event Facilities

Brad A. Pendell, DDS, MS, LLC

Brad Pendell 464 Shawnee Lane Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3343.............Fax: (740) 774-3346 http://ww Dentists

Bridge Street Landing

Tracy Vest 1920 N. Bridge St. Ste 800 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-6332.............Fax: (740) 772-6337 Apartments/Rental Properties

Bristol Village

Pat Nichols 660 E. Fifth St. Waverly OH 45690 (740) 947-2118 http://ww Retirement Communities Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Brock's Inc.

David Brock 370 Douglas Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2540.......... Fax: (740) 773-2541 Machine/Welding and Fabrication

Brooke & Schafer LLC

Fritz Schafer 145 W Second Street Cillicothe OH 45245 888-244-6217 http://ww Financial Planning Services

Buckeye State Pipe & Supply Co.

Ed Hicks 14680 Pleasant Valley Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5400.............Fax: (740) 772-5402 Plumbing Contractors/Supplies

Buffalo Wild Wings

Bob Sparks 1080 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-9464.............Fax: (740) 779-2364 http://ww Restaurants

Building Industry Assoc. of South Central Ohio

Jeff, McCarty PO Box 346 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4113.............Fax: (740) 772-4113 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations

Bunstine Law Office, LLP

Chase Bunstine 32 S. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5600.............Fax: (740) 775-5603 http://ww Attorneys

Burger King

Carnes Realty-Kelley Blankenship

Tim Neff 900 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 773-8676 Restaurants

25 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-7231.............Fax: (740) 775-1508 http://ww app/kellyblankenship Real Estate

Burger King

Tim Neff 30 Centennial Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-0995 Restaurants

C C & J Electric

LuAnn Riley 69 West Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 740-773-4109................ Fax: 740-772-1340 http://ww Contractors - Electrical Appliances

Caldwell, Ott & Co., CPA's

James Caldwell, CPA, CRC 84 W. Second St. PO Box 1640 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2745.............Fax: (740) 773-2746 http://ww Accounting Services/Tax Preparation

Friend of the Chamber Paul Campbell Friend of the Chamber

Candlelight Bridal

Vickie Streicher 66 E. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4844.............Fax: (740) 774-9663 http://ww Bridal Boutiques Apparel Downtown Chillicothe

The Candy Dish

Jennifer Miller 617 1/2 Central Center Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2639 http://ww Candy and Confections Gift Shops

Carl's Townhouse

Joni Molnar 95 W. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1660 Restaurants Downtown Chillicothe A Chillicothe Tradition. Homemade Soups, Pies and Daily Specials. Closed Sunday.

Carnes Realty - Diane Carnes

Diane Carnes 25 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1112.......... Fax: (740) 775-1508 Real Estate

Carnes Realty, Inc. - Judy A Kitts

Judy A Kitts 25 E Main St Chillicothe Oh 45601 (740) 708-1993.............. Fax: 740-773-1966 Real Estate

Carnes Realty - Morgan O'Dell Morgan O'Dell 25 East Main Street Chillicothe Oh 45601 (740) 703-3429 http://ww Real Estate

Chillicothe Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Inc. Charles Kitchen 190 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-9995 http://ww Chiropractic Physicians

Carr Supply

Chillicothe City Schools

Dr. John H. Patterson The Center for Dental & Facial Restoration

Chillicothe Country Club

Robert Gillman 1352 Industrial Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4300 http://ww Plumbing Contractors/Supplies

Jon Saxton 235 Cherry St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-4250.............Fax: (740) 775-4270 http://ww Schools PreK-12

John Patterson 245 E. 8th Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0095.......... Fax: (740) 775-0062 http://ww Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons

Central Auto Parts Inc. - NAPA

James, Bambenek 465 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601-0873 (740) 773-2295........ Fax: (740) 774-1882 Auto Parts Three locations to better serve you. Chillicothe … 773-2295 Frankfort … 998-5322 Waverly … 947-7731

Chris Frey Arch & Woodbridge Ave. PO Box 828 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0150.............Fax: (740) 775-0752 Golf Courses Country Clubs

Chillicothe Farmers Market

Duane Adams 3656 Polk Hollow Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-6997.............Fax: (740) 772-7514 Community Service Organizations/Associations Agriculture

Chillicothe Fire and Security

Angie Lochbaum 1071 Marietta Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3473.............Fax: (740) 775-3454 Fire and Security Systems

Chillicothe Fitness & Racquet Club

Central Center Hardware and Rental Center

Bill Stockbridge 653 Central Center P.O. Box 827 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7272.............Fax: (740) 775-7273 http://ww Hardware Stores

Central Center, LLC

Stephen Butt PO Box 81 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0311.............Fax: (740) 775-0312 Real Estate Business Enterprises

Charley's Philly Steaks

Betsy Wright 960 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (614) 923-4700.............Fax: (614) 923-4701 Restaurants

Tiffany Baldwin 1245 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4928.............Fax: (740) 773-4930 http://ww Health Clubs/Recreation Centers

Chillicothe Floral, Inc.

Michael Jenks 257 N. Woodbridge Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1660.............Fax: (740) 772-1616 http://ww Florists

Chillicothe Gazette Media

Mike Throne 50 W. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2111.............Fax: (740) 772-9502 http://ww Newspapers/Shoppers Downtown Chillicothe

Chillicothe Jaycees

Chicago Title Agency of Ross County, LLC

Nancy Clark 13 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-9423.............Fax: (740) 774-9422 Title Services

Chillicothe Acute Care Clinic, Inc. 3 Medical Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 740-779-6614 Health Care

Chillicothe Animal Clinic, Inc.

Andy Tomlinson 12100 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7659.............Fax: (740) 702-4653 Golf Courses Community Service Organizations/Associations

Chillicothe Metropolitan Housing Auth.

Kathy Sims 178 W. Fourth St. Chillicothe OH 45601 740-775-7881 X105......Fax: (740) 775-7896 Social Service Organizations

Dr. Jerry Pearson 1100 Eastern Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4133.............Fax: (740) 775-4716 http://ww Veterinarians

Chillicothe Packaging Corp.

Chillicothe Carpet

Chillicothe Paints

Jon West 1262 Hospital Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3200.............Fax: (740) 779-3219 http://ww Flooring

Kevin North 4168 St. Rt. 159 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-5800.............Fax: (740) 774-4270 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers Bryan Wickline 59 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8326.......... Fax: (740) 773-8338 http://ww Baseball Teams Downtown Chillicothe


Chillicothe Pediatric Dentistry

Christopher Inn & Suites

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

CHS TV & Audio

Dr. Ronald Griffin 1140 Western Ave Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8320.............Fax: (740) 773-8321 http://ww Dentists

Marvin Jones 45 E Main St Chillicothe OH 45601-2504 (740) 702-2722.............Fax: (740) 702-2727 http://ww Business Consultants Marketing/Promotions

Chillicothe Ross County Public Library Nan Clary 140 South Paint St. P.O. Box 185 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-4145.............Fax: (740) 702-4153 http://ww Libraries

Chillicothe Sewing Center Rick Storts 20 West Water Street Chillicothe ohio 45601 740-775-3553 Appliances

Chillicothe Signs & Screen Printing Gary Shreck 1690 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 663-7023 Sign Companies Screen Printing

Chillicothe Social Society

Chris Schramm 166 Columbia Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-7746.............Fax: (740) 773-5158 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations

Chillicothe Tents for Events, LLC Jeremy Clark 999 Orange St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8368 Tent Rentals Party Supplies Rentals

Chillicothe-Ross Community Foundation

Chad McAllister 30 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-6835.............Fax: (740) 774-2001 http://ww Lodging Sarah Kerns 72 N. Walnut St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1590.............Fax: (740) 773-2948 http://ww General Retail Stores

CIC ( Community Improvement Corp.)

Dona Smith 45 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-2720 Community Service Organizations/Associations

Cinco Corporation

Roy Stone 645 Blacksmith Hill Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6442.......... Fax: (740) 779-6444 http://ww Credit Card Processors

Citizens National Bank

Tom Beard 33 W. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-6777.............Fax: (740) 775-6782 http://ww Banks

City of Chillicothe

35 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1185.............Fax: (740) 773-2072 Government Agencies

Claire R. Fried, Attorney at Law

Claire Fried 86 N. Mulberry Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-9000.............Fax: (740) 773-9001 http://ww Attorneys

Clary Trucking, Inc.

Dan Clary 1177 Eastern Ave Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-4242.............Fax: (740) 702-4244 Trucking Companies

Scott Graham 45 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4438.............Fax: (740) 774-1318 http://ww Social Service Organizations

Classic Brands

Chivaho Federal Credit Union

Clear Channel Chillicothe

Laura Roberts VAMC 17273 St Rte 104 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3381.............Fax: (740) 775-3383 http://ww Banks Credit Unions

Chris Scott Motors

Chris Scott 137 Renick Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3325.......... Fax: (740) 773-3336 http://ww Automobile Dealers

Christopher Conference Center

Katrina Horsley 20 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3500.............Fax: (740) 775-3588 Event Facilities


Jon Lodge 656 Hospital Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2831.............Fax: (740) 774-2838 Beverage Sales Dan Latham 45 W. Main St. P.O. Box 94 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3000.............Fax: (740) 774-4494 Radio Stations

Clear Channel Outdoor

Judy Newman 770 Harrison Dr. Columbus OH 43204 (614) 276-9781.............Fax: (614) 276-3105 JudyNewman@ClearChannel.Com Advertising

Click's Valley Vending, Inc. Mark Click 179 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1285 Vending Companies Beverage Sales

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Cloverleaf Development Inc. Michael Corcoran 12127 US Rt 50 W. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 626-2737 Real Estate

Coca-Cola Refreshments Anne Flores 5050 Old Scioto Trail Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-3133 Beverage Sales

Coffee Central

Tiffany Martindale 627 Central Center Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2633 Restaurants

Coldwell Banker Realty Champions, Inc

Mike Miller 238 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8500.............Fax: (740) 773-5400 http://ww Real Estate

Coldwell Banker Realty Marsha Wagner Marsha Wagner 238 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-9915 Real Estate

Coldwell Banker Realty Meredith Tomlinson Meredith Tomlinson 238 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-9915 Real Estate

Coldwell Banker Realty - Ruth Jones

Ruth Jones 238 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 708-1750.............Fax: (740) 773-5400 http://Http://ww Real Estate

Columbia Gas of Ohio

David Carter 843 Piatt Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (800) 844-0836.............Fax: (740) 773-1902 http://ww Utility Companies


Marc Summers 330 W. Spring St Ste. 300 Columbus OH 43215 614-893-2720 Copy Machines/Supplies

Comfort Inn

John Woods 20 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3500.............Fax: (740) 775-3588 http://ww Lodging

Community Action Commission/ Self-Help Housing

Tina Dahmer 1360 Forest St. Washington Court House OH 43160 (740) 335-1831.............Fax: (740) 335-2190 http://ww Social Service Organizations

Community Benefits Insurance Agency, Inc.

Ralph Williamson 7033 US Rt. 23 S. Piketon OH 45661 (740) 289-2940 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Community Markets

Jeff Anthony 660 Central Center Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1139.......... Fax: (740) 773-1319 http://ww Grocery Stores

Crown Hill Golf Club

Dave Packer 9500 U.S. Rt. 22 West Williamsport OH 43164 740-986-4653...............Fax: (740) 986-3714 http://ww Golf Courses

Cunningham Custom Fence

CommunityLink Publishing

Heidi Robson 14 Overlook Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-7746........ Fax: (740) 773-5158 Publishing Companies

Compass Integration LLC

Joe Corbin 167 Red Bud Rd Chillicothe OH 45601 740-253-3981 Consultants

Cook & Sladoje Co., LPA Douglas Sladoje 38 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3300 Attorneys

Cooper's Glass Service, Inc.

Ralph Cooper/Mark Cooper 483 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1991.............Fax: (740) 772-1997 Glass Services

Coppel Coal & Supply Inc.

Stephen Coppel 452 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4360.............Fax: (740) 772-1565 Building Materials

CorCrane, LLC (Corcoran Crane Service)

Michael Corcoran P.O. Box 368 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2377.............Fax: (740) 773-3056 Crane Services

Corner Market

Beth Neal 633 Charleston Pike Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-9985.............Fax: (740) 772-5852 Grocery Stores Caterers

Coughlin Automotive-Chillicothe

Doug Winland 60 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2153.............Fax: (740) 773-2440 http://ww Automobile Dealers

County Sanitary Service

Matt Tracy 7448 State Route 28 Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 600-5973 Fence Contractor

D D.E. Huddleston, Inc

Jeff Huddleston 283 S. Paint St. P.O. Box 207 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2130.......... Fax: (740) 775-6268 http://ww Contractors - General Construction Companies

Dairy Queen, DREBR, Inc.

Rosie Daughters 288 N. High Street & 543 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4701 Restaurants

Dakota's Roadhouse

Ed Steele 28 Stoneridge Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-7427.............Fax: (740) 772-2935 http://ww Restaurants

Dan Marsh Architects, LLC

Eric Karhoff P.O. Box 340037 Columbus OH 43234 (740) 773-1796.......... Fax: (614) 764-1968 http://ww Architects

Dard Hunter Studios

Dard Hunter 125 W. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3300.............Fax: (740) 779-3273 http://ww Artists/Galleries/Studios Downtown Chillicothe

Dave Miller Rentals

Dave Miller 243 W. Second Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-4842 Apartments/Rental Properties Rentals

Friend of the Chamber Alan Davis Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5778 Friend of the Chamber

Susan Notestone 972 Sandusky Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1189.............Fax: (740) 773-0008 Plumbing Contractors/Supplies

Crispie Creme of Chillicothe, Inc.

Mark Renison 47 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3770.............Fax: (740) 774-2941 Restaurants

Cross Keys Tavern/17 East Tom Burke 17-19 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4157 Restaurants Taverns Downtown Chillicothe

Daymar College

Christy Rose 1410 Industrial Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-6300........ Fax: (740) 774-6317 Colleges/Universities Daymar College We Change Lives... One Person At A Time.

Dean Carroll P.E.

Darlene Carroll PO Box 194 Londonderry OH 45647 (740) 887-2436.............Fax: (740) 887-2436 Engineers

Delbert Bochard

Delbert Bochard 1 Ridge Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 774-3197 Friend of the Chamber

Dennewitz Pools & Construction Linda, Dennewitz 215 W. Valley Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-6347 Pools Construction Companies

Detillion Landscaping Co., Inc.

Randy Detillion 20337 St. Rt. 104 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5305.............Fax: (740) 775-5350 Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

DiFrango's Construction & Improvement

Dean DiFrango PO Box 1838 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-2405.............Fax: (740) 779-1737 Construction Companies

Dispatch Targeted Marketing Donna Holbrook 5300 Crosswind Drive Columbus OH 43228 (614) 620-0338 http://ww Advertising Marketing/Promotions

Do It Right Cleaning Service, LLC Jack & Mary Lou Mollohan P.O. Box 605 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4670 Cleaning Services

Dock At Water

Dorsey Hudson 80 E. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3625 Restaurants Event Facilities Taverns

Document Solutions/ Modern Office Methods

Karen Leeth 68 Star Drive P.O. Box 464 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8582.............Fax: (740) 775-8584 http://ww Office Equipment/Supplies Copy Machines/Supplies

Doersam Marketing, Inc.

James Doersam 143 W. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2108.............Fax: (740) 773-3859 Business Enterprises

Doles Home Improvements LLC Don Doles 231 England Hollow Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1474 Contractors - General Home Improvements

Donahue-Stangle-Brown Ins. Agency

Deborah Brown P.O. Box 519 20 N. Main St. Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 998-5544.............Fax: (740) 998-5549 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Donato's Pizza

Christa Hedges 107 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1199.............Fax: (614) 416-6837 http://ww Pizza Restaurants Caterers

Douglas Industries

Larry Eyre 379 Douglas Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2400.............Fax: (740) 775-3859 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Downtown Associates Inc.

Kim Bethel P.O. Box 1945 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 253-5905 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations Downtown Chillicothe

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Chillicothe

Tod Combs 20 Executive Center Dr. Suite D Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7550.......... Fax: (740) 773-7551 http://ww Home Improvements

E E.M. Smith Jewelers, Inc.

Robert Smith 1334 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1840.............Fax: (740) 773-3010 http://ww Jewelers

Eagle Loan Company of Ohio, Inc. Jim Price 948 East Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4401 Banks

Easter Seals - Shawnee Office

Pandora Shaw - Duprais 810 E. Main St. PO Box 354 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1273.............Fax: (740) 773-0936 http://ww Social Service Organizations

Eastern Avenue Lumber

Steve Thornton 804 Eastern Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2274.......... Fax: (740) 773-2282 ww Hardware Stores

Economic Development Alliance of Southern Ohio

Christopher Manegold, CEcD 45 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5100.............Fax: (740) 702-2727 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations

Edward Jones - Catherine Dresbach

Catherne Dresbach 28 N. Mulberry Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5630.............Fax: (888) 287-0068 http://ww Financial Planning Services Investment Brokers Investment Planning Services

Edward Jones

Gary Seitz PO Box 768 273 Delano Ave. Chillicothe OH 11/5/2024 (740) 775-6400.............Fax: (888) 218-2149 http://ww Investment Brokers Investment Planning Services

Edward Jones

Matthew Edler 20 Executive Center Dr. Ste B Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2197.............Fax: (866) 247-5609 Investment Brokers Investment Planning Services

Elite-Land Title

Chris Moore 76 East 2nd Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 222-7492.............Fax: (614) 568-0034 http://ww Title Services

Elrich, Dr. Cindy

Cindy Elrich 4 Medical Dr Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3934.............Fax: (740) 774-3935 Optometrists

Elsea Home Center

400 Renick Ln. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 663-2824.............Fax: (740) 663-2474 http://ww Manufactured Homes

Express Shine Car Wash

Joe Molnar 87 N. Bridge St. P. O. Box 1976 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3600........ Fax: (740) 773-7958 Auto/Truck Accessories/ Detailing/Services Chillicothe's only full service car wash. Detailing by appointment. Closed Sunday.

Eye Specialists

Tim Duffy 50 N. Plaza Blvd Chillicothe OH 45601 740-774-4434 Physicians and Surgeons

First Capital Answering Service, LLC

Jackie Shope 30 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2430.............Fax: (740) 774-2461 http://ww Answering Services

First Capital Enterprises, Inc.

Jim Lambert 167 W. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2166.............Fax: (740) 773-2167 http://ww Cleaning Services/Document Shredding Sheltered Workshops

First Capital Music Hall

Dan Minser 27 West Second Street Chillicothe OH 45601 740.774.SUBS Entertainment

F Family Dental Center

Jan Green 19 Executive Center Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4066........ Fax: (740) 773-9174 Dentists * General Dentistry * Cosmetic Services * Dentures & Bridges * Crowns & Implants * Periodontic Services * Orthodontics * TMJ/Splint Therapies * Extractions * Sedation * Root Canals * Family Scheduling * Most Insurances Accepted * Interest-Free Financing

Family Healthcare, Inc.

First Capital Rotary

Eric Braunlin 895 Crouse Chapel Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 466-6100.............Fax: (740) 779-0508 Community Service Organizations/Associations

Floor Solutions

Don Ault 1200 N. Malone Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3461 Flooring

Flow Masters, Inc.

Emerald Computer Systems

Nelson Coleman 20485 St Rt. 104 N. Ste. 200 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-3254.............Fax: (740) 531-1551 Computer Service/Sales

Mark Bridenbaugh 1049 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4366.............Fax: (740) 775-7855 http://ww Physicians and Surgeons

Energy Cooperative of Ohio

Family Vision Centers

John Gunning, Jr. 612 Central Center Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2106.............Fax: (740) 774-2107 Optometrists

Jerry Schneider P.O. Box 548 Piketon OH 45661 (740) 897-3486 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Feast of the Flowering Moon

Foulke Block, Ltd.

Kevin Smith 790 B Windmiller Drive Pickerington OH 43147 (614) 328-2955.............Fax: (614) 328-2956 http://ww Utility Companies

Envy Hair Design & Spa, LLC. Nichole Crabtree 12 Health Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1128 Beauty Salons

ERA Martin and Associates Mark Cenci

Mark Cenci 159 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601-2504 (740) 774-4500.............Fax: (740) 774-4502 http://ww Real Estate

ERA Martin & Associates Marc Leeth, ABR, SFR

Marc Leeth 159 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-9012.............Fax: (740) 774-4502 http://ww Real Estate

Robert C. Evans, Realtor Robert Evans 6633 St. Rt. 159 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-7690 Real Estate Commercial Leasing/Sales

Exit First Capital Realty

Bill Leib 946 East Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5700.............Fax: (740) 772-5702 http://ww Real Estate

Jill Thomas P.O. Box 879 Chillicothe OH 45601 7407011626 http://ww Entertainment

Fed Ex Ground

Johnny Major 1415 Industrial Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6520.............Fax: (812) 284-4239 http://ww Logistics

Kenneth Seymour 15000 Pleasant Valley Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4041.............Fax: (740) 773-0145 Plumbing Contractors/Supplies

Fluor-B&W Portsmouth,LLC

Bob Althoff 14 S. Paint St. Ste. 81 Chillicothe OH 45601 (614) 477-4311 Real Estate

Foxtrot Roofing Inc

Kaye Carnein 4566 Frankfort Clarksburg Pike Clarksburg Ohio 43115 740-804-9042 Roofing Contractors

Frankfort IGA

Friend of the Chamber Ron Fields Friend of the Chamber

TERRY DEGARMO 617 CO. RD. 87 FRANKFORT OH 45628 740-998-4361 TDEGARMO@HORIZONVIEW.NET General Retail Stores

Fifth Third Bank

Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #600

William Digges 128 W. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3365.............Fax: (740) 774-3369 http://ww Banks

First American Financial Insurance Agency Inc.

Tom, Allie 378 S. Douglas Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-6255.............Fax: (740) 773-1055 Community Service Organizations/Associations Social Service Organizations

Frisch's Big Boy Restaurant

Rob Davis 41 S. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 740-851-4112................ Fax: 740-851-4068 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Joe McFadden 831 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3663.............Fax: (740) 775-3669 Restaurants Caterers

Frontier Community Services

Greg Arcaro 12127 Pleasant Valley Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1396.......... Fax: (740) 772-1394 Home Health Services


G Friend of the Chamber Larry & Mary Gates Friend of the Chamber


232 E. Eighth St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-3111........ Fax: (740) 772-0024 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers The paper mill in Chillicothe has been an active and influential presence since 1890. In April 2006, Ohio Operations was acquired by Glatfelter, a global supplier of specialty papers & engineered products.

Globe Furniture

Linda Brown 63-79 E. Main St. P.O. Box 248 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2890 http://ww Furniture Stores Downtown Chillicothe

Goebel Hearing Center

Julie Goebel 46 N. Mulberry St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-4389.............Fax: (740) 775-5487 http://ww Audiologists Hearing Aids

Goodwill Industries of South Central Ohio

Keith Alcorn 457 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-4000.............Fax: (740) 702-4001 http://ww Sheltered Workshops Resale Stores

Great Clips

Natalie, Albrinck 1290 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (513) 295-8190.............Fax: (513) 258-0688 Beauty Salons

H Patricia Haller O.D. 59 W. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4616.............Fax: (740) 779-3856 Optometrists

Haller Funeral Home

Hazel's Roadshow

Michael Haller 1661 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-2149.............Fax: (740) 702-2148 http://ww Funeral Services

Halm Financial Services

Charles Halm 1245 Western Ave., Suite A Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2886.............Fax: (740) 773-5302 Financial Planning Services Insurance Agencies and Adjusters Investment Planning Services

Halm Investment Services LLC

Adam Halm 2151 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1027.............Fax: (316) 221-6339 http://ww Financial Planning Services Investment Planning Services

Hampton Inn & Suites

Eric Woodworth 100 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1616.............Fax: (740) 773-1770 http://ww Lodging

Hana Japanese Steakhouse, Inc.

Lin Zhuo 1015 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-9009.............Fax: (740) 779-9013 http://ww Restaurants

Hanes Chiropractic Center

Dr. Jeffrey Hanes 1 Health Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5957.......... Fax: (740) 772-6483 Chiropractic Physicians Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation

Hanson Aggregates, Basic Construction Materials

Matthew Schmidt 72 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-3110 Title Services Legal Services

Paul Roeder 1111 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2172.............Fax: (740) 773-2176 http://ww Building Materials Concrete Services Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Greenhouse Bed & Breakfast

Harley Davidson Suzuki of Chillicothe

Great Seal Title Agency

Dee & Tom Shoemaker 47 E. Fifth St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5313 http://ww Bed and Breakfasts Lodging

Guardian Vault Services

Patrick Corcoran 199 Cooks Hill Road P.O. Box 1646 Chillicothe Oh 45601 (740) 772-5514.............Fax: (740) 775-3799 Funeral Services

Gustin Insurance Agency, Inc. Kelley Everhart 110 W. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-0000 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters


Hatzel & Buehler Inc.

James Ivey 3381 Congo Rd. P.O. Box 848 Circleville OH 43113 (740) 420-3088.............Fax: (740) 420-9048 Contractors - Electrical Electrical Services/Supplies

Dr. Patricia A. Haller, Optomotrist, Inc.

Scott Dyke 818 Eastern Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8826.............Fax: (740) 773-8830 http://ww Motorcycle Dealerships and Parts

Hartsock Ag

Tim Hartsock 24668 St Rt 104 Circleville OH 43113 (740) 474-5551.............Fax: (740) 474-5551 http://ww Agriculture

Hastings Electric

Carol Longstreth 98 W. Second St. P.O. Box 398 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4330.............Fax: (740) 772-2343 http://ww Appliances Downtown Chillicothe

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Hazel Tanner P.O. Box 1685 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-6367.............Fax: (740) 663-6485 Entertainment Party Supplies

Heartland of Chillicothe

Mary Ann Wilburn 1058 Columbus St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-5000.......... Fax: (740) 772-4491 http://ww Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Heaven and Earth Art

Steven Felts P.O. Box 6184 Chillicothe OH 45601 Art Classes Artists/Galleries/Studios

Henderson Pharmacy Services

Ron Henderson 186 W. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-1181.......... Fax: (740) 702-1190 Pharmacies

Herlihy Moving & Storage, Inc.

Joseph Herlihy 747 Marietta Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601-0096 (740) 775-6683.............Fax: (740) 775-6685 http://ww Moving Companies

Herrnstein Chrysler Dodge Jeep Mitsubishi

Bart Herrnstein 133 Marietta Rd. P.O. Box 266 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2203.............Fax: (740) 773-6602 http://ww Automobile Dealers Automobile Repair

Holiday Inn Express Chillicothe 1003 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 740-851-6140 Lodging

Holmes Surgical Associates, Inc.

Herbert Sinning 4447 St Rt 159 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3100.............Fax: (740) 774-2285 Physicians and Surgeons

Home Helpers

Janet Dean 950 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4403.............Fax: (740) 493-2908 http://ww Home Health Services

Homeland Credit Union

Shayne Poe 310 Caldwell St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3331.............Fax: (740) 775-0467 http://ww Banks Credit Unions

Hooks Pizza on the Hill

Yvonne Hooks 490 W. Fifth Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5700.............Fax: (740) 775-5708 Pizza

Hope Clinic of Ross County, Inc Alan, Davis 475 Western Avenue Po Box 864 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4606 http://ww Health Care

Hopewell Culture National Historical Park

Jennifer Pederson Weinberger 16062 St. Rt. 104 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1126.............Fax: (740) 774-1140 http://ww Tourist Attractions

Herrnstein Hyundai

Bart Herrnstein 2827 River Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6555 http://ww Automobile Dealers Auto Parts and Repair Auto/Truck Accessories/Detailing/Services

Laura J. Hill, Attorney at Law

Laura Hill 180 N. High Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8119.............Fax: (740) 773-8118 Attorneys

Hirsch Fruit Farm, Inc.

Frank Hirsch 12846 St. Rt. 772 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7055.............Fax: (740) 774-3070 http://ww Agriculture Gift Shops

The History Store

JoAnn Kunzelman 99 N. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7400.............Fax: (740) 773-0975 Gift Shops Downtown Chillicothe

Horizon Chillicothe Telephone

Randy Davies 68 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-8803........ Fax: (740) 779-0508 Internet/Cable/Telephone Providers Horizon offers everything from telephone systems and digital voice to multi-Gigabit Advanced Data Services. Our state-of-the-art fiber network is expanding monthly to reach 34 Ohio counties. Call today for a FREE consultation!

Horizon Telcom, Inc

Trevor Kendall 68 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-8272 Entertainment Internet/Cable/Telephone Providers

House of Design

Rowena Perry 76 N. Paint Street Chillicothe Ohio 45601 740-774-1157 Gift Shops Artists/Galleries/Studios

Hummel & Plum Insurance Agency, Inc

Jason Eitel 10 N. Walnut St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1620.............Fax: (740) 774-1221 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Huntington National Bank

Doug Shoemaker 1 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2575.............Fax: (740) 772-2265 http://ww Banks

Hupp Electrical Service, LLC Max Hupp 404 St. Rt. 180 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5185 Electrical Services/Supplies Contractors - Electrical

i iDream Images

Brian Jones 331 N. High St. Chillicothe Oh 45601 (740) 701-6989 Photography

InCare Senior Services

Matt Kehlmeier 807 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-1240 http://ww Adult Day Care Physical Therapy/Supplies

Incite Marketing Solutions Heidi Robson 14 Overlook Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-7746 Marketing/Promotions

InfoSight Corporation

John Robertson 20700 Hwy 23 PO Box 5000 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 642-3600.............Fax: (740) 642-5001 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Ingle-Barr Inc. Construction

Wilbur Poole 20 Plyleys Lane PO Box 874 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-6117.............Fax: (740) 702-6112 Construction Companies Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

Integrated Services of Appalachian Ohio, Inc.

Kevin Gillespie 11 Graham Drive Athens OH 45701 (740) 594-6807.............Fax: (740) 594-9967 http://ww Social Service Organizations

It Works!

Victoria Oaks 208 Lockard Road Wellston OH 45692 740-395-1719 General Retail Stores


Heath Good 30 East Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-5080 http://ww Computer Service/Sales

Ivy's Home and Garden

JoAnn Kunzelman 101-105 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740)779-9522...............Fax: (740)773-0975 Gift Shops Downtown Chillicothe

Jenkins Chiropractic Inc.

Brian Jenkins 37 S. Hickory St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0550.............Fax: (740) 775-0552 Chiropractic Physicians

Jenn's Embroidery J J.B. Express, Inc.

Jon Bell 27311 US Rt. 35 E. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-9830.............Fax: (740) 702-9821 Trucking Companies

J. L. Uhrig & Associates, Inc.

Jason Uhrig 78 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8448.............Fax: (740) 775-8442 Accounting Services/Tax Preparation

Jack's Tire & Auto

Charles Barnes 320 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-5481.............Fax: (740) 774-1595 http://ww Auto Parts

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service

Gary Scherer 70 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 412-1285.............Fax: (866) 567-1040 Accounting Services/Tax Preparation

Jackson Insurance Brokerage, LLC

Patrick Ball 79 N. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 443-7307.............Fax: (740) 288-4019 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters Financial Planning Services

Jani-Chem, Inc.

Royce Lowe 1000 Industrial Drive Leesburg, OH 45135 (937) 780-2025.............Fax: (937) 780-6950 http://ww Janitorial Services Cleaning Services

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC

John Schwemlein 37 W. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2163.......... Fax: (740) 773-2640 http://ww Investment Brokers Financial Planning Services Investment Planning Services

Jardine Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Wilbur Poole 20 Plyleys Lane, P.O. Box 874 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2900 Plumbing Contractors/Supplies

Jaycee Public Golf Course

Kevin Calvin 12100 Pleasant Valley Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7659.............Fax: (740) 779-6104 http://ww Golf Courses Event Facilities

JCON Enterprises

Casey Bolen 26 Limestone Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 649-3695.............Fax: (740) 775-2497 http://ww Building Services/Property Maintenance

Jennifer, Walsh 133 Barnhart Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 740-772-2596 Apparel

Jerry's Pizza - West

Tom Howison 23 Starr Drive Chillicothe Ohio 45601 740-773-9378 Restaurants

Jividen Photography LLC

Jerry & Barb Jividen 30 E. Main St. P.O. Box 333 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-6243.............Fax: (740) 774-6243 http://ww Photography

JL Accounting & Tax, LLC

Joseph Lazzaro 46 E. Fourth St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-0379.............Fax: (740) 775-5158 Accounting Services/Tax Preparation

JLS Contracting

Jeff Ours 1107 England Hollow Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-4700.............Fax: (740) 851-5684 Contractors - General Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

Joel Gerber Insurance Agency, Inc.

Joel Gerber 382 Arch St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0600.......... Fax: (740) 775-0697 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

John E. Lloyd Realty

John Lloyd 56 E. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1115.............Fax: (740) 775-1150 http://ww Real Estate

JSL Productions, LLC. Erika Lowe 320 E. 2nd St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 851-4022 http://ww Commercial Leasing/Sales Entertainment Video Production

Junior Achievement of Ross County

Kathy Ray PO Box 359 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8420 Social Service Organizations Community Service Organizations/Associations

Justice Financial Services

Mark, Justice 95 East Water Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4411.............Fax: (740) 774-4414 http://ww Financial Planning Services Investment Brokers Investment Planning Services

K K & C Educational Associates

Jean Kerney, Ph.D. 205 N. High St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-5559.............Fax: (740) 773-5559 http://ww Educational Consultants/Tutoring

Kear Realty, Inc. - Judy Conklin

Judy Conklin 29 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1123.......... Fax: (740) 774-1105 http://ww Real Estate

Knisley Pharmacy

Matt Knisley 2535 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6226.............Fax: (740) 779-6228 Pharmacies

KPC Trucking, Inc.

Patti Clark 3175 County Road 550 Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 998-2930.............Fax: (740) 998-4508 Trucking Companies

Kroger Food & Drug

Kear Realty-Barb Puffer

Randy Wellinghoff 887 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2901.............Fax: (740) 773-6966 http://ww Grocery Stores Pharmacies

Kear Realty-Kitty Hess

L&L Overhead Doors and Roofing

Barb Puffer 97 Fruithill Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-1234.............Fax: (740) 772-2654 Real Estate Kitty Hess 29 South Paint St Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3394.............Fax: (740) 773-7659 http://ww Real Estate

Kendall Home Care, Inc.

Randy Rush 141 W. Main Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8371.............Fax: (740) 773-0911 Home Health Services

Kenworth Truck Co.

Scott Blue 65 Kenworth Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-5261.............Fax: (740) 774-5230 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Kick Back Ridge Cabins

Tammy and Bill Yates 1672 Thornton Spung Road Kingston OH 45644 740-655-2321 http://ww Lodging

Kimberly DiFrango Gemologist

Kimberly DiFrango 14 S. Paint St. Ste. 61 Chilicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-1771.............Fax: (740) 779-1737 http://ww Jewelers

Kindred Transitional Care and Rehabilitation

Christina Schramm 60 Marietta Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5900.............Fax: (740) 773-3946 http://ww Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Kingston National Bank

Lara Hauswirth 2 North Main St. P.O. Box 613 Kingston OH 45644 (740) 642-2191.......... Fax: (740) 642-2195 http://ww Banks

Kinnikinnick Gardens Pat & Al Rupiper 946 Crouse Chapel Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 642-3682 Farm Market

Kitchen Collection

Joan Manchester 71 E. Water Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-9150 http://ww General Retail Stores Housewares

L Lavern Zook 1580 Norman Hill Road Frankfort Oh 45628 (740) 656-0177 Roofing Contractors

Lady Bug Jewelry & Ear Piercing

Lois Carpenter 600 Arch St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2341.............Fax: (740) 773-2341 Jewelers

Lakes Apartments, The

Patty Hess 13 N. Shore Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2001.............Fax: (740) 772-6800 Apartments/Rental Properties

Lamar Advertising

Todd Lucas 6640 Taylor Road Blacklick OH 43004 (614) 519-4307 http://ww Advertising

Legal Shield

Sheila Stearos 9890 State Route 138 Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 701-4225.............Fax: (740) 998-4605 Legal Services Business Consultants Consultants

Lenox Heating & Cooling

Eric Lenox 34138 US Rt. 50 Londonderry OH 45647 (740) 702-2665............Fax: (740) 702- 2666 Heating and Cooling Contractors-HVAC

Liberty Village Communities, Inc.

Sheila Blevins 1839 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4630.............Fax: (740) 773-4648 http://ww Retirement Communities

Lighthouse Youth Center-Paint Creek

Mark Ingles 1071 Tong Hollow Rd. Bainbridge OH 45612 (740) 634-3094.............Fax: (740) 634-3047 http://ww Social Service Organizations

Litter Quality Propane

John Rowland 524 Eastern Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2196.......... Fax: (740) 773-9230 http://ww Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

Friend of the Chamber Tom Lloyd Friend of the Chamber

Loan Central

Greg Kauffman 1080 N. Bridge St, #43 Chillicothe OH 45601 740.773.5626 Banks

Landmark Properties Group

Julie Petrush 4848 Route 8, Unit 2 Allison Park PA 15101 (724) 443-9000.............Fax: (724) 443-9010 http://ww Real Estate

Lane Seed Sales Inc.

Gale, Lane 11310 Westfall Road Frankfort OH 45628 740.998.2155 Agriculture

Lansing Insurance Agency, Inc.

Adam Halm 2151 Western Avenue P.O. Box 6294 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1143.............Fax: (509) 272-1941 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters Financial Planning Services

Allen Miller 33535 US Rt. 50 Londonderry OH 45647 (740) 887-5200 Fireplaces Patio 15 years of experience in creating beautiful Amish furniture, handmade furniture and stonework for fireplaces and patios!

Longhorn Steakhouse

Paul D. Sharritts 1077 North Bridge St Chillicothe OH 45601 740.775.7100.................. Fax: 740.775.7105 Restaurants

Looks Unlimited

Kristin Burns 1655 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-4450.............Fax: (740) 779-3808 http://ww Beauty Salons

Lazy H Cabin Rentals, Inc. Cathi Holbert 14889 Old Rt. 50 Bainbridge OH 45612 (740) 634-5635 http://ww Lodging

Leading Edge Integration

Londonderry's Hearth & Patio

Lowe's of Chillicothe

Dustian Countryman 6711 Egypt Pike Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3343.............Fax: (740) 772-6677 http://ww Computer Service/Sales Mobile Application Development Network Design & Administration Website Design

Denny Gray 867 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7777.......... Fax: (740) 773-6724 Hardware Stores Building Materials


M Madru Supply Company

Harold Madru 294 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7473.......... Fax: (740) 773-6311 Plumbing Contractors/Supplies

Madsen Medical

Judy Fee 13800 US Rte 23 Waverly OH 45690 (740) 947-5394.............Fax: (740) 947-7943 http://ww Physicians and Surgeons

Magnolia Dental

Ashley Houghland 11 Medical Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8050.............Fax: (740) 775-8053 http://ww Dentists

Majestic Theatre Inc.

Priscilla Smith 45 E. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2041 http://ww Entertainment Downtown Chillicothe Tourist Attractions

March of Dimes, Central Ohio

975 Eastwind Drive Ste. 150 Westerville OH 43081 (614) 865-4513.............Fax: (614) 865-4521 http://ww Social Service Organizations

Mary Jane's Bakery Julie Widen 35 N. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3500 Bakeries Caterers Restaurants

Master Locksmith & Safe Service, Inc. Tom Abaffy 102 Pawnee Road Rear Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5397 Locksmiths

Matt Day Photo

Matt Day 51 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 649-2090 http://ww Photography

Mature Services/ Senior Employment Center

Sally Orlando 1575 N. High Street Hillsboro OH 45133 1-866-340-0055............Fax: (937) 840-0110 Employment Agencies/Job Placement

McCray-Feltis Lawn Care, Inc. Jerry McCray 71 S. Watt St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-8564 Landscapers/Lawn and Garden


40 N. Bridge Street P.O. Box 1636 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1294 Restaurants


1225 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5025 Restaurants


1067 N. Bridge Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6237 Restaurants

McFadden Pharmacy

Casey McFadden 115 E. Main St Bainbridge OH 45612 (740) 634-3231.............Fax: (740) 634-3236 Pharmacies

Friend of the Chamber Bernard McNeely Friend of the Chamber

McNelly-Long Insurance

Randa Long 38 South Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 443-7306 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Mears Photography

Kevin Mears 159 E. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4120.............Fax: (740) 775-2321 http://ww Photography

Midwest Motoplex, LLC.

Tracy Bettendorf 98 Consumer Center Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5300.............Fax: (740) 772-6282 ATV Sales

Mile Tree Screen Print

Gary Free 233 Renick Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-3306.............Fax: (740) 774-3306 Screen Printing

Miller Management

Steve Miller 165 South Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-6365.............Fax: (740) 779-0645 Restaurants

Miller Sales & Service, Inc.

Lynn Miller 1538 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2526.............Fax: (740) 774-1363 Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

Mister Sub

Dan Minser 27 West Second St Chillicothe OH 45601 740.774.SUBS Restaurants

MJM Express, LLC.

Jamey Popp 20 Executive Center Dr. Suite H Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7887.............Fax: (740) 774-1818 Trucking Companies

Monroe's Collision

Roger Brown 1415 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1036.............Fax: (740) 774-1037 http://ww Automobile Repair

Motion Hand & Physical Therapy

Angie Stephens 68 Consumer Center Drive Chillicothe OH 45601-2504 (740) 773-6001.............Fax: (740) 773-6007 Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation


1124 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2335 Restaurants


Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Musser and Associates Rehab

William Musser 79 E. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-6517.............Fax: (740) 772-6518 Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation

North Fork Animal Clinic

Dr. Dennis McDonald 2260 Anderson Station Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7387.......... Fax: (740) 773-7388 Veterinarians

Nourse Chillicothe Auto Mall N National Church Residences Chillicothe

Lynn Digges 142 University Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8107.............Fax: (740) 774-8165 ww Retirement Communities Nursing Homes/Assisted Living Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation

Nationwide Business Partners

Chuck Skidmore 45 West 2nd Street Suite B Chillicothe OH 45601 740-720-4005...............Fax: (740) 206-0119 http://ww Business Consultants

Neil Coleman Insurance Services, Inc. Neil Coleman 33 W. Main St. Ste 203 P.O. Box 206 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2661.............Fax: (740) 773-2608 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Network Financial Services

Jerry Phillips, CFP 69 W. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8200.............Fax: (740) 775-8204 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

New Image Laser Skin Center (Chillicothe)

Roxanne, Madsen 614 Blackwater Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-7444.............Fax: (740) 774-7445 http://ww Physicians and Surgeons

Friend of the Chamber Richard Newbold Friend of the Chamber

Friend of the Chamber Steve Newman Friend of the Chamber

News Watchman

Carrie Humble 14532 US Highway 23, Suite A Waverly OH 45690 (740) 947-2149.............Fax: (740) 947-1344 Newspapers/Shoppers

Newton Financial Services

Robert Newton 80 North Mulberry Chillicothe OH 45601 1-866-871-9149............Fax: (614) 871-9149 Financial Planning Services

NIC Global

Brian Armistead 170 North Park Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (615) 989-9102 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Noble Plumbing

Penny Noble 485 Eastern Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5170.............Fax: (740) 773-7469 Plumbing Contractors/Supplies

Barbara Sanford 423 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7913.............Fax: (740) 773-7941 http://ww Automobile Dealers Automobile Repair

O O'Bryant Enterprises, Inc.

Ron Dunsieth 254 Delano Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-6223.............Fax: (740) 775-6427 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Oak Hill Properties

Joe Sharp 476 Renick Lane Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 663-5010.............Fax: (740) 663-5010 Real Estate

Oaks Photography Doug Oaks 208 lockard rd. Wellston ohio 45692 740-395-3224 Photography

Office City Express

Richard Mytinger 25 E. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2181.............Fax: (740) 774-2212 http://ww Office Equipment/Supplies Downtown Chillicothe

Ohio House of Representatives 87th District

John Carey 77 South High St., 13th Floor Columbus OH 43215 (614) 466-1366.............Fax: (614) 719-3987 Government Agencies

Opulent Source, LLC

Vince Perhach 15 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2030.............Fax: (866) 835-2656 http://ww Computer Service/Sales Website Design Downtown Chillicothe

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates

Dr. Larry Schmitt 618 Central Center Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1175.............Fax: (740) 774-1122 http://ww Dentists

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Centers, Inc

David Bullard 201 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4499.............Fax: (740) 779-2594 http://ww Dentists

Orange Blossom Bridal 2 Health Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7979 http://ww Bridal Boutiques

Original Mattress Factory

Debbie Turner 1575 B N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7497.......... Fax: (740) 773-8428 http://ww General Retail Stores

OSU Extension Ross County

Lisa Barlage 475 Western Ave. Ste F Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-3200.............Fax: (740) 702-3209 Social Service Organizations Agriculture

Outer Limits Hair Design LLC Jennifer Lykins 11 Executive Center Dr Chillicothe Oh 45601 (740) 775-4648 Beauty Salons

The Ohio State Univ. South Centers

Ryan Mapes 1864 Shyville Rd. Piketon OH 45661 (740) 289-3727.......... Fax: (740) 289-4591 Colleges/Universities

Ohio University-Chillicothe

Martin Tuck 101 University Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-7200.......... Fax: (740) 774-7295 http://ww Colleges/Universities

Old Canal Smokehouse

Dane Straub 94 E. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3278.............Fax: (740) 779-3279 Restaurants Event Facilities Downtown Chillicothe

Old Town Fabric Shop

Kelly Henderson 56 W. Water Street Chillicothe OH 45601 740-779-9898 General Retail Stores

P P&J Wetz Enterprises, LLC John Wetzel III 139 Stoneridge Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 740-253-1618 Engineers

Paint Street Productions

Sharon Alexander 248 South Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 649-6142 http://ww Website Design

Paint Valley A.D.A.M.H. Board

Juni Frey 394 Chestnut St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2283.............Fax: (740) 773-2770 http://ww Social Service Organizations

Parry Company

David Meredith 33630 Old US Rte 35 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 884-4893.............Fax: (740) 884-4892 http://ww Sand & Gravel Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

The Parry Company

David Meredith 33630 Old US Rt 35 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 884-4893.......... Fax: (740) 884-4892 http://ww Sand & Gravel Water Treatment Services and Supplies Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

Patrick Consulting Group

Richard Patrick 14074 U. S. Highway 23 Suite B Waverly OHIO 45690 740-947-8676 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Picture This

George & Lynn Berry 141 W. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-5966.............Fax: (740) 773-3859 or http://ww or ww Picture Framing Apparel Artists/Galleries/Studios Custom Framing Downtown Chillicothe General Retail Stores Gift Shops

Pike County Chamber of Commerce

Friend of the Chamber Karen Patterson http://ww Friend of the Chamber

Shirley Bandy 12455 St. Rt. 104 Waverly OH 45690 (740) 947-7715.............Fax: (740) 947-7716 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations

Penn Station East Coast Subs

Pittsburgh Glass Works LLC

Josh Mankin 787 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-6100.............Fax: (740) 353-8317 http://ww Restaurants

Jerry Hornyak 850 Southern Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-7624.............Fax: (740) 774-8725 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

G & J Pepsi Cola

Michael Brady 400 E. Seventh St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2148.............Fax: (740) 774-1160 http://ww Beverage Sales

Jack Everson 219 West Fifth Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-7718.............Fax: (740) 772-1886 http://ww Business Consultants Logistics

Perfection One Collision Centers

PNC Bank

Platinum Horizon Group

Richard Rhoades 636 N. High St. Rear Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2600.............Fax: (740) 775-8300 http://ww Automobile Repair

Michele Wikle 1080 N. Bridge St. #25 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-2010.............Fax: (740) 775-2292 http://ww Banks

Personal Touch Carpet Cleaning

PNC Bank - Western Avenue

Jeff Martin PO Box 427 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3478 http://ww Carpet Cleaning

Petland, Inc.

Joe, Watson 250 Riverside St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2464........ Fax: (740) 775-2575 Pets Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00. Petland, Inc. is a franchisor of full-line pet stores with more than 100 U.S. and international locations. Visit store on N. Bridge St., (740) 773-1982. M-Sat. 10:00-9:00, Sun. 11:00-6:00.

Petron Oil

James Doersam 143 W. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5500.............Fax: (740) 773-3859 Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

Pickaway Machine and Fabrication Inc.

Brian Pontious 6387 St Rte 361 Kingston OH 45644 (740) 642-3642.............Fax: (740) 642-3644 Machine/Welding and Fabrication Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center

Ben Vanhorn 895 Crouse Chapel Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601-9010 (740) 642-1200.............Fax: (740) 642-1399 http://ww Schools PreK-12 Schools PreK-12

Nancy Russell 800 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-2015.............Fax: (740) 773-2855 http://ww Banks

PNC Mortgage

Dianna Hay Dianna Hay 16 S. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-2006 http://ww w.pncmortgage.comdiannahay Mortgage Companies

Friend of the Chamber Barbara Pocock Friend of the Chamber

Polished Comfort LLC

Cari Steinbrook 714 Safford Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 804-7924 http://ww Caterers

Ponderosa Steakhouse

Jeff Middleton 800 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4460.......... Fax: (740) 774-9615 http://ww Restaurants

Preferred Staffing of Ohio

R & M Quality Floors

River's Edge Golf Club

Premier Women's Health OB/GYN, Inc.

Rathkamp Financial

RJ George Trucking

Ken Shelton 172 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1340.............Fax: (740) 773-1032 http://ww Employment Agencies/Job Placement Jennifer Regan 610 Blackwater Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 642-4400.............Fax: (740) 642-4406 Physicians and Surgeons

Bruce Rathkamp 265 Woodbridge Ave. Ste. A Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1040.............Fax: (740) 775-1082 http://ww Financial Planning Services Investment Planning Services

RC Appraisal Company, Inc.

Price Real Estate & Auction Service

Dewey Price 142 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-4494........ Fax: (740) 775-4413 Auctioneers Real Estate Dewey Price, Steve Hummel & Roger Parsons. Auction means action! The Price Auction Team conducts high quality real estate & personal property auctions. Key service targets include consideration of sellers’ unique needs plus a well organized & friendly atmosphere for buyers.

Progressive Welding & Engineering, Inc.

Steven Houseman 232 N Plaza Blvd Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 634-2100.............Fax: (740) 634-3431 Engineers Business Enterprises

Proscan Imaging of Chillicothe

Zach Larabee 1200 N. Bridge St., Ste. E Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-7226.......... Fax: (740) 773-7226 http://ww Health Imaging/Medical Scanning

Protect Yourself & Family, OH CCW Jennifer Blake 1030 Main St. Richmond Dale OH 45673 740-701-1975 Safety Consulting

Pump House Center for the Arts

Sharon Cryder Enderlin Circle Yoctangee Park Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5783.............Fax: (740) 772-5783 http://ww Artists/Galleries/Studios Downtown Chillicothe Tourist Attractions

R R.H.F. Enterprises

Megan Brumfield 1256 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4177.............Fax: (740) 775-1039 Business Enterprises

Craig Gross 6545 Spring Hill Drive Hillsboro OH 45133 (937) 393-3668.............Fax: (937) 393-3886 Trucking Companies Logistics

RLJ Properties

Robert C. Hess Law Offices

Reliable Staffing

Ashley Duduit 14 S. Paint Street, Suite 14A Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 395-0112.............Fax: (740) 288-1496 http://ww Employment Agencies/Job Placement


1653 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3522.............Fax: (740) 779-3529 http://ww Rental Centers

Robert Hess 14 S. Paint St. Ste. 2 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-6152.......... Fax: (740) 774-6153 Attorneys

Ron Neff HER Realtors

Lon Fout 153 S. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4670.............Fax: (740) 774-6333 http://ww Real Estate

Roofing One Incorporated Travis Branham 925 E Main St Chillicothe OH 45601 740-779-0101 Roofing Contractors

Printex Printing

Jeffrey Marshall 185 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-0088.............Fax: (740) 773-0146 http://ww Printing Services

Charlie Vest 310 Sunset Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-9955.............Fax: (740) 775-9955 http://ww Golf Courses

John Pinkerton 29 Timberlane Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8067 Real Estate

Rob Cenci 158 Goldenrod Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 740-466-6535 Appraisers


Chuck Reisinger 235 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4737.............Fax: (740) 772-4909 General Retail Stores

Carol Menendez 1222 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3535.............Fax: (740) 775-3565 http://ww Flooring


The Reserves Network

Tammy Eallonardo 249 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7519........ Fax: (740) 773-7518 Employment Agencies/Job Placement The Reserves Network has served the staffing needs of Southern Ohio since 1982. The company works with customers and job seekers for temporary, temporary-to-hire and direct hire placement in the office, industrial, professional and technical markets.

Rick's Park N Save

Richard Richter 1620 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2258.......... Fax: (740) 773-3031 http://ww Home Improvements

Rinehart Moving

Steve Rinehart 14886 Pleasant Valley rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8374.............Fax: (740) 775-8374 Moving Companies Storage Companies

The River Radio Network

Scott Saunders 41 1/2 South Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3566.............Fax: (740) 779-3568 http://ww Radio Stations Advertising

River's Bend Bicycle Shop

Jamie Sharp 94 West Water Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-0061 http://ww Bicycle Shops

Deana, Burton 10 N. plaza Blvd Chillicothe oh 45601 740-774-9464 Restaurants

Rosewood Vistas

Susan, Banyas P.O. Box 1640 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2745.............Fax: (740) 773-2746 Real Estate

Ross Auto Parts

David Williams 599 Douglas Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1860.............Fax: (740) 774-4302 Auto Parts

Ross Correctional Institution

Tim Buchanan 16149 St. Rt. 104 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-7050.............Fax: (740) 774-7055 Correctional Facilities

Ross County Advertiser

Chris Clark 50 W. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-5010.............Fax: (740) 773-5021 http://ww Advertising Newspapers/Shoppers Downtown Chillicothe

Ross County Agricultural Society

Brad Cosenza, President PO Box 614 344 Fairgrounds Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5083.............Fax: (740) 775-0144 Government Agencies Agriculture


Ross County Banking Center

Brenda Doles 222 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4444.............Fax: (740) 772-4396 http://ww Banks

Ross County Board of Commissioners James Caldwell 2 N. Paint St. Courthouse, Suite H Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-3085 Government Agencies

Pioneer Center/Ross County Board of DD

Rick Marriott 11268 Co. Rd. 550 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8044.............Fax: (740) 773-8052 http://ww Government Agencies

Ross County Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Bud Scharfetter P.O. Box 1727 43 N. Paint Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5396.............Fax: (740) 779-9592 Social Service Organizations

Ross County Committee for Elderly

Jodi Riley 1824 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3544.............Fax: (740) 773-4730 http://ww Social Service Organizations

Ross County Community Action

Ross County Park District

Sam's Club

Ross County Water Co., Inc

Sandy's Travel

Gary Merkamp 15 N. Paint St., Ste. 301 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8794.............Fax: (740) 774-3794 Community Service Organizations/Associations William Neal 663 Fairgrounds Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4117.............Fax: (740) 772-6867 http://ww Utility Companies

Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau

Melody Young 45 E. Main St. P.O. Box 353 Chillicothe OH 45601 (800) 413-4118.............Fax: (740) 702-2727 http://ww Tourist Attractions Travel and Tourism Downtown Chillicothe

Ross-Pike County Education Service District

Stephen Martin 475 Western Ave. Ste E Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-3120.............Fax: (740) 702-3123 Government Agencies

Rotary Club Of Chillicothe

Nelson Coleman PO Box 6357 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8649.............Fax: (740) 775-1359 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations

Andrew Day 1270 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6700.......... Fax: (740) 779-6713 ww General Retail Stores Sandy Sexton 3333 Sugar Run Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 887-2525 Travel Agencies


Beth Neal 1700 Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-9985.............Fax: (740) 772-5852 Grocery Stores

Schlegel's Coffee House Liz Corzine 80 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-0440 Coffee Shops Downtown Chillicothe

School of Dance, The Elizabeth Weisenberger 82 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4455 Dance Instruction Downtown Chillicothe

Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consulting David Huggins 113 Gordon Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5000.............Fax: (800) 897-7990 http://ww Business Consultants Telecommunications

Wayne McLaughlin 603 Central Center Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-7222.............Fax: (740) 702-7220 http://ww Government Agencies Social Service Organizations

Rumpke Recycling

Ross County Community Improvement Corp.

Friend of the Chamber Allen Rupiper

Cynthia Schumaker 129 E. Main Street, Ste. 2 P.O. Box 6353 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 851-6161.............Fax: (740) 851-6262 Attorneys

Russell Cellular Verizon Wireless Agent

Scioto Lawn & Landscape

Dona Smith 45 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-2720.............Fax: (740) 702-2727 dsmith@dsmith http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations

Ross County Farm Bureau

24633 US Highway 23 S. Circleville OH 43113 (740) 474-6284.......... Fax: (740) 477-6052 http://ww Agriculture Community Service Organizations/Associations

Ross County Health District

Tim Angel 475 Western Ave. Ste A Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-9652.............Fax: (740) 779-0744 Government Agencies Social Service Organizations

Ross County Historical Society

Tom Kuhn 45 W. Fifth St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-1936.............Fax: (740) 773-1896 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations Downtown Chillicothe

Ross County Job & Family Services

Robert Gallagher 475 Western Ave. Ste B Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2651.............Fax: (740) 772-7514 Gallar@ODJFS.State.Oh.Us http://ww Government Agencies


Mari Long 990 Eastern Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (800) 828-8171.............Fax: (740) 534-9139 http://ww Recycling Services Friend of the Chamber

Schumaker Law Office Cynthia G. Schumaker, Atty

Adam Davis Zane Plaza 1080 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6592 Wireless Communications

150 Sunbury Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-3769.............Fax: (740) 774-2776 http://ww Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

Friend of the Chamber Deb Russell

Matt Markley 4449 St Rt 159 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1260.............Fax: (740) 775-0292 http://ww Mental Health/Substance Abuse Treatment Alcohol and Substance Abuse Friend of the Chamber

Friend of the Chamber Don Russell Friend of the Chamber

Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Center

Scioto Society, Inc. S

S.O.S. Electric

Sandra Scherer 14650 Pleasant Valley Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2828.............Fax: (740) 775-5184 Electrical Services/Supplies

Sack N' Save, Inc.

Chuck Urick 104 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2965.............Fax: (740) 772-1559 http://ww Grocery Stores Downtown Chillicothe

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Beth Beatty PO Box 73 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-4100.............Fax: (740) 775-4349 http://ww Tourist Attractions

Scioto Valley Assoc. of Realtors

Brenda Free 49 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7489.............Fax: (740) 775-8970 http://ww Real Estate

Scioto Valley Precast

Jim Bumen 3218 S. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 663-2659.............Fax: (740) 663-2017 http://ww Building Materials Concrete Services

Scioto Valley Real Estate Investors Assoc. Joseph, Sharp 476 Renick Lane Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 663-5010 Real Estate

Scioto Woods I & II

2097 Western Ave. Ste 800 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6580.............Fax: (740) 779-6581 http://ww Apartments/Rental Properties

SCORE South Central Ohio Chapter 696

Marvin Jones 45 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-0845.............Fax: (740) 702-2727 http://ww Business Consultants Management Consultant

Secoy & Associates Michael Secoy 6262 Egypt Pike Chillicothe OH 45601 Consultants

Security Engineering

Rob Robson 54 W. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-5700 http://ww Fire and Security Systems Downtown Chillicothe

Seniors Helping Seniors

Connie Kelly 9580 Cordle Lane Stoutsville OH 43154 1-877-474-8252.......Fax: 1-740-477-6568 ww Adult Day Care Home Health Services

ServiceMaster Commercial Cleaning Advantage

Dan Marshall 416 N. Mt. Pleasant Ave. Lancaster OH 43130 (740) 687-0577.......... Fax: (740) 681-4958 http://ww Cleaning Services

SERVPRO of Pickaway & Ross Counties

Mark Hall SERVPRO of Pickaway & Ross Counties 840 Washington Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2172.......... Fax: (740) 772-2176 Fire & Water Damage Restoration Cleaning Services Carpet Cleaning

Sharps Cycles

Joe Sharp 476 Renick Lane Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 663-5010 Motorcycle Dealerships and Parts

Shawan-Marquis Agency, Inc

James Vaughan 425 Metro Place N Ste. 140 Dublin OH 43017 (614) 889-0250.............Fax: (614) 889-6129 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Shawnee Lanes

Michael Corcoran 1680 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3300.............Fax: (740) 773-3311 http://ww Bowling Alleys

Sheilah Gray DDS, Inc.

Sheilah Gray 64 N. Walnut St Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0100.............Fax: (740) 775-0400 Dentists

Friend of the Chamber Carvel Simmons Friend of the Chamber

Skillings Health & Family Psychology

Ralph Skillings, Ph.D 10 Dun Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1000.............Fax: (740) 773-1000 Psychiatrists/Psychologists

Friend of the Chamber Dave Smith Friend of the Chamber

Smith-Feike-Minton, Inc.

Brian Smith 250 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3444.............Fax: (937) 383-3877 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters Financial Planning Services

South Central Ohio Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Karen McDonald-Myers 173 W. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2447.............Fax: (740) 773-9072 http://ww Community Service Organizations/Associations Social Service Organizations

South-Central Manufacturing Network James Manson P.O. Box 645 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-0861 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Southern Ohio Council of Governments

Amy Cartwright 126 E. Second Street, Suite C Chillicothe OH 45601-8608 (740) 775-5030.............Fax: (740) 775-5023 http://ww Government Agencies

Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative

Steve Shepherd PO Box 517 Piketon OH 45661 (740) 289-2576.......... Fax: (740) 289-2795 Community Service Organizations/Associations

Southern Ohio Tours and Adventures Dave Daughters 8 Erin Court Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-4520 Travel and Tourism

Sparkle Cleaners

Bob Barlow 641 Central Center Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4730 Dry Cleaners

Spaulding Family Chiropractic

Joseph Spaulding 265 Woodbridge Ste. B Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1900.............Fax: (740) 775-2070 http://ww Chiropractic Physicians

Sports Plus

Sonnie Reed 193 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0606.............Fax: (740) 775-6606 Sporting Goods Apparel

Sprint Imobile

Josh Voorhies 3 North Bridge St Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6855.............Fax: (740) 779-6856 http://ww Wireless Communications

Stanley & Son, Inc.

Henry Stanley, III 88 N. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3330.......... Fax: (740) 772-4961 http://ww Auctioneers Real Estate

State Electric Supply Co.

Jim Nye 1262 Industrial Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1107.............Fax: (740) 773-5121 http://ww Electrical Services/Supplies

Megan Carroll State Farm Agency

Megan Carroll 1252 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-6634.......... Fax: (740) 775-6651 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

State Farm Insurance - Natoli

Susie Natoli 133 Star Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-5909.......... Fax: (740) 702-5914 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

State Farm Insurance-Strange

Herbie Strange 223 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5674.............Fax: (740) 772-6556 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

State Farm Insurance-Strickland

Dave Strickland 22 E. Water Street P.O. Box 109 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1824.............Fax: (740) 779-1738 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

State Rep. Bob Peterson

Bob Peterson 77 S. High St. 13th Floor Columbus OH 43215 (614) 644-7928.............Fax: (614) 719-6985 Government Agencies

Stephen A. Madru Realtor

Steve Madru 280 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1776.............Fax: (740) 775-1773 http://ww Real Estate

Stephen Dawes, CPA/PFS

Stephen Dawes 193 E. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-0000........ Fax: (740) 702-0002 Accounting Services/Tax Preparation ACCOUNTING AND TAX PREPARATION

Stephen Madru Realty Newman Rutherford Newman Rutherford PO Box 299 Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 998-5399 Real Estate

Stephen Sesser, Attorney at Law

Stephen Sesser 42 East Fifth Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2142.............Fax: (740) 774-2147 Attorneys

Steve Austria Representative to Congress

Steve Austria 439 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515 (202) 225-4324.............Fax: (202) 225-1984 Government Agencies

Subway - Western Ave. Thomas Haynes 801-A Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7828 http://ww Restaurants

Sunroom @ the Brick

Patti Kruger 113 E. High Street P.O. Box 102 Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 998-4060.............Fax: (740) 998-4060 http://ww Caterers Event Facilities

Sunrush Construction Co., Inc.

Michael Long 1988 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1300.............Fax: (740) 775-1347 http://ww Construction Companies

Susie's Gifts for all Seasons Friend of the Chamber

Susie Jones 59 East Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2499.............Fax: (740) 772-2507 Gift Shops Collectibles Downtown Chillicothe

Stevens Disposal Inc.

Sweet T's Custom Apparel

Friend of the Chamber Charles Stevens

Vince Stevens 411 Vernon Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1585.............Fax: (740) 773-1585 Recycling Services

StillWater Event & Conference Center Clara Brown 464 Debord Rd Chillicothe OH 45601 740-663-6192 Event Facilities

Stonecreek Dental Care

Dr. Jed Little 1849 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2222.............Fax: (740) 773-2277 http://ww Dentists

Stoney Creek Cottage at Scioto Trail David M. Polk 3174 Stoney Creek Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-5082 http://ww Vacation Rentals Lodging

Subway - Bridge St.

Thomas Haynes 1080 N. Bridge St. #8 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7827.............Fax: (740) 772-5269 http://ww Restaurants

Subway - Main St.

Thomas Haynes 1120 E. Main St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-3510 http://ww Restaurants

Subway - N. High St.

Thomas Haynes 774 N. High St Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-0140.............Fax: (740) 779-0230 http://ww Restaurants

Tiffany Platt 39 N. Main Street Kingston OH 45644 740-703-9926 http://ww Screen Printing

Sweet William Blossom Boutique

Anni Frizzell 9 W. Second Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-9600.............Fax: (740) 779-9611 http://ww Florists

Synergy Family Fostercare Inc.

Tom Stetzer 769 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6636.............Fax: (740) 779-6891 Foster Care

T T & J Renovations

Todd Bennett 343 West Forth Street Chillicothe ohio 45601 7407721761 Contractors - General

T & S Enterprises

Pete Dolan 44 W. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-2042.............Fax: (740) 774-9217 http://ww Mailing/Shipping Services Downtown Chillicothe Party Supplies

Team Tokey Hill LLC

Terrance "Tokey" Hill 365 Keller Rd. Chillicothe OH 45601 740-851-5463 Health Clubs/Recreation Centers


Beth Beaty 5968 Marietta Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-4100 http://ww Theatres

Tecumseh Claims Service

Jim Copley 557 Parsons Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2392.............Fax: (740) 773-2398 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

TelAtlantic Communications

Title First Agency, Inc.

Stephanie Holbrook 45 W. Second Street, Suite A Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1200.......... Fax: (877) 536-3686 http://ww Title Services

Tomlinson Insurance

James R., Crabtree 604 Cameron St. Alexandria Va 22314 740-775-4464 Telecommunications

Telepage Communication Systems

David Daughters 8 Erin Court Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4701.............Fax: (740) 774-4000 http://ww Wireless Communications

Tents, Tunes & Food Mark Duffy 174 Vernon Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 703-4495 Caterers Tent Rentals

Andy Tomlinson 79 W. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4181.............Fax: (740) 772-2313 http://ww Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

TPR Personnel

Tim Robison 4233 Eastland Square Drive Columbus OH 43232 (614) 866-2255.............Fax: (614) 866-2646 http://ww Employment Agencies/Job Placement

Transitions Unlimited!

Steve Hummel 30 Delano Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 649-9634.............Fax: (740) 779-0337 Business Consultants

The Great Bean Express

Mark Marquez 803 Armbruster Parkway Waverly OH 45690 (740) 708-5496 Coffee Shops Health Food/Products/Organics Vending Companies

Trim Systems

Ron Gray 75 Chamber Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 740-772-5998 x 22014 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

The Sign Guys

Triple Crown Family Fun Center 1 Nancy Wilson Way Chillicothe OH 45601 740-773-7529 Restaurants

Tony, Rittenhouse 1599 Newland Ridge Rd Waverly OH 45690 (740) 222-1215 Sign Companies

TSHD Architects

Thirty-One Gifts - Erin Diehl

Erin Diehl 94 Beatrice Lane Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 253-1266 http://ww General Retail Stores

Thirty-One Gifts - Terry Morris

Mark Holsinger 1010 Coles Blvd. Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-6621.............Fax: (740) 353-4322 Architects

Tumbleweed Southwest Grill

Terry Morris 201 Cherry Street Waverly OH 45690 (740) 708-5565 http://ww General Retail Stores

Keith Brown 1150 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6195.......... Fax: (740) 779-3920 http://ww Restaurants Caterers

Friend of the Chamber William (Tom) Thomas

Friend of the Chamber Deb Turvy Friend of the Chamber

Friend of the Chamber

Friend of the Chamber Ann Thompson

U Friend of the Chamber

Uhrig Financial

Joe Uhrig 72 North Plaza Blvd Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3331.............Fax: (740) 702-2020 Financial Planning Services Investment Planning Services

Tim Horton's

Tim Sublett 1020 N. Bridge St Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-2163 Restaurants

United Way of Ross County

Time Warner Cable Business Class

Rachael Reed 32 Enterprise Drive P.O. Box 627 Chillicothe OH 45601 (877) 283-8091.............Fax: (740) 775-2915 http://ww Internet/Cable/Telephone Providers


Charlers Miller 108 Governor Tremble Place Hillsboro OH 45133 (937) 393-3456 Newspapers/Shoppers Advertising

Mary Elsass 53 E. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3280.............Fax: (740) 773-3281 http://ww Social Service Organizations Community Service Organizations/Associations

Universal 1 Credit Union

Vicki, Everhard 1080 N. Bridge St. Suite 47A Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-4321.............Fax: (740) 773-4567 http://ww Banks Credit Unions


Unwind A Bit - A Very Fine Knittery JoAnn or Katie Fuerst 14 W. Water Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 851-4407 http://ww Knitting Sales/Supplies/Instruction General Retail Stores

UpClose Advertising

Deb Main 97 E. Second Street P.O. Box 399 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0558 http://ww Marketing/Promotions Advertising

UPS Store

Doug Hobson 1200 N. Bridge St. Ste F Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-2842.............Fax: (740) 779-2845 Mailing/Shipping Services

US SafetyGear Inc.

Karen Finley 60 N. Bridge St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6060 http://ww w. Shoe Stores General Retail Stores


Angie Duduit 3930 US Rt. 23 S. Piketon OH 45661 (740) 897-2457.......... Fax: (740) 897-2960 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Valero Western Avenue

Chad Walters 21 Star Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-0433 Convenience Stores Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

Vallery Dealerships

Jeff Davis 501 W. Emmitt Ave. Waverly OH 45690 (740) 947-2104.............Fax: (740) 947-8233 http://ww Automobile Dealers

Valley View Care Center

Marg Poynor 3363 Ragged Ridge Rd. Frankfort OH 45628 (740) 998-2948.............Fax: (740) 998-6165 http://ww Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Valley Vista Golf Course

John Brown 1355 Tong Hollow Rd. Bainbridge OH 45612-0519 (740) 634-2221.............Fax: (740) 634-2401 http://ww Golf Courses

Value Added Business Services

Diane Hill 972 Checkrein Ave Columbus Oh 43229-1107 (800) 365-1154.............Fax: (740) 286-1427 http://ww Office Equipment/Supplies

Veterans Industries V VA Medical Center

Stacia, Ruby 17273 St. Rt. 104 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-1141 Ext. 7080 Fax: (740) 772-7016 http://ww Hospitals Government Agencies

Valero Bournville

Chad Walters 11342 US RT 50 Bournville OH 45617 (740) 626-2802 Convenience Stores Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

Valero Bridge Street

Chad Walters 61 N. Bridge Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-3348 Convenience Stores Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

Valero - Kingston

Chad Walters C. Walters Management Co 10238 St Rte 159, P.O. Box 471 Kingston OH 45644 (740) 642-3535 Convenience Stores Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

Southeastern Valero

Chad Walters 41 Jones Road Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-4141 Convenience Stores Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

Valero Subway Xpress

Chad Walters C. Walters Management Co 520 South Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-2500.............Fax: (740) 775-8483 Convenience Stores Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil


Toni Throckmorton VA Medical Center Building 3 17273 St. Rt. 104 Chillicothe OH 45601 740-773-1141 ext 7231 Fax: (740) 772-7064 Sheltered Workshops Contact us for your fulfillment work or subcontracting needs (packaging, sorting, inspecting, reclaiming, and assembly). Temporary labor is also available. Contact us for a free quote today.

Vickers Photographic Studio Doug and Vicki Etling 32 E. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1490 Photography Downtown Chillicothe

ViSalus Sciences Independent Promoter

Amy Jo Newlun 305 Western Avenue Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 701-9391 http://ww Health Food/Products/Organics

Vitatoe Industries, Inc.

Larry Vitatoe 100 Chamber Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2425.............Fax: (740) 775-1654 Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Friend of the Chamber Robert Vogt Friend of the Chamber

W W & W Dry Cleaners and Laundry

Ben Snodgrass 199 W. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-1444.......... Fax: (937) 393-8572 http://ww Dry Cleaners

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Wagner Rental of Chillicothe

Dave Wagner 95 Renick Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-8665.......... Fax: (740) 773-8667 http://ww Rental Centers Rentals

Friend of the Chamber Richard Wagner Friend of the Chamber

Wagners Bar & Grill

Jeremy Clark 15164 Pleasant Valley Rd Chillicothe Ohio 45601 740.775.9576 Taverns Restaurants


Josh Skaggs 85 River Trace Ln. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4800.............Fax: (740) 774-1501 http://ww General Retail Stores Grocery Stores

Ware Funeral Home, LLC

Charles Ware 121 W. Second St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2134.............Fax: (740) 773-2135 Funeral Services

Wendy's (Primary Aim, LLC)

Jeff Hausfeld 1137 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 884-4317.............Fax: (740) 884-4317 http://ww Restaurants Jeff Doles 49 E. Water St. PO Box 1973 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-2266.............Fax: (740) 775-2270 http://ww Banks

Wesley-Taylor Prepartory School

Jessica Allen 30 E. Main Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-5437.............Fax: (740) 773-2427 http://ww Schools PreK-12 Childcare/Pre-School

Westmoreland Place

David Dixon 230 Cherry St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-6470.............Fax: (740) 773-6425 http://ww Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Westside Media

Joyce & Gary Warner 189 Green Lane Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-7616.............Fax: (740) 775-2403 Marketing/Promotions

Warren Law Firm

Whited, Seigneur, Sams & Rahe CPAs

Michael Warren 6 Consumer Center Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-4357.............Fax: (866) 503-7887 Attorneys

Jerry Whited, CPA 213 S. Paint St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-2600.............Fax: (740) 702-2610 http://ww Accounting Services/Tax Preparation

The Water Express LLC

Wilber-Price Insurance Group, LLC

Marty Cochenour 400 Chamber Drive Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-6833.............Fax: (740) 774-6834 http://ww Water Treatment Services and Supplies Beverage Sales

Watt Street Feed & Supply

Cathy Cobb 331 S. Watt St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 774-1145.............Fax: (740) 773-4077 Feed and Grain Agriculture

Weisenberger Insurance Service

John Wilber 106 S. Walnut St. Chillicothe OH 45601 740-774-1225 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Wilson's Automotive & Transmission

Jami Bethel 363 N. High Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-8691.............Fax: (740) 775-8639 http://ww Automobile Repair Transmissions

Wissler, Myers, and Kallies Family Dentistry, LLC

Todd Heskett 801-D Western Ave. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-2264.............Fax: (740) 773-2267 Insurance Agencies and Adjusters Financial Planning Services

Eric Wissler 245 E. Eighth St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0808.............Fax: (740) 775-0852 Dentists

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

Friend of the Chamber Stuart Withers

Kevin, Norman 43 North Plaza Blvd Chillicothe Oh 45601 (740) 773-9444 Investment Planning Services

WEMS Wastren EnergX Mission Support, LLC

Steve Moore P.O. Box 307 Piketon OH 45661 (740) 897-2401.............Fax: (740) 897-2639 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Lindsay Mauter 1160 Dublin Rd. Columbus OH 43215 (614) 485-5300.......... Fax: (614) 485-5339 http://ww Television Stations

WesBanco Bank

Stephen Patrick 263 Delano Ave. Suite B Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 779-6445 http://ww Website Design Marketing/Promotions

Warner Signs/Rentals & Development

WWHO-TV Channel 53 Friend of the Chamber

Woodland Heights Apartments

Vickie Uhrig 547 Plyley's Lane Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-1556.......... Fax: (740) 775-8983 Apartments/Rental Properties

WRH Company

Rodney Winegardner 289 E. Water St. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 702-3456.............Fax: (740) 702-3457 Commercial Leasing/Sales

Y YMCA of Ross County

Dave Tener 100 Mill Street Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 772-4340.......... Fax: (740) 774-1734 http://ww Health Clubs/Recreation Centers

Your Town Entertainment

Marc Secoy 6262 Egypt Pike Chillicothe Ohio 45601 (740) 804-0337 Entertainment Printing Services

YSK Corporation

Ginger, Rausch 1 Colomet Dr. Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-9752.............Fax: (740) 775-2221 http://ww Manufacturing/Industry/Suppliers

Z Zane Square Apartments, LLC.

Jan Immell 118 Whaley Place Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 773-3959.......... Fax: (740) 779-2285 Apartments/Rental Properties

Zion Baptist Church

Rachelle Gray 84 South Clinton Road P.O. Box 157 Chillicothe OH 45601 (740) 775-0343 http://ww Churches

Membership Directory Categorical Listings Accounting Services/ Tax Preparation Anderson Accounting Service

Air Ambulance Air EVAC

Dard Hunter Studios

(740) 649-8548

(740) 779-3300

(740) 775-5999

America's Tax and Business Services (740) 701-1341

Caldwell, Ott & Co., CPA's (740) 773-2745

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service (740) 412-1285

Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Center

(740) 775-1260

House of Design

Stephen Dawes, CPA/PFS


Whited, Seigneur, Sams & Rahe CPAs (740) 702-2600

InCare Senior Services (740) 779-1240

Seniors Helping Seniors 1-877-474-8252

Answering Services

Lamar Advertising (614) 519-4307

The River Radio Network (740) 779-3566

Ross County Advertiser

Bridge Street Landing

(740) 772-6332

Dave Miller Rentals (740) 703-4842

(740) 772-5783

UpClose Advertising (740) 775-0558

(740) 779-6580

Chillicothe Farmers Market

(740) 775-1556

(740) 773-4844

Jenn's Embroidery 740-772-2596

(740) 773-5966

(740) 702-3100

(740) 775-0606

(740) 773-3600

(740) 775-7055

Lane Seed Sales Inc. 740.998.2155

OSU Extension Ross County (740) 702-3200

Ross County Agricultural Society (740) 775-5083

Ross County Farm Bureau (740) 474-6284

Watt Street Feed & Supply (740) 774-1145

(740) 773-2575

(740) 774-1860

Kingston National Bank

(740) 775-5600 (740) 773-9000

Laura J. Hill, Attorney at Law


PNC Bank


(740) 774-6152

(740) 851-6161

Hastings Electric (740) 772-4330

(740) 779-3600 Chillicothe's only full service car wash. Detailing by appointment. Closed Sunday.

ATV Sales Midwest Motoplex, LLC.

(740) 772-5300


Automobile Dealers

(740) 773-8326

(740) 773-2153

Beauty Salons Amy's Simply Divine Beauty Salon

(740) 773-2203

(740) 773-1784

Herrnstein Hyundai

Boulevard Salon & Day Spa

Nourse Chillicothe Auto Mall

Envy Hair Design & Spa, LLC.

Vallery Dealerships

Great Clips

(740) 775-2583

(740) 779-6555

(740) 772-1128

(740) 773-7913

(513) 295-8190

Looks Unlimited

(740) 775-4648

(740) 773-2203


Heaven and Earth Art

(740) 775-4450

Outer Limits Hair Design LLC

Herrnstein Chrysler Dodge Jeep Mitsubishi

Art Classes

Baseball Teams Chillicothe Paints

(740) 773-3325

Automobile Repair


(740) 354-6621

Universal 1 Credit Union

(740) 774-2266


TSHD Architects

(740) 774-4444

WesBanco Bank

(740) 779-6555

Herrnstein Chrysler Dodge Jeep Mitsubishi

RC Appraisal Company, Inc.

(740) 773-1796

Ross County Banking Center

(740) 775-4321

Herrnstein Hyundai

(740) 947-2104

Dan Marsh Architects, LLC

PNC Bank - Western Avenue

Coughlin Automotive-Chillicothe

(740) 774-4357


(740) 702-2010 (740) 702-2015

Express Shine Car Wash

Chris Scott Motors

(740) 774-2142

C & J Electric Chillicothe Sewing Center

Auto/Truck Accessories/ Detailing/Services

(740) 773-8119

Robert C. Hess Law Offices

(740) 642-2191

Loan Central

Herrnstein Hyundai

(740) 779-6555

Warren Law Firm

Hartsock Ag

Hirsch Fruit Farm, Inc.

(740) 775-3331

(740) 773-5481

Auto Parts and Repair

Stephen Sesser, Attorney at Law

Sports Plus

(740) 774-3365

Huntington National Bank

Schumaker Law Office Cynthia G. Schumaker, Atty

Picture This

Fifth Third Bank

Ross Auto Parts

(740) 772-4466

(740) 774-3300

Candlelight Bridal

(740) 772-4401

Anna Villarreal Jenkins Law Office

Cook & Sladoje Co., LPA Apparel

Eagle Loan Company of Ohio, Inc.

Homeland Credit Union

Claire R. Fried, Attorney at Law

Zane Square Apartments, LLC.

(740) 775-6777

Jack's Tire & Auto


(740) 701-6997 (740) 474-5551

(740) 773-2295 Three locations to better serve you. Chillicothe … 773-2295 Frankfort … 998-5322 Waverly … 947-7731

Bunstine Law Office, LLP

Woodland Heights Apartments



Central Auto Parts Inc. - NAPA

Aaron M. McHenry, Attorney at Law, LLC

Benson & Benson LLC.

Scioto Woods I & II

(740) 773-5010 (937) 393-3456

Banks Chivaho Federal Credit Union

Ater, Schmidt & Wissler, LLP

Lakes Apartments, The


Auto Parts

Citizens National Bank

Pump House Center for the Arts


Apartments/Rental Properties

Clear Channel Outdoor

(614) 620-0338

(740) 779-3500

(740) 775-3381

(740) 774-2430


Dispatch Targeted Marketing

Mary Jane's Bakery

Picture This

First Capital Answering Service, LLC

(740) 773-3959

(614) 276-9781

Goebel Hearing Center

(740) 701-4389

(740) 773-5966

(740) 773-2001

Adult Day Care



JL Accounting & Tax, LLC (740) 701-0379


Heaven and Earth Art Alcohol and Substance Abuse

J. L. Uhrig & Associates, Inc. (740) 775-8448


Price Real Estate & Auction Service (740) 775-4494 Dewey Price, Steve Hummel & Roger Parsons. Auction means action! The Price Auction Team conducts high quality real estate & personal property auctions. Key service targets include consideration of sellers’ unique needs plus a well organized & friendly atmosphere for buyers.

Bed and Breakfasts

Monroe's Collision (740) 774-1036

Atwood House

(740) 774-1606

Nourse Chillicothe Auto Mall (740) 773-7913

Perfection One Collision Centers (740) 774-2600

Wilson's Automotive & Transmission

Blair House Bed & Breakfast (740) 774-3140

Greenhouse Bed & Breakfast (740) 775-5313

(740) 775-8691

Stanley & Son, Inc. (740) 775-3330


Beverage Sales Classic Brands

R.H.F. Enterprises (740) 773-4177

(740) 774-2831

Click's Valley Vending, Inc. (740) 774-1285

Coca-Cola Refreshments

(740) 779-0440

Candy and Confections The Candy Dish

(740) 774-2148

The Water Express LLC (740) 774-6833

Bicycle Shops

The Great Bean Express (740) 708-5496

Collectibles Carpet Cleaning Personal Touch Carpet Cleaning

Susie's Gifts for all Seasons (740) 772-2499

(740) 779-3478

SERVPRO of Pickaway & Ross Counties


(740) 772-2172

River's Bend Bicycle Shop

(740) 474-6284

Ross County Historical Society (740) 772-1936

Ross County Park District Rotary Club Of Chillicothe (740) 775-8649

South Central Ohio Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Contractors - General AKM Building Systems, Inc.

(740) 773-4500

AKM Roofing Company (740) 773-0264

Arrow Construction, LLC (740) 773-6505

D.E. Huddleston, Inc (740) 773-2130

(740) 773-2447

Doles Home Improvements LLC

Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative

JLS Contracting

United Way of Ross County

T & J Renovations

(740) 289-2576


(740) 779-0061

Ross County Farm Bureau

(740) 773-8794

(740) 772-2639

(740) 353-3133

G & J Pepsi Cola

Coffee Shops Schlegel's Coffee House

(740) 773-3280

(740) 772-1474 (740) 701-4700 7407721761

Corner Market

Bowling Alleys Shawnee Lanes

(740) 773-3300

(740) 775-9985 (740) 775-1199

Frisch's Big Boy Restaurant Bridal Boutiques Candlelight Bridal

(740) 773-4844

Orange Blossom Bridal (740) 773-7979

(740) 775-3663

Mary Jane's Bakery (740) 779-3500

Polished Comfort LLC (740) 804-7924

Sunroom @ the Brick

Daymar College

(740) 774-6300 Daymar College We Change Lives... One Person At A Time.

The Ohio State Univ. South Centers (740) 289-3727

Ohio University-Chillicothe (740) 774-7200

Coppel Coal & Supply Inc.

(740) 773-4360

Hanson Aggregates, Basic Construction Materials

Tents, Tunes & Food (740) 703-4495 (740) 779-6195

(740) 773-7777

Scioto Valley Precast

Childcare/Pre-School Wesley-Taylor Prepartory School

Chiropractic Physicians

JCON Enterprises

(740) 649-3695

Business Consultants Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

(740) 702-2722

Chillicothe Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Inc.

(740) 775-9995

Hanes Chiropractic Center (740) 772-5957

Jenkins Chiropractic Inc. (740) 775-0550

Spaulding Family Chiropractic (740) 775-1900

Churches Zion Baptist Church (740) 775-0343

Platinum Horizon Group (740) 701-7718

Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consulting (740) 775-5000

Cleaning Services Do It Right Cleaning Service, LLC (740) 772-4670

Jani-Chem, Inc.

Transitions Unlimited!

ServiceMaster Commercial Cleaning Advantage

(740) 649-9634

Business Enterprises Central Center, LLC

(937) 780-2025

(740) 687-0577

SERVPRO of Pickaway & Ross Counties (740) 772-2172

(740) 775-0311

Doersam Marketing, Inc. (740) 773-2108

Progressive Welding & Engineering, Inc.

Cleaning Services/ Document Shredding First Capital Enterprises, Inc.

(740) 773-2166

(740) 634-2100

(740) 701-5080

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

(740) 773-4499

Lenox Heating & Cooling (740) 702-2665

Leading Edge Integration (740) 779-3343 (740) 772-2030

Convenience Stores AmeriStop Food Mart

(740) 773-3865

Concrete Services

Valero Bournville (740) 626-2802

Valero Bridge Street

WRH Company

Scioto Valley Precast

Valero - Kingston

(740) 702-3456

Community Service Organizations/Associations AAA of South Central Ohio

(740) 702-3838

Better Business Bureau (800) 759-2400

BPO Elks Lodge #52 (740) 773-2310

Building Industry Assoc. of South Central Ohio (740) 772-4113

Chillicothe Jaycees (740) 775-7659

Chillicothe Social Society CIC ( Community Improvement Corp.) (740) 702-2720

(740) 663-2659

Valero Subway Xpress (740) 772-2500

Arrow Construction, LLC

Valero Western Avenue

(740) 773-6505

D.E. Huddleston, Inc (740) 773-2130

Dennewitz Pools & Construction


Document Solutions/ Modern Office Methods

(740) 703-2405

Ingle-Barr Inc. Construction (740) 702-6117

Sunrush Construction Co., Inc. (740) 775-1300


Economic Development Alliance of Southern Ohio

(740) 701-4225

Secoy & Associates

First Capital Rotary

Junior Achievement of Ross County (740) 775-8420

Pike County Chamber of Commerce (740) 947-7715

Ross County Community Improvement Corp.

Copy Machines/Supplies ComDoc

DiFrango's Construction & Improvement

Legal Shield

(740) 773-6255

(740) 773-0433

(740) 775-6347


Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #600

(740) 773-4141

AKM Building Systems, Inc.

(740) 253-5905

(740) 466-6100

(740) 642-3535

(740) 773-4500

Downtown Associates Inc.

(740) 772-5100

(740) 775-3348

Southeastern Valero Construction Companies

Compass Integration LLC

(740) 702-2720



(740) 773-2172

(740) 703-7746

SCORE South Central Ohio Chapter 696 (740) 779-0845

Advanced Services Heating & Cooling, Inc.

(740) 701-3254

(740) 775-5005

(740) 851-4022

(740) 701-6997

(740) 701-4225 740-720-4005

Emerald Computer Systems

(740) 775-3754

Hanson Aggregates, Basic Construction Materials

Chillicothe Farmers Market

Legal Shield

Nationwide Business Partners

Accurate Heating & Cooling

(740) 772-5437

(740) 663-2659

Building Services/ Property Maintenance

(740) 703-7690

JSL Productions, LLC.

(740) 773-2172

Lowe's of Chillicothe

Commercial Leasing/Sales Robert C. Evans, Realtor

Tumbleweed Southwest Grill

Advantage Data Systems

Opulent Source, LLC

(740) 998-4060

Building Materials


Computer Service/Sales

Donato's Pizza

Contractors - Electrical C & J Electric 740-773-4109

Hatzel & Buehler Inc. (740) 420-3088

Hupp Electrical Service, LLC (740) 775-5185

(740) 775-8582

Correctional Facilities Ross Correctional Institution

(740) 774-7050

Country Clubs Chillicothe Country Club

(740) 775-0150

Crane Services CorCrane, LLC (Corcoran Crane Service) (740) 775-2377

Credit Card Processors Cinco Corporation

(740) 779-6442

Credit Unions Atomic Credit Union (740) 775-6940

Chivaho Federal Credit Union (740) 775-3381

Majestic Theatre Inc.

Homeland Credit Union

Office City Express

Universal 1 Credit Union

Old Canal Smokehouse

(740) 775-3331 (740) 775-4321

(740) 779-3278 (740) 772-2030

Picture This

Picture This

(740) 773-5966

(740) 773-5966

Pump House Center for the Arts Dance Instruction School of Dance, The

(740) 772-4455

(740) 772-5783

Ross County Advertiser

The Reserves Network

(740) 773-7519 The Reserves Network has served the staffing needs of Southern Ohio since 1982. The company works with customers and job seekers for temporary, temporary-to-hire and direct hire placement in the office, industrial, professional and technical markets.

TPR Personnel (614) 866-2255

(740) 773-5010

Dentists Brad A. Pendell, DDS,MS,LLC

(740) 774-3343

Chillicothe Pediatric Dentistry (740) 773-8320

Family Dental Center

(740) 773-4066 * General Dentistry * Cosmetic Services * Dentures & Bridges * Crowns & Implants * Periodontic Services * Orthodontics * TMJ/Splint Therapies * Extractions * Sedation * Root Canals * Family Scheduling * Most Insurances Accepted * Interest-Free Financing

Magnolia Dental (740) 775-8050

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates

(740) 772-1936

Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau (800) 413-4118

Sack N' Save, Inc. (740) 773-2965

Schlegel's Coffee House (740) 779-0440

Susie's Gifts for all Seasons (740) 772-2499

T & S Enterprises (740) 775-2042

Vickers Photographic Studio (740) 774-1490

(740) 774-1175

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Centers, Inc (740) 772-4499

Sheilah Gray DDS, Inc. (740) 775-0100

Stonecreek Dental Care

Sparkle Cleaners

(740) 774-4730

W & W Dry Cleaners and Laundry (740) 779-1444

(740) 775-0808

Educational Consultants/ Tutoring K & C Educational Associates (740) 773-5559

Downtown Chillicothe Anderson Drug Store

(740) 774-2670

Candlelight Bridal (740) 773-4844

Carl's Townhouse (740) 773-1660

Chillicothe Gazette Media (740) 773-2111

Chillicothe Paints

Electrical Services/Supplies Hatzel & Buehler Inc. (740) 420-3088

Hupp Electrical Service, LLC (740) 775-5185

S.O.S. Electric (740) 773-2828

State Electric Supply Co. (740) 774-1107

(740) 773-8326

Cross Keys Tavern/17 East (740) 774-4157

Dard Hunter Studios

Employment Agencies/ Job Placement Advantage Inspection Services

(740) 779-3300

(740) 773-1340

Downtown Associates Inc.

Mature Services/ Senior Employment Center

(740) 253-5905

Globe Furniture (740) 773-2890

Hastings Electric (740) 772-4330

The History Store (740) 775-7400

Ivy's Home and Garden (740)779-9522


Preferred Staffing of Ohio

(740) 395-0112

Halm Financial Services

Friend of the Chamber Ed Behanna

(740) 775-2886

Halm Investment Services LLC

Delbert Bochard

(740) 772-1027


Jackson Insurance Brokerage, LLC

Friend of the Chamber Paul Campbell

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC

Friend of the Chamber Alan Davis

(740) 443-7307 (740) 773-2163

(740) 775-5778

(740) 774-4411

Friend of the Chamber Ron Fields

(740) 887-2436

(740) 775-1143

P&J Wetz Enterprises, LLC

Newton Financial Services

Friend of the Chamber Larry & Mary Gates



Progressive Welding & Engineering, Inc.

Rathkamp Financial

Friend of the Chamber Tom Lloyd

Smith-Feike-Minton, Inc.

Friend of the Chamber Bernard McNeely

Uhrig Financial

Friend of the Chamber Richard Newbold

Weisenberger Insurance Service

Friend of the Chamber Steve Newman

(740) 634-2100

(740) 775-1040 (740) 775-3444

Entertainment Feast of the Flowering Moon


First Capital Music Hall

(740) 773-3331 (740) 773-2264

Friend of the Chamber Karen Patterson


Hazel's Roadshow (740) 703-6367

Horizon Telcom, Inc (740) 772-8272 (740) 851-4022

Fire and Security Systems All State Fire & Security

Friend of the Chamber Barbara Pocock

Chillicothe Fire and Security

Friend of the Chamber Allen Rupiper

Security Engineering

Friend of the Chamber Deb Russell

(740) 774-1222 (740) 775-3473

Majestic Theatre Inc.

(740) 773-5700

Your Town Entertainment

Fire & Water Damage Restoration

Friend of the Chamber Don Russell

(740) 772-2041 (740) 804-0337

Event Facilities BPO Elks Lodge #52

(740) 773-2310

SERVPRO of Pickaway & Ross Counties

Friend of the Chamber Charles Stevens


Friend of the Chamber William (Tom) Thomas

(740) 775-3500

Dock At Water (740) 779-3625

Jaycee Public Golf Course (740) 775-7659

Old Canal Smokehouse (740) 779-3278

Londonderry’s Hearth & Patio

(740) 887-5200 15 years of experience in creating beautiful Amish furniture, handmade furniture and stonework for fireplaces and patios!

StillWater Event & Conference Center 740-663-6192

Sunroom @ the Brick (740) 998-4060

Farm Market Kinnikinnick Gardens

(740) 642-3682

Friend of the Chamber Carvel Simmons Friend of the Chamber Dave Smith

(740) 772-2172

Christopher Conference Center

Friend of the Chamber Ann Thompson Friend of the Chamber Deb Turvy Friend of the Chamber Robert Vogt Friend of the Chamber Richard Wagner

Flooring Chillicothe Carpet

Friend of the Chamber Stuart Withers

(740) 779-3200

Floor Solutions (740) 773-3461

Fuel - Propane/Gas/Oil

R & M Quality Floors (740) 775-3535

Litter Quality Propane (740) 773-2196

Feed and Grain Watt Street Feed & Supply

(740) 774-1145

(740) 773-1340

Reliable Staffing

Friend of the Chamber William Beatty

(740) 775-5630

Lansing Insurance Agency, Inc.

JSL Productions, LLC. Dry Cleaners

(740) 773-2222

Wissler, Myers, and Kallies Family Dentistry, LLC


(740) 772-4455 (740) 773-5700

Edward Jones - Catherine Dresbach

Dean Carroll P.E.

School of Dance, The Security Engineering

Friend of the Chamber James Barrington

Justice Financial Services

Ross County Historical Society

Friend of the Chamber

Brooke & Schafer LLC 888-244-6217

(740) 774-2181

Opulent Source, LLC Custom Framing

Financial Planning Services

(740) 772-2041

Fence Contractor

Petron Oil


(740) 775-5500

Chillicothe Floral, Inc. (740) 772-1660

Valero Bournville

Sweet William Blossom Boutique (740) 779-9600

Valero Bridge Street (740) 775-3348

Cunningham Custom Fence (740) 600-5973

(740) 626-2802

Valero - Kingston

Foster Care

(740) 642-3535

Synergy Family Fostercare Inc. (740) 779-6636

Southeastern Valero (740) 773-4141


Valero Subway Xpress (740) 772-2500

Valero Western Avenue (740) 773-0433

Funeral Services Guardian Vault Services

(740) 772-5514

Haller Funeral Home (740) 702-2149

Ware Funeral Home, LLC

Glass Services Best Glass & Mirror, LLC

(740) 773-0172 Our products & services include Windows, Auto Glass, Plate Glass, Screens, Aluminum Doors, Home Improvement, General Contracting and Bathroom Remodeling, we do it all. Servicing both Commercial & Residential, no job is too big or small! Call us today!

Cooper's Glass Service, Inc. (740) 775-1991

Golf Courses

Globe Furniture

(740) 773-2890

General Retail Stores CHS TV & Audio (740) 773-1590

(740) 773-9150

Original Mattress Factory (740) 773-7497

Picture This

(740) 773-5966


(740) 634-2221

(740) 779-6700

Thirty-One Gifts - Erin Diehl (740) 253-1266

(740) 774-4606

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC (740) 773-2163

Gustin Insurance Agency, Inc.

Justice Financial Services

(740) 775-5083

Ross County Board of Commissioners (740) 702-3085

(740) 773-8044

(740) 779-9652 (740) 773-2651

Ross-Pike County Education Service District (740) 702-3120

Southern Ohio Council of Governments

Health Food/Products/Organics The Great Bean Express

(740) 708-5496

ViSalus Sciences Independent Promoter

State Rep. Bob Peterson (614) 644-7928

Steve Austria Representative to Congress

Ivy's Home and Garden

VA Medical Center


(202) 225-4324

(740) 773-1141 Ext. 7080

Susie's Gifts for all Seasons (740) 772-2499

(740) 775-7226

Hearing Aids

Grocery Stores Community Markets

(740) 773-1139

Corner Market (740) 775-9985

Kroger Food & Drug (740) 773-2901

Sack N' Save, Inc. (740) 773-2965

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

(740) 773-0000

Halm Financial Services (740) 775-2886

Hummel & Plum Insurance Agency, Inc (740) 773-1620

Jackson Insurance Brokerage, LLC (740) 443-7307

Joel Gerber Insurance Agency, Inc. (740) 775-0600

Lansing Insurance Agency, Inc. (740) 775-1143

McNelly-Long Insurance

Goebel Hearing Center

Neil Coleman Insurance Services, Inc.

(740) 775-4327

(740) 701-4389

Heating and Cooling

(740) 443-7306 (740) 773-2661

Network Financial Services (740) 775-8200

Accurate Heating & Cooling

Patrick Consulting Group

Advanced Services Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Shawan-Marquis Agency, Inc

(740) 775-5005

(740) 773-4499

Lenox Heating & Cooling


(614) 889-0250

Smith-Feike-Minton, Inc.

Home Health Services Frontier Community Services

(740) 772-1396

Home Helpers (740) 773-4403

Kendall Home Care, Inc. (740) 775-8371

Seniors Helping Seniors

Edward Jones (740) 775-6400 (740) 772-2197

(740) 774-4411

Investment Planning Services Edward Jones - Catherine Dresbach (740) 775-5630

Edward Jones (740) 775-6400

Edward Jones (740) 772-2197

Halm Financial Services (740) 775-2886

Halm Investment Services LLC (740) 772-1027

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC (740) 773-2163

Justice Financial Services (740) 774-4411

Rathkamp Financial (740) 775-1040

Uhrig Financial (740) 773-3331

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC (740) 773-9444

(740) 775-3444

Megan Carroll State Farm Agency (740) 775-6634



(740) 289-2940

Better Hearing Place, Inc.

(740) 702-2665

Picture This

(740) 773-5966

(740) 701-9391

(740) 775-5030

House of Design 740-774-1157

(740) 775-5630


(740) 772-4340

Ross County Job & Family Services

(740) 775-7400

Investment Brokers Edward Jones - Catherine Dresbach

First American Financial Insurance Agency Inc.


The History Store

(877) 283-8091

(740) 772-5433

YMCA of Ross County

Proscan Imaging of Chillicothe

(740) 775-7055

Time Warner Cable Business Class

Ohio House of Representatives 87th District

Ross County Health District

Hirsch Fruit Farm, Inc.

Allstate - Brian Zurface

(740) 772-8272

Edward Jones


US SafetyGear Inc.

(740) 772-2639

(614) 762-0731

Horizon Telcom, Inc

(740) 998-5544

(740) 774-1185

(740) 702-7222

The Candy Dish


(740) 772-8803 Horizon offers everything from telephone systems and digital voice to multi-Gigabit Advanced Data Services. Our state-of-the-art fiber network is expanding monthly to reach 34 Ohio counties. Call today for a FREE consultation!

Donahue-Stangle-Brown Ins. Agency

Health Imaging/Medical Scanning

Gift Shops

Insurance Agencies and Adjusters

Horizon Chillicothe Telephone

Team Tokey Hill LLC

(740) 773-4928

Ross County Community Action

(740) 774-4800

Internet/Cable/ Telephone Providers

City of Chillicothe

Government Agencies

Unwind A Bit - A Very Fine Knittery

(740) 779-6060


Community Benefits Insurance Agency, Inc.

Thirty-One Gifts - Terry Morris

(740) 851-4407

Housewares Kitchen Collection

(740) 779-1262

Pioneer Center/Ross County Board of DD

(740) 708-5565

VA Medical Center

Allstate McAllister Insurance Agency Health Clubs/Recreation Centers

Wilber-Price Insurance Group, LLC

(740) 779-7500

(740) 773-9150

Hope Clinic of Ross County, Inc

(740) 773-2264

Adena Health System

(740) 649-8548


Weisenberger Insurance Service


Adena Davita Dialysis

Chillicothe Acute Care Clinic, Inc.

(740) 773-4181

Chillicothe Fitness & Racquet Club

Ross County Agricultural Society

Sam's Club

(740) 773-2258

(740) 773-1141 Ext. 7080

(888) 227-6446 ext. 3105

Tomlinson Insurance

Rick's Park N Save

Health Care

Valley Vista Golf Course

(614) 466-1366

(740) 772-4737

(740) 773-7777

American Cancer Society

Old Town Fabric Shop 740-779-9898

(740) 773-2274

Crown Hill Golf Club

(740) 775-9955

Kitchen Collection

(740) 773-7550

Eastern Avenue Lumber


(740) 775-7659

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Chillicothe

(740) 773-7272

Chillicothe Jaycees

River's Edge Golf Club


Central Center Hardware and Rental Center

(740) 773-3733

(740) 775-7659

It Works!

Hardware Stores

(740) 775-0150

Jaycee Public Golf Course


(740) 774-4800

(740) 289-3643

Chillicothe Country Club

Home Improvements Doles Home Improvements LLC

(740) 772-1474


Big Beaver Creek Golf Club


Frankfort IGA

(740) 775-9985

Lowe's of Chillicothe

(740) 773-2134

Furniture Stores


State Farm Insurance - Natoli (740) 702-5909

Janitorial Services Jani-Chem, Inc.

(937) 780-2025

State Farm Insurance-Strange


(740) 772-5674

State Farm Insurance-Strickland (740) 773-1824

Tecumseh Claims Service (740) 773-2392

E.M. Smith Jewelers, Inc. (740) 774-1840

Kimberly DiFrango Gemologist (740) 779-1771

Lady Bug Jewelry & Ear Piercing (740) 773-2341

Platinum Horizon Group (740) 701-7718

RJ George Trucking Knitting Sales/Supplies/ Instruction Unwind A Bit - A Very Fine Knittery

(740) 851-4407

(937) 393-3668

Detillion Landscaping Co., Inc.

(740) 775-5305

Ingle-Barr Inc. Construction (740) 702-6117

JLS Contracting

Brock's Inc.

WEMS Wastren EnergX Mission Support, LLC

(740) 642-3642

Mailing/Shipping Services T & S Enterprises

(740) 775-2042

McCray-Feltis Lawn Care, Inc.

UPS Store

(740) 779-2842

Miller Sales & Service, Inc. (740) 774-2526

Management Consultant

Parry Company (740) 884-4893

The Parry Company

SCORE South Central Ohio Chapter 696

(740) 779-0845

(740) 703-3769

Manufactured Homes Elsea Home Center (740) 663-2824

(740) 702-3110

AAdvantage Tent Fittings

Legal Shield

(740) 773-3015

(740) 701-4225

Advantage Inspection Services Libraries Chillicothe Ross County Public Library (740) 702-4145

(740) 773-1340

Chillicothe Packaging Corp. Locksmiths Master Locksmith & Safe Service, Inc.

(740) 772-5397

(740) 773-5800 (740) 775-2400 (740) 897-3486


(740) 775-3500

Greenhouse Bed & Breakfast (740) 775-5313

Hampton Inn & Suites (740) 773-1616 740-851-6140 740-655-2321

(740) 772-3111 The paper mill in Chillicothe has been an active and influential presence since 1890. In April 2006, Ohio Operations was acquired by Glatfelter, a global supplier of specialty papers & engineered products.

Hanson Aggregates, Basic Construction Materials (740) 773-2172 (740) 642-3600 (740) 774-5261

NIC Global

Lazy H Cabin Rentals, Inc. (740) 634-5635

(615) 989-9102

O'Bryant Enterprises, Inc.

Stoney Creek Cottage at Scioto Trail (740) 775-5082

(740) 773-6223

Pickaway Machine and Fabrication Inc. Logistics

Fed Ex Ground

(740) 779-6520


Kenworth Truck Co.

Kick Back Ridge Cabins

Knisley Pharmacy


Kroger Food & Drug

(740) 702-1181

(740) 773-5010

(740) 779-6226

(937) 393-3456

(740) 773-2901

McFadden Pharmacy

(614) 620-0338

Incite Marketing Solutions (740) 703-7746 (740) 775-0558

Warner Signs/Rentals & Development

Bristol Village (740) 947-2118

iDream Images

(740) 773-5000

(740) 701-6989

Kindred Transitional Care and Rehabilitation

Jividen Photography LLC (740) 774-6243

(740) 772-5900

Matt Day Photo

National Church Residences Chillicothe

(740) 649-2090

Mears Photography

(740) 773-8107

(740) 774-4120

Valley View Care Center

Oaks Photography

(740) 998-2948


Westmoreland Place

Vickers Photographic Studio

(740) 773-6470

(740) 774-1490

(740) 773-7616

Mental Health/ Substance Abuse Treatment Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Center

(740) 775-1260

Mobile Application Development Leading Edge Integration

(740) 779-3343

Mortgage Companies AmeriFirst Home Mortgages

(740) 851-4107

(740) 642-3642

Pittsburgh Glass Works LLC (740) 774-7624

South-Central Manufacturing Network (740) 772-0861

Motorcycle Dealerships and Parts Harley Davidson Suzuki of Chillicothe

(740) 773-8826

Sharps Cycles (740) 663-5010

Moving Companies

Office Equipment/Supplies Document Solutions/ Modern Office Methods

(740) 772-5957

Office City Express

Motion Hand & Physical Therapy

Value Added Business Services

Musser and Associates Rehab

(740) 773-6001

(740) 774-2181 (800) 365-1154

(740) 773-8107

Elrich, Dr. Cindy (740) 774-3934

Physical Therapy/Supplies

Family Vision Centers

InCare Senior Services

(740) 774-2106

Dr. Patricia A. Haller, Optomotrist, Inc.

Physicians and Surgeons Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Dr. John H. Patterson - The Center for Dental & Facial Restoration

Network Design & Administration (740) 779-3343

Adena ENT & Allergy Associates Inc. (740) 779-4393

Adena OB/GYN (740) 779-8591

Adena Surgical Associates (740) 779-4550

Party Supplies Chillicothe Tents for Events, LLC

Eye Specialists

(740) 775-8368


Hazel's Roadshow

Family Healthcare, Inc.

(740) 703-6367

(740) 773-4366

T & S Enterprises

Holmes Surgical Associates, Inc. (740) 774-3100

(740) 775-2042

Madsen Medical (740) 947-5394

Patio Londonderry's Hearth & Patio

(740) 887-5200

Music Stores

Leading Edge Integration

(740) 779-1240

(740) 774-4616

Petland, Inc.

New Image Laser Skin Center (Chillicothe) (740) 774-7444

Premier Women's Health OB/GYN, Inc.


BBB Music Center

(740) 772-2262

(740) 772-6517

National Church Residences Chillicothe


Herlihy Moving & Storage, Inc.

(740) 773-8374

Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation Hanes Chiropractic Center

(740) 775-8582

(740) 775-6683

Rinehart Moving

(740) 634-3231


Heartland of Chillicothe

(740) 775-0095

InfoSight Corporation

Holiday Inn Express Chillicothe

Dispatch Targeted Marketing

(740) 702-2006

(740) 774-1606

Comfort Inn

(740) 634-2313

PNC Mortgage

Atwood House

(740) 774-6835

.Com Advertising Associates

(866) 889-3110

(740) 775-2500

Christopher Inn & Suites

Ross County Advertiser

(740) 947-2149

Benchmark Mortgage

America's Best Value Inn

(740) 775-7000

(740) 702-2722

Douglas Industries Fluor-B&W Portsmouth,LLC

Best Western - Adena Inn


Barber Spring-Ohio (740) 775-6450

Henderson Pharmacy Services

(740) 774-2670

Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

(740) 779-6445

Manufacturing/Industry/ Suppliers

News Watchman

(740) 775-9752

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Pharmacies Anderson Drug Store

YSK Corporation

Westside Media

Legal Services Great Seal Title Agency

(740) 897-2401

UpClose Advertising

(740) 884-4893

Scioto Lawn & Landscape

(740) 897-2457 (740) 773-2425

Pickaway Machine and Fabrication Inc.

Newspapers/Shoppers Chillicothe Gazette Media (740) 773-2111


Machine/Welding and Fabrication

(740) 701-4700 (740) 701-8564

740-772-5998 x 22014

Vitatoe Industries, Inc.

(740) 773-2540

Landscapers/Lawn and Garden

Trim Systems

(740) 642-4400

(740) 775-2464 Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00. Petland, Inc. is a franchisor of full-line pet stores with more than 100 U.S. and international locations. Visit store on N. Bridge St., (740) 773-1982. M-Sat. 10:00-9:00, Sun. 11:00-6:00.

Picture Framing Picture This

(740) 773-5966

Pizza Donato's Pizza (740) 775-1199


Hooks Pizza on the Hill (740) 775-5700

Coldwell Banker Realty Marsha Wagner (740) 701-9915

Plumbing Contractors/Supplies Buckeye State Pipe & Supply Co. (740) 772-5400

Coldwell Banker Realty Meredith Tomlinson (740) 701-9915

Coldwell Banker Realty - Ruth Jones (740) 708-1750

Carr Supply

(740) 772-4300

County Sanitary Service

(740) 774-4500

Flow Masters, Inc.

ERA Martin & Associates Marc Leeth, ABR, SFR

(740) 774-2900

(740) 703-7690

Madru Supply Company (740) 775-7473

Exit First Capital Realty Foulke Block, Ltd.

(740) 772-5170

(614) 477-4311

Pools Dennewitz Pools & Construction (740) 775-6347

Printing Services Printex Printing (740) 773-0088

Your Town Entertainment (740) 804-0337

Psychiatrists/Psychologists Skillings Health & Family Psychology

(740) 773-1000

John E. Lloyd Realty (740) 775-1115

Kear Realty, Inc. - Judy Conklin (740) 774-1123

Kear Realty-Barb Puffer (740) 701-1234

Kear Realty-Kitty Hess (740) 773-3394

Landmark Properties Group (724) 443-9000

Oak Hill Properties (740) 663-5010

Price Real Estate & Auction Service (740) 775-4494 (740) 775-8067 (740) 773-4670

Rosewood Vistas (740) 703-7746

(740) 773-2745

Scioto Valley Assoc. of Realtors (740) 773-7489

Race Tracks 35 Raceway

(740) 998-2179

Scioto Valley Real Estate Investors Assoc.

Clear Channel Chillicothe (740) 773-3000

The River Radio Network (740) 779-3566

Burger King Burger King

Carl's Townhouse

(740) 773-1660 A Chillicothe Tradition. Homemade Soups, Pies and Daily Specials. Closed Sunday.

Charley's Philly Steaks (614) 923-4700

Coffee Central (740) 773-2633

Crispie Creme of Chillicothe, Inc. (740) 774-3770

Cross Keys Tavern/17 East (740) 774-4157

Dairy Queen, DREBR, Inc. (740) 774-4701

Dakota's Roadhouse (740) 772-7427

Dock At Water

(740) 775-1199

Frisch's Big Boy Restaurant (740) 775-3663

Hana Japanese Steakhouse, Inc. (740) 779-9009

Jerry's Pizza - West 740-773-9378

Carnes Realty - Diane Carnes (740) 775-1112

Carnes Realty, Inc. - Judy A Kitts (740) 708-1993

Carnes Realty - Morgan O'Dell (740) 703-3429

Carnes Realty-Kelley Blankenship

(740) 775-1776

Stephen Madru Realty Newman Rutherford (740) 998-5399

(740) 779-3500 (740) 772-1294

Recycling Services

(740) 884-4317

Rumpke Recycling (800) 828-8171

Retirement Communities Bristol Village

Stevens Disposal Inc. (740) 773-1585

(740) 773-4630

National Church Residences Chillicothe (740) 773-8107

Roofing Contractors AKM Roofing Company

(740) 773-0264 (740) 772-4759

Foxtrot Roofing Inc

(740) 779-3278


Penn Station East Coast Subs

(740) 773-8665

(740) 772-6100

Ponderosa Steakhouse (740) 773-4460

Cloverleaf Development Inc. (740) 626-2737

Rentals Chillicothe Tents for Events, LLC

(740) 775-8368

Dave Miller Rentals (740) 703-4842


(740) 773-7827

Subway - Main St. (740) 779-3510

Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce

Art Tech

(740) 775-2377

Chillicothe Signs & Screen Printing (740) 663-7023

The Sign Guys (740) 222-1215

Social Service Organizations American Cancer Society

(888) 227-6446 ext. 3105

American Red Cross, First Capital District Chapter

(740) 656-0177

Roofing One Incorporated 740-779-0101

Safety Consulting Protect Yourself & Family, OH CCW


Sand & Gravel (740) 884-4893

(740) 884-4893

Schools PreK-12 (740) 774-2970 (740) 775-4250

(740) 642-1200

Wesley-Taylor Prepartory School (740) 772-5437

Screen Printing Chillicothe Signs & Screen Printing (740) 663-7023

Mile Tree Screen Print (740) 774-3306

Sweet T's Custom Apparel 740-703-9926

(740) 772-2014

Chillicothe Metropolitan Housing Auth. 740-775-7881 X105

Chillicothe-Ross Community Foundation (740) 774-4438

Community Action Commission/ Self-Help Housing (740) 335-1831

Easter Seals - Shawnee Office (740) 773-1273

Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #600 (740) 773-6255

Integrated Services of Appalachian Ohio, Inc. (740) 594-6807

Junior Achievement of Ross County (740) 775-8420

Lighthouse Youth Center-Paint Creek (740) 634-3094

March of Dimes, Central Ohio (614) 865-4513

OSU Extension Ross County (740) 702-3200

Paint Valley A.D.A.M.H. Board (740) 773-2283

Ross County Coalition Against Domestic Violence (740) 775-5396

Ross County Committee for Elderly (740) 773-3544

Ross County Community Action (740) 702-7222


Subway - Bridge St.

(740) 773-5016

L&L Overhead Doors and Roofing

Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center

Old Canal Smokehouse

Sign Companies All Signs of Chillicothe, Inc.



Rental Centers

(740) 779-6060

B & B Roofing, Inc.


Mister Sub

US SafetyGear Inc.

Liberty Village Communities, Inc.

Chillicothe City Schools

(740) 773-6365

Bob's Bootery

(740) 947-2118


Miller Management

Shoe Stores (740) 775-5652

Bishop Flaget School

(740) 779-6237

740-773-1141 ext 7231 Contact us for your fulfillment work or subcontracting needs (packaging, sorting, inspecting, reclaiming, and assembly). Temporary labor is also available. Contact us for a free quote today.

Wendy's (Primary Aim, LLC)


(740) 772-5025

Veterans Industries




(740) 702-4000

Wagners Bar & Grill

Stephen A. Madru Realtor

Wagner Rental of Chillicothe


(740) 779-6195

The Parry Company

Central Center, LLC

(740) 775-8500

Tumbleweed Southwest Grill

Mary Jane's Bakery

(740) 779-3522

Coldwell Banker Realty Champions, Inc

Triple Crown Family Fun Center

Stanley & Son, Inc.

(740) 663-5010

(740) 701-7231 (740) 775-0311

(740) 779-2163

Parry Company

(740) 774-2335

Real Estate

Tim Horton's

Longhorn Steakhouse

(740) 775-3330

Radio Stations

(740) 779-9464

Goodwill Industries of South Central Ohio

(740) 773-7828



Donato's Pizza

Ron Neff HER Realtors

CommunityLink Publishing

(740) 702-4000

(740) 779-3625

RLJ Properties Publishing Companies

(740) 779-0140

(740) 779-0995

(740) 772-5700

Noble Plumbing

Resale Stores Goodwill Industries of South Central Ohio


Robert C. Evans, Realtor

Subway - N. High St. Subway - Western Ave.

Buffalo Wild Wings

(740) 701-9012

Jardine Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

(740) 773-8665

ERA Martin and Associates Mark Cenci

(740) 772-1189 (740) 774-4041

Wagner Rental of Chillicothe

Sheltered Workshops First Capital Enterprises, Inc. (740) 773-2166

Ross County Health District (740) 779-9652

South Central Ohio Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau

United Way of Ross County

Scioto Society, Inc.

(740) 773-2447 (740) 773-3280

(800) 413-4118

Transmissions Wilson's Automotive & Transmission

(740) 775-0606

(740) 851-4022

(740) 775-4100

Sporting Goods Sports Plus

Video Production JSL Productions, LLC.

(740) 775-8691

Water Treatment Services and Supplies The Parry Company

(740) 884-4893

The Water Express LLC (740) 774-6833

Storage Companies Rinehart Moving

(740) 773-8374

Travel Agencies AAA of South Central Ohio (740) 702-3838

Sandy's Travel Taverns Cross Keys Tavern/17 East

(740) 774-4157

(740) 887-2525

Black Hawk Charters, LLC

Wagners Bar & Grill

Bonnies Tours LLC


Telecommunications AT&T

(740) 804-7382

Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau (800) 413-4118 (740) 703-4520

Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consulting (740) 775-5000

TelAtlantic Communications 740-775-4464

Trucking Companies Clary Trucking, Inc. (740) 702-4242

Television Stations WWHO-TV Channel 53 (614) 485-5300

Chillicothe Tents for Events, LLC

(740) 775-8368

Paint Street Productions (740) 649-6142

Westside Media (740) 779-6445

Welding, Safety, and Industrial Supplies Airgas Great Lakes

(740) 773-2248

Wireless Communications B & C Communications (740) 773-2722

J.B. Express, Inc.

Russell Cellular Verizon Wireless Agent

KPC Trucking, Inc.

Sprint Imobile

MJM Express, LLC.

Telepage Communication Systems

(740) 702-9830 (740) 998-2930

Tent Rentals

Opulent Source, LLC


Southern Ohio Tours and Adventures


(740) 779-3343 (740) 772-2030

Travel and Tourism

Dock At Water (740) 779-3625

Website Design Leading Edge Integration

(740) 773-7887

(740) 779-6592 (740) 779-6855 (740) 774-4701

RJ George Trucking (937) 393-3668

Tents, Tunes & Food (740) 703-4495

Utility Companies Theatres


(740) 775-4100

Title Services Arrow Title Agency, LLC (740) 772-4660

Chicago Title Agency of Ross County, LLC (740) 774-9423

Elite-Land Title (740) 222-7492

Great Seal Title Agency (740) 702-3110

Title First Agency, Inc. (740) 775-1200

AEP Ohio

(800) 277-2177

Columbia Gas of Ohio (800) 844-0836

Energy Cooperative of Ohio (614) 328-2955

Ross County Water Co., Inc (740) 774-4117

Vacation Rentals Stoney Creek Cottage at Scioto Trail (740) 775-5082

Vending Companies Click's Valley Vending, Inc.

(740) 774-1285

The Great Bean Express Tourist Attractions Adena Mansion and Gardens

(740) 772-1500

Hopewell Culture National Historical Park (740) 774-1126

Majestic Theatre Inc. (740) 772-2041

Pump House Center for the Arts

(740) 708-5496

Veterinarians Animal Care Clinic

(740) 775-7297

Chillicothe Animal Clinic, Inc. (740) 773-4133

North Fork Animal Clinic (740) 773-7387

(740) 772-5783


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