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Making the right CHOICE for depression treatment
making the right choice for any medical treatment can be difficult. Now there is a new FDA approved treatment available for sufferers of depression who have not been able to get better with antidepressant medications or cannot tolerate antidepressant medications. The treatment is called TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). TMS uses a pulsating electromagnetic to target and treat the small area of the brain that isn’t doing its job in patients diagnosed with depression. The treatment is done in the office with no sedation and no cognitive side effects. Patients of all ages can be treated with ease and success.
Across the country major medical institutions including Mayo, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and Walter Reed Army Hospital are treating depression with TMS.
Here in Fargo, Dr. Rachel Fleissner, MD Board Certified Psychiatrist, has been successfully treating patients with TMS since 2009 at her office on South University Drive. Committed to allowing patients to have the full choice in depression treatment that they would have if they lived in a big city or lived by a large university setting, Dr. Rachel Fleissner believes that treating a patient with depression successfully is worth it not just for the individual patient, but for their loved ones who are also deeply affected by this debilitating disease.
‘Bringing back a patients’ quality of life often when they had lost hope is a wonderful thing.”
Rachel Fleissner, MD
2902 South University Drive
Fargo, ND 58103
701-364-9723 www.MyDrRachel.com fall colors, thoughts of harvest and thankfulness combine with anticipation and preparation for the Christmas holidays. Designer and landscape enthusiast Sarah Liljestrand, co-owner of Holland’s Landscaping and Garden Center in Moorhead, artfully combined the harvest and holiday celebrations last year in decorating a south Moorhead home, owned by Steve and Karen Oberg, as a part of the annual Home for the Holidays charity event.

Get a peak at the artistry of the team at Holland’s Landscaping and Garden Center as you walk through one of the homes featured in last year’s Home for the Holidays charity event in anticipation of this year’s fundraiser sponsored by Alpha Gamma Delta at NDSU.