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Where to shop
The higher shelter back is slightly angled so you feel like you are supported leaning back, or snuggled into the corners. With this bed, your bedroom will become a sanctuary!
Aartisan fiffiine furniture
4575 23rd Avenue South, Suite 600, Fargo 701.364.5600 // aartisan.com
These Bertu home fragrances are handcrafted soy candles with unique scent stories and an attractive, modern look.

3 chicks boutique
Located inside Baker Garden & Gift 2733 South University Drive, Fargo 701.237.6255 // bakernursery.com o’day cache
Cultures from all over the world once believed that through a remark or an envious stare bad luck was bestowed. As a barrier, Evil Eye Jewelry was created to stare back at the eyes of harm.
317 Broadway North, Downtown Fargo 701.293.2088 // facebook.com/ODayCache
Add some color to your wardrobe for Summer with a necklace, scarf or accent belt!

(Belt - $8, Scarf - $16, Necklace - $18)
My bEst FRiENd’s CLOsEt
11 9th Street South, Moorhead 218.236.6937 // mybestfriendscloset.biz hillmer eye clinic
Lightec is designed for men and women searching for fashion-forward, immediately comfortable eyewear. Many colors and styles to choose from!

101 10th Street North Suite 120, Fargo 701.239.9771 // hillmereyeclinic.com
Add a graphic “wow” to your summer outfit with a Brighton handbag. Found at LAuRiE’s
25th Street & 32nd Avenue S, Fargo (The Starbucks Corner) 701.282.8180 // facebook.com/lauries dALbOL FLOWERs
A bejeweled beauty of vivid colors in a contemporary cube vase. Brighten someone’s day starting at $44.95! We deliver fun!

25th Street Market 1450 25th Street South, Fargo 701.235.5864 // dalbolflowersfargo.com
Carol Widman’s assorted handmade chocolates and famous chippers make them FM’s finest chocolatiers. Try a dessert tray filled with chippers and assorted chocolates.

Carol Widman’s Candy 4325 13th Avenue South, Fargo 701.281.8664 // carolwidmanscandy.com
Add some fresh color to your home this summer with modern art, funky designer pillows and recycled metal sculpture available exclusively at: HOLLANd’s

1201 Center Ave, Moorhead 218.233.6131 hollandslandscapingandgarden.com facebook.com/hollandsgarden.mn
Fargo Girl® Gear
Water Bottles, Accessories Apparel & Jewelry

VAVA bOutiquE
Inside Uncorked Wine Bar, Downtown Fargo // Thurs. 1-8 pm Now Open! - Cormorant Village, MN May-Sept. Sat. 10-5 pm 701.729.6652 // 218.532.2828 shopvava.com // facebook.com/vavaboutique