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3RD aNNuaL RiDiNg ON aNgELs wiNgs MixED stag FuNDRaisER
On Friday, March 1st, the Hartl Ag Building at the Red River Fairgrounds welcomed 300 supporters of Riding on Angels Wings (ROAW) for their 3rd Annual Mixed Stag Fundraiser. The event consists of dinner, live auctions, raffles and raffle boards. The evening was sponsored by Jordhal Custom Homes. $30,000 was raised, with all proceeds going to Riding on Angels Wings, a 501(c)3 organization that provides Equine Assisted Therapy for children who have special needs.

Over 150 local businesses and individuals contributed time, cash and items for the raffles and auctions. 12 members of the Gateway Lions helped man the raffle boards and presented, Founder & Executive Director, Bette Shipley, with a $1,000 check from Wal-Mart. Five Hair Success Stylists and ROAW friends and staff were kept busy selling raffle tickets. “I feel deeply blessed by the tremendous community support for our organization” said Shipley.

Long time Riding on Angels Wings supporter Jim McKay was honored for his commitment and endless enthusiasm for ROAW with the “Riding On Angels Wings Enrichment Award”. Shipley also recognized staff members for their tremendous work and dedication.
ROAW was founded in 2002 with seven participants and a handful of volunteers, today the program serves over 200 children.