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A Local Company Donates Books to

Lore School

The employees of Church & Dwight Company, Inc., located on Charles Ewing Boulevard in Ewing, spent the month of April promoting a book drive for the students of Lore Elementary School. Through their book drive and thanks to the generosity of Church & Dwight employees, 46 new books were donated to Lore School, which will be added to the school's Birthday Gift Bookshelf. Many books from the Dog Man series were donated, as Lore School can't keep those books on the shelves! There was a copy of the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick donated, which included a note from its donor in the front cover. The donator shared, "When my son was in fourth grade he was slightly behind and hesitant to read... His teacher introduced him to this book...He was electrified and loved the book and was proud of his accomplishment [when he read such a long book]. She helped him break down a wall of reading." Thank you to Church & Dwight for helping us get the right book into each student's hands because that makes such a difference.

Senior Spotlight: Meet Elizabeth Stoner

Attending University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What do you want people to know about Ewing High School that they might not know? I wish that people wouldn’t underestimate Ewing students. I want incoming freshmen and current students to know that they have to believe in themselves even if no one else does, because I have met some incredibly kind and intelligent people that just don’t receive the support or resources that they need to succeed. Whoever you are, there is someone that believes in you and sees your potential. I also wish that other schools would recognize how amazing our student body is. Our school is home to wonderful diversity, great minds, kind hearts, talented athletes, and so much spirit.

Who is your favorite teacher and why? My favorite teacher was my AP Literature teacher Ms. Ginsburg. She is tough on all of her students, but it is only because she wants us to succeed. She treats us like real people, is hilarious, and understands the stress of students, but she also doesn’t let you leave her classroom without learning something.

What a college course did you take this semester? This year I took both American Sign Language 101 and 102 at Mercer County Community College. The professor made every class fun and had a clear passion for not only the language, but teaching.

What activities do you participate in school? In school I am a part of the girl’s tennis team, Student

Parkway and FMS ESL Students Learn the Importance is in the DETAILS!

Council, Drama Club, International Thespian Society, Mastersingers, and National Honor Society. What awards or acknowledgements have you received in school or outside of school? This year I received the MVP award for girl’s tennis.

Who or what has impacted your life in a positive way? My tennis team and coach, Mrs. Mosty, were without a doubt the most positive influences on my high school experience. I began as a naive freshman looking for something fun to do and by senior year I was recruiting girls like it was my job. The team has allowed me to meet so many different people over the last four years and we’ve all become one big tennis family. Mrs. Mosty is no doubt my biggest inspiration and the source of love that holds our team together. What are your plans after you graduate from Ewing High School? After I graduate, I plan to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to pursue an education in environmental studies. What is your favorite quote or book? "In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders." -Sheryl Sandberg

What do you want people to remember about you after you graduate from high school? I hope that people remember me as someone who made them feel comfortable and welcomed throughout the school. I try my best to bring joy and laughter to any space I enter, so I wish that people would remember me as someone who brightened their day and made them feel safe in a classroom, sports team, or club environment.

Parkway ESL students in 4th and 5th grades learned the importance of including details in their writing. They wrote step-by-step directions on how to make a sandwich with provided ingredients. As you can see in the picture, if they forgot the details

(such as open the mayo bottle, squeeze mayo out, take out two pieces of bread, etc.), their sandwiches were less than appetizing. “No worries, students were able to correct their mistakes using oral directions!” laughed Parkway ELS teacher Mrs. Baitzel. Across the town at Fisher Middle School, students in Dr. Johnson's 6th and 7th grade ESL class learned how to write a "How-to" card. Students were given the task of creating a presentation that explained how to make a food item from their culture. Students created a Google Slide show and answered questions at the end. Congratulations on a job well done!

Mrs. Christine Monaco-Caldwell was excited to announce that the Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Awards results came out recently for AIDA. All of the leads and supporting leads, as well as the production team scored high enough to be recommended for an award in specific categories.

Here are the nomination announcements for EHS:

• OUTSTANDING LEADING PERFORMER IN A MALE-IDENTIFIED ROLE: Honorable Mention - Jayden White for Radames in Aida

• OUTSTANDING EDUCATOR AWARD: Christina Monaco Caldwell

Jayden and Mrs. Monaco-Caldwell will attend the award ceremony this month.

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