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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (6), 631-636 (2012)

Fuzzy Pairwise Strongly ࢝-Continuous Mappings M. SHUKLA Department of Applied Mathematics, Gayan Ganga Insitude of Technology and Sciences, Jabalpur, M. P., INDIA. (Received on: November 22, 2012) ABSTRACT We define and characterize a fuzzy pairwise strongly continuous mappings on a fuzzy bitopological space. We investigate some of their properties. We establish some equivalent condition of fuzzy pairwise strongly -continuous mappings on a fuzzy bitopological space. Keywords: ( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? -fuzzy open, ( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? -fuzzy closed, ( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? fuzzy semi-open, ( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? -fuzzy semi-closed, ( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? -fuzzy pairwise -continuous, ( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? -fuzzy pairwise semicontinuous,( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? -fuzzy pairwise -open, ( ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? -fuzzy pairwise -closed. AMS Subject Classification: 54 A40.

1. INTRODUCTION A triplet ( , , , where is a non-empty set and and are fuzzy topologies on is called a fuzzy bitopological space and A. Kandil4 initiated the study of such spaces. Further in 1996, S. S. Thakur and R. Malviya7 defined fuzzy semi-open and fuzzy semi-continuous in fuzzy bitopological space. Sampath Kumar5 defined a ( , -fuzzy -open set and characterized a fuzzy pairwise -continuous mappings on a fuzzy bitopological space. In this article we have established equivalent

conditions for a mapping to be fuzzy pairwise strongly -continuous mapping in fuzzy bitopological space. Further we have studied some properties of fuzzy pairwise continuous mapping. 2. PRELIMINARIES Let be a set and let and be fuzzy topologies on . Then we call , , a fuzzy bitopological space [ ]. A mapping : , , , , ) is fuzzy pairwise continuous [ if the induced

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 6, 31 December, 2012 Pages (557-663)


M. Shukla, J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (6), 631-636 (2012)

mapping : , , is fuzzy continuous for 1,2. A mapping : , , , , ) is fuzzy pairwise open [ open] ( fuzzy pairwise closed [ closed]) if the induced mapping

: , , is fuzzy open (fuzzy closed) for 1,2. Notations. (1) Throughout this paper, we take an ordered pair , with , 1,2 and . (2) For simplicity, we abbreviate a -fuzzy open set and a -fuzzy closed set with a - set and a - set respectively. Also, we denote the interior and the closure of for a fuzzy topology – and " # respectively. Definition 2.1. Let be a fuzzy set on a

. Then we call ; (i) a ( , -fuzzy semi-open [( , "

set on if % " # " 7. (ii) a ( , -fuzzy semi-closed [( , "

set on if " & " # ' % 7. (iii) a ( , -fuzzy (-open [( , " ( set on if % " " # " 5. (iv) a ( , -fuzzy (-closed [( , " ( set on if " # " " # % 5. Definition 2.2.5 Let be a fuzzy set on a


(1) The ( , -( interior of , [( , " ( is ) *: * % , * is a ( , " ( set}.

(2) The ( , -( closure of , [( , " ( # is + *: * , , * is a ( , " ( set}. Definition 2.3: Let : , ଵ , ଶ , ଵ‍ כ‏, ଶ‍) כ‏ be a mappings. Then is called; (1) fuzzy pairwise semi-continuous ( mapping if ିଵ is a ( , set on for each ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏set on Y7. (2) fuzzy pairwise pre-continuous ( ) mapping if ିଵ is a ( , set on for each ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏set on Y5. (3) fuzzy pairwise -continuous ( ) mapping if ିଵ is a ( , set on for each ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏set on Y5. It is clear that every mapping is a and mappings on . But the converse may true in general. 3. FUZZY PAIRWISE STRONGLY -CONTINUOUS MAPPINGS In this section we introduce a fuzzy pairwise strongly (-continuous mapping which is stronger form of fuzzy pairwise (continuous mapping. And we characterize a fuzzy strongly (-continuous mapping. Definition 3.1. Let : , ଵ , ଶ , ଵ‍ כ‏, ଶ‍) כ‏ be a mapping. Then is called a fuzzy pairwise strongly -continuous [ ] mapping if ିଵ is a ( , set on

for each ( ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏, ŕŻ?‍ כ‏set on Y. Since any fuzzy open set is fuzzy semi-open, if follows that every fuzzy pairwise strongly (-continuous map - ( ] is fuzzy pairwise (-continuous - ( . However converse may not true in general. We have the following example.

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 6, 31 December, 2012 Pages (557-663)

M. Shukla, J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (6), 631-636 (2012)

Example 3.2. Let = {. , . and / , / and , , *, , * be fuzzy sets defined as follows. . = 0.2, . 0.3, . = 0.5, . 0.5, * . = 0.2, * . 0.4, / 0.3, / 0.4, and * / = 0.4, * / 0.5. Let 0, , , 1 , 0, *, 1 and 0, , 1 , 0, * , 1 . Then the mapping : , , , , ) defined by (. / , . / is fuzzy pairwise (-continuous [ ( ] but not fuzzy pairwise strongly (-continuous [ ( ] mapping. Theorem 3.3. Let : , ଵ , ଶ , ଵ‍ כ‏, ଶ‍) כ‏ be a mappings. Then the following statements are equivalent; (i) is fuzzy pairwise strongly (-continuous ( ( mapping. (ii) the inverse image of each ( , ) – set on is a ( , - ( set on . (iii) & , ' " ( # % & , ' " scl Âľ for each fuzzy set on . (iv) ( , " ( #& * ' %

7& , ' " scl 8 9 for each fuzzy set * on .

(v) 7& , ' " sint 8 9 % & , ' " ( * for each fuzzy set * on .

Proof. (i) = (ii): Let * be a ( , )- set on . Then * is a ( , )- set on . Since is ( , * * is a ( , – ( set on . Hence * is a( , - ( set on . (ii) = (iii): Let is a fuzzy set on . Then

7& , ' " scl&f Âľ '9 is a ( , - (


set on . Thus ( , " ( # % & , ' " ( # 7 & '9 %

& , ' " ( # & , ' " scl& Âľ ' = & , ' "scl& '. Hence

& , ' " ( # % 7& , ' " scl& '9 % & , ' " scl( .

(iii) = (iv): Let * be a fuzzy set on . Then

& , '-( # * % & , ' # * ))% & , ' " # * . Hence & , ' " ( # * % 7& , ' "

( #& * '9 % (& , '- # * . (iv) = v). Let * be a fuzzy set on . Then & , '-( # * % & , ' # * . Hence, & , '- *

& , ' " # * )% & , ' " ( # * = & , '-( & * '. (vi) = . Let * be a & , '- set on . Then * = 7& , ' "

sint 8 9 % & , ' " ( & * '.

Hence * is a & , '- set on and therefore, is ( function. Theorem 3.4. Let : , , , , be a bijection. is ( mapping if and only if for each fuzzy set on . ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏, ŕŻ?‍ כ‏sint Âľ ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? .

Proof: Let be a fuzzy set on . Then, by Theorem 3.3, ିଵ ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏, ŕŻ?‍ כ‏sint Âľ ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? ିଵ Âľ !.

Since is a bijection.

ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏, ŕŻ?‍ כ‏sint Âľ ିଵ ŕŻœâ€Ť כ‏, ŕŻ?‍ כ‏ Îąint f Âľ f ŕŻœ , ŕŻ? .

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 6, 31 December, 2012 Pages (557-663)


M. Shukla, J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (6), 631-636 (2012)

Conversely, let * be a fuzzy set on . Then & , ' " sint 7 & '9 % 7& , '

" ( & * '9. Recall that is a bijection. Hence & , ' " sint 8 & , ' " sint f& 8 ' % (& , ' " ( 8 . and

& , ' " sint8 % 7& , ' " ( & 8 '9

= & , ' " ( & 8 '. Therefore, by theorem 3.3, is ( function. Definition 3.5. Let : , ଵ , ଶ , ଵ‍ כ‏, ଶ‍ כ‏ be a mapping. Then is called (i) a fuzzy Pairwise strongly (-open [ ( open] mapping if is a & , ' "

set on for each & , ' ( set on . (ii) a fuzzy Pairwise strongly (-closed [ ( closed] mapping if is a & , ' " set on for each & , ' ( set on . Theorem 3.6. Let : , , , , be a mapping. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) is ( open mapping. (ii) & , ' " ( % & , ' " sint( for each fuzzy set on . (iii) & , ' " ( * %

& , ' " sint 8 for each fuzzy set 8 on .

Proof. (i) = ii . Let be a fuzzy set on . Then & , ' " ( is a & , ' "

set on and 7& , ' " ( 9 %

. Hence 7& , ' " ( 9 & , ' " sint 7& , ' " ( 9) % & , ' "

& '. ii =(iii). Let 8 be a fuzzy set on . Then

7& , ' " ( & * '9 % & , ' "

sint & 8 ' % & , ' " sint 8. Hence & , ' " ( & 8 ' %

? 7& , ' " ( & 8 '9@

% 7& , ' " sint 89.

(iii)= . Let be a & , ' " ( set on . Then & , ' " ( % & , ' " ( & ' . We have % ( & , ' " sint ( % & , ' " sint ( . Hence & , ' " sint& '. Conversely, is a & , ' " set on and therefore, is ( open mapping.

Theorem 3.7. A mapping : , , , , is closed mapping if and only if & , ' " scl % & , ' " ( # for each fuzzy set on . Proof. Let be a fuzzy set on . Then

& , ' " ( # is a & , '- set on

and % 7& , ' " ( # 9. Hence & , ' " scl& ' % & , ' "scl ? 7& , ' " ( # 9@

= 7& , ' " ( # 9.

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 6, 31 December, 2012 Pages (557-663)

M. Shukla, J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (6), 631-636 (2012)


Conversely, let be a & , '- ( set on . Then & , ' " scl f % & , ' " ( # = . Consequently, is a & , ' " ( on and therefore is a ( open mapping.

(ii) =(iii). Let * be a fuzzy set on . Then

7& , ' " scl * 9 % & , '

Theorem 3.8. Let : , , , , be a bijection. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) is ( closed. (ii) 7& , ' " scl 89 % & , ' " ( # 8 for each fuzzy set 8 on . (iii) is ( mapping. (iv) is ( mapping.

= 7& , ' " sint *9. Hence is ( open mapping from Theorem 3.6. (iii) =(iv). Let * be a fuzzy set on . Then & , ' " ( & * ' %

Proof. (i)=(ii). Let 8 be a fuzzy set on . Then by Theorem 3.6, & , ' " scl 8 % & , ' " ( #& 8 '. Hence

& , ' " scl ( 8 %

& , ' " ( # 8 . Since is a bijection,

7& , ' " scl 89 % & , ' "

( #& 8 '. (ii) =(i). Let be a fuzzy set on . Then

7& , ' " scl& Âľ '9 % & , '

"( #& * '.

By Lemma, & , ' " ( & * ' & , ' " ( # *

% & , ' " scl * #

7& , ' " sint 89. Since is a bijection. by Theorem 3.4, is ( mapping. (iv) =(ii). It is clear from Theorem 3.3.

Corollary 3.9. Let : , ଵ , ଶ , ଵ‍ כ‏, ଶ‍ כ‏ be a mapping. Then is ( closed and

( if and only if 7& , ' " ( # 9 & , ' " scl f Âľ for each fuzzy set on .

"( # 7 & Âľ '9.

Corollary 3.10.Let : , ଵ , ଶ , ଵ‍ כ‏, ଶ‍ כ‏ be a mapping. Then is ( open and

( if and only if & , ' " scl8 = & , ' " ( # for each fuzzy set * on .



? 7& , ' " scl& Âľ '9@ %

?& , ' " ( # 7 & Âľ '9@.

Since is a bijection, & , ' " scl& Âľ ' % 7& , ' " ( #Âľ9. Therefore by the theorem 3.7, is ( closed.

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Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 6, 31 December, 2012 Pages (557-663)

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