Welcome to the 2018 WBRA
In 1959, a group of ladies in Pierce County Washington got together and decided to form a barrel racing club, they called it Washington Barrel Racing Association. Because of their love of running barrels and the need for such an event at the rodeos in which their husbands competed, the club grew. 59 years later, we are still here! The WBRA is alive and going strong with the same passion for the sport of barrel racing that formed the organization.
2018 Large Race Committees Shoot Out & Futurity | Rose Jones Spring Fling | Rose Jones Scholarship Race | Audry Tibbs Last Chance Weekend | Cheyenne Firestone/Darla Shaver
Specialty Awards Sponsors
Sportsmanship Award | Whitney Reily Outstanding Service | Sonja Frensdorf Best Dressed | Cheyenne Allan Horse of the Year | Gusty G Ranch, LLC
President | Karla Gust Chairman of the Board | Brandy Yuckert Vice President | Jody Wallen Secretary/Treasurer | Sonja Frensdorf Membership | Audrey Tibbs Novice Director | Jillian Connolly Youth/Junior Director | Amy Sullivan Awards Chairperson | Isabelle Schwager Ways and Means | Dusti Kissler Website Manager/Newsletter & Publicity | Justina Fisher Futurity / Speed Horse Shoot Out Co-Director | Rose Jones
2018 WBRA Board of Directors
2017 Champions Open Champion | Teri Bangart 2000 Novice Champion | Rose Jones 500 Novice Champion | Jody Wallen Youth Champion | Emma Hulse Junior Champion | Camden Shaver
Introducing your.. . . .Open Top 15
7 Shawnee Lanphear $2,866.02 8 Teri Bangart $2,765.33 9 Justina Fisher $2,302.96 1 Amy Sullivan $6,254.48 10 Rose Jones $1,916.12 2 Cheyenne Allan $5,038.72 11 Karla Gust $1,758.36 3 Audrey Tibbs $3,989.99 12 Isabelle Schwager $1,658.45 4 Pam Capper $3,970.10 13 Melissa Tosi $1,501.04 5 Kelsey Streeter $3,558.36 14 Julia Lord $1,212.53 6 Daryll Compton $3,378.23 15 Cheyenne Firestone $1,051.93 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Pepper | ridden by Ms. Amy Sullivan Sybil | ridden by Ms. Audrey Tibbs I am from Moses Lake and my horse My third year with Pepper has been is a eight year old mare named, “Sybil.” the best one yet! He is gritty, arrogant, She isn’t the biggest mare going down and full of attitude. I am so grateful to the road, but she has a really big heart. be able to ride him. If he had a motto This year I have mainly focused on it would be, “Hold my beer and watch rodeos. I work full time, so I go to the this!” rodeos that are close to home. My main traveling partners this year I manage three Hearing Aid offices, I were Paige (9) and Jake (8). Paige likes to practice trick ridhave been with Inland Hearing since 2005. ing for a warm up or build fairy houses five minutes before a I really appreciate all board members who have helped me run. Jake offers free desensitizing to anyone who parks next with my board duties the past two years. I think most of you to us with his flags, wagons, dogs, etc. (I am glad I didn’t let know who you are. him bring his goats) My friends don’t seem to mind much. It drives me crazy, but it also puts things into perspective. I Flea | ridden by Ms. Pam Capper could learn a lot about not taking things too seriously and enI have been a member for most of the joying each and every moment from them. years since the late 80’s. I have three chilBarrel racing is what we love to do, not who we are. I am dren, twin grandchildren and recently got so fortunate to share this sport with my kids and friends that married to Clyde Coker. I love. I have been running Flea for the 2017 and
2018 year. I feel fortunate to make the Top 15 due to the challenges this horse presented with me and only becoming a member since the first of June. Our best win this year is at Grandview Rodeo. I was the CoHere we are once again, celebrating lumbia River Circuit Champion for five years and a NFR qualifithe Top 15 girls and their mounts. This er in 2016. I am excited to be competing in the WBRA again and year I rode two mares we bred and raised. bing my young horses up in the novices. Billy | ridden by Ms. Kelsey Streeter RS Mollys Honor and RCA Smooches I have been rodeoing ever since I could Honor. Very proud of them. remember! I have been a part of WBRA I want to thank my husband Randy for all his help, and thank for a while; the most memorable year beall WBRA officers for all their hard work. Without all of you, we ing my rookie year and winning a beautiwouldn’t be here. ful buckle on my horse Lucy! That horse Congratulations to all the members that achieved the Top 15, taught me everything about understanding and wishing all the best of lucky for 2019. I want to praise the horses and the game of barrel racing. lord for all my accomplishments. God Bless U All.
RS Mollys Honor & RCA Smooches Honor | ridden by Ms. Cheyanne Allan
After Lucy, I trained another horse named Roxy. She and I accomplished many goals, being that we qualified to the CNFR three years in a row and she won Horse of the Year in 2014, as well as qualifying two years for the PWRA finals. I now have another mare named Billie, who has qualified me to the PWRA finals every year I have had her (three years now). I have been blessed with great horses and currently have two prospects to continue building my team! I love everything about barrel racing- the adrenaline, the people involved, the audience, the challenge, the horsemanship. I have a wonderful supportive family that also is involved in rodeo. I went to college at WWCC for two years and then finished at CWU. I currently am in my second year of teaching. I really enjoy helping children learn and grow to reach their goals!
Seven | ridden by Ms. Daryll Compton
This year I have been back on my 13 year old gelding Seven, which is a big blessing in itself because we were told that he will never compete again. I had sent him to go and ride the river with Phyllis Jess, as I couldn’t see him going to anyone else. About a year and half later, Phyllis said to me, “This horse isn’t done yet, you need him,” and that was that! I went and picked him up, got him back into shape and it was like putting on your favorite pair of jeans, it fits just right! This year he filled my WPRA Permit by March, and we have been going to some of the Pro-West rodeos with a bit of success. I’m thankful for every run this horse gives me and looking forward to the next few years.
Woodrow | ridden by Ms. Shawnee Lanphear
This year I have been blessed to ride “Woodrow” for our family friends, Darrell and Claudia Shanholtzer. We have had a great summer together winning our
first race at Cheney in July and winning Waterville in August. It has been a blast this summer getting to know “Woodrow” and we are looking forward to hitting the road more next year! I cannot thank Darrell, Claudia and all of my family enough for their support. It truly has been a blessed summer
Peak & Goodone | ridden by Ms. Teri Bangart
Congratulations to the Top 15 and the Novice qualifiers. I am so proud of my friends that have done so well! I really appreciate WBRA, along with everyone involved, and thank you to the officers for keeping the association going strong. Peak and Goodone are two wonderful horses that I’m blessed to ride. Peak continues to make me proud and I’m thankful to be his person and driver. It was a year full of first times, long drives and exciting adventures. I’m so thankful to be a part of an organization and the people in it that supports their members no matter what direction they go. Thank you everyone for your friendship.
Tag | ridden by Ms. Justina Fisher
I feel blessed to run my open horse Tag. He gives 100% every run and is the most honest horse I know. He has given me making finals multiple times since 2012 and filled my permit last year in WPRA. I have owned him since he was 18 month old and have done all the training myself. It gives me pure joy to take a colt from not knowing a whole lot and train them to be as successful as Tag has been. We have had our ups and downs in our time together but I am glad I never gave up on him and to see all the hard work pay off feels good! I look forward to several more years competing on him. I am forever thankful for my family and their continued support in this dream of barrel racing. Congratulations to all the finalists for the 2018 year!
Mo & Johnny Fever | ridden by Ms. Rose Jones
Another great year is in the books! I want to say thank you to the officers, race producers and all around worker bees. It takes an army to keep WBRA going and I am grateful for those who step up to help. There were some great new races this
year at Creston - thank you Rachel! My horses deserve a few extra cookies for a job well done all year. Mo is recovering from his surgery and will be back for next season. Johnny Fever had a great year too, he was my rock solid, “Mr Pretty Consistent.” See everyone down the road and Good Luck. Varro | ridden by Ms. Karla Gust Last year in my novice biography I said that I was excited for Varro’s future. I had no idea about the challenges that were coming. I absolutely could not get him around three barrels with knocking them down. When I left a race in April, with sliced open jeans, blood in my boot and a huge gash on my shin, I was about ready to give up. I had come to the conclusion that I was not going to get this horse to run. I put the word out to my jumping friends that I had their “dream prospect” that I was about to sell. Holding on to one last hope, my kid helped me construct some PVC pipe shin guards and I decided to try a little harder. Six weeks after that race, he won the Coulee City Pro Rodeo. It was one of the highlights of my barrel racing career and certainly meant even more because this horse did it! I had some really good runs this year and still have some challenges, but I am glad that I didn’t give up and kept doing the hard work to help this horse achieve his potential. I can’t thank my family enough for the un-ending support that keeps me doing what I love.
Emma | ridden by Ms. Isabelle Schwager
This is my very first time making the WBRA Open Finals and I am so excited! I got my open horse, Emma, about six years ago and have been running her for about four years. My favorite memory this year would have to be winning the Darrington Rodeo. It was so exciting and my very first rodeo win. I want to thank my mom and dad for being very supportive and making all this possible. I appreciate everything you do for us and am very thankful. Another big thank you to the Brady family for their sponsorship, help at the races, and Mrs. Brady
and her wonderful pictures. I also want to give a special thanks to Sophie and Ryan for being my traveling buddies I this year and making the road trips so much fun. I had such a great year and got to share it with some amazing people. Congrats to all the finalists. I am honored to be able to ride with such an outstanding group of girls.
Froghollow Smarty | ridden by Ms. Melissa Tosi Froghollow Smarty is my one and only. Smarty is 14 years young and is by a First Down Dash stallion x DTF mare. Smarty is an over achiever, as sometimes he tries too hard, but he is a sweet, sensitive horse that tries 110%
in everything he does. My time away from barrel racing is spending time with my crazy boys, which includes my husband Matt and two little ones, Gavin and Cameron. I’m the Human Resources Director for the City of Coeur d’Alene so that’s more than a full-time job! At the end of the day, I love my horse, I love my family and I love my job! Life is good! Biankus Jewels | ridden by Ms. Julia Lord I am 33, and have ridden horses my whole life. I keep myself busy being a mom to my son Ben, working fulltime, and training barrel horses. I compete on my 16 year old bay roan, Biankus Jewels, by Sox Em Biankus, and out of Merits Cash Award. I bought her as a three year old, and trained her myself. I have come long way with her since nearly running over the photographer at the John Deere show in Vegas…lol. We have had our highs and lows, but she has put me in the money consistently. I am happy and thankful for every run I make on her, and look forward to an awesome finals. Seven | ridden by Ms. Cheyanne Firestone Hi everyone, it’s been a been a fun year for Seven and I. We have had a great year with lots of ups and downs. I couldn’t be happier with our progress and achievements this year. We won third at the Davenport Rodeo and I cannot wait to see where the next year takes us. Thank you everyone for all you support.
Introducing your.. . . .2000 Novice Top 10 1 2 3 4 5
Frensdorf Gust Firestone Shaver Tucker
Matea Karla Cheyenne Darla Jody
Dash N Smoke Varro Troubles Triple 7 Froghollow Whiz JE Miss Judge Bolt
$2,920.04 $2,167.57 $1,898.93 $1,519.75 $1,458.61
6 7 8 9 10
Reilly Kissler Compton Wright Dudley
Whitney Dusti Daryll Della Morgan
Maisies Houdini $1,184.96 Cinders Clue $600.10 I B Jo Ds Smart Cat $513.00 Streakin After Fire $417.08 One Tuff Lassie $324.00
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Apolo | ridden by Ms. Matea Frensdorf
Dash N Smoke “Apolo” is by Striking Distance and out of Smokums Survivor (Smokum Oak). He’s an eight-year-old gelding, but acts more like a mare. He’s very insecure and also very jealous of when I ride other horses. He’s the first colt out of my very special mare, Smokum, I rode as a teenager. Smokum won the $2000 Novice Championship, along with the Jr Championship, third in the Open standings, and Horse of the Year all in 2005. Apolo was originally supposed to belong to Kathy Grimes and Bill Gilbert. They were going to lease my mare to breed her but ended up giving her back to me once she was bred. He is been a bit of a challenge since I first started him on the barrels four years ago. We’ve had quite the journey getting to where we are now, but I knew he had the potential, so I never gave up on him. I’m excited to see what next year will bring.
Varro | ridden by Ms. Karla Gust
It is such an honor to be a part of this iconic association that supports and rewards novice horses. Our novice program is such a great way to bring a horse up through the process. Last year I was fortunate enough to make it into the 500 Novice standings and grateful to get to nominate Varro back in the 2000 for the next year. He has exceeded every goal that I had set for him. I am so thankful to have him. He had some rodeo success this year and moved out of the novice. I am so appreciative of this association, all of the officers and directors that work so hard, my barrel racing friends, and most importantly my family. None of this is possible without all those incredible people.
Seven | ridden by Ms. Cheyanne Firestone
Hi everyone, it’s been a been a fun year for Seven and I. We have had a great year with lots of ups and downs. I couldn’t be happier with our progress and achievements this year. We won third at the Davenport Rodeo and I cannot wait to see where the next year takes us. Thank you everyone for all you support.
Froghollow Whiz | ridden by Ms. Darla Shaver
I have recently started running barrels again, as I hadn’t run in years. It was part of my roots growing up but as life revolves, it kind of got lost. My daughter, who is 11, runs and encouraged me to run again. Our time together has been priceless to me. I am thankful that the rest of the family supports this very time-consuming love. I am very proud that I made it to finals running against the tough competitors that surround me. This has been a very fulfilling year.
JE Miss Judge Bolt | ridden by Ms. Jody Tucker
Special thank you to Rose Jones and Karla Gust for encouraging me to join WBRA again and nominate Scottie for the $2000 Nov. JE Miss Judge Bolt is a 9 yr old Judge Cash filly we raised and trained. She has been on the ‘back burner’ for several years due to having other horses to ride and train and raising 3 kids. Plus she has had her share
of health challenges, however I feel I am making positive advancements with her. None of this would be possible with the support, understanding and love from my husband Nip. I am always grateful for him. I’m looking forward to Scottie’s future because I believe when I have her health dialed in, she will be a consistent winner.
Screech | ridden by Ms. Whitney Reilly
Maisies Houdini - ‘Screech’ - our family man. We bought him as a cutter reject with a hot temper but a good soul. So right to work he went. My husband took him to the branding pen and started heeling steers. My oldest daughter and I spent time at the sand dunes, on the barrels and roping calves - we make him do everything we can. He has survived welcoming two new children into our lives as well. With each baby, he got pushed further onto the back burner. Thankfully our oldest daughter was able to keep bringing him along here and there at junior rodeos and barrel club. Last season he brought me to my first WBRA Finals and I’m blessed to be back for a second year. I am incredibly thankful for a good honest horse and my amazing, supportive family by my side through all life’s adventures.
Clue | ridden by Ms. Dusti Kissler
I am excited to be here on Cinders Clue! This year has been great with him working extremely well every time out! As many of you know, with life, I have taken several years off, so it has been a lot of fun to bring him back after some disappointments and struggles when I last competitively ran him, to having him work so well! He is a halter bred horse that was only supposed to be a trail mount for my mom, but after Dolly’s injury I needed something else to ride, and started him on the pattern. Our first year went amazing, and then we battled with some injuries which created a lot of anxiety issues, including a major gate issue--thankfully with just a little help, we are able to get in, and make a run! We still are not
competing as often as we would like; however, my side job of judging 4-H horse shows and teaching riding lessons and clinics takes up a lot of time and helps pay for the house and acreage we recently purchased. Thank you to my mom for allowing me to use her horse, my husband for taking care of all of the chores so I can be on the road as often as I am, and to those who have helped me in the gate, warm horses up, or just encourage me when feeling down. It all means more than words can ever express! See you all in 2019!
Widow | ridden by Ms. Daryll Wallen
I B JO DS Smart Cat, aka “Widow,” was my Novice horse that I ran earlier this year. We bought her for Colton to heel off of but I decided to load her up and take her to some races! She is fast and catty and makes a fun move on the barrels. We love this little mare that we share.
Scratch | ridden by Ms. Della Wright
This year I’m riding Scratch, a six-year-old mare I raised. For those with inquiring minds, she is a half-sister to Pickles, so I have high expectations for her. She is by Kings Firestarter and out of our mare. She is extremely athletic and a little quirky. I am always happy when I’m still on at the end of each run I make on her. We have had some challenges, but when I look over this last year, we’ve won saddles, entered a few rodeos, and have really had success! We are here at the WBRA finals! Not too bad for our first year. I look forward to seeing what we will do next year.
Sheldon | ridden by Miss Morgan Dudley
I am a freshman in high school and just started my first fall season of high school rodeo with my horse Sheldon. I’m a 2018 WBRA finals qualifier in the youth and 2000 Novice and am looking forward to competing in finals.
Introducing your.. . . .500 Novice Top 10 1 2 3 4 5
Wagner Miller Frensdorf Ramsey Williams
Chelsea Diane Matea Jaime Cindi
Pine City Foxy $2,399.13 Mach Twenty Bunny $1,608.05 Smokums French Luna $1,350.50 RCA Dealers Choice $1281.44 Great Dual Lena $1,131.25
6 7 8 9 10
Wallen Fox Firestone Cameron Gettmam
Jody Jodi Cheyenne Rachel Bailey
MC Ladybug Pep $1,110.75 Alley Arena Cat $1,083.75 Snort $1,076.50 Sheza Holiwood Miss $994.00 Lady $690.25
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Gypsy | ridden by Ms. Chelsea Wagner
Wow, what a year 2018 was! Many ups and downs, good laughs, outrageous vet bills and 15 new expensive trailer tires. Pine City Foxy “Gypsy” is a five-year-old mare sired by Frenchmans Falcon. My mom and I purchased Gypsy as a two-year-old that I had the pleasure of training. This is her first year competing and she has by far surpassed my expectations! I want to thank the board of directors for your dedication to the WBRA, Sonja Frensdorf and Karen Reffett for being my “other” moms who feed me when my mom can’t make it (LOL), to all WBRA members for your friendship and encouragement, to my parents for always supporting my horse dreams, even though my dad thinks I am crazy. Congrats to everyone for a great year!
Porsche | ridden by Ms. Diane Miller
My Novice Horse is a five-year-old, small but mighty, delightfully gorgeous, sorrel mare “Mach Twenty Bunny,” aka Porsche. She is on loan from daughter, Rose Jones - home bred & trained! Porsche is related to each of Rose’s horses, top or bottom - and best of all, Porsche is Snuffy’s niece, which is special to me! Rose had Porsche “turn-key” by last fall so we got to hit the fall races, mostly at Creston Equestrian Center with President, Karla Gust and gang. We have hit nearly every WBRA Barrel Race and even tried our hand at a couple rodeos.
Our biggest win came at Newport Bull-A-Rama in the $2000 Novice, which was Porsche’s first Rodeo Perf and under lights! Our least favorite weekend was over-the-mountain with broken truck, broken LQ, unorganized packing, hungry puppy and two equines in love. Thanks to Darla and Camden Shaver for a big batch of help at every turn! Thanks to husband, Rich for continued support of my addiction and to Rose for the opportunity to ride Porsche. Thanks to all WBRA Officers & Race Producers for all the races in the busy world we live in! Congratulations to all the 2018 WBRA Champs and Top Barrels Racers for a job well done!!
Luna | ridden by Ms. Matea Frensdorf
Smokums French Luna, “Luna,” is by First Down French and out of Smokums Survivor (Smokum Oak). She is a five-year-old mare that is the sassiest horse I’ve ever owned. She’s the first to meet me at the gate to be caught and loves any attention she can get, especially baths. She the third baby and first filly out of my very special mare, Smokum, I rode as a teenager. Smokum won the $2000 Novice Championship, along with the Jr Championship, third in the Open standings, and Horse of the Year all in 2005. My goal with Luna this year was to take it really slow and simply run her at a very few races and hope she would be ready to run for 2019. She had other plans. After running her in the Newport Bull-A-Rama performance and winning the $500 novice class, I knew I had something special. She’s gives me her all in every run she makes and that reminds me so much of her dam. I can’t wait to see where she takes me next year
31 | ridden by Ms. Jaime Ramsey
I feel very fortunate to be back in the WBRA standings, it’s been a while! My daughter Madison allowed me to run her horse RCA Dealers Choice, aka “31,” this season. I’ve enjoyed running him this year and I am looking forward to what a great team Madison and he will become.
My favorite WBRA race was the Futurity and Speed Horse Shoot out in Moses Lake. I am excited about what the future holds with this horse.
Snort | ridden by Ms. Cheyenne Firestone
Hi everyone it’s been a great year, I stared running Snort in the novice at the start of the new year, and he has really stepped up and come a long way. I can wait to see what the next year has in store. Thank you everyone for all you support.
5 Snort | ridden by Ms. Cindi Willams-Prior
I bought Snort last fall from a friend of my daughter’s. She was trained and shown as a working cow horse. I fell in love with her right away and as she learned to be a barrel horse, I was really impressed with her attitude and willingness. She tries really hard to please and is fun to ride. We are so excited to have made it to the finals this year!!
Sheza Holiwood Miss | ridden by Ms. Rachel Cameron
What a great experience WBRA has been for Really and myself. It has pushed our limits and found new highs. Really, or more formally known as Sheza holiwood miss, is a 9 year old mare. I got her as a coming two year old and took my time getting her broke for the next couple of years. I then let her ease into the barrel pen. This is her first solid year of hauling and experiencing new arenas and surroundings. We have enjoyed all the new obstacles that have built or confidence
Lady | ridden by Ms. Jody Wallen
I have been a part of WBRA for several years now. This year I am serving as Vice President. I love the competitive nature the WBRA provides. This year I competed on Twirl, Rowdy, and Lady at the rodeos and WBRA races. Lady is my $500 novice horse and I have high hopes for her future. I enjoy providing Equipulse and Flexineb treatments to horses at home and on the road. I thank my husband for all his support during my barrel racing craziness! I also thank Equerrys and Russ Paulson for keeping my horses nutrition in check. As well as, Double K Farms.
Alley | ridden by Ms. Jodi Fox
This year I am riding a five-year-old gray mare Alley Arena Cat, by Blazin Tina Olena (Nappy Gudmundson) out of Ms. Badger Tari. I bought her as a four-year-old from Murray and Jackie Gudmundson who raised and started her. I got to enter a futurity for the first time in my life on Alley, and she has exceeded my expectations every time I make a run on her. She is a very special horse. This year I have traveled to WBRA, NBHA and other jackpot races with my husband Chad and my son Blake. I love having them with me on the weekends as I am not complete without them.
The Teri Bangart Agency
Lady | ridden by Ms. Bailey Gettman
Lady, my five-year-old bay mare, started her barrel career last fall with the start of the WBRA 2018 season being nominated in the 500 Novice. We have definitely had our ups and downs this year as every starting novice horse does, but overall, it has been a good journey so far. Along with getting seasoned on the pattern she has also learned the ropes as a head horse along the way, as she really has the potential to be an awesome all-around horse. This summer has been packed full of great opportunities and new-found friends. I am looking forward to Lady’s fast approaching 2019 year as a WBRA 2000 Novice horse! Good luck to everyone this year at finals!
1 Sophie Schwager 149 4 Camryn Hayes 70 2 Libby Swiger 105 5 Hailey Hallerman 56 3 Morgan Dudley 78 ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Introducing your.. . . Youth Top 5
Rein | ridden by Miss Sophie Schwager
I got Rein Maker two years ago, come this December, from the Gudmundson family. Rein is a fun horse to ride and is one that greets you when you step foot in the barn. This is my fourth year running in the WBRA Youth and it has been quit the experience. My sister and I have put many miles on our truck and have got to see so much of our beautiful state. I want to thank my mom and dad for allowing and supporting my sister and I to travel all over doing the thing that we love. I want to thank Jackie Gudmundson for all the help she gives to Rein and I. Lastly I want to thank my sister who none of this would be possible without.
Maggie & Cassie | ridden by Miss Libby Swiger
This is my first year Barrel Racing, I am 14 years old and am a Freshman in Davenport High School. My experience in barrel racing has been amazing and has made me so many new friends. My horses are Maggie and Cassie. They were both brood mares enjoying a life leisure and raising babies. With the help of my fabulous coach Jill Connolly we took both out of retirement this year. Maggie and Cassie have taken such good care of me as I have learned the fundamentals. They have taught me to work hard every day, sit on my pockets, and to keep my head up so I can see where I’m going. Great lessons in the arena and in life!!!
Sheldon | ridden by Miss Morgan Dudley
I am a freshman in high school and just started my first fall season of high school rodeo. I rodeo all over the northwest on my horse Sheldon. I’m a 2018 WBRA Finals qualifier in the Youth and 2000 Novice and am looking forward to competing in finals.
Sixey | ridden by Miss Camryn Hayes
Throughout my life I haven’t had very much barrel racing experience. During the past couple years, I attempted to begin racing with my first two mares, Luna and Honey but they just didn’t click with sport so I just did small and easy events for fun. This March I came across a horse named Sixey who changed everything. Sixey and I instantly clicked and her love for the sport matched mine so deciding to become competitive was an easy decision. Since then Sixey and I have competed many times and have come so far in 6 months. Through 4-H, WBRA, EWBRA, and random 4D races, we have learned and accomplished so much. Steadily improving our times, and working our way through many different issues. We work with Jillian Connelly, wth her help we have come so far, literally from learning the basics to begging able to compete in the WBRA 2018 finals!
Rebel | ridden by Miss Hailey Hallerman
This is my first year competing in WBRA as a member. I have had my horse Rebel since she was two and she is now six. This year we competed in WSHSRA and qualified for the Silver State International Rodeo and ended up winning the pole bending and bringing home my first saddle. I want to thank everyone who has helped get me to where I am; including my parents who haul me all over the Pacific Northwest to get to races, and Jackie Gudmundson for pushing me to reach all my goals.
1 Camden Shaver 203 4 Payton Nachtigal 77 2 Paige Sullivan 137 5 Addisyn Schneider 46 3 Madison Ramsey 125 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
Introducing your.. . . Junior Top 5
Weeby | ridden by Miss Camden Shaver
I am 11 years old and have been barrel racing for almost four years now. My horse Power, hasn’t been great this year but we made it through! I switched horses four times! I want to thank my family and my aunt for all the help. I was fortunate enough to win the saddle last year and I was the WBRA JR Champion. What and honor. I absolutely love barrel racing!
Grey Hawk | ridden by Miss Paige Sullivan
My awesome horse’s name is Grey Hawk. I love him a lot because he is a great pet and he takes care of me. I like to ride him bareback in the pasture when I get home from school. He still has red spray paint in his tail from when I he won me a buckle at NBHA finals. I have had a really great season. My horse used to be my mom’s. I want to thank my mom for bringing me to all these races and my brother for getting me in the gate. Thank you.
Panza | ridden by Miss Madison Ramsey
I attended Eatonville Middle school and I’m in 7th grade. I love going to work with my dad when I’m not barrel racing. I’ve been running my horse Panza for about a year and a half and we have come a long way together! I enjoy going to the Sherry Cervi Youth Race in California, it is a great race, BUT I love the WBRA and I hope to compete here forever.
Ginger | ridden by Miss Payton Nachtigal
Payton is 13 years old and is from Davenport WA. She in the 8th grade at Davenport Middle School. This is Paytons 1st year as a WBRA member. Payton started off the season with her horse Ginger, a 19 year old bay Quarter Horse mare. She and Ginger have been a team for 2 years and compete in WBRA, 4H and WSJHRA. This summer through the Washington State Junior High School Rodeo Association, they qualified to compete at the Silver State International Rodeo in Winnemucca NV in both Barrels and Poles. They competed against Junior High School girls from 11 states and 3 Canadian Providences. She and Ginger finished 9th overall in Poles at SSIR. This year she will compete just in the Pole Bending on Ginger. The end of July, she was lucky enough to find another best friend, Homer. He is a 21 year old grey Quarter Horse Gelding. Although they have only been a Barrel Racing Team for 2 months, they have a bright future and have consistently been improving their times, placing and winning checks! He’s a big guy with a heart of gold and is teaching Payton the next steps in the art of Barrel Racing! When Payton is not riding her horses, she is very busy with school sports. She participates in Volleyball, Basketball and her favorite school sport….Softball. She hopes to get a scholarship in softball in the future which will help her with her goal of becoming a Special Needs School Teacher.
Lily & Dolly | ridden by Miss Addisyn Schneider
I am 10 years old and I live in Davenport, WA on our wheat farm and cattle ranch. I’m in the 5th grade at Davenport Elementary School. I have had so much fun riding my horses this year and I’ve learned so much! I’ve participated in numerous camps and clinics, my favorite being Diamond J Rodeo Bible Camp, Les Vogt’s Horsemanship Clinic and Dusti Kissler’s clinics! I earned points on my horse Lily, but she got hurt so I’m using Dusti Kissler’s horse Dolly. I’m also an active member in my 4H club. This year I am the reporter. I show steers at the Junior Livestock Show in Spokane and my horses at the Lincoln County Fair. When I’m not riding, you can find me helping my dad with cows or playing basketball. I want to thank my parents, Matt and Sydney Schneider and my brother Sam, for supporting my goals and dreams. My instructor Dusti, for all her encouragement, time and knowledge, and for sharing it with me. I’m looking forward to training my next barrel horse next year!