2 minute read

Policing in America is not getting any easier


On July 12, I signed Executive Order 2023-43 declaring July 30 to August 5, 2023 “Police Appreciation Week” in Robbinsville Township.

I did this for the eighth consecutive year to support our law enforcement community, both here and across the nation, in the face of enormous challenges.

I invite the Robbinsville community to tie blue ribbons around their mailboxes and swap out their white porch lights for blue through Saturday, Aug. 5. Local businesses (and residents) can prominently display “We Support Law Enforcement” (a limited supply courtesy of Triangle Copy will be available at the Township Municipal Building and Police Headquarters), while all Township buildings will be adorned in blue.

We choose this week to honor law enforcement because it corresponds with “National Night Out,” which will be held on Tuesday, August 1 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the RTPD Complex (1117 Route 130 N). Celebrating its 40th anniversary, “National Night Out” is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. NNO provides a wonderful opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

Robbinsville continues to invest in the only facility in New Jersey teaching shoot/ don’t shoot de-escalation techniques because we want the best-trained officers in order to avoid worstcase outcomes.

Our community policing efforts, which include “Coffee with a Cop” and “Cone with a Cop” sessions, the C.A.R.E. program, Ice Cream Reward Program, the very successful Summer Youth Academy and the S.A.F.E. (Secure Awareness for First Encounters) registry to help officers interact with members of the community who have autism or other communication disabilities, are a model any law enforcement department would be proud to emulate.

For more information on our NNO event, or to reserve a table, contact Sgt. Tom Egan at thomase@robbinsville.net. We hope to see you there!

Congratulations to Officer Shawn Emmons, who retired from the RTPD force on June 30. Shawn will always be known as a “Cop’s Cop” and was a vital public servant for more than 26 years. Thank you for your service, Shawn, and enjoy retirement!

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Early congratulations to Captains Simon Hernandez and Manny Iglesias, who are preparing for their respective “end of shift” and well-earned retirements come Sept. 1.

Both Simon and Manny have been consummate leaders and have passed their vast knowledge onto new recruits, giving them the wisdom needed to both perform their duties and keep themselves and their RTFD brethren safe. Thank you from Administration, Council, staff, and a grateful Robbinsville community.

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Robbinsville recently welcomed his High Holiness, Mahant Swami Maharaj, to Robbinsville. He will continue to greet visitors from throughout the world to the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, located at 112 North Main Street, through October.

Welcome, Mahant Swami, and all of our out-of-town guests! * * *

If you have not yet had a chance, do yourself a favor and check out our Farmers’ Market, located at the Miry Run Recreation Area (66 Sharon Road), each Tuesday from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. through August 29. Our Recreation Division has done a fantastic job turning our market into a weekly destination event!

Dave Fried is the Mayor and Director of Public Safety for Robbinsville Township

3pm Thurs - Fri Saturday by appointment. Please call to schedule.

Liz’s Hours 9am to 3pm Tuesday-Friday

Saturday by appointment. Please call to schedule.

Vacation August 5th thru 14th

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