4 minute read

Spring is Coming!


There are times where is seems nothing is moving forward in life and there are times that we wish it would slow down. Life is a balancing act and if you are not happy with what your outcome looks like, you have opportunity to make change. Making changes to reset your life is possible and healthy for your mind, body and soul. Hitting that reset button may seem impossible. But if you can take it one step of the way, day by day, week by week, goal by goal, these steps can lead to some really big impactful changes in your life. Recognizing and acknowledging that you want to move in a new direction can be a big step all on its own. Try to embrace your goals daily and celebrate your wins, big and small, along the way! Make a new path, a new journey and embrace all that arrives to you and let the past go into the winds. A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it’s not open.”


– Frank Zappa

Kealy Donaldson compassmagazine@ourmail.com www.compassmagazine.ca


Kealy Donaldson


Jessie Stones

The Compass Magazine is produced on Vancouver Island, printed on the West Coast of British Columbia and published on Vancouver Island paper by: Kiki's Communications Inc. ISSN# 2369-8063 101-1811 Comox Ave Comox, BC V9M 3L9 250.203.1880 compassmagazine@ourmail.com www.compassmagazine.ca

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We Are Art

Follow the Fiddlers!


FIDDLE REFERS TO THE type of music, rather than the instrument, and originates from traditional music genres such as folk, blues, country or Celtic. If you find yourself wanting to dance, it’s likely a fiddle! ‘Fiddling around’ has connotations of wasting time, but don’t mistake the informality of fiddlers for lack of skill. Skilled players find great joy bringing new players into the fold, sharing their love and enthusiasm with musicians of all abilities. Fiddle music, traditionally passed down from player to player and learned by ear, transforms through time. There isn’t a ‘right’ way to fiddle, and many talented fiddlers have never learned to read sheet music, learning entirely by ear.

Joyce Beaton and Craig Freeman are Vancouver Island fiddlers who formed, and continue to direct, two inclusive fiddling groups. Their passion for music and community is infectious!

Joyce Beaton started Oceanside Jammers in 2008. Home base is the Community Baptist Church, in Qualicum, BC. The Oceanside Jammers meet each Thursday, from 5-7 pm, and average about 20 participants per session. The first hour is focused on skill-building for novice players, while the second hour features challenging songs and faster tempos for experienced players.

The goal of the group is inclusion and fun. Attendance is by donation (suggested $30 per four-month season), and some instruments are available for loan. All instruments are welcome, including fiddle, cello, accordian, flute, harp, guitar and percussion. A few preliminary lessons are helpful for complete beginners, and members have been as young as five years old.

Joyce characterizes their typical playlist as Celtic, while acknowledging the vast reach: Irish, Scottish, Scandinavian, French, and Eastern Canadian songs are in their repertoire. Watch for the Celtic Chaos Winter Weekend on Quadra Island late March, a festival of sessions, classes, and performances, at the Harriet Bay Inn. Connect with Oceanside Jammers on Facebook to learn more.

Fiddle Jam

Make sure you have a bowel movement every day and taking a fiber, such as flaxmeal or psyllium, treats endotoxicity which are toxins created in the body in the bowel. Pectasol, a form of modified citrus pectin, has been studied to remove heavy metals. Colonics are also available (in Courtenay) if required and reduces endotoxicity.

Fiddle Jam members take the stage at Merville Hall Contra Dances throughout the year. February 25th is a Valentine’s themed dance, and St. Paddy provides the occasion on March 18th. Contra Dance originated right alongside fiddle music and is folk dancing which doesn’t require having a partner to join the fun! Contra dance welcomes the whole family for line, group, and partner dancing.

Saunas, either radiant heat or infrared, are effective at increasing the ability to sweat, eliminating toxins through the skin: the second kidney. Exercise also falls into this category. People such as hair dressers can smell chemicals exuding from their skin after sauna therapy.

If finding more fun is a priority in 2023, follow the fiddlers!

Craig Freeman is the father of multi-media artist and musician Trent Freeman. Fiddle Jam was created by Craig in 2000, when Trent was just 11, for musicians of all ages and experience to play and learn by ear from each other. Fiddle Jam meets every other week in the grotto of St. George’s United Church in Courtenay, BC, 7-9 pm.

Avoid non organic dirty dozen foods that contain the highest organophosphate neurotoxic pesticide residues according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) ie peaches, bell peppers, apples, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, grapes and lettuce.

Use air filters in the home to improve air quality. Don’t forget toxins come into the home on the furniture and other household items.

Don’t store food in plastics or microwave in plastics.

Craig remains the main organizer and suggests getting on the Fiddle Jam contact list by email at seabankmars@ shaw.ca to hear about jams and events. As group members introduce their favourite songs, Fiddle Jammers play all styles of music: traditional, country, reels, jigs, swing, jazz, dance and contemporary. Each session draws 15-20 players, and sometimes family generations attend together, just like the early days with Craig and Trent.

Greens in the form of cilantro, spirulina and green vegetables rich in chlorophyll can bind with toxins such as PCB’s for easier elimination, so add a “Greens Drink” to your daily routine. See “Clean, Green and Lean” by Dr. Crinnion.

Eat foods that help eliminate toxins: Cruciferous vegetables, resveratrol and quercitin foods (ie: blueberries, apples, onions, kale), celery, garlic, ginger, green, black, peppermint, rooibos and chamomile teas.

Use chemical free make up and skin care products: ie Lei Lani Makeup (Save On Foods) or Jane Iredale.

WIth over 40 shops, restaurants, banks and services, Discovery Harbour Shopping Centre is a convenient and relaxing place to stop, shop and dine on the North Island. Visit discoveryharbourcentre.com for a complete list of shops and services available at the Shopping Centre.

1416 Island Highway, Campbell River, BC, V9W 8C9 | discoveryharbourcentre.com

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