Community Living Cambridge Newsletter Spring 2019 Edition

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AGENCY NEWS SPRING 2019 EDITION Vo l u n t e e r S p o t l i g h t : Heather Schmitz Heather is one of our volun­ teer board members. She joined our board of directors in 2015. She currently sits as our Vice President on the Board and is a very ac ve OLG E-Bingo vol­ unteer. She helps out with the Santa Claus Parade floats and at our annual Fashion Show fundraiser. Heather is an incredible asset to our agency. Please join me in thanking her for her hard work and dedica­ on to Community Living Cambridge. Our sincerest thanks to Heather and all our Volun­ teers! Volunteer Apprecia on week is April 7-13, 2019. We appreciate all you do! By Sandy Caple, Volunteer Coordinator

this issue Volunteer Spotlight P.01 Re rement News P.02 Volunteers Apprecia on Week P.03 A bowler’s journey P.04 Ac vi es Guide & AGM P.05 Community Connec on P.06 Community Connec on P.07 Honoring our Mothers & Father P.08 S.T.E.P.S. (Passport) P.09 About the Newsle er P.10

Sending a hear elt

of CLC You all make a Community Living Cambridge is closed on Good Friday, Apr. 19, 2019 and

Happy Easter ! 160 Hespeler Rd. Cambridge, ON

R e t i re m e n t N e w s “At the end of May I will be retiring from my position of Executive Director after 34.5 years of working with this agency and I am experi­ encing this as a bittersweet decision.” Here I sit in my office on April 1st, and I know it is not a joke that the ground is covered by snow! Welcome to spring 2019. But what I also know is that in two days the temperature will rise sufficiently to melt away this last reminder of winter and begin our journey to warmer days that will beckon us to our gardens. Spring me does bring change, and for me this year especially heralds a big shi in my life. At the end of May I will be re ring from my posi on of Execu ve Director a er 34.5 years of working with this agency and I am experiencing this as a bi ersweet decision. I am excited for the opportuni es that re rement offers (more me with my husband of 43 years and me with my ten grandchildren). I have been incredibly blessed in my life’s work yet feel quite sad to be saying goodbye. I started in the field of Developmental Services as a young new graduate full of enthusiasm, vision and lo y expecta ons of making the world a be er place for people iden fied as vulnerable. From custodial care and ins tu onal life styles forced upon people, to community based living and supports, with op ons to choose individualized and independent life paths and inclusion as the norm, I have been richly rewarded in a fulfilled career. Having worked in the field of developmental services for 44 years, I have seen incredible change, growth and challenges in the field. However, the work is not yet done! I believe that it is cri cal to con nue to advocate and push for ongoing development, crea ve responses and stabilized resources to ensure that supports and services remain in place and accessible. With current eco­ nomic pressures, I believe the tendency is to see resources pulled back, reconfigured in the name of efficien­

confident that the agency will con nue to grow and prosper.

and amazing people I’ everything! It has been and awesome journey!

Executive Director 02

Vo l u n t e e r N e w s Volunteers are precious gifts, that make the world a better place! Thank You! In February we welcomed a co-op student from Jacob Hespeler High School and a placement student from Wilfred Laurier University. We con nue to host placement students from McMaster University, Sheridan, Conestoga and Mohawk Colleges. These students are a great asset to our Franklin Centre day program line up. They are having fun helping in a variety of programs as well as learning a whole lot about our services and themselves. The col­ lege/university students will end their placements in mid-April while our Jacob Hespeler student finishes up in

“A Night at the movies”. If you were an ac ve volunteer

low us to ensure no volunteer is missed when we send out our invites for volunteer apprecia on week in April.

Volunteer Opportuni es Franklin Centre Day Program - Volunteers are needed to help out in any of our day me recrea on programs that run for 15 weeks at a me, seasonally. This is a great way share your skills, have fun, and learn about our de­ mographic in a structured environment with staff support. Enquire about becoming a Franklin Centre Volunteer to­ day!

OLG E-Bingo Fundraising Volunteers - This is an important volunteer placement that requires you to share your knowledge of Community Living Cambridge and have an interest in earning revenue for our agency at the Cambridge Bingo Centre. We need 4-6 volunteers over 18 years of age to a end 4 bingo fundraising events in each 6 month rota on. Each Bingo volunteer will be invited to a end a short 1.5 hr training session. If you like to chat with community member and enjoy the excitement of winning then this is the volunteer placement for you! Come join us! To enquire about becoming one of our fantas c volunteers, contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Sandy Caple at or 519-621-0680 ext-1202. Don’t delay, call today!

we wish. Upcoming Bingo Charity Dates: x x

Wed May 29, 2019 – 7:00 pm Wed Jun. 26, 2019 – 7:00 pm 03

On March 16, Barry competed in Team event and won 2nd place, way to go!

On March 17, Barry compet­ ed in Singles event and placed 6th.

event on Mar 19 and won gold with team mate Linda!

A big send off celebra on was held at 162 Hespeler Rd. on Feb. 27, 2019 for Barry, and many well wishers a ended!

A keep­ sake

Amongst the supporters that a ended, photos on the right, were; (from le to right) Execu ve Director Denise Gruber, Cambridge Mayor Kathryn McGarry, Barry Ames and Chief Bryan Larkin of Waterloo.

Special Olympics Ontario, 10 pin Bowlers brought home 8 medals



ACTIVITY GUIDE COMMUNITY LIVING CAMBRIDGE 65th Annual General Mee ng Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Harlem Globetro ers

Sunbridge Hotel and Conference Centre Cambridge 200 Holiday Inn Dr Cambridge, Ontario N3C 1Z4

Wed., Apr,. 10, 2019 Kitchener Auditorium A star-studded roster will have fans on the edge of their seats to witness the ball han­ dling wizardry, basketball ar stry and oneof-a-kind entertainment that thrills fans of all ages.

We request the a endance of the membership to conduct business. Doors open at 5:30pm. Mee ng commences at 7:15 p.m. 519-623-7490

Cost is $ 40.00 Per Person (Bus departs at Opera ons Centre - 160 Hespeler Rd at 6:00 pm and returns at ap­ proximately 10:00 pm)

The Neil Diamond Story Wed., Jun. 19, 2019 at Bingemans A cap ca ng tribute to one of the great singer/songwriters of all me… featuring Will Chalmers. Buffet Lunch. Cost is $ 60.00 Per Person (Bus departs at Opera ons Centre—160 Hespeler Rd at 11:30 am and returns at approximately 4:30 pm)

Community Living Cambridge Call for Nomina ons for 2019-2020 Board of Directors CLC is looking for two individuals to serve on our Board of Directors. Successful applicants will support our mission and ideally will have background experience in Human Resources, Marke ng and Fundrais­ ing. Board members are elected to a two-year term.

Spring Fling Dance Monday May 06TH, 2019 at the Cambridge Newfoundland Club 1500 Dunbar Rd. Cambridge 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. COST: $6.00/Person Pay at the door. Support free.

For more informa on about these DAY­ TRIPS & the guide please call Recep on at 519 623-7490 or go to our website h ps:// events/

Nomina ons for Elec on to the Board of Directors must be received by April 20, 2019. or more info please contact Denise Gruber, Execu­ ve Director at 519-623-7490 ext. 2226 or by email at This is an opportunity to join a growing agency that supports 500 indi­ viduals, employs 350 staff and has a 65 year history of quality services and involvement in the city of Cambridge.


Community Connection’

“I passed” at the Service Ontario! I had quite the audience there.”

I started off reading the G1 handbook and doing online quizzes by myself. I did not realize I was struggling with all the informa on I was learning so I went to my Youth Navigator to see if we can set up some group study sessions to help me retain the informa on. At first it was hard to commit to the study groups because I kept doub ng myself and that I was not going to be successful. A few sessions in I real­ ized studying in a group was helpful. I did a combina on of group study sessions and 1:1 tutoring. The 1:1 tutoring was a lot more helpful because we took the me to go through all the study notes from the group sessions. I was doing really good

The day I wrote my test I stayed up all night studying doing online quizzes so I would not forget the informa on I already learned. My Youth Navigator called me the morning I was going to write the test to ask if I wanted to study before. We studied at Tim Horton’s for an hour. I was really, really nervous to do it because I kept thinking I was going to fail. The first me I wrote the test I failed so I had to keep studying. My Youth Navigator said I would pass this me so I decided to write the test. My Counselor told me that I was doing amazing and I would pass too. She said if I did fail NOT TO GIVE UP! A er I wrote the test I was completely shocked I passed. I got so excited I yelled out “I passed” at the Service On­ tario! I had quite the audience there. Then I had to complete some paperwork. My next step is to enroll in a G1 driver’s educa on program which I plan to do soon. When I got my license in the mail I got really excited to get my new card. I am so happy I took the me to study because I feel so proud of myself.

We l c o m e B a c k ! ’t very happy being a re ree

- me. -workers and the extra

– Supported Employment Services

Community Connection’

-Help Foodbank.

- me for JAND. s responsibili es are to dis­

Mother’s Day is on Sunday May 12, 2019

Father’s Day is on Sunday June 16, 2019

Nobody Knows But Mother Poet: Unknown

A Dad is a Person Poet: Unknown

Nobody knows of the work it makes To keep the home together, Nobody knows of the steps it takes, Nobody knows - but mother.

A Dad is a person who is loving and kind, And o en he knows what you have on your mind.

Nobody listens to childish woes, Which kisses only smother; Nobody's pained by naughty blows, Nobody - only mother.

He’s someone who listens, suggests, and defends. A dad can be one of your very best friends!

Nobody knows of the sleepless care Bestowed on baby brother; Nobody knows of the tender prayer, Nobody - only mother.

He’s proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong, A dad can be pa ent and helpful and strong

Nobody knows of the lessons taught Of loving one another; Nobody knows of the pa ence sought, Nobody - only mother.

In all that you do, a dad’s love plays a part. There’s always a place for him deep in your heart.

Nobody knows of the anxious fears, Lest darlings may not weather The storm of life in a er years, Nobody knows - but mother.

And each year that passes, you’re even more glad, More grateful and proud just to call him your dad!

Nobody kneels at the throne above To thank the Heavenly Father For that sweetest gi - a mother's love; Nobody can - but mother.

Thank you, Dad… for listening and caring, for giving and sharing, but, especially, for just being you!

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Father’s Day

—Community Living Cambridge Use gi cards to make everyday purchases which generates fundraising dollars for the organiza on. Help us raise funds and put your regular household shopping dollars to work without spending anything addi onal. Just spend what your family would typically use at the stores that par cipate in the program. A list of major Retailer’s Gi Cards and order form are available at Recep­ on just call 519 623-7490 and inquire when the next order will be placed. 08


Ways to give and make a difference today! With your help, we will create opportu­ nities to support people with develop­ mental disabilities to realize their citi­ zenship and aspirations! 1. A donation by mail, or in person, or over the phone. Our reception staff is available at 519-623-7490 to process your donation over the phone.

Connect with us!

2. A donation online via

at Sunbridge Hotel & Conference Centre Camb. 200 Holiday Inn Dr, Cambridge, ON N3C 1Z4

3. Enroll in our monthly giving program 4. Give a lasting gift by way of a Planned giving or Endowment

About our Newsletter:

We request the a endance of the membership to conduct business. Doors open at 5:30pm. Dinner at 6:00pm Mee ng commences at 7:15 p.m.

Published in Issuu Digital Publishing Platform Editor in Chief: Denise Gruber Editor, Layout & Design: Grace Santos Gould Proof: Barb Chapman NEWS ARTICLES ARE PRECIOUS: The next edition will be our Summer edition which will be released in June 2019. Please send your articles in as soon as you have them ready. We are always looking for content related to: x Events x Fundraising x Program offerings x Milestone Birthdays and Candid photos x In Memoriam x Advertise with us - ask for rates x Feedback Any content that Inspire Possibilities are greatly appreciated! Send your articles to Thank you! Subscribe to our Newsletter to keep you current!

h ps://twi clcambridgeON h ps:// Community Living Cambridge 160 Hespeler Rd. Cambridge, ON N1R 6V7 Phone: 519 623-7490 Fax: 519 740-8073 E-mail:

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