CIIP Flier (FY15 data)

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Competitive Industries and Innovation Program

The Competitive Industries and Innovation Program provides valuable support to high potential country initiatives and expands the global knowledge frontier on “how to� effectively design and implement competitiveness and innovation strategies as part of a new and emerging growth paradigm.

The Competitive Industries and Innovation Program (CIIP) helps enhance country growth and employment prospects by supporting public policies and investments that promote competitiveness and innovation within and across industries. CIIP achieves impact by mobilizing global expertise, applying cutting-edge knowledge, and catalyzing investments in support of transformational projects and frontier knowledge initiatives.



CIIP envisions for its interventions to significantly alter country economic and job growth prospects by supporting transformational projects. To realize this vision, CIIP aims to add value in three ways:

CIIP is overseen by a joint Steering Committee consisting of all development partners supporting the program. The program is implemented as two World Bank Group-executed trust funds. The Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), supported by the governments of Austria and Switzerland as well as the European Union (EU), was established in November 2012. The Single-Donor Trust Fund (SDTF) financed through the EU European Development Fund (EDF) and hence with the specific geographic focus on the African Caribbean, and Pacific states, was established in July 2013. Norway joined CIIP in December 2014 by contributing to the MDTF. As Trustee and Administrator for both the funds, the World Bank Group is responsible for program development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. The World Bank also hosts the Secretariat that oversees CIIP.

1. Supporting integrated solutions for the design and implementation of public policies and investments that promote competitiveness and innovation in high potential industries and countries. These solutions in turn help motivate investment, enhance firm level productivity, enable value chain integration and cluster growth, and contribute to job creation. 2. Pushing the knowledge frontier on “what works” in competitiveness and innovation by sharing lessons in real time from its active country engagements and by motivating cutting edge operational research across its global network of academic, policy, and industry actors. 3. Raising the awareness of practitioners on contemporary industrial policy across countries. The Program mobilizes global expertise, applies cutting-edge knowledge, and catalyzes investments in support of transformational projects and frontier knowledge initiatives. The instruments that facilitate country level engagements with governments, the private sector, and other stakeholders include: •

technical, market-based analytics

deep, evidence-based public-private dialogue (PPD) in specific sectors

support for policy and regulations, access to finance, skills and technology, infrastructure, and capacity

multi-year project implementation support

monitoring and evaluation to assess impact

Strategic application of performance-based funding and rigorous monitoring and evaluation ensure that CIIP remains focused on results. Critical success factors driving CIIP, include: facilitated public and private investment; enhanced productivity; labor and transaction costs; growth of new and existing firms; linkages to the domestic economy; and job and income creation.

FUNDING PROCESS All CIIP interventions are based on client demand as expressed by governments in discussions with World Bank Group (IBRD and IDA as well as IFC) teams and other CIIP partners in the country. Applications for CIIP funding come from World Bank Group project teams, with all CIIP projects implemented under the guidance of the World Bank Country Director or Manager and executed jointly with other CIIP partners.

INTERVENTIONS Within its first year of operation CIIP began implementing 12 high-potential country operations alongside an ambitious global knowledge agenda.

Through end of FY14, CIIP country operations leveraged US$5 billion in public finance, and supported the creation of over 5000 new jobs CIIP-funded initiatives supported new national legislation and regulatory reforms to promote competitiveness in Ethiopia, Georgia, and Macedonia. Through its institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, CIIP supported policy reforms that enhanced the governance of a technological industrial development zone in Macedonia, and the establishment of innovation and enterprise development agencies in Georgia, among others.

Results at a glance During the fiscal year 2014, CIIP-funded activities have supported the design and implementation of industryfocused competitiveness strategies and policy reform initiatives in 12 carefully selected project countries. Through its knowledge, learning and publishing activities – including a high-profile conference at the World Bank in October 2013, which assembled some of the world’s leading scholars on economic policy– CIIP’s ideas have influenced the thinking of thousands of policymakers, private-sector executives and academic scholars.



billion USD in public finance leveraged globally for competitive industry approaches including $722 million in active projects.

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in-depth sector level analyses completed.


sectoral, local or national PPD mechanisms set up.


strategies or reform programs informed and 5 laws or regulations supported, e.g. Ethiopia – Investment Law Amendment and Tanzania – Local Content Policy.

client agencies informed and institutional capacity built, e.g. Macedonia – Technological Industrial Development Zone and Georgia – Innovation and Enterprise Development Agencies.

The CIIP has produced six Competitive Industry Notes and a dozen blogs, along with a number of knowledge projects that inform client operations.

A global conference featuring Nobel Prize Laureate Joseph Stiglitz Competitive Cities Project creating a knowledge = base on interventions which can enhance city competitiveness Innovation Policy Platform connecting policy makers to global experts for practical advice

Global value chains using value chain analysis techniques to help clients move into higher value-added activities that extract more from global markets


Spatial analysis

The CIIP has assisted both country clients and private sector beneficiaries. Client training Empowering stakeholders to advance institutional reforms & improve private-sector capacity. Technical assistance and analytical inputs Using expert analytical inputs to bridge spatial, industrial and governance solutions

CIIP project solutions by sectors

Strategy formulation and regulatory advice

Value chain analysis

Analytics Sector analysis and prioritization

Trade diagnostics Feasibility studies


Value chains


Economic zones

Growth poles and corridors

Agribusiness Manufacturing Tourism Extractives and local content Other

FY12-13 COMMITMENTS AND DISBURSEMENTS As a share of country window commitments, the CIIP has experienced rapid growth in piriority countries, including:




to IDA countries $7.142 million

to Fragile and Conflict States $4.076 million

to ACP States $6.117 million

Financed by

in partnership with |

Norway joined CIIP in December 2014

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