2 minute read
Written by Craig Oldfield, founder of Ridin’ Alberta.
I don’t always ride my motorcycle solo but honestly, I prefer it when I’m exploring new places. Riding solo gives me more control over my day. I don’t have to ask if anyone else is hungry, thirsty or tired. I make each decision based on my own pursuit of adventure and enjoyment. And solo is how I would be riding from High Level to explore Fort Vermillion and La Crete, both places I had never been and honestly knew very little about. After getting a late start I was astride my trusty Kawasaki Versys 650 trying not to speed as I headed east along the dead straight Highway 58.

I didn't get a lot of information about the route. It seemed pretty straight forward. All the roads I would be travelling would be paved and sticking to these main thoroughfares would be easy. The one piece of valuable intel I did get from the local High-Level riders I had met a couple days earlier was that I needed to beware of the tar snakes and long parallel cracks on this section of highway. I presume that are caused by frost and the heavy loads this road sees. About halfway to Fort Vermillion the lack of curves a smooth purr of the engine had almost lulled me to sleep. I was instantly brought back to reality as the rear of the bike slipped sideways a good 10 inches into one of these deep cracks. It sure woke me up and reminded me that I was on an unknown road and needed to pay more attention, especially of any advice I was given to keep me on the safe side. After that I focused more on these cracks and didn’t have any other mishaps. I was now getting close to the turn for Fort Vermillion and happy for the chance to get off the bike and stretch a bit.
As I saw the beautiful town sign for Fort Vermillion I couldn’t help but pull my bike alongside it for a quick photo. This was when I learned that Fort V. was established in 1788 and is Alberta’s oldest community. I then rode into town and was welcomed by the sight of some old frontier buildings. Interested in learning more about this place I seeked out the local museum but unfortunately it was closed that day. I took a few more pictures and decided to make a pit stop at Lime Blu, a local café I was told about. And after a water and a delicious ice cream cone I was soon back on my bike and heading south-west toward La Crete