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The New Normal

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The New The New Normal for Normal for Medical Office Medical Office



Cindi Green, RN Director of Community Outreach Florida Eye Institute

Constant news surrounding the coronavirus pan-

demic have people wondering – “Is it safe to go to

the eye doctor?”

It’s comforting to know that even in today’s un-

certain conditions, eye care and cataract surgery are considered extremely safe.

According to the American Academy of Ophthal-

mology, cataract surgery remains the safest and most

frequently performed procedure in the United States. A recent study of 200,000 Medicare beneficiaries temperature checks for patients and staff

confirmed that 99.5 percent of cataract patients expe-

rienced no severe postoperative complications after reduced waiting room capacity for social


But you may wonder how the current COVID real- enhanced cleaning procedures

ity has changed in-person medical appointments, masks for employees in patient care areas

especially as restrictions on out-patient surgery has patients required to wear personal facial cov-

been lifted throughout the state. Eye care centers are

actively implementing current recommendations from only patients allowed to enter the facility

the CDC and the Florida Department of Health as

New scheduling options are now available to maintain optimal safety, including telehealth and facetime visits. Be sure to contact your doctor for solutions that best meet your needs. When you do venture out for an in-person office visit, you will notice several new procedures have been implemented to ensure your safety and wellbeing.: entering the facility distancing ering while inside the facility

telehealth appointments for many conditions they resume full services. and emergencies The New Normal for Medical Office Visits.IS IT SAFE TO GO “We immediately implemented enhanced safety protocols at our facility. We’ve found that patients really appreciate the extra safety measures and are happy to be back!” confirms Victor Basile, AdministraLooking for a good eye doctor? Florida Eye Institute is your expert eye care partner before, during, and after the current outbreak of COVID-19. Specialtor at Florida Eye Institute. “We require temperature izing in the advanced treatment of retina, cataract, TO THE EYE DR.? checks and facial coverings for all patients and staff, and we’ve staggered appointment times to reduce the number of people in the facility at any one time.” It’s important to remember that regular eye checkglaucoma, and corneal disease, you’ll find complete eye care from an experienced team. QUESTIONS? Call (772) 500-2020 or visit www.fleye. ups are vital to maintain healthy vision. Eye disease com for more information. Locations in Vero Beach often begins without warning and can lead to serious and Sebastian. Medicare and most vision loss if not treated early. insurance accepted.

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