1 minute read
How are Dr. Oz, Oprah and CBS Evening News Connected to Dr. Rachel Fleissner, Board Certified Psychiatrist in Fargo?
Through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is making headlines in magazines, news shows, and talk shows as a safe effective treatment of many brain-based disorders including:
• Depression
• Autism/Aspergers
• Stroke recovery
• Tinnitus
• Parkinson’s
• Stroke
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation uses magnetic pulses targeted at specific brain locations to treat these disorders and symptoms. The procedure is non-invasive. During a TMS treatment session, a treatment coil is placed on the patient’s head and the patient experiences the magnetic pulses targeting a very small and very specific area of their brain. The sensation of the pulsed magnetic energy feels like a “woodpecker” tapping. There is no sedation or anesthesia required. The patient is awake, alert and comfortable throughout the sessions. There are no cognitive side effects to the treatment and patients go ahead with their usual daily routine immediately before and after each session.
Dr. Rachel Fleissner is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. She has been awarded a Bush Foundation Scholarship and is named as one of America’s top psychiatrists. She is located 2902 South University Drive. Call 701-364-9723 or visit www.MyDrRachel.com.