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CombinED CHAmbEr poSitionED FOR FutuRE
elow is a conversation with Craig Whitney, President/CEO of the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce.
What role does the Chamber of Commerce play in our community?
The Chamber is a cheerleader for the community, serving as a catalyst for positive change. We represent private, public and nonprofit entities, educational institutions and elected officials. We bring the right people to the table to foster an environment of economic growth and investment. When the business community joins forces, amazing things can happen.
How does the Chamber benefit area businesses?
Benefits are incorporated into our seven committees, comprised of hundreds of engaged, active and competitive people who oversee two Ambassador committees, Business Training, Chamber Leadership, Public Affairs,
Young Professionals Network and Youth Leadership. Additionally, a part-time lobbyist monitors the North Dakota Legislature, and the Minnesota chamber keeps us abreast of state issues.
What policy issues is the Chamber advocating?
Priorities for this legislative session included supporting funding for flood protection, addressing the infrastructure needs in our region and across the state, expanding partnerships between higher education and businesses through the Centers of Excellence and supporting the continuation of local government aid. The Chamber Advocacy Center provides members a streamlined way to engage in the public policy process at all levels by allowing individuals to find information on key issues and contact their legislators directly. The Chamber can mobilize members to take action, making it an even stronger voice of the metropolitan business community. To explore the Chamber Advocacy Center, visit FMWFChamber. com and click on “Advocacy.”
How does a Chamber presence benefit the community?
The Chamber collaborates with business associations and universities, serving as a conduit to those outside our area. As an advocate, we promote our community’s strengths and showcase our region. Our new Voices of Vision speaker series brings world thought leaders and business visionaries to the community. It is poised to be a significant annual community event, with Lt. Col. Oliver North the inaugural speaker last November. The Chamber is also bringing the original Apprentice Bill Rancic to Fargo this summer to keynote the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit. A strong business community contributes to the community in so many ways.