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Table of Contents
of Contents Welcome
We’re Glad You’re Here..................................................... 2 Location & History
The Pumpkin Capital of the World......................... 3 Homes
A Great Place to Settle Down................................... 4 Education
Out First Priority....................................................................... 5 Parks/Events
Stay Fit and Have Fun......................................................10 Region
A Wealth of Beauty and Entertainment.......14 Health Care
Enhancing Quality of Life..........................................17 Retail
Shoppin’ Around.................................................................19 Industry & Major Employers
Morton Is in Motion.......................................................22 Hospitality
Be Our Guest............................................................................25 Churches/Clubs/Organizations
Community Values............................................................27 Invitation
Discover Our Secret..........................................................29 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS
Please Support the Advertisers Who Helped to Make This Publication Possible...........................................................30 1
1 800-455-5600
production manager director of media & content copywriting copy editor proofreader director of photography photography creative director lead design web site creation & support
We’re Glad
You’re Here
business development director of business development George Prudhomme director of outside sales steve graff director of inside sales NANCY ODOM assistant director of sales debbie moss business development manager Bonnie Ebers marketing consultant CHet Walker customer service director kathy Risley customer service representative Rebecca White
advertising director of advertising ad research ad traffic ad design
KACEY WOLTERS Mary kopshever MILLY MASON Amy SchwartzkoPf Kathy Scott Carol Smith Mark Edmondson JOSh Mueller JOSEPH GOETTING
administrative support administrative support account support human resources assistant customer service advocate
Kathy Hagene carol Smith Terri Ahner Tricia Cannedy Teresa craig Julie Vordtriede
information technology
publishing systems specialist
chairman and founder chief financial officer
christopher miller
elcome to Morton, Illinois — a place where strong Midwestern values anchor the hub of activity all around us. A simple walk along the streets reveals the community pride, public involvement and personal safety that we all treasure and enjoy. Long distinguished as the Pumpkin Capital of the World, we are also known for thriving businesses, a superb educational system,
executive leadership
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Craig Williams Rhonda Harsy
ON THE COVER Morton, Illinois, has long been distinguished as the Pumpkin Capital of the World. ABOUT   This book is published by CommunityLink
and distributed through the Morton Chamber of Commerce. For advertising information or questions or comments about this book, contact CommunityLink at 800-455-5600 or by e-mail at
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Š 2008 Craig Williams Creative, Inc., 4742 Holts Prairie Road, Post Office Box 306, Pinckneyville, IL 62274-0306, 618-357-8653. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher.
2 Morton Chamber of Commerce
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FOR INFORMATION   Morton Chamber of Commerce, 415
West Jefferson St., Morton, IL 61550, 309-263-2491, Fax 309-263-2401,
affordable housing and endless opportunities for recreation, entertainment and the arts. Whether you have come to Morton for business, pleasure or to make your home in our community, we welcome you. Morton has a quality of life that is unique to the area. We invite you to experience the economic growth, culture, fun and great people that make up the place we call home.
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Location & History
The Pumpkin Capital of the World
ituated in the heart of Illinois, Morton offers the best in Midwestern living, with moderate housing and commodities costs and a higher standard of living than other communities its size. Morton’s value is second to none.
Location Morton is located in Tazewell County and has a population of more than 16,700. Twenty-six percent of the nation’s population lives within one day’s drive of Morton. Morton puts its resources where they will best benefit its citizens, resulting in high-quality living in a relaxed and beautiful setting. Known as the Pumpkin Capital of the World, Morton is located at the intersection of Interstates 74 and 155, giving its residents and businesses easy access to major cities and the Illinois state capital. Morton is just a 10-minute drive from Peoria, 30 minutes from Bloomington-Normal, 50 minutes from Springfield (the state capital), and three hours from Chicago, St. Louis and Indianapolis. Morton is just minutes from major shopping centers, specialized medical care, professional sports events and highereducation opportunities. Two airports serve the greater Morton area. The Greater Peoria Regional Airport,
just 12 minutes away, has the longest runways in downstate Illinois for jet and turboprop commuter service, as well as car rental services. Just 30 minutes away is Central Illinois Regional Airport in Bloomington-Normal, as well as Bloomington Amtrak passenger rail service, connecting the greater Morton area with direct rail to Chicago and St. Louis. Bringing the news to Morton residents are three daily newspapers — the Peoria Journal Star, the Pekin Daily Times and the Bloomington Pantagraph — and two weekly newspapers — the Morton Times-News and the Morton Courier.
History Morton’s first settlers came from England, Ohio and New York in the mid-1800s. Later in that century Swiss and German settlers arrived. The industry and agriculture businesses established in those days provided economic stability to the area, just as they do today. One of the most important early companies in the area began in 1877 as the Rapp Brick & Tile Works. The family made bricks and drainage tiles. As Morton area land was drained by the use of the Rapp brothers’ tiles, the most fertile land in Illinois was revealed. In 1910 and again in 1922, the tile works
division of the business burned and was rebuilt. Finally, a fire destroyed the facilities in 1936. The tile works branched out into a pottery business when the demand for kitchen crockery and utensils grew. The pottery business of Morton hit its peak in the 1950s, offering a signature line of decorative items. These signature pieces are now collectors’ items, eagerly sought at live and online auctions. The development of a canning plant in the 1920s has had a strong impact on the business community and workforce in Morton. It is now owned by Nestlé USA/Libby’s® and is used for pumpkin packing. Over 80 percent of the world’s canned pumpkin market is supplied by Morton’s Libby’s plant, making Morton the Pumpkin Capital of the World and Illinois the top producer of pumpkin products in the world, as well. Caterpillar Inc., a Fortune 100 company, came to Morton in the 1950s. Today, Caterpillar’s largest Worldwide Parts and Distribution Center resides in Morton, employing over 3,000 people. Morton is definitely on the map for the 21st century. Longevity and stability are key attributes that make Morton a community you’ll want to know more about. 3
A Great Place
to Settle Down
Morton has a wide variety of homes to offer — from Victorian landmarks in historic neighborhoods to luxurious contemporary homes. It is not unusual to meet folks who have lived in Morton their whole lives. However, the vast majority of Mortonites have transplanted themselves from other areas of the United States and the world and have chosen to call Morton home for themselves and their families. House prices in Morton are moderate, and property taxes are the lowest in a three-county area. The median value of a single-family
home is around $185,000, and many bargains can be found by first-time home buyers. If building a new home is your preference, lots are available in every size and shape. Our residential contractors are eager to help you design and build your dream home — one that will meet your family’s unique needs and desires. Other housing options in Morton include apartments, duplexes and townhouses. A recent surge in condominium construction shows an increasing popularity in that market.
Brandon Wood Retirement Community offers apartment homes with studio and oneand two-bedroom options. Amenities include home-cooked meals, 24-hour security, utilities and housekeeping. People in Morton take great pride in their neighborhoods and make great efforts to maintain the beauty and safety of their area of town. We welcome you to Morton and are certain that you will find the area to be a great place to raise a family and a great place to call home.
Tri-County Water Treatment Leading Manufacturer of Quality Ironing Centers Proud to Be a Part of the Morton Community Visit Us on the Web: 220 W. Jackson • Morton, IL 61550-1588 Phone (309) 266-7232 • Fax (309) 266-5088
No Chemical Systems Removes: Iron s Sulfur s Methane Gas s Other Water Problems Lease or Rent With Purchase Option (Free Estimates) Pure Drinking Water System s Service on Most Makes SIMPLY SMARTER. Pekin Customers
Peoria Customers
(309) 353-1300
(309) 688-1300
3 -AIN 3TREET -ORTON ), 0 & (OURS - & 3AT 3UN
4 Morton Chamber of Commerce
Located in Morton for Over 50 Years
Our First Priority
Morton School District
The Morton School District is very progressive and strives to meet the needs of every child and to prepare each student for the challenges of the 21st century. A combination of high academic standards and quality instruction leads to a learning environment that produces lifetime learners and achievers. Regardless of ability, every student is encouraged to achieve at a personalbest level, and students respond well to this challenge. The community also takes an active role in education by contributing time, service and financial support to ensure success. Morton students consistently perform well above average on all achievement and admissions testing. More than 85 percent of Morton High School graduates go on to higher-education opportunities. An enviable studentto-teacher ratio of 18.8-to-1 in elementary grades and 15.6-to-1 in secondary grades leads to abundant opportunities for students to enjoy one-on-one instruction. Programs Morton schools demonstrate the high value the community places on education by spending an average of $9,000 per student each school year. The district has the financial resources to fund programs, pay teachers competitive salaries, maintain properties, and improve textbooks and the curriculum. In this type of environment, students are assured a quality education where they can
thrive and challenge one another to maximize their potential. Every school in the district is linked by fiber optics to Illinois Central College. This makes each school a satellite classroom. Students and staff may take classes and interact with an instructor who teaches from another location. Morton High School Morton High School (MHS) is a four-year comprehensive secondary school currently serving approximately 1,000 students. The faculty includes nearly 70 teachers, the majority of whom have attained master’s degrees. Morton High’s extensive curriculum offers over 125 courses, including college-preparatory, general-education and technologypreparation courses. Morton High enjoys the honor of being the state’s first certified “Project Lead the Way” school, offering a pre-engineering curriculum aimed at helping students excel in the engineering and high-tech fields. Additionally, MHS offers a full inclusion program for those students with special needs. The current building was constructed in three phases between 1954 and 1976. Additionally, the 450-seat, state-of-the-art Performing Arts Theater was added in 1997. MHS is a well-designed, tri-level facility that houses one of the most complete industrial technology components in Central Illinois, including a TV studio and three computer labs.
The school’s nickname, “The Potters,” originated from the fact that Morton housed the largest kiln pottery industry west of New York until the late 1960s. The various Morton Potters extracurricular teams have represented MHS well, as students participate in art, business, industrial technology and speech activities. The school’s athletic, music and academic teams have achieved outstanding records, augmenting Morton High’s excellent reputation. Recent successes include the 2006 State Champion Marching Band and state appearances by both the girls’ volleyball team and the girls’ basketball team. Morton Junior High School Morton Junior High School (MJHS), home of the Junior Potters, serves students in grades seven and eight. School groups enhance the academic curriculum with interest-based activities, including Literature Club, Student Council, Circle of Friends, Science Club, Scholastic 5
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What more could you ask for?
Education Bowl, community service projects and social gatherings. MJHS students may choose from baseball, cross-country, boys’ and girls’ basketball, volleyball, softball, wrestling, and track and field. Learning while competing is the philosophy of each program. Elementary Schools Four elementary schools serve the Village. By keeping classes small, schools maximize education and learning. Each grade level has a maximum student-to-teacher ratio, and these levels are respected. Although all are equal in achievement and quality, each school has its own personality. Grundy Elementary School serves students from kindergarten through sixth grade. Along with their newly updated building, the Gators are finding a renewed sense of school spirit. Whether hard at work or hard at play, in the classroom or on the school grounds, Grundy students readily accept the challenges of learning. Lettie Brown Elementary School, home of the Bears, also serves kindergarten through sixth grade students. Here, students find a caring environment where they can develop a positive self-concept and attitude. Music and physical education are two important parts of the curriculum. Jefferson Elementary School is home to the Patriots and serves students from kindergarten through sixth grade. Founded as Morton Grade School in 1928, it is a symbol of Morton’s history, spirit and pride. A caring staff is dedicated to student achievement and confidence and is united in their efforts to help children be the best they can be.
Four elementary schools featuring outstanding staff serve the Village.
Students and staff embrace the quote, “What we learn with pleasure we never forget.� Lincoln Elementary School, home of the Lions, serves students from early childhood through sixth grade and is the largest elementary school in the district. Students quickly catch the staff’s enthusiasm for learning, enhanced by such exciting events as special music programs, a spelling bee, a school carnival, the sixth grade science fair, and an open house and book fair. There is even a chess club!
Private Schools Bethel Lutheran School offers a Christian education with a strong academic program. The school consistently surpasses state averages on achievement tests and equals or surpasses the Morton averages. The Christian preschool serves children ages 3 and 4 and has pre-kindergarten programs, while the
school itself houses grades kindergarten through eight. Blessed Sacrament School provides religious teaching and academics to kindergarten through eighth grade students. The school’s commitment is to help students develop spiritually, academically, socially and physically. In 2004, a building project was completed that added all-new classrooms for students as well as accommodations for three preschool classes. Home schooling is another popular alternative in the Morton area. Cooperative groups provide such enhancements as athletics and social activities to local home-schooled students’ various curricula.
Child Care Pumpkin Place Child Care & Preschool provides full-time, part-time, and before- and after-school care for infants and children
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Morton Public Library has the second-highest circulation rate in the county.
up to 12 years of age. Preschool classes are available for children ages 3 to 5, while summer camp is for all school-aged children. The home-cooked meals, large outdoor and indoor play areas, and clean, safe environment make this facility an attractive choice for working parents. The staff at Rogy’s Learning Place believes in making the most of childhood. That’s why they take great steps to ensure exceptional care for the children they serve and to provide an educational experience for each child. Rogy’s cares for children from infancy through school age. Staffed by professional, qualified teachers, the center emphasizes education and development of self-esteem. Children respond well to the caring, nurturing environment. Activities at the center include a phonics reading program, latchkey and summer programs, computers, gymnastics, and dance. Nutritional meals and snacks are served each day.
Morton Public Library Library service came to Morton in 1922 at the Morton Community Church. In 1925, the library became tax-supported. It was housed in various rental locations until 1982, when the first permanent library facilities were built. In 1998 the library doubled in size without an increase in local taxes, thanks to donations from private investors. Today, the library has the second-highest circulation rate in the county and is heavily used. Its collection includes books, CDs, DVDs, books on cassette, CD and MP3 players, magazines, and newspapers. Talking and large-print books for the visually impaired are also available. The Morton Public Library is part of the Interlibrary Loan Program, giving Morton Library patrons access to materials from libraries throughout the state. A true full-service library, Morton Public Library also provides research services. On-site computers give patrons access to the Internet
and online databases, as well as their own e-mail accounts. Around-the-clock access to services is available from the library Web site at You can download videos and audio books, search the library catalog, and access your account information. There are programs for all ages and interests at the library. “Weekly Toddlertime,� “Night Night Story Time� and the preschool story hour are for children and parents. The summer reading program for children and book clubs for adults get more residents reading. The library also hosts craft project groups, movie times and special author visits, as well as acting as the site for many community service events. Special areas of the library include the Reuling Room, open by reservation for community meetings and events, and the historical room, which features area artifacts, including a map showing old Indian paths that existed before Morton was settled, old MHS yearbooks, and examples of pottery from Morton Pottery Works.
Colleges and Universities Illinois State University Illinois State University at BloomingtonNormal, the home of the Redbirds, was founded in 1857 and was the state’s first public university. Academic majors include applied science and technology, arts and sciences, business, education, fine arts, and nursing. There are also complete athletic programs for men and women. The university sponsors community programs and events for youth, lifelong learners, senior citizens and other residents; for educators and alumni; and for employers and
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Education business professionals. On- and off-campus programs in the areas of the arts, entertainment and recreation are always popular. Other services include career exploration and development, distance education, conference facilities and research resources. For information on Illinois State University, visit Bradley University Founded in 1897, Bradley University ( is an independent coeducational institution enrolling approximately 5,000 undergraduate and 1,000 graduate students. More than 130 baccalaureate programs and 14 graduate degrees are offered, including a doctorate in physical therapy and an Executive MBA. U.S. News and World Report ranked Bradley as the top Illinois university of its type and No. 7 overall among 108 Midwestern universities in its 2007 “America’s Best Colleges� issue. Bradley graduates continue to be in demand, with 95 percent of 2006 graduates reporting their employment offers were related to their field of study. The university is home to the Turner Center for Entrepreneurship, made up of a number of business centers that provide business counseling, technical assistance, training and educational activities for individuals interested in owning their own businesses. The centers also help existing entrepreneurs and businesses that want to expand or take advantage of new opportunities and technologies. In 2007, Bradley and The Dirksen Congressional Center partnered to form the new Institute for Principled Leadership, designed to educate ethical, collaborative and bipartisan leaders while providing students with experiences leading to successful careers in public service.
Illinois Central College Illinois Central College features three campuses: East Peoria, Downtown Peoria and the ICC North Peoria Campus. Founded in 1967 as one of the state’s community colleges, ICC offers courses leading to associate degrees and occupational certificates. The college offers nearly 3,000 different courses each semester and enrolls about 13,000 students in classes that are offered evenings, weekends and online, in addition to traditional weekday classes. Students may choose to live on campus at WoodView Commons, which offers apartment-style living and activities on the East Peoria Campus. ICC’s Professional Development Institute provides computer and business training for area residents and businesses. For information on ICC classes and programs, visit Other colleges and universities in the area include Illinois Wesleyan University at
Bloomington, Eureka College at Eureka, Knox University at Galesburg, Lincoln College at Normal, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary at Lincoln, Midstate College at North Peoria, Robert Morris College at Peoria, Spoon River College at Canton, University of Illinois School of Medicine at Peoria, and Heartland Community College at Normal.
Other Educational Opportunities Morton offers some interesting options on the non-academic side of learning, including Aqua Diving School, which teaches and certifies students in scuba diving. Fine arts learning opportunities include instruction for all ages on a variety of instruments at the Morton Academy of Music. Dance instruction is available at the Central Illinois Performing Arts Studio and Carousel of Dance.
Quality area schools coupled with a great library system mean outstanding education for students.
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Stay Fit
and Have Fun W
hether you’re into soccer, swimming or hiking, there’s an activity in Morton that will help you stay fit and have fun year-round. And for entertainment, there’s a wide variety of events for the entire family.
Outdoor Activities: Village Parks Morton Park District hosts programs and activities for all ages at its eight parks. Summer programs include swimming lessons, tennis lessons, softball games, aerobic classes and golf lessons. During the fall and winter, you can participate in basketball games, volleyball games, exercise classes and indoor soccer at the Morton Recreation Center, a large indoor soccer facility. The district’s Web site is www. • M cClallen Park: Located at Jackson and Tennessee, McClallen covers 40 acres. This is the home for soccer in Morton, featuring the community soccer complex, which boasts nine fields and 300-car parking. The Morton Youth Soccer Organization and Morton Blaze Soccer cosponsored the development of the complex. 10 Morton Chamber of Commerce
• Birchwood Park: Featuring three softball fields, a playground and a fishing pond, this 18-acre recreational area is the home of the Morton Girls Softball Association and the men’s adult slowpitch softball leagues. • Horseshoe Park: With a smaller, quieter setting that includes a horseshoe court and a picnic area, Horseshoe Park’s natural beauty appeals to walkers, joggers and toddlers, too! • Idlewood Park: Idlewood’s 10 acres are filled with an outdoor swimming pool, picnic shelters, a sand volleyball court, a soccer field and a playground. The summer buzz of activity never stops at Idlewood, with parent and tot swim classes, swimming lessons, private pool rentals, synchronized swimming groups, open swim times, and practices and meets for the Morton Otters Swim Club. The soccer field is the practice location for the Morton High School boys’ and girls’ soccer teams. • Northwood Park: The largest park in the district, Northwood covers 108 acres. Visitors enjoy the 2.5 miles of hiking and nature trails year-round. During summer, the picnic areas, playground, disc golf, 2-acre prairie grass area and native wildflower restoration area are centers of activity. Ackerman Creek, located in the park, flows past several historical sites, including an old sawmill foundation
and the Hirstein Cemetery. Special events include the Professional Disc Golf Association Super Tour Tournament, held on the 18-hole disc golf course in June, and the National Women’s Frisbee Tournament in September. Cross-country skiing and sledding on the hill brighten winter days. • Oakwood Park: Oakwood Park plays host to overnight campers. Its picnic areas and shelters are often sites for family reunions and large community gatherings. Children and adults alike enjoy the beauty of its 17 acres. Dog lovers can take their companions to the fenced dog park, which includes areas for both large and small dogs. • Southwood Park: Much of Southwood Park’s 23 acres is dedicated to football. There are four football fields for use by the Morton Junior Football League, along with parking for 100 cars. The playground and tennis courts provide summertime fun. • Westwood Park: Covering 48 acres, Westwood Park is the home of the Morton Youth Baseball Association. This group funded the development of Westwood’s seven baseball fields and indoor and outdoor batting cages. Each year in September, the Illinois Junior High Boys’ Baseball Tournament is played here.
Other Outdoor Attractions • The Bike Trail: Winding around 2.5 miles from Jackson and Detroit to Ken Street, Morton’s Bike Trail connects to the East Peoria River Trail and to Westwood Park. Cyclists enjoy the challenge, along with the peaceful beauty that is Morton. • Pine Lakes Golf Club: For those who love golf, Pine Lakes Golf Club, in nearby Washington, is an 18-hole private course. This par-71, 5,900-yard course ensures golfers a variety of challenges for play. • Wildlife Prairie Park: A state park, Wildlife Prairie Park recalls a time before settlers came, when there were only prairies and forests. Buffalo, bears, cougars and wolves continue to thrive here in their natural habitat. • Jubilee College State Park: Popular for its bicycling and horseback riding trails, Jubilee College State Park also hosts an annual Renaissance Festival that draws many costumed and festive visitors. • Sand Ridge State Park: As the last remnant of the Southwestern desert located east of the Mississippi River, Sand Ridge is home to desert creatures who live among the sand dunes in this unique and inviting spot. • Illinois River: For the best in outdoor fun, head to the Illinois River in Peoria. Riverboat rides on the Spirit of Peoria and boat races are always fun. The National Bass Tournament and the Walleye Tournament bring many anglers to the area, while hunters enjoy the fowl and deer seasons, often bragging that they find some of the best hunting in the nation here. The riverfront is the site of the Paradise Casino as well as a variety of festivals throughout the year.
• Freedom Hall: Located in Birchwood Park, Freedom Hall was built in 1976 as a tribute to both the U.S. bicentennial celebration and Morton’s centennial celebration in 1977. Many of the construction materials were donated by local businesses, while the labor was donated by Tazewell County’s High School Vocational School. This facility features one large meeting room, a kitchen and a smaller meeting room. This is also where the offices of the Morton Park District have been located since 1983.
Fitness Centers • Gold’s Gym: Morton’s newest fitness center, Gold’s Gym offers free weights, Nautilus equipment, personal trainers, a separate workout facility for women only, a full juice bar and nutrition supplements, and childcare services. You’ll also find classes in aerobics, karate, yoga, step aerobics, tumbling and spinning (bicycle), as well as cardio equipment, personalized nutrition and exercise programs. The shower facilities also have saunas. The Gold’s facility also houses chiropractic care, tanning facilities, and sports medicine and rehabilitation services.
• Village Courts Health Club: Appealing to individuals and families, Village Courts offers free weights and selectorized or cardio equipment. The facility also includes a swimming pool, hot tubs, saunas, racquetball/wallyball courts and tanning beds. Adults enjoy special classes in yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, karate, stretch, step aerobics and hi/lo aerobics. Children’s classes include swimming and tumbling/gymnastics. Babysitting is available. • Curves for Women / Morton Nautilus: Both these facilities offer high-quality, safe equipment for challenging workouts. Staff members provide one-to-one consultations on exercise, toning and weight-loss programs.
Youth Programs Summer is never boring for kids in Morton because of the wide variety of interesting activities available. There are groups for nature, wildlife and outdoor safety (ages 7 to 10); beginning French (grades kindergarten through eight); tumbling and dance (ages 4 to 6); and musical training (ages 4 to 6). • Afternoon Adventures: A youth playground program for children in first through sixth grade, Afternoon
Indoor Activities • Morton Recreation Center: The community’s indoor soccer facility features an artificial turf field. The center hosts adult and youth soccer leagues, with more than 350 games in each six-week session. Between soccer events, Morton High School uses the facility for athletic and extracurricular activities. Other areas in the building are used for adult exercise classes, youth dance and tumbling classes, various recreational activities, and programs and community meetings. Walkers use the facility during the fall and winter months. The center also has an indoor playground.
Pine Lakes Golf Club offers 18 holes of challenging play. 11
Hometown Pharmacy David L. Newell, R. Ph. 4 .BJO 4USFFU t .PSUPO *- 1IPOF 'BY E-mail:
The Morton Youth Baseball Association sponsors teams for ages 5 through high school.
Adventures features sports, games, arts, crafts and swimming. • Teddy Bears: This recreational preschool program for ages 4 through 6 provides group activities, games, craft projects and special events. • Soccer / Baseball Programs: The Morton Park District offers three levels of play for soccer and baseball: PreSchool League, for boys and girls 4 years old, in a non-competitive setting; Zoo League, for boys and girls in kindergarten, which teaches fundamental skills in a non-competitive setting; and Major League, for first and second graders, which consists of informal daily games with coaches pitching. Summer soccer through the Morton Youth Soccer Organization is offered for boys and girls in first through ninth grade, with a clinic for kindergartners. • Morton Junior Football League: Every fall, kids play tackle and flag football in teams organized based on age and weight. Practices are on weeknights, with games on weekends against other area teams.
Sports Organizations • Morton Youth Baseball Association: MYBA sponsors spring and summer age group and traveling teams for ages 5 through high school. Games are at Westwood Park. • Morton Girls Softball Association: MGSA sponsors spring and summer age group and traveling 12 Morton Chamber of Commerce
teams for ages 7 through high school. Games are at Birchwood Park. • Morton Junior Football League: With an average of 200 players and 30 cheerleaders each season, Morton JFL consists of one peewee team (ages 8 to 10), two junior varsity teams (ages 11 and 12), one varsity team (ages 11 and 12), and one senior team (ages 12 to 14). The teams are divided by age and weight. There’s also cheerleading for girls ages 8 to 14. Based at Southwood Park, teams play against other teams in the Central Illinois League. • Morton Youth Soccer Organization: MYSO sponsors fall age-group play for children in grades kindergarten through nine. Games are at McClallen Park. MYSO is affiliated with the Illinois Youth Soccer Association. There is also a kindergarten division for instruction and team play. • Morton Blaze Soccer: This group sponsors age-divided traveling soccer teams for boys and girls. Teams play in spring, summer and fall at McClallen Park, as well as at other locations in Central Illinois. • Morton Heat: The Morton Basketball Association, established in 2000, is a not-for-profit organization established to provide the youth of Morton an opportunity to participate on a competitive basketball team. The Morton Heat basketball teams compete against other area teams in games and tournaments, primarily on weekends, with practices
Parks/Events focusing on fundamentals during the week. • Morton Tennis Association: Affiliated with the United States Tennis Association, this group sponsors weekly Adult Tennis Nights for women and men high school age and older, at both intermediate and advanced levels, at the Morton High School courts. • Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association: Morton Park District is a member of the Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association (HISRA). In cooperation with the Peoria Park District, HISRA sponsors recreational opportunities adapted for those with special needs. Opportunities include dance, fitness, arts, crafts, nature activities, golf, swimming, day camp, softball, bowling, bicycling, tennis and ice-skating.
Summer Sport Camps The combined efforts of the Morton sports organizations, school district and park district produce a long list of sport camp possibilities for residents during the summer. • Baseball: Fundamentals and skills for ages 9 to 14. • Basketball: Skills for boys in grades kindergarten through 12, shooting for boys in grades four through eight, fundamentals for girls in grades three through eight, high school team skills for girls in grades eight through 12, shooting and offensive skills for girls in grades four through 12, and open basketball and conditioning for junior and senior high school students and adults. • Cheerleading: Instruction with emphasis on technique, enthusiasm, safety and fun for grades one through eight. • Football: Youth football, with games and contests for grades four through eight, and high school football for grades nine through 12. • Golf: Individual instruction and play for grades five through nine. • Pompon: Instruction, practice, review and performance for grades one through eight. • Soccer: Conditioning and skills development for boys in grades eight through 12 and team strategies and individual skills development for girls in grades seven through 12. Youth soccer is offered through the Central Illinois Soccer
Academy, with coaches from Bradley University and Morton High School. • Softball: Skills for grades four through six and “Fall Training” skills and strategy for grades seven and eight. • Girls Basketball: Shooting and fundamentals skills for grades one through 12. • Volleyball: Skill development and instruction for offense and defense for grades three through 12. • Beginning Weight Lifting: Principles and workouts for grades six through eight. • Wrestling: Techniques and fundamentals for grades kindergarten through 12.
Events Pumpkin Festival Known as the Pumpkin Capital of the World, Morton is home to the Nestlé USA/ Libby’s® plant, which processes over 80 percent of the world’s canned pumpkin. Morton celebrates the canning season each September with the annual Pumpkin Festival, which will celebrate its 42nd year in 2008. From the cutting of the pumpkin vine at the Grand Opening to the giant festival parade, the Morton Pumpkin Festival delights all ages with family-style entertainment, foot races, food tents, craft sales and pumpkins. Musical entertainment featuring nationally known artists attracts people from near and far to the festival. Not to be missed is the carnival, with rides and midway attractions keeping the young and young at heart coming to participate. Special pumpkin events include the Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Giant Pumpkin Weigh-In, Pumpkin Cookery Contest and a free pumpkin giveaway. At the Pumpkin
Delight Tent, sample the many unusual treats, including pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin fudge, pumpkin chili and, of course, pumpkin pie. You’re invited to the Pumpkin Pancake Breakfast on Saturday morning, too. Sports events held in conjunction with the festival include the Tennis Tournament, Co-ed Softball Tournament, Disc Golf Tournament and High School Soccer Invitational at McClallen Sports Complex. And for those who love a race (or a race against the clock), the 10K/2-Mile Run/Walk and the Soapbox Derby are on the schedule, too. Pumpkins never tasted or looked so good! You won’t want to miss the Pumpkin Festival —the premier hometown festival of Central Illinois. Other Events • Downtown Car Shows: Car clubs have become increasingly popular in Morton. Annual shows, such as the one sponsored by River Valley Drifters, bring car enthusiasts from a wide area. Come out and watch car lovers cruise their rides; shows in the past have included everything from rare, foreign exotics to classic American muscle cars. • Soccer Tournaments: For those who love this increasingly popular sport, Morton hosts many tournaments. In addition to youth and high school teams, the Morton Blaze — a traveling soccer team — excite local fans with their prowess.
For more information about community events, contact the Morton Chamber of Commerce at 309-263-2491 or at
All things pumpkin are celebrated during Morton’s Pumpkin Festival. 13
A Wealth of
Beauty and Entertainment
ocated in the heart of Illinois and the Midwest, Morton and the surrounding region offer endless opportunities for recreation, sightseeing and entertainment.
Illinois River Country Morton is situated in the heart of Illinois, just minutes from the Illinois River. The river and its many tributaries provide many recreational opportunities, such as riverboat casinos, non-gaming riverboats, hiking and biking trails, hunting, fishing, and scenic drives. There are also many historic settlements along the banks of the rivers, as well as spectacular state parks. Not far from Morton is Wildlife Prairie State Park. This 2,000-acre zoological park includes native animals in their natural habitats. Here you can learn about the frontier days at the Pioneer Farmstead, which features a oneroom school house and log cabin. Visitors have the opportunity to spend the night
14 Morton Chamber of Commerce
at the park in a renovated train caboose or lakeside cottage. Other sites to see in the area include Bishop Hill State Historic Site, Dickson Mounds Museum and Spoon River Valley Scenic Drive. For information on these and other attractions in Western Illinois River Country, visit or
Central Illinois Tourist Sites Residents and visitors of Morton can take advantage of the many tourist attractions that are found in Central Illinois. The cities of Peoria and Bloomington are a short drive away, so the amenities of larger cities are readily available. Each city is home to community arts and theater, wineries, unique shopping, recreational facilities, and museums. They are also the sites of major universities, which provide cultural festivities and entertainment all year. One of the unique attractions in Peoria is the Spirit of Peoria. Built in Paducah, Kentucky, in 1988 by Walker Boat Yard, it is solely propelled by its stern-driven paddlewheel. Cruises on the Spirit of Peoria include overnight excursions, private charters, themed cruises and sightseeing
cruises. For more information on the boat, visit
Hunting & Fishing For lovers of the outdoors, Morton offers a wealth of natural resources for enjoying their sports. With an abundance of rivers, lakes and wildlife areas, the hunting and fishing destinations are endless. Places such as Spring Lake, Mackinaw River and Moraine View State Recreation Area offer hunting, fishing and other recreational activities. There are hunting seasons in these areas for waterfowl, squirrel, deer, dove, turkey, rabbit, quail and pheasant. The Morton area is also a fishing paradise. Your catches at our rivers and lakes may include largemouth bass, bluegill, sunfish, crappie, channel catfish, walleye and northern pike. For detailed information on hunting and fishing destinations, visit the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Web site at
Performing Arts Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center provides an outstanding setting for the arts in Morton. Located at Morton High School, the
Region center seats 450 comfortably and also has a large lobby suitable for receptions and social events. Events such as music recitals, school plays and Christmas pageants are scheduled throughout the year. Peoria Civic Center The Peoria Civic Center hosts over 375 events per year, drawing in more than 900,000 visitors annually. Performances at the center include sporting events, Broadway theater, youth theater, music concerts and special events. The center is also the venue for the Peoria Ballet and the Peoria Symphony Orchestra. The facility recently finished a $55 million expansion and upgrade featuring an arena, exhibit hall, theater and meeting room space. For ticket and schedule information, visit
Ballet The premiere performance of the Peoria Ballet was presented 41 years ago by a company of 17 dancers. Since then, the ballet has grown and developed into a highly professional company offering superb productions. In 2000, Artistic Director Erich Yetter came to the Peoria Ballet and has since produced six very successful seasons. The Peoria Ballet is a recognized leader in dance, providing performance, education and community service to the people of Central Illinois. The 2007–2008 season includes performances of The Nutcracker and Wings. Visit for more information.
Sports If you’re into sports, Morton hosts many local school and recreational sporting events each year. The city also has the privilege of experiencing big-time college sports just minutes away in Peoria. Bradley University’s history of success in the Missouri Valley Conference is well known and includes appearances in NCAA tournaments for men’s soccer, basketball and baseball, as well as women’s basketball and volleyball. For baseball enthusiasts, professional minor league play can be found at O’Brien Field in Peoria. The Peoria Chiefs are celebrating their 25th year of baseball in the city. A Class A minor league team affiliated with the Chicago Cubs, the Chiefs are part of the Midwest.
Symphony The Peoria Symphony Orchestra (PSO) presents a seven-concert classical subscription series, a pops performance and student concerts annually at the Peoria Civic Center Theater. The season balances performances by internationally renowned soloists and local artists, showcasing popular works and 20thcentury compositions as well as familiar and unique solo instrumental performers. The PSO attracts over 1,600 season subscription ticket holders per year and has hosted artists such as Itzhak Perlman, Dudley Moore, Andre Watts and Sarah Vaughn. For more information, visit Catch professional minor-league baseball action at O’Brien Field, home of the Peoria Chiefs. 15
Health Care
Quality of Life M
orton offers quality local medical care for residents. We have highly trained, well-respected doctors, pharmacists and other health care providers. Some of the area’s finest hospitals and state-ofthe-art facilities are just a few minutes away. Whether you need critical care, specialized care or individualized care, the best health care available can be found here.
Clinics For diagnosis and treatment, Morton Medical Center’s physicians provide clinical services in many medical specialties, including family practice and pediatrics. Physicians at the Jefferson Street Clinic specialize in osteopathic family medicine. Methodist Medical Center’s Methodist at Morton is a comprehensive health center offering family practice and pediatric physicians by appointment. A second facility of Methodist Medical Center, Methodist MedPointe, offers walk-in care with extended hours, including weekends. Within the MedPointe facility, the staff of Professional Therapy Services offers local treatment options to those recovering from injuries or other physical difficulties. The OSF Saint Francis Morton Health Center offers PromptCare services for emergencies, as well as physician offices and an outpatient center with lab, X-ray, MRI, CT and mammogram capabilities and a newly established sleep disorder center.
Proctor First Care offers an affordable alternative to the emergency room for primary care, including treatment for cold and flu symptoms, work and school physicals, work-related injuries, X-rays, and other routine care. Proctor First Care offers the skill and efficiency of emergency services with the personal attention and friendliness of your family doctor. Priority is always given to the treatment of emergencies.
Emergency Response With 9-1-1 service, paramedics and ambulance service through the Morton Fire Department, and LifeFlight through St. Francis in Peoria, residents can easily be transported to any one of several nearby hospitals and medical centers within a 30-mile radius.
Hospitals Less than 20 minutes from Morton are three outstanding medical centers offering trauma treatment and many other medical services. Proctor Hospital, in Peoria, has an expanded emergency department with an isolation room for biological situations and an Emergency Chest Pain Center. Proctor Hospital is home to some of the latest state-ofthe-art technology. It also features all-private rooms for medical and surgical patients. The hospital provides comprehensive cardiac care, counseling, home care, outpatient surgical services, maternity, skilled nursing, a sleep
center, women’s health and a wound-care clinic. With an emphasis on education and prevention, the hospital also offers community health classes on safety, exercise, diseases and conditions, diabetes education and management, and health screenings. Additionally, there is the Hult Health Education Center and the internationally known Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery. OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria is the largest hospital in downstate Illinois and is an academic medical center affiliated with the University of Illinois College of Medicine. It has several schools at its downtown campus, including a college of nursing offering both bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Among the programs housed within OSF Saint Francis are a Level I trauma center, with LifeFlight air transport service; Children’s Hospital of Illinois; Illinois Neurological Institute; OSF Saint Francis Heart Hospital; complete cancer diagnostic and treatment services; and specialized surgical procedures. OSF is currently undertaking a $234 million modernization and expansion of 17
Health Care Department and volunteer nurses, takes place monthly at Morton Village Pharmacy. Both programs are sponsored by We Care. Grief Recovery Group is an eight-week program for those who have experienced a loss. For homebound residents, Home Instead Senior Care offers companionship and assistance with household duties, meals, errands and appointments, as well as respite care for caregivers. Other health care options available in the Village include counseling services, chiropractic and acupuncture care, optometric services, complete vision care, dental care, and pharmacies. In addition to quality hospitals and clinics, Morton offers a number of private practitioners, including chiropractors.
the medical center and Children’s Hospital of Illinois that will take three years, with an expected opening in the summer of 2010. Peoria’s Methodist Medical Center is a regional medical center with a nationally recognized cardiovascular program. Other services include advanced imaging services, a birthing center, cancer care, the Certified Primary Stroke Center, a breast health center and orthopedic care. Methodist has the area’s only comprehensive behavioral health program, while Methodist’s hospice, homehealth and wound-care services are top-notch. Nursing education is available through the Methodist College of Nursing.
Other Services We Care Inc. serves Morton’s senior and disabled residents and low-income families.
Providing transportation to medical and personal business appointments, shopping areas, and worship services is one of its most popular areas of assistance. For those experiencing financial difficulties, the Loaner Closet offers a variety of medical equipment for use and return. Caring Pantry is a food distribution program for persons in need, while Meals on Wheels helps those who are homebound with the delivery of a hot noon meal, Monday through Friday, and an optional brown-bag supper. Social activities sponsored by We Care include Care-N-Share, a weekly program at Freedom Hall with a delicious luncheon followed by entertainment and time for fellowship, and Friday Fun Friends, with a brownbag lunch and games at Freedom Hall every Friday. A free blood pressure screening, in cooperation with the Tazewell County Health
18 Morton Chamber of Commerce
Long-Term Care Options For those needing skilled or shelter care, Morton offers several options: • Apostolic Christian Restmor: Skilled and shelter care. • Apostolic Christian Timber Ridge: Intermediate and developmentally disabled care. • Linden Estate: Intermediate and developmentally disabled care. • Morton Terrace Care Center: Skilled care. • Morton Villa Nursing Center: Skilled care. • Oakwood Estate: Intermediate and developmentally disabled care. • Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped: Treatment for those with special needs.
he retail and services industries in Morton contribute greatly to the area’s economy. Residents patronize locally owned shops, large national chain stores such as Wal-Mart and Kmart, car dealerships, financial institutions, insurance agencies, and other professional service providers. Businesses in town appreciate the local availability of travel agencies, printers and computer consultants. With all major services plus grocery and retail items available, shoppers experience the friendliness and convenience of a smaller community without the traffic and high prices of a metropolitan area.
Commercial Centers • Main Street in downtown Morton offers many retail shops and service businesses, as well as local dining establishments. • Detroit Avenue is home to retail stores and service businesses. • Morton Village Shopping Center features Kmart and Kroger and also has a wealth of retail, dining and service options available. • Morton Field Shopping Center and South Main Merchants include retail stores, service businesses, a movie theater and restaurants. • Morton Plaza provides a variety of shopping experiences as well as personal services and restaurants.
• North Morton Avenue is also under development for retail shopping, with a Wal-Mart Supercenter as the anchor for the 35-acre development.
Some Shops of Morton From the Field Cooking School Located in Morton since September 2006, From the Field Cooking School is all about learning how to eat well and have lots of fun doing it. Making your own food allows you to take control of the quality and content of the food you eat, while saving you money at the same time. From the Field classes teach meal preparation, cooking techniques, the science of cooking, kitchen safety and sanitation, some food history, and other useful information — all presented in a clear, understandable and entertaining manner. Students are also introduced to the culinary experience from different perspectives. You can relax and learn at one of the demonstration cooking classes or roll up your sleeves and participate in a hands-on class or course. You can also book a private group cooking class for you and your friends. Corporate team-building cooking classes are available as well. For more information about From the Field Cooking School, and to view class schedules, visit
Pumpkin Glass Pumpkin Glass, located in downtown Morton, features exquisite handmade glass beads, silver jewelry, fused pendants and bead/jewelry-making supplies. The store also provides classes for those who would like to create their own jewelry. Whether you’re a child who wants to make a handmade gift for a loved one or an advanced student honing your craft, there’s a class at Pumpkin Glass for you. Jewelry-making parties can also be scheduled for groups of four to 20 students. Brides often enjoy hosting a party for their attendants to create special jewelry for their big day. The artist and co-owner who founded Pumpkin Glass, Teresa Kodatt, has an extensive background in jewelry design and creation. Kodatt’s beads were exhibited at Corcoran College of Art & Design in New York in May 2005 as part of the “Exhibit of Contemporary American Glass Beads.” She was also chosen to make the commemorative bead for the 19
Retail traveling exhibition currently being planned by Visit Pumpkin Glass at 316 South Main Street in Morton or on the Web at, or telephone 309-2667884. Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Eli’s hosts outdoor concerts on its beautifully landscaped grounds.
20 Morton Chamber of Commerce
Eli’s Opened in February 2005, Eli’s was a dream 10 years in the making. Located in a lovely historic home, and named for the carpenter that built the home in 1860, Eli’s serves up both charm and history, with homemade baked goods and organic coffees and teas. Healthy lunches and picnic boxes round out the freshly baked offerings of scones, muffins, granola and cookies. The shop’s historic charm is further enhanced by the wrought-iron fencing surrounding it and the lovely landscaping and garden that grace the property. Enjoy a cuppa and scone outdoors on the patio, or inside amidst the home’s graceful architecture and decor. Or come out for a coffee and conversation while being serenaded at one of the outdoor concerts Eli’s hosts.
Retail Customers span all generations, from children riding their bikes to get smoothies and cocoas to elderly couples coming for their Saturday morning coffee and biscotti. Determined to leave the smallest footprint possible on the Earth, Eli’s purchases only fully compostable paper and plastic products; serves organic, fair trade coffee; and recycles all waste. Eli’s is open Monday through Thursday, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eli’s is located at 205 W. Jefferson in Morton. For more information, call 309-263-0507 or visit Blain’s Farm and Fleet Founded in 1955 by brothers W.C. (Claude) Blain and N.B. (Bert) Blain, Blain’s Farm & Fleet stores are specialty discount retailers with 33 locations throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa. With a philosophy of offering customers good, honest value by providing the best brands available at the lowest price possible, Blain’s Farm & Fleet stores have 150,000 items available for sale. These items range from clothing and pet food to livestock feeds and lawn fertilizer.
In November 1974, Blain’s Farm & Fleet opened its 21st store in Morton, as it was seen as a good fit for the company. Then, in 1987, the store underwent a major renovation. The store is a strong supporter of the community and participates in Shop with a Cop, Toys for Tots, Women’s Strength, Crisis Nursery and Race for the Cure programs. Paddy O’Flaherty’s On St. Patrick’s Day weekend in 2007, Paddy O’Flaherty’s Irish Pub and Eatery opened its doors to many eager patrons in Morton. Paddy O’Flaherty’s is part of the Best Western hotel and offers superb food and drinks in an enticing, authentic atmosphere. From the abundance of wood to the sound of live Irish music, you’ll find yourself transported to Dublin or Kilkenny as you settle in for a unique culinary experience. All of the furniture, light fixtures, mill work and bar came from Ireland. Two painters from Dublin spent 12 days hand-painting the walls, ceiling and murals. Paddy O’Flaherty’s bar lives up to its pub distinction by offering a wide variety of draft beers. The pub also boasts traditional Irish fare and specialties like shepherd’s pie and bangers and mash. If you’re looking for American standards, you’ll find burgers and club sandwiches. The eclectic seafood entrees on the menu include items like Cedar Wrapped Salmon, Coconut Shrimp and Macadamia Nut Crusted Grouper. Paddy O’Flaherty’s is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. On Sundays, it’s open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
From a quick snack to international cuisine, you’ll find it all in Morton. 21
Industry & Major Employers
Is in Motion M
orton’s economic prospects for the future are very positive. We are a hardworking community blessed with an outstanding quality of life. We are ideally positioned to reap the benefits of the area’s remarkable past and predicted economic growth. Our assets include strong, focused local government and a good mix of profitable and civic-minded businesses. These assets make Morton an attractive place to work.
Morton Chamber of Commerce Formed in 1955, the Chamber is a fully staffed organization that promotes Morton as a great place to live and work. Programs include information resources, community and business leadership development, business networking, mentoring and education programs, and management of the annual Morton Pumpkin Festival. The Chamber is proud to sponsor Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies, Business After Hours get togethers, and other special meetings and events.
Economic Development: Morton in Motion The Morton Chamber of Commerce has developed a subsidiary organization designed to focus specifically on the economic development of the Morton area. The company, named Morton Economic Development Corporation, was initiated by a fundraising initiative called “Morton in Motion,” an effort 22 Morton Chamber of Commerce
to bring together the collective leadership of Morton’s private sectors in order to attain new economic growth. Over the next five years, the Morton Economic Development Corporation, through the “Morton in Motion” initiative, hopes to create 750 new jobs, inject over $70 million in new earnings, and generate $100 million in new capital investment.
Major Employers Morton adds depth to the economic base of Tazewell County with a diverse and stable business community. Several nationally recognized businesses enjoy the economic benefits of being located in the Morton area. Nestlé USA / LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin Nestlé USA’s LIBBY’S® brand is a strong economic presence in the Morton area, where the company plants approximately 4,000 acres of pumpkins each year. LIBBY’S® only uses a pumpkin known for its rich, golden color; creamy texture; and pure pumpkin flavor — the Dickinson. In fact, LIBBY’S® has developed its own special strain of Dickinson through years of agricultural research. This explains why Morton is known as the Pumpkin Capital of the World! Named one of “America’s Most Admired Food Companies” in Fortune magazine for the 10th consecutive year, Nestlé USA provides quality brands and products that bring flavor
to life every day. Nestlé USA, with 2006 sales of $8.5 billion, is part of Nestlé S.A. in Vevey, Switzerland — the world’s largest food company — with sales of $79 billion. For product news and information, please visit NestleUSA. com or Caterpillar Inc. For more than 80 years, Caterpillar Inc. has been making progress possible and driving positive and sustainable change on every continent. With 2006 sales and revenues of $41.517 billion, Caterpillar is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, and industrial gas turbines. The company is also a leading services provider through Caterpillar Financial Services, Caterpillar Remanufacturing Services, Caterpillar Logistics Services and Progress Rail Services. Caterpillar Logistics Services Inc. provides world-class supply chain solutions and services to its parent company, Caterpillar Inc., and more than 65 other leading corporations throughout the world. Headquartered in Morton, Cat Logistics operates more than 105 offices and facilities in 25 countries on six continents. The Morton facility employs approximately 2,500 people. Cat Logistics provides its full-service capabilities to companies in market sectors that include automotive, industrial and aerospace service parts; consumer durables; technology; electronics;
Industry & Major Employers and manufacturing logistics. More information is available at G&D Integrated G&D Integrated began in 1984 as an Illinois-based regional trucking company and has since evolved into a fully integrated supply chain logistics provider with offices in seven states in the Midwest and Southeast United States. Their current operating divisions include distribution, transportation, manufacturing logistics, design engineering and inspection services, and material fabrication. Customers include both domestic and international companies that range from Fortune 100 corporations to smaller regional customers. G&D Integrated uses its comprehensive knowledge and experience within the supply chain to customize a logistics package for each individual customer. In doing so, G&D Integrated provides a seamless turn-key solution. The result — supply chain excellence. RMH Smithfield RMH Foods is a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, a worldwide leader in food processing and the world’s largest pork producer. Founded in 1937 by J.S. Rocke, RMH Foods is still locally led by the Rocke family. With two USDA plants in Morton, including a state-of-the-art, 60,000-square-foot facility, RMH Foods is a leading manufacturer of refrigerated entrees for retail and food service. Products are distributed nationwide with production of more than 10 million pounds annually, providing more than 1.5 million meals each month.
Morton Metalcraft Morton Metalcraft Co. is a full-service contract metal fabricator serving a wide range of prestigious Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). The company has been located in Morton since 1963 and enjoys strong, focused relationships with customers such as Caterpillar Inc., Deere & Co., JLG Industries Inc., Hallmark Cards and Winnebago Industries Inc. Morton Metalcraft operates five manufacturing facilities strategically located in the Midwestern, Northeastern and Southeastern United States, close to customers’ manufacturing and assembly facilities. Morton Metalcraft Co. has annual sales of nearly $200 million, 900,000 square feet of industrial space, and nearly 1,400 employees. The five facilities are able to provide highly engineered components and assemblies to
OEMs that serve the agricultural, construction and commercial equipment industries. Morton Welding Company Founded in 1946, Morton Welding Company has steadily grown to become a leader in serving original equipment manufacturers of machined, tubular and assembled products. Today, Morton Welding Company has grown to annual sales exceeding $60 million. MWC provides precision machining of complex components, tubular fabrication, difficult sub-assembly and assembly, and design and build of tooling and fixturing, all for leading global manufacturers. With over 450 employees, Morton Welding Company combines state-of-the-art equipment and facilities with a progressive and
With annual sales of nearly $200 million and nearly 1,400 employees, Morton Metalcraft has a major impact on the regional economy.
Morton Cinema Field Shopping Center 309-263-7909
Industry & Major Employers
Morton Welding is a leader in the fields of precision machining, product assembly and design.
dedicated workforce to provide exceptional quality and service to all of their customers. CORE Construction CORE Construction is a multi-disciplined general contracting firm with offices in five states (Illinois, Florida, Texas, Arizona and Nevada). In addition to general contracting, CORE also offers design/build and construction-management services. Founded in 1937 in Morton by Otto Baum, the company has grown over the years in size, reputation and in the range of services provided. Today, as a third-generation company, CORE’s portfolio of completed projects covers a wide range of market sectors, including commercial, industrial, health care and institutional. Morton Buildings In business since 1903, Morton Buildings has been meeting the needs of customers for
24 Morton Chamber of Commerce
over 100 years. Whether they are planning a residential, agricultural, equestrian, commercial or municipal building, Morton works with their customers on a one-on-one basis — from concept to completion — to customize the building they’ve been envisioning. With more than 120 construction centers in 35 states, Morton Buildings serves a wide variety of communities across the United States. Local Morton Building sales consultants are supported by a nationwide network of experts, so they can meet their customers’ needs, no matter how simple or complex the building dream. Morton’s consistently strong Dun & Bradstreet credit rating gives their customers the peace of mind that comes from doing business with a company that will be around during and after the completion of their project. Morton Buildings also recently introduced a surprisingly affordable new product line: Country Craft by Morton. Country Craft is a quality line of buildings engineered to provide Morton customers with easy solutions for basic machine storage and general-purpose applications. For more information on Morton Buildings, visit
Commercial/Industrial Property Morton has many available properties for business startup or relocation. Office, retail, warehouse and distribution space is plentiful, all with affordable lease or purchase options. Located in shopping centers, industrial parks, along the Interstate Corridor and in downtown Morton, these properties are ready for development and use. The Tri-County Chamber Coalition promotes the sharing of
information and resources in order to help businesses find the location they need.
Colleges and Universities as Business Partners Area businesses enjoy the benefits of having Bradley University and Illinois Central College nearby. These institutions function as business consultants and stay in the mainstream of new developments. Bradley University Research and development of new strategies, approaches and solutions takes place at Bradley’s Small Business Development Center, Smith Career Center, Turner Center for Entrepreneurship, National Center for Agribusiness and Agrotechnologies, Heartland Illinois Technology Enterprise Center, and Center for Business and Economic Research. Bradley’s International Trade Center provides help with exporting, especially in the areas of training, program development and marketing research. Illinois Central College Illinois Central College is very involved in the “Morton in Motion” fundraising initiative. The college is providing personnel to help survey the business community, conduct a business visitation program and perform analysis of the data collected to determine possible workforce training needs. Through these efforts, ICC is working with individual businesses on filling the training gap by creating customized training programs through their Professional Development Institute.
Be Our Guest
orton offers the best of Midwestern charm and hospitality. We’re eager to welcome all visitors and newcomers as you become part of our community.
Lodging and Accommodations If your travels bring you to Morton, you’ll have no problem finding the perfect place to stay. Most of our hotels, motels and inns are conveniently located in the I-74/Morton Avenue area, providing easy access to area businesses and attractions. Facilities offer everything from whirlpools and restaurants to in-room amenities such as movies and video games. A trendy new restaurant, Paddy O’Flaherty’s Irish Pub & Eatery, opened recently at the Best Western Ashland House. If the fitness buff in you wants to keep in shape on the road, you’ll have no problem finding a swimming pool or fitness room. If your stay is going to be lengthy or if you just like the convenience of meals and refreshments in your room, there are plenty of rooms/suites equipped with refrigerators and microwaves. There’s no need to lose touch while you’re staying here. Amenities at Morton’s lodging facilities include free local phone calls,
high-speed Internet access and complimentary newspapers. For business meetings and social gatherings, many of the local hotels have conference rooms on site. These days, more and more people are traveling with their pets. If you’re on your way to Morton and have decided to bring your pet along, check with the area hotels for pet-friendly accommodations. For visitors looking to stay closer to nature, campgrounds are an ideal choice. You can enjoy the scenic beauty of area lakes in rental cabins or bring the comforts of home with you in your RV. If you want to have the best view of the stars, there are plenty of tent sites as well. Hotels/Motels The following are members of the Morton Chamber of Commerce:
Dining Regardless of your personal tastes, you can satisfy your palate at one of Morton’s restaurants. The area offers everything from fine dining to fast food. There are many popular chain restaurants that are great for casual dining for the entire family. We also have locally owned establishments that offer all types of menus to residents who have patronized them for years. Whether you want to enjoy a cappuccino after an afternoon of shopping or treat yourself to a hearty meal after a long day at work, there are unlimited ways to enjoy the many good dining options here. Currently, there are more than 40 restaurants open for business in Morton.
Name......................................... Phone B est Western Ashland House............. 309-263-5116 Comfort Inn.................309-266-8888 D ays Inn of Morton.................309-266-9933 Quality Inn............. 309-266-8310 Travelodge............ 309-266-1600 25
Restaurants/Coffee Shops Morton Chamber of Commerce members are bold.
& "TIMBOE 4U t .PSUPO *-
Come in and try our Snack Lineup! Apple Dippers Fruit and Walnut Salad Grilled Chicken Wrap Crispy Chicken Wrap
26 Morton Chamber of Commerce
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Name......................................... Phone A&W...........................309-266-5834 Arby’s...........................309-284-0064 B asta’s Italian Kitchen Brass Bull..........309-266-7727 The Brick Oven................309-263-6836 Burger King......................309-266-8300 China Dragon..............309-266-1768 Cracker Barrel.............309-263-2130 Culver’s of Morton.......309-263-5210 Dairy Queen................309-263-7033 Eli’s..............................309-263-0507 Domino’s..........................309-266-7777 Firehouse Saloon..............309-263-2466 Garner’s Pizza & Wings...309-263-4141 George’s Steak & Fries.....309-266-6266 Jimmy John’s................309-291-0000 Judy’s...............................309-263-2303 Kentucky Fried Chicken..309-266-9755 L a Fiesta Mexican Restaurant..309-263-7403 L a Gondola Spaghetti House.............309-263-7716 Lin’s Buffet.......................309-263-4747 Main Street Deli..........309-266-1169 McDonald’s..................309-263-2402 Monical’s Pizza............309-284-0709 M orton Family Restaurant....309-263-4155 Mullen’s Irish Pub............309-263-2997 Mustard Seed...................309-263-1046 Office Tap........................309-263-0737 Old Smokey’s BBQ......309-263-2509 Paddy O’Flaherty’s......309-266-6919 Pegasus Pizza...................309-263-7700 Sidewell’s. ........................309-266-5591 Pizza Hut.........................309-263-2600 Pizza Ranch.................309-263-1200 Quizno’s...........................309-266-1112 Ruby Tuesday..............309-263-4477 Schooner’s....................309-263-9969 Steak n Shake..............309-263-4210 Subway............................309-263-8200 Susie’s Hot Dogs...............309-263-1047 S weet Treats & Coffee Too......................309-266-9066 Taco Bell..........................309-263-7252
Community Values
Churches/Faith Organizations Religious tradition and values run deep in Morton and can be seen in the churches that are scattered across the community. The churches not only serve as centers for worship, but for religious education and cultural activities as well. The stabilizing influence of Morton’s faith community is found in its active citizens, who contribute to a quality of life far above national standards. You will sense this influence in all aspects of daily living — from the schools to the parks to local businesses. The values we aspire to are the largest single contributor to the safety and security enjoyed by our residents. In addition to ministry to their own congregations, the churches of Morton also
Area Congregations Advent Lutheran ELCA......309-266-5883 All Saints Episcopal............309-266-9894 Apostolic Christian............309-263-2883 Bethel Lutheran LCMS.......309-263-2417 Blessed Sacrament..............309-266-9721 B ridgeway Community Church.........309-346-3073 Church of Christ................309-263-7507 C hurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.........309-263-7622
contribute to the community in many ways. They provide children and youth ministries that welcome residents regardless of any church affiliation. And the youth programs often host “combined events” with several pastors and groups involved. Music programs play a vital role in Morton’s churches. From youth choirs to praise bands and orchestras, music is front and center in the tradition and worship expression of each congregation. Bonding the faith community is the Morton Ministerial Association. On the first Wednesday of the month, from September to May, the group invites a community leader or official to join them for lunch. The guest shares thoughts about his or her job and the group prays for any specific concerns the person
brings. Past leaders who have attended the luncheons include the mayor, the superintendent of schools, the chief of police and the Chamber of Commerce director. The Ministerial Association also sponsors the school Baccalaureate service, a popular event for graduates, with 80 percent voluntary attendance. Morton is also the home of the Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA). This group is dedicated to planting and strengthening churches in small-town America and Canada. They also help with restoration of closed churches and new church startups and host the annual Small-Town Pastor’s Conference in Morton. Regional RHMA conferences have recently been held in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Saskatchewan, Canada.
C ommunity United Church of Christ.............309-266-7263 Cornerstone Baptist...........309-266-5557 Cross Connections.............309-266-7174 CrossPoint..........................309-699-1104 D ays of Grace Fellowship.....309-263-7899 First Baptist........................309-266-9654 First Mennonite.................309-266-7591 First Presbyterian Church.....309-263-7672 Grace Church.....................309-266-9281 H arvest Bible Fellowship of Peoria........309-263-1300
Morton Assembly of God...309-263-0175 Eastside Bible Church........309-263-2057 M orton Christian Church............309-266-7410 M orton United Methodist............309-266-7174 New Castle Bible Church......309-447-6486 New Life Christian.............309-266-9050 Trinity Mennonite..............309-263-8808 Word of Faith.....................309-267-5942 27
Clubs & Organizations Morton’s clubs and organizations allow citizens to enjoy shared interests. Whether your interest is sports, art, politics, school activities, community service or just fun, Morton has a group waiting for you to join.
The Morton Rotary Club is one of many community-service organizations serving the Village.
28 Morton Chamber of Commerce
Community Groups A lpha Tau Chapter Alpha Delta Kappa.......... 309-266-9368 A merican Association of University Women...... 309-699-2830 A merican Legion (Post 318)........................ 309-266-6778 A merican Legion Auxiliary (Post 318)........................ 309-266-6778 B eta Sigma Phi International Xi Eta Chi... 309-266-7894 B lessed Sacrament School Parent’s Club........ 309-263-8442 C aterpillar Square Dance Club......... 309-266-9870 Christian Women’s Club.... 309-266-9780 F riday Fun Friends (We Care)............ 309-263-1015 Knights of Columbus......... 309-263-1211 M orton Athletic Booster Club................... 309-266-7128 Morton Art Guild............... 309-266-9683 Morton Band Parents......... 309-266-6828 Morton Blaze Soccer.......... 309-263-8210 M orton Community Chorus............................ 309-263-2399 M orton Community Women’s Club................. 309-263-8647 M orton Girls Softball Association......... 309-266-8487 Morton Jaycees................... 309-397-0562 Morton Kiwanis Club........ 309-266-8485 .......................................... 309-266-1047 Morton Lions Club............ 309-266-6126 Morton Masonic Lodge...... 309-266-6666 M orton Ministerial Association...................... 309-263-8808 Morton Optimists.............. 309-266-9224 Morton Rotary Club........... 309-266-5821 Morton Senior Citizens...... 309-263-7429 M orton Youth Baseball Association (Little League)................. 309-263-5293 M orton Youth Soccer Organization........ 309-263-5827 Morton Youth Wrestling.... 309-266-5769 M orton VFW (Post 5921)....309-266-5031 M orton VFW Auxiliary (Post 5921)..................... 309-263-2624 Potter Parent Power........... 309-387-6153 R HMA (Rural Home Missionary Association)... 309-263-2350 T azewell County Democrats........................ 309-266-6319 T azewell County Republicans...................... 309-347-4397 V illage Gardeners of Morton......................... 309-263-7136 We Care Inc....................... 309-263-1015 Whirl-a-Ways..................... 309-359-9082
Our Secret W
e invite you to explore Morton, Illinois, its thriving businesses, superb educational system, great shopping and entertainment. Consider how you, your business and your family could fit into our community. Entrepreneurs and businesses are welcomed, students of all ages discover learning opportunities each day, recreation enthusiasts will find multiple opportunities to
be active, and lovers of culture will find events and performances to appreciate and enjoy. Explore the area and uncover the secrets of our success. Why not become a part of our bright future? You too will discover why we believe that Morton is the best place in the world to live and work and raise the next generation.
Paddy O’Flaherty’s Irish Pub & Eatery Located in the Best Western Ashland House (309) 266-6919 29
Index of Advertisers
Please Support the Advertisers Who
Helped to Make This Publication Possible. Accountant David Mills, CPA, LLC — See ad page 30
103 N. Main Street Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-5700 fax (309) 291-0457
Serving individuals and small to medium businesses with a full range of services such as tax planning and preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services, QuickBooks training, and financial planning.
Adult Care/Senior Living Brandon Wood Retirement Center — See ad page 24
730 West Jefferson Street Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-7341 fax (309) 263-7831 kayestrauch@ www. “We’re Still the Affordable Retirement Community!” • Spacious Apartment Homes • Studio Apartments • One- and Two-Bedroom Apartments • Utilities and Housekeeping Furnished • 24-Hour Security • Home-Cooked Meals • Retire in Style and Enjoy!
Amusements/Recreation/ Entertainment Center Stage Academy of Dance — See ad page 9
117 West Jefferson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-1144 fax (309) 263-5859
Arts Pumpkin Glass Gallery & Studio — See ad page 2 316 South Main Street Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-7884
• Handmade glass beads • Silver jewelry • Fused pendants • Bead/jewelry-making supplies and classes
Benckendorf & Benckendorf — See ad page 24
Trophy Pro Shoppe
100 N. Main Morton, IL 61550 309-266-6121 309-266-8759 Fax
131 South Main Street Annex Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-2333 fax (309) 263-7298
101 N.E. Randolph Peoria, IL 61606 309-673-0797 309-673-8759 Fax
The Trophy Pro Shoppe has been satisfying the awards needs of Morton for over 20 years. Great service and excellent quality at competitive prices — that’s the Trophy Pro Shoppe.
• Complete Titlework and Real Estate Services • Wills & Trusts • Estates • Family Law • Divorce • Probate • Civil Trials & Appeals • Personal Injury
Construction/Contractors Aupperle Construction — See ad page 2
Thomas E. Davies, P. C. — See ad page 2
190 East Washington Street Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-7460 fax (309) 263-2223
Engaged in practice of law since 1975; representing the Village of Morton since 1977. Primary areas of law are real estate, wills & probate, business and elder law.
• Excavation • Site Preparation • Paving Work • Drainage Work • Trucking • Demolition • Concrete Pumping • Form Rental • Concrete • Foundations • Machine Bases • Flatwork • Restorations • Bomanite Concrete • Concrete Specialists • General Contracting
403 North Main Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-6211 fax (309) 266-6988
CORE Construction — See ad page 23
866 N. Main P.O. Box 160 Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-9768 fax (309) 266-6553 One of central Illinois’ largest general contracting firms providing design-build and construction management services for over 35 years. Our portfolio of completed projects covers a wide range of markets, including commercial, industrial, health care and institutional buildings and facilities.
Mathis-Kelley Construction Supply Co. — See ad page 24 1046 West Jefferson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-9733 fax (309) 263-0609
Construction Supplies and Materials for All Types of Contractors.
30 Morton Chamber of Commerce
Index of Advertisers Menold Construction and Restoration — See ad page 4 880 West Jefferson St. P.O. Box 958 Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-8728 fax (309) 263-2438
• Full-Service Remodeling • Kitchens • Baths • Room Additions • Commercial Renovations • Complete Fire, Water, Storm Damage Restoration • 24-Hour Service • Board-Ups • Water Extraction and Drying • Contents Pack-Out Cleaning • Storage
Cooking School & Bakery From the Field Cooking School — See ad page 18
2029 South Main St. Field Shopping Center Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-6020
From The Field Cooking School offers fun, relaxing, hands-on cooking classes, corporate team building and private group classes, and commercial kitchen rental. We also have a full-line bakery.
Counseling Agape Counseling — See ad page 24
75 East Queenwood Road Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-5565 fax (309) 263-9336
Day Care/Preschool/ Child Development/ School-Age Programs Pumpkin Place Child Care — See ad page 8
1820 South Main St. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-8222 fax (309) 263-8975
• Preschool for 3- & 4-Year-Olds • Child Care for Infants to 5-Year-Olds • Full-/Part-Time - “Drop-Ins” • School Age K–4th Grade • School Year & Summer Programs
Dentistry Dr. Erik C. Opperman — See ad page 18
219 North Main Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-5191
Conservative family dentistry in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Dental health comfortably restored and maintained in a patient, calm, and gentle manner. Cosmetic services available. New patients of all ages welcome.
Joseph C. Zimmerman III, D.D.S., Ltd. — See ad page 12 636 West Jefferson Street Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-8317
• General Dentistry for the Entire Family • Preventative Care • Teeth Whitening • Cosmetic Veneers
Distributors Pepsi Americas — See ad page 8
801 W. Brickwood St. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-2400 fax (309) 263-5603
Education Morton Community Unit School District 709 — See ad page 6 235 E. Jackson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-2581 fax (309) 266-6320
Morton Schools have 2,651 students and 370 employees. The district has four grade schools, one junior and one senior high school, all with the finest education programs in Central Illinois.
University of Illinois Extension Tazewell County 1505 Valle Vista Pekin, IL 61554 (309) 347-6614 fax (309) 347-5472
The U of I Extension Tazewell County provides education for: • 4-H Youth Development • Agriculture, Horticulture, and Natural Resources • Family Nutrition and Wellness • Community & Economic Development • Home & Community Education
Fencing Hohulin Bros. Fence Co. — See ad page 15 116 S. Harrison St. Goodfield, IL 61742 (800) 965-2857 fax (309) 965-2857
Surround yourself with the experience, superior craftsmanship and top-quality products you are looking for in a fencing system. Hohulin Fence specializes in commercial and residential fencing, plus distinctive additions.
Financial Institutions CEFCU — See ad page 1 5401 West Dirkson Parkway Peoria, IL 61656-1715 (309) 633-7000 (800) 633-7077 Full-service credit union.
Morton Community Bank — See ad page Inside Front Cover 721 West Jackson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-5337 fax (309) 266-8242
Serving our communities since 1961, Morton Community Bank is a locally owned and managed, independent, hometown, full-service bank … known for its local decisions, prompt loan service, community involvement and reinvestment.
Furniture Orndorff Furniture — See ad page 4
2125 South Main Street Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-8582 fax (309) 266-8584
Health care Apostolic Christian Restmor, Inc. — See ad page 18 1500 Parkside Ave. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-7141 Skilled nursing community with sheltered care, memory support unit, and skilled care enhanced by rehabilitation services, therapeutic recreation programming, and individualized, person-centered care.
Methodist at Morton — See ad page 20
1909 North Morton Ave. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-9124 For all your health care needs! MedPointe Walk-in Care for minor emergencies, open 7 days a week with extended hours. Also Family Practice and Pediatrics physicians for outstanding family medical care by appointment.
Midwest Hearing Center — See ad page 9 1600 South Fourth, Suite 120 Morton, IL 61550 (309) 284-0164
OSF Saint Francis Morton Health Center — See ad page 16 435 Maxine Drive Morton, IL 61550
• PromptCare – 309-655-2431 • Outpatient testing – 309-683-4939 • OSF Medical Group Internal medicine – 309-263-2424 Pediatrics – 309-263-8173 • Home Medical Equipment – 800-673-5288 • INI Sleep Center – 309-624-9960
Proctor First Care — See ad page 7
621 W. Jackson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-4343 A special touch for minor emergencies and routine medical care. Primary care, episodic care, urgent care and occupational health care. New patients are always welcome. Appointments accepted but not necessary.
Heating & Cooling Garber Heating & Air Conditioning — See ad page 23 310 Detroit Ave. P.O. Box 502 Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-9372 fax (309) 266-0742
Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer since 1972 known for service excellence and high quality standards in commercial and residential markets. Services include geothermal, hybrid heat, hi-efficiency furnaces, and customized metal fabrications.
Hotels/Motels/ Bed & Breakfasts Best Western Ashland House — See ad page 29
201 East Ashland Street Morton , IL 61550 (309) 263-5116
The Best Western Ashland House features high-speed Internet, meeting rooms for 5 to 500, a free hot breakfast buffet, an indoor pool, a restaurant, a lounge, and was awarded the directors award for cleanliness.
Comfort Inn - Morton — See ad page 21
210 East Ashland Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-8888 fax (309) 266-8989 • Free wireless high-speed Internet access in all rooms • Free deluxe continental breakfast • Free local calls • Indoor heated pool 31
Index of Advertisers Days Inn - Morton — See ad page 7 150 Ashland St. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-9933 fax (309) 266-9483
• Area’s Best Lodging Value • Fantasy Suite • Free High-Speed Wireless Internet • Deluxe Continental Breakfast • In-Room Microwave / Refrigerator • Indoor Pool • Exercise Room • Laundry Facility • Group and Corporate Rates Available
Insurance State Farm Insurance Jay Fox — See ad page 4 1058 West Jefferson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-7661 fax (309) 266-8024
Jay Fox State Farm Insurance is a multiple-line insurance agency that provides friendly and efficient service for all of your insurance needs. We can insure your life and just about everything in it!
Manufacturing Iron-A-Way, Inc. — See ad page 4 220 West Jackson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-7232 fax (309) 266-5088
With over 50 years in the industry, IRONA-WAY continues as an industry leader in the manufacturing of quality customized built-in ironing centers for residential, commercial and governmental use.
Morton Metalcraft Co. — See ad page 21 1021 West Birchwood Street Morton, IL 61550-9617 (309) 266-7176 fax (309) 263-1866
A contract manufacturing company specializing in highly engineered sheet metal components and subassemblies for industrial original equipment manufacturers.
Manufacturing Logistics Caterpillar Logistics Services, Inc. — See ad page 21 500 North Morton Avenue Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-4602 fax (309) 266-4611
Caterpillar Logistics Services, Inc. provides world-class supply chain solutions and services to its parent company, Caterpillar Inc., and to more than 65 leading corporations throughout the world. More information is available at
Pharmacy Hometown Pharmacy — See ad page 12
201 South Main St. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-5315 fax (309) 266-8907
Real Estate RE/MAX Unlimited — See ad page 21
618 West Jackson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-1400 fax (309) 263-2242 One-stop shopping!! We sell more real estate, residential or commercial. Our company is full-service and prides itself on the quality of our agents and our services.
RE/MAX Unlimited Sally Renken 618 West Jackson Morton, IL 61550 (309) 303-4449 fax (309) 263-2242
From Cottages To Castles … As Far As The East Is From The West … The North Is From The South … Whether Buying Or Selling, I Can Handle It All - Just Give Me A Call!
Restaurants Cracker Barrel Old Country Store - Morton — See ad page 26
150 East Ashland St. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-2103 fax (309) 263-0668
“Welcome Home” • Home-Cooked Meals • Great Gift Shop Featuring Unique & Nostalgic Gifts • Open Holidays • Busses Always Welcome
32 Morton Chamber of Commerce
McDonald’s of Morton — See ad page 26 321 North Morton Ave. Morton, IL 61550 (309) 263-2402
Morton McDonald’s is located on Route 74 East Exit 102. Everyday great values you know and love. Large indoor playland perfect to let the kids play in any weather.
Retail The Avenue Kitchens and Interiors — See ad page 15
100 Detroit Avenue Suite D Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-8126 fax (309) 266-8127 Kitchen and bath design, fine cabinetry, countertops, flooring, appliances, plumbing, and everything needed for a successful new home or remodeling project.
Specialty Meats – Retail, Mail-Order & Commercial Rocke’s Meating Haus — See ad page 26
226 West Adams Street P.O. Box 358 Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-7124 fax (309) 263-0299
Rocke’s meats and specialty foods meet the highest quality standards. Stop in our retail store, located just off Main Street in Downtown Morton, or visit us on the Web at
Theater Reynolds Theaters Entertainment — See ad page 23 Field Shopping Center Morton, IL (309) 263-7909 Showtimes: (309) 263-7909
Matinee Prices: Adult – $5.00 Children – $4.50 Seniors – $ 4.50 Add popcorn & soda for just $1.50 more
Transportation G&D Integrated — See ad page 26
50 Commerce Drive Morton, IL 61550 (309) 266-1177 fax (309) 266-1451
Serving the Midwestern, Eastern, and Southeastern United States. Serving all Midwest Intermodal Rail Facilities. • U.S. Customs Bonded Carrier • Canadian Authority • Complete Chasis Inventory • Dry Van & Flatbed Service • Storage Containers
Utilities Tri-County Water Treatment — See ad page 4 3111 North Prospect Road (309) 688-1300 (Peoria Customers) (309) 353-1300 (Pekin Customers)
• No Chemical Systems • Removes; Iron, Sulfur, Methane Gas, Other Water Problems • Lease or Rent With Purchase Option (Free Estimates) • Pure Drinking Water System • Service on Most Makes
Veterinarian Morton Animal Hospital — See ad page 12
657 West David St. Morton, IL 61550-1529 (309) 266-5378 fax (309) 263-5074 Veterinary medical services for “all creatures great and small” because “the Lord God made them all.”
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Morton Chamber of Commerce 415 West Jefferson Street Morton, Illinois 61550
(309) 263-2491 • Fax (309) 263-2401