Tips for purchasing the Right SSL Certificate for Website Security Technology is a growing trend and there are plenty of things a businesses can do to continue high growth levels. In the world of technology, a web presence for any established business is imperative, whether it’s a small business or a global enterprise. Most business owners prefer to increase awareness, sell and distribute their products and services online through ecommerce on their website. Having a secure site that creates trust with a high conversion rate is imperative. Trust is essential when selling products and services online and this can easily be achieved and a business can profit as the trend of online shopping continues to grow day by day. Users constantly engage and interact with technology in many ways every day online and as a result they are consistently searching and browsing the web. In the growing world of online shopping, finding products on the web and buying them is a quick and easy process, however before clicking the buy button frequently users question whether or not their information is secure. When it comes to online security, the most popular and rapidly increasing solution for websites owners and operators is the installation of an SSL certificate. An SSL security certificate is essential to creating trust and boosting confidence which both contribute to the success of an online business. This includes the protection of a website by deploying the technology of SSL encryption to secure transactions between web browsers and servers. SSL encryption technology is especially designed, developed and implemented to protect user’s sensitive information from professional hackers, while it is exchanged on the web. An SSL certificate is specifically valuable in terms of website security; however, it also helps to win the trust of user’s and boosts their confidence which increases the return on investment (ROI) for business owners. The online brand reputation is important to consider because SSL is such a key factor in creating a positive web presence that is secure for users. Now, when it comes to buying an SSL certificate there are plenty of questions for web site owners or operators to consider before choosing the right SSL certificate security solution for their website. It is recommended that a first time SSL buyer contact an SSL provider to explore the various solutions and to understand the details to choose the most trusted SSL brand and solution for their website. The SSL Security industry has may options to choose from. The two most popular are Domain Validation SSL and Organization Validated SSL, which are both highly recommended by SSL experts. Domain Validated SSL refers to domain level security, since the validation process is automated. Domain validated (DV) certificates are available within a few minutes and at a low price point in the SSL market. In contrast, Organization validated SSL includes the authentication of the entire business from a third party Certificate Authority (CA) before it is issued to any business. Organization validated SSL certificates
are more expensive than Domain Validation SSL. An Organization business Validated Certificate enhances and builds customer trust easily, which increases conversions and profit for site owners. Extended Validation SSL is increasing in popularity and ROI. EV (Extended Validation) SSL turns the web address bar green when a visitor lands on an EV SSL authenticated website in any web browser. An EV certificate ensures the business identity to visitors and is indicated with the green browser bar and signifies trust of an EV authenticated web site. It relaxes visitors or customers, creates trust and increases conversions on an EV SSL secured website without any hassle. SSL certificates are available from the Certificate Authorities, SSL resellers, and Hosting providers. Before choosing an SSL security solution, be sure to compare prices, features, advantages, web browser compatibility, OS compatibility, mobile device compatibility, and support options from the SSL certificate provider. About the Author: Kevin Johnson works with the company, is a largest global Comodo SSL Certificate provider. As a global leader and Platinum Partner for Comodo and offers a full range of SSL certificates like Standard SSL Certificates, EV SSL Certificates, High Assurance Certificates, Wildcard SSL Certificates, San Certificates, Code Signing Certificates and SGC Certificates. Learn more by calling 888.481.5388.