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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.2 (3), 463-469 (2011)

On the Domination Globle Alliances in Some Classes of Graphs D. B. GANGADHARAPPA1 and A. R. DESAI2 1

Senior grade Lecturer in Mathematics. Coorg Institute of Technology Ponnampet – 571216. South Kodagu. Karnataka. India 2 Professor in Mathematics S.D.M college of Engg and Tech Dharawad – 580002. Karnataka. India ABSTRACT A defensive alliance in a graph G is a set vertices D⊑V satisfying the condition that for every vertex v ∈ D, the number of neighbors v has D plus 1 is at least as large as the number of neighbors it has in V−D. The dominating set D is a global (strong) alliance if for every vertex v ∈ V−D, that is every vertex in V−D is adjacent to at least one number of alliance D. Note that global defensive alliance is a dominating set. The minimum cardinality of a global defensive(strong defensive, offensive, strong offensive) alliance is denoted by γୟ (G) (γୟො (G), γ଴ (G), γ଴෡ (G)). We study global defensive and offensive alliance in graphs.

INTRODUCTION We consider a graph G = (V(G),E(G)) with vertex set V(G), edge set E(G), order p(G) = |v G | and size q(G) = |E G |. the degree in G of a vertex v is denoted by d (v) or simply d(v), and the number of neighbors of v in a sub set D of V. For a non empty sub set D ⊑ V, We denote the sub graph of G induced by D by D . For any vertex v ∈ V, the open neighborhood of v is the set N(v) = {u: uv ∈ E}, while the closed neighborhood of v is the set N[v] = N(v) ∪ {v}. For a subset D ⊑ V, the open neighborhood N(D) = U

N(v) and the closed neighborhood N[D] = N(D) ∪ D. A set D is a dominating set if N[D] = V, and is a total dominating set or an open dominating set if N[D] = V. the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of G is the domination number γ(G) respectively for the total domination number γ (G). The concept of domination in graphs. With its many variations is now well studied in graph theory. Hedetniemi, Hedetnimi and Kristiansen introduced several types of alliances, incenting defensive alliances. A nonempty set of vertices D ⊑ V is called a

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 3, 30 June, 2011 Pages (399-580)


D. B. Gangadharappa, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.2 (3), 463-469 (2011)

defensive alliances if for every v Ďľ D, |N v D| ≼ | N v v D|. every vertex in D is defined from possible vertices in V−D. a defensive alliance D is called strong if for every vertex v ∈ |N v D| > | N v v D| In this case we say that every vertex in D is defined. An alliance D is called global if it effects every vertex in V−D, that is every vertex in V−D is a adjacent to at least one member of the alliance D this case D dominating set. The global alliance number Îł (G), global strong alliance number Îł (G) are the minimum cardinality of a alliance and strong alliance of G that also a dominating set the entire vertex set is a global strong alliance for any graph G. The dominating set is independent iff it is a maximal independent set and that in every graph Îł(G) ≤ i(G) ≤ β(G), where Îł(G)and i(G) are respectively the minimum cardinality of dominating set and of an independent dominating set and β(G) is the maximum cardinality of a global defensive respectively strong defensive Îł (G) offensive Îł (G), strong offensive Îł (G) clearly Îł(G) ≤ Îł (G) ≤ Îł (G) and Îł(G) ≤ Îł (G) ≤ Îł (G). For every graph G the corona of a graph is obtained by attaching a pendant edge at each vertex of G. Theorem 1: For any graph G, i) ii) iii)

1≤ γ(G) ≤ γ (G) ≤ γ (G) ≤ p, 1 ≤ a(G) ≤ γ (G) ≤ p, 1 ≤ a(G) ≤ a (G) ≤ γ (G) ≤ p.

We show the global alliance and global strong alliance number for complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs and total domination numbers with minimum degree.

Proposition 1: For the complete graph k , i) Îł (k ) =

and ii) Îł (k ) =

Proof: Let D be a Îł (k ) – set and let v ∈ D then D contains at least deg v /2 =

neighbors of v, and so γ (k ) ≼ set consisting of v and



of its neighbors

is a global alliance, and so Îł (k ) ≤ . This establish (i). Let D be a Îł (k ) – set and v∈ D. Then D contains at least deg v /2 =

neighbors of v, and so γ (k ) ≼


set consisting of v and of its neighbors is a global strong alliance, and so γ (k ) ≤

. This establish ii).

Proposition (2): For the complete bipartite graph K , , (i) Îł (K , ) = + 1

(ii) γ (K , ) = + , if r, d ≼2 and (iii)

Îł (k , ) = + .

Proof: We first establish (i) the result is immediate when d=1. Suppose d≼2 and D is a γ (K , )-set, since D is a dominating set, the central vertex v say, belongs to D and therefore D contains at least deg v /2 = neighbors of v. Hence γ (K , ) ≼ + 1.

The set consisting of v and of its neighbors is a global alliance, and so γ (K , ) ≤ + 1. Given that a(k , ) = +

and a (k , ) =

we have γ (K , ) ≼

+ +

by the theorem 1,

and γ (k , )≼

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 3, 30 June, 2011 Pages (399-580)

D. B. Gangadharappa, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.2 (3), 463-469 (2011)

+ . The set consisting of vertices in

the partite set and vertices in the other partite set is a global alliance , and so γ (K , ) ≤ + . This establish (ii).

Similarly , the set consisting of


in the one partite set and vertices in the other partite set is a global strong alliance establishing (iii). Lemma1: For any graph G with δ(G) ≼2 , Îł (G) ≤ Îł (G) , further if ∆(G)≤3, then Îł (G) =Îł (G) . Proof: For any Îł (G)- set D and vertex v∈

D, D contains at least ≼1 neighbors of v, and so D is a total dominating set. Thus Îł (G) ≤ Îł (G). Further if ∆(G)≤3, then for any Îł (G) –set D and vertex u∈ D , |N u D| ≼2≼|N v V D|. Hence D is a global alliance, and so Îł (G)≤ Îł (G). If G is a cubic graph, then Îł (G) =Îł (G). Proposition 3: For cycles C , p≼3, Îł (C )= Îł (C )= Îł (C ). Lemma 2: For any graph G with no isolated vertices, Îł (G) ≤ Îł (G). Proof: For any Îł (G) –set D and vertex v∈

D, D contains at least ≼1 neighbors of v and so D is a total dominating set. Thus γ (G) ≤ γ (G). The total domination number of paths P and cycles C is well known: for

p≼3, Îł (P )= Îł (C ) = + − . For paths, we show that the global strong alliance number equals the total domination number. However, the global alliance


number of a path is not necessarily equal to its total domination number. Proposition 4: For p≼3, Îł (P )= Îł (P ). Proof: By lemma (2) , Îł (P )≤ Îł (P ). For any Îł (P )- set D and vertex u∈ D, |N u D|≼2> |N u V D|. Hence D is a global strong alliance, and so Îł (P )≤ Îł (P ) implies that Îł (P )= Îł (P ). Proposition 5: For p≼2, Îł (P ) = Îł (P )- 1.

Proof: Let R= P , since ∆(R) ≤ 2, every total dominating set of R is also a global alliance of R, and so Îł (R)≤ Îł (R). Suppose P ≥ 2 (mod4). If v denotes an end vertex of R , then either p=2, in which case Îł (R)≤ Îł (R)1 . On the other hand , let A be a Îł (R)- set . Then A is a dominating set of R. If the sub graph <A> induced by A contains an isolated vertex, then this vertex must be an end vertex of R. Hence <A> contains a most two isolated vertices. If <A> contains no isolated vertex, then A is a total dominating set, and so Îł (R) ≤ |A|. If <A> contains one isolated vertex v, then A - 'v( is a total dominating set of T−N[v] = P , and so Îł (P )≤ |A|−1. If now P≢2(mod4) then Îł (R)= Îł (P )+ 1≤|A| , while if p≥2(mod4), then Îł (R)= Îł (P )+2 ≤|A|+1. If <A> contains two isolated vertices u and v , then either R = P , in which case Îł (R)= 2 =|A| or |A|≼4, in which case A= 'u, v( is a total dominating set of R−N[u]−N[v]= P . Therefore, Îł (P )≤ |A|−2, and so Îł (R)= Îł (P )+ 2≤|A|. Since |A|= Îł (R), we have shown that Îł (R)≼ Îł (R) unless p≥2(mod4), in which case Îł (R)≼ Îł (R) −1.

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 3, 30 June, 2011 Pages (399-580)


D. B. Gangadharappa, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.2 (3), 463-469 (2011)

Lower bound and upper bound on the global alliance and global strong alliance number of a graph in terms of its order. Theorem 2: If G is a graph of order p, Then γ (G) ≼


and this bound is sharp.

Proof : Let Îł (G) = k. For any Îł (G) – set D and vertex v ∈ D, D contains at least Neighbors of v. Hence K = |D| ≼ |'v(| + ≼ (deg v +1)/2. Thus V−D contains

at most ≤ (deg v +1)/2 ≤ K neighbors of v. therefore each vertex in D has at most k neighbors in V− D, and so p− k = |V D| ≤ k . 0r equivalently, k + k−p

≼ 0. Hence K ≼ . Therefore this bound is sharp may be seen as , Let F = k and for k ≼ 2, Let F be the graph obtained from the disjoint union of k stars K , by adding all edges between the central vertices of K stars, Then G = F for some k ≼ 1has order P = k(k+1),and so k=(+4p . 1

−1)/2. If k=1, then Îł (G)=1= . If K≼2, then the k central vertices of the stars form a global alliance, and so, Îł (G)≤

.consequently, Îł (G)=


Proposition6: If G is a graph of order p,

then Îł (G) ≼ ๨ .


Corollary 1. If G is a cubic graph of order p.

Then γ (G) ≼

Corollary 2. If G is a 4-regular graph of

order p. Then γ (G) ≼ .

Theorem 3: If G is a graph of order p. Then Îł (G) ≼ +p, and this bound is sharp. Proof : Let Îł (G) = k. For any Îł (G)-set D and vertex v ∈ D, D contains at least neighbors of v. Hence k = |D| ≼ . ≼ most ≤

Thus V−D contains at

≤ k−1 neighbors of v. Therefore ,each vertex in D has at most k−1 neighbors in V−D, and so P−K = |V D| ≤ k(k−1), or equivalently k ≼ +p i.e Îł (G) ≼ +p. That this bound is sharp, may be seen as ,Let F = K , F = P , and for K ≼ 3, Let F be the graph obtained from the disjoint union of k stars K , by adding all edges between the central vertices of the k stars. Then F = F For some K ≼ 1 has order p =k , and so k = +p . If K =1, ThenÎł ( G) = 1 =+p , while if k = 2, Then Îł (G) = 2 =+p , if k ≼ 3. Then the k central vertices of the stars from a global strong alliance and so Îł (G) ≤ +p, Thus Îł (G) = +p. Proposition 7: For any graph G with no isolated vertices and minimum degree δ, δ δ (i) Îł (G) ≤ p− and (ii) Îł (G) ≤ p− and these bounds are sharp. Proof : Let v be a vertex of minimum degree and D be the set of vertices formed δ by the removing neighbors of v from V. Then D dominates G for each u∈D,|N u δ V D | ≤ ≤ , and so |N u

D| ≼ +1 ≼|N u V D |. Thus D is a global alliance, and so γ (G) ≤ |D|. This establish (i). That this bound is sharp

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 3, 30 June, 2011 Pages (399-580)

D. B. Gangadharappa, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.2 (3), 463-469 (2011)

from proposition 1. (take G=K with p is odd) Let D be the set vertices formed by δ removing neighbors of v from V, Then D dominates G. For each u∈D, ,|N u V δ D | ≤ ≤ , and so |N u D|

≼ +1 >|N u V D |. Thus D is aglobal strong alliance, and so Îł (G) ≤ |D|. This establish (ii). That this bound is sharp from proposition1(take G=K ). Corollary 3: For any graph G, Îł (G)= p if 1111 . and only if G=K Definitions: 1. 2 is the family graphs obtained from a clique D ~ K by attaching K=d (u)+1, leaves at each vertex u of D. 2. 2 is the family of bipartite graphs obtained from a balanced complete bipartite graph D ~ K , by attaching K+1=d (u)+1 leaves at each vertex u of D. 3. 2 is the family of trees obtained from a tree D by attaching a set L of d (u)+1 leaves at each vertex u of D. Proposition 8: (i) If G ∈ 2 Then i(G) = Îł (G)− Îł (G) +1. (ii) If G ∈ 2 Then i(G) = Îł (G)/4 + Îł (G). (iii) If G ∈ 2 Then i(G) = 2Îł (G) −1.

Proof: If G ∈ 2 with 1≤ i ≤ 3 then V(D) is a minimum dominating set and a defective alliance of a G. There fore Îł(G) ≤ Îł (G) ≤ |D| = Îł(G) and thus Îł (G)=|D|. (i) If G ∈ 2 , that is D ~ K then i(G) = 1+ = |D| − |D| + 1. (ii) If G ∈ 2 , that is D ~ K , then |D| = 2k and i(G) = k+k(k+1)= |D| /4 + |D|


(iii) Let T ∈ 2 be constructed from a tree, D with bipartition classes X and Y. Every maximal independent set I of T can be written as I= (I∊V(D)) âˆŞ (5 / L u ). There fore |I| = |I V D | + ∑ / d u . 1 = |V D | + ∑ / d u . in the sum ∑ / d u , the edges of D between V(D)/I and I are counted once and the q(D−I) edges joining two vertices in V(D)/I are counted twice. Hence ∑ / d u = q(D)+q(D−I) ≼ q(D),and |I| ≼ |V D | +q(D) =2p(D)−1. For the particular sets I=X âˆŞ (5 L u and I =Y âˆŞ (5 ! L u , q(V(D)/I) = ∅. And |I| = 2p(D)−1. Therefore, i(T)=2p(D)−1=2 Îł (T)−1. Theorem 4: (i) Every graph G is satisfies i(G) ≤ Îł (G)− Îł (G) +1 with equality iff G∈2

(ii) Every bipartite graph G is satisfies i(G) = Îł (G)/4 + Îł (G) with equality iff G ∈ 2 (iii) Every tree G is satisfies i(G) ≤ 2Îł (G) −1 with equality iff G ∈ 2 . Proof: Let D be a Îł (G)-set, W is a maximal independent set of G[D], and B is a maximal independent set of G[N / (D)/ N / (W)]. Then WâˆŞB is a maximal independent set of G and i(G) ≤|W|+ |B|. For each v∈D, Let L(v) = N / (v). Since D is a defensive alliance, |L v | ≤ d v +1 for every v∈D, and since defensive alliance is dominating. "

|B| ≤ :N๏ ; <: ≤ ∑ ŕąš |L v | = # ŕąš

∑ /$ d v . 1


≤|D|−|w|+∑ /$ d v

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 3, 30 June, 2011 Pages (399-580)



D. B. Gangadharappa, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.2 (3), 463-469 (2011)

Therefore i(G) ≤|D|+∑ /$ d v .


(i) In every graph , d v ≤ |D| −1. Therefore i(G) ≤ |D| +(|D|−|w|) (|D| −1) with |w| ≼ 1. Hence i(G)≤ |D| − |D| + 1= Îł (G)− Îł (G) +1. If i(G)= |D| − |D| + 1 Then |W| =1 and d v = |D| −1 for every v ∈ D/W, i.e D is a clique and W consists of any vertex W of D. Moreover, For any W ∈ D, equality in (i) gives |B| =:N๏ D/'w(:, i.e :N๏ D/'w(: ŕąš

is independent and


:N๏ D/'w(: = ŕąš

∑ /%$&|L v | ? ∑ /%$& d v . 1) i.e all the sets L(v) for v ∈ D, are disjoint, independent and of order d v +1. Therefore G∈2 . The converse is true by proposition 8(i) (ii) Suppose now G bipartite. Let U be the set of isolated vertices of G [D]and XâˆŞY a bipartite G[D/U]. If we take W= XâˆŞU we get by (2), i(G) ≤|D|+∑ d v = |D| +q(D)‌‌.(3). Since G[D] is bipartite, q(D)≤ |D| /4 and thus i(G)≤ |D| /4+ |D| = Îł (G)/4+ Îł (G). If i(G)= |D| /4+ |D|, then q(D) = |D| /4 i.e U = ∅ and G[D] is a complete balanced bipartite graph. More over equality in (1) implies that all the sets L(v) for v ∈ Y are disjoint and of respective orders d v +1. By symmetry between X and Y, the same property holds for all v ∈ X. Then G∈2 , the converse is true by proposition 8(ii) (iii) If the bipartite graph G is a tree, G[D] is a forest, by (3), i(G) ≤ |D| + q(D) with q(D) ≤ |D|−1. Therefore i(G)≤ 2 |D| 1 =2 Îł (G) −1. If i(G)≤ 2 |D| 1, then q(D) = |D|−1, i.e G[D] is a tree the set L(v) are all disjoint for v ∈ Y and of respective order

d v +1, and the same holds for all v ∈ X by symmetry between X and Y. therefore G∈2 the converse is true by proposition 8(iii). Lemma 3: Let T be a tree constructed from a balanced tree D by attaching a set L(u) of d u leaves at each vertex u ∈ D. Let B be a maximal independent set of T and q be the number of components of the forest induced in T by V(D)/B. then |B| = 2 |D| − q −1. Proof: Every maximal independent set of T has the form B=(V(D)∊B) âˆŞ (5 /' L u ). Hence |B| = 2 |B V D | + ∑ /' d u = q(D) +q(D−B) and |B| = |B V D | + q(D) +q(D−B). Since D is a tree and D−B a forest with q components, q(D)= |D| −1 and q(D−B)=|V D /B| – q. therefore |B| = |B V D |+( |D| −1) +(|D| |B V D |−q)= 2 |D| − q −1 . Theorem 5: (i) For every tree T, Îł( (T) ≤ 2i(T)−1 (ii) For every tree T of order p, β(T)+2i(T) ≼ p+1. (iii) For every tree T of order p ≼ 2, i(T) ≤ Îł() (T) −1. REFERENCES 1. A.Cami, H.Balakrishnan, N. Deo and R.D. Dutton. On the complexcity of finding optimal global alliances, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 58, 23-31(2006). 2. M. Chellali and T.W.Haynes, Global alliances and independent in trees. Discuss, Math. Graph theory 27, 19-27 (2007). 3. T.W. Haynes, S.T.Hedetniemi and M. A. Henring, Global defensive alliances in graphs.

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 3, 30 June, 2011 Pages (399-580)

D. B. Gangadharappa, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.2 (3), 463-469 (2011)

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Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 3, 30 June, 2011 Pages (399-580)

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