RSA SecurID vs. ID Plus
With more threats, greater complexity, and growing costs, organizations need a unified identity platform to defend against identity-based attacks drive efficiencies and ensure business continuity This at-a-glance comparison of RSA SecurID and ID Plus will help you find the best solutin for your needs
SecurID Perpetual licenses ID Plus Subscription licenses Purchased a-la carte Authenticators are purchased on a per-user basis A u t h e n t c a t o r s Covered under subscription Authenticators are included in subscription on a per user basis and remain active throughout the subscription duration The exact expiration date of tokens must be confirmed by running a tokens expiration report on the RSA Console Yes for all users/licenses Software tokens remain active throughout the subscription duration S o f t w a r e t o k e n s H a r d w a r e t o k e n s The exact expiration date of HW tokens must be confirmed by running a tokens expiration report on the RSA Console Hardware tokens are purchased independently on a per-user basis and have a set life based on the duration selected by the customer M o b l e l o c k Yes for all users/licenses Detects critical threats to a mobile device and restricts the user s ability to authenticate until the threat issue is resolved None M u l tF a c t o r a u t h e n t c a t o r s None All licenses receive multi-factor authentication Features such as: Push Biometric OTP and Wearables (Apple Watch FaceID) Other additional authentication options not covered are SMS/Voice authentication and can be purchased separately on a per-user basis A r c h t e c t u r e On-prem only Hybrid-capable Flexibility architecture is included in the subscription model Can remain on-premise and or set up a hybrid functionality (Cloud) at your own pace at no additional cost Hybrid Architecture will address all users and use cases S n g e s g n o n No Yes For unlimited apps R u l e b a s e d a c c e s s c o n t r o l s No Yes Set custom authentication and access policies based on user group and admin preferences Example: allow one user group to utilize push notifications and another to utilize biometrics Non-static authentication policies M a n t e n a n c e & s u p p o r t Separate renewal; annual renewal Maintenance and support on business days from 9am to 5pm Covered under subscription Includes maintenance and support: 24/7 A d d i t o n a r e p l c a s e r v e r s No Recommended for redundancy or fail-over capabilities Ability to set up additional servers for authentication support P a y m e n t s t r u c t u r e Transaction-based renewals (prepay only) Flexible Flexibility to choose the payment terms (annual billing or payment up-front) A n n u a l P r i c e i n c r e a s e No guarantee to static rate Locked-in rate for 3 years Multi-year contract ensures price of subscription license and products remains fixed N u m b e r o f r e n e w a l s o r p u r c h a s e s p e r y e a r Multiple Multiple renewals are based on a-la carte procurement of perpetual licenses tokens maintenance renewals and co-terms 1 One payment per year that includes everything you need : maintenance support and software tokens multifactor authenticators Hardware token still needs to be purchased separately