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Community Fundraisers

now - July 31
leMonGrass spa
proDucts’ operation
FreeDoM Feet
The 6th Annual Lemongrass Spa Products’ Freedom Feet Fundraiser is going on now! Send pampering foot kits to female soldiers serving our country on foreign soil. Help us reach our goal of 2,000 kits and change lives “One SOLE at a time”.
The Kits start at $24. Contact to Order. 701.729.8021 lemongrasswendy@aol.com
June 4
Fore liFe”
GolF Marathon
FirstChoice Clinic is forming a fantastic team of golfers and would love to have you out on the greens with us in our 19th Annual Golf Marathon. Last year golfers raised $60,000 for this vital ministry in our region. Your participation will help raise the resources needed to assist the ministry in providing the most vulnerable expectant moms with access to state of the art ultrasound equipment, well trained staff and the support and education they need.
7:45 am
Rose Creek Golf Course
Rose Creek Pkwy, Fargo 701.237.5902| mona@firstchoiceclinic.com

June 7 cass county
relay For liFe
Relay For Life is a celebration of survivorship – an occasion to express hope and our shared goal to end a disease that threatens the lives of so many people we love. Take the Walk that Matters! Help Save More Lives.
6:00 pm - 6:00 am
Casselton Reservoir County Hwy 10 NW, Casselton 701.371.5958
June 15 tour De cure Bike riDe
Ride & Stop Diabetes! A ride, not a race, with routes designed for everyone. Festivities begin with the Pre-Ride Pump Up. All rides start from Oak Grove Park. You will enjoy a scenic ride through the Red River Valley. There are four rides to choose from: 15 mi. Family Fun Ride, 35 mi., 75 mi. and 100 mi. Century Ride.
Registration: Fee of $25 + Fundraising Minimum of $150 Oak Grove Park, Fargo 701.234.0123 | diabetes.org/ tournorthdakota august 8 us Bank presents: 4th annual Joes For Gi’s
The Joes for GI’s event is the Signature Event for Operation Salute our Service Members. Joes for GI’s is a lunch for $5 that consists of a sloppy joe, chips, cookie and beverage. All proceeds to benefit local military support groups.
11 am - 1 pm
US Bank
505 2nd Ave N, Fargo
September 21
walk to enD alzheiMer’s
The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s. Held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide. Together, we can end Alzheimer’s disease, the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death.
Registration: 8:00 am, Walk: 9:00 am
Scheels Arena
5225 31st Ave S., Fargo 701.277.9757 | traie.dockter@alz.org
"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Then you will seek me and find me: when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord. "
— JEREMIAH 29: 11-14