JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES An International Open Free Access, Peer Reviewed Research Journal
ISSN 0976-5727 (Print) ISSN 2319-8133 (Online) Abbr:J.Comp.&Math.Sci. 2014, Vol.5(4): Pg.336-338
Rigidity Holder for Cubic Matrices M. H. Rezaeigol and M. H. Hosseini Academic Member of School of Mathematics, University of Birjand, IRAN. (Received on: July 4, 2014) ABSTRACT Let ܲ be a field, and â€ŤÜŻâ€ŹáˆşŕŹˇáˆť (ܲ) is ring of cubic matrices on a field ܲ. In this paper is defined (â€ŤÜĽâ€ŹŕŹľ , â€ŤÜĽâ€ŹŕŹś )-Holder valuation on a ring â€ŤÜŻâ€ŹáˆşŕŹˇáˆť (ܲ) and then is proved, that áˆşâ€ŤÜĽâ€ŹŕŹľ , â€ŤÜĽâ€ŹŕŹś áˆť-Holder valuation on a ring â€ŤÜŻâ€ŹáˆşŕŹˇáˆť (ܲ) is (2, ß™)-Holder equivalent to some classical valuation, where ß™ = áˆşlogáˆş2â€ŤÜĽâ€ŹŕŹľ áˆťáˆťŕŹżŕŹľ . It gives expansion of the theorem of Garcia ([4]) on some class of noncommutative rings (class of cubic matrices on a field ܲ). Keywords: cubic matrices; (â€ŤÜĽâ€ŹŕŹľ , â€ŤÜĽâ€ŹŕŹś )-Holder.
1. INTRODUCTION Definition 1.1. Let Γ be a totally ordered abelian group. matrix valuation on skew field (simple valuation on = ௥ ( )) is a function : → Γ âˆŞ {∞} satisfying: 1. = + ( ), for all , ∈ ; 2. ∇ ≼ min{ , ( )}, for all , ∈ such that ∇ is defined; 3. ( ) is unchanged if any row or column of is multiplied by -1; 4. = ∞ for any singular matrix Üş ∈ ‍;ܣ‏ 5. = 0, where is an identity matrix. Remark 1.2. We observe that when = 1, (i.e., is a division ring), then (1)-(5) simply say that is a valuation on .
Proposition 1.3. Let be a simple valuation on = ௥ ( ). Then we have: •
• • •
If ≠( ). Then ∇ = min , , whenever ∇ is defined in . = 0for any elementary matrix in . ( )is unchanged if multiplied on the left (or right) by an elementary matrix. ( )remains unchanged under any permutation of rows (or columns).
2. CUBIC MATRICES AND RIGIDITY HOLDER Now let given the numerical field . Any system from ଷ elements ŕŻœ,ŕŻ?,௞ ( , , =
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 4, 31 August, 2014 Pages (332-411)
M. H. Rezaeigol, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.5 (4), 336-338 (2014)
1,2, â‹Ż , ) of field that defined as coordinates , , , is called a 3-dimensional (cubic) matrix of order n on and it is denoted in abbreviated from by a symbol ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ( , , = 1,2, â‹Ż , ) . Definition 2.1. The valuation on set of cubic matrices áˆşŕŹˇáˆť ( ) on a field is called map | |: áˆşŕŹˇáˆť → â„? âˆŞ {∞}, satisfying the following conditions: áˆşŕŹˇáˆť
1. if = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ ( ) and is a singular matrix, then | | = ∞; áˆşŕŹˇáˆť 2. if = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ , = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ , 1 ≤ ≤ , ŕ°’ŕŻ?௞ = − ŕ°’ŕŻ?௞ and ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ for ≠, 1 ≤ , ≤ , then | | = | |; áˆşŕŹˇáˆť 3. if = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ , = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ and the determinant sum ∇ is | ∇ | ≼ determined, then min{| |, | |}; áˆşŕŹˇáˆť 4. for any matrix = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ , áˆşŕŹˇáˆť = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௠: | ⊕ | = | | + | |; áˆşŕŹˇáˆť 5. | | = 0, where = ௥ ∈ ௥ ( ) is an identity cubic matrix.
Definition 2.2.Let ଵ , ଶ ≼ 1. Then a ( ଵ , ଶ )-Holder valuation on set of cubic matrices áˆşŕŹˇáˆť ( ) on a field is called map : áˆşŕŹˇáˆť → â„? âˆŞ {∞}, satisfying the following conditions: áˆşŕŹˇáˆť
1. If = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ ( ) and is a singular matrix, then | | = ∞; áˆşŕŹˇáˆť 2. if = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ , = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ , 1 ≤ ≤ , ŕ°’ŕŻ?௞ = − ŕ°’ŕŻ?௞ and ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ for ≠, 1 ≤ , ≤ , then | | = | |;
3. if = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ , = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ ( ) and the determinant sum ∇ is determined, then | ∇ | ≼ ଶ min{| |, | |}; áˆşŕŹˇáˆť 4. for any matrix = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௥ , áˆşŕŹˇáˆť = ŕŻœŕŻ?௞ ∈ ௠: ଵିଵ + ≤ ⊕ ≤ ଵ + ; áˆşŕŹˇáˆť 5. | | = 0, where = ௥ ∈ ௥ ( ) is an identity cubic matrix. Remark 2.3. We shall notice, that a (1,1)Holder valuation on set of cubic matrices áˆşŕŹˇáˆť ( ) on a field is a classical valuation. Let | |, are two valuations on set of cubic matrices áˆşŕŹˇáˆť ( ) on a field . Then we say, that are ଴ , equivalent, if: ଴ିଵ | |ŕ°ˆ ≤ ≤ ଴ | |ŕ°ˆ for all ∈ áˆşŕŹˇáˆť ( ). Theorem 2.4.(Rigidity Holder for set of cubic matrices). Let : áˆşŕŹˇáˆť â&#x;ś â„? âˆŞ {∞} is a ( ଵ , ଶ )Holder valuations from set of cubic matrices áˆşŕŹˇáˆť ( ), where ଵ ≼ 1, ଶ ≼ 1. Then there exist a classical valuations | | on set of cubic matrices áˆşŕŹˇáˆť ( ), which is (2, )equivalent to valuation , where = log ଶ 2 ଵ ିଵ. REFERENCES 1. Leca M. Lecat, Coup d’oeilsur la theorie des determinants superieursdans son etatactuel. Ann. Soc. Scient. Bruxelles 45 (1926), II, fasc. 1/2, 1-98; fasc. 3/4, 141168; 46 (1926), 15-54; 47, serie A, II, fasc. 1, 1-37 (1927).
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 4, 31 August, 2014 Pages (332-411)
M. H. Rezaeigol, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.5 (4), 336-338 (2014)
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Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 4, 31 August, 2014 Pages (332-411)