2 minute read
A Journey Through Breast Cancer
Cindy Eggl isn’t sorry she got breast cancer, but she doesn’t understand how either. It doesn’t run in her family and she’s been diligent in preventative mammograms since she was 35, had annual physicals and completed monthly self-breast exams, so the now 55-year-old was stunned when she learned she had Stage II breast cancer in April 2011. Despite having a double lumpectomy, removal of nine lymph nodes, 16 chemo sessions and 33 radiation treatments, Eggl decided she needed to take action to help others seeking comfort with their own cancer battles. “I’ve always been a giver, and I think God has entrusted me with the message of hope.”
Eggl’s new book “Boundless Blessings and God’s Grace: My Journey Through Breast Cancer” chronicles her journey through breast cancer, which started as a series of CaringBridge journal entries. “I never had aspirations of writing a book,” she said, “but so many people told me what an inspiration I had been to them.” She said she started the journal as an outlet for her emotions and to provide updates, but it was the encouragement of a number of people who called, emailed or visited her in person that finally set her on the path to publication. Eggl said her reasons were twofold: to spread the message to trust in God during dark times, and out of a sense of responsibility to other cancer patients and those who need awareness and education about preventative care.
Since publishing her book and finishing treatment, Eggl, who worked full-time during her battle, has been forced to resign from her job and sit on the sidelines while her body fully recovers, a role with which she is not comfortable. She said the hardest part about cancer is the lack of normalcy. “I worked 50 to 60 hour weeks prior to my breast cancer, and 40 hour weeks during my chemo and radiation. I’m just not used to doing nothing.” But the avid golfer and new author isn’t doing nothing. Eggl, a Cando, ND native, cofounded the Impact-Cando Connection Fund with her sister Jill and former Candoite Rusty Papachek in 2008. They organize a charity golf tournament and other fundraising opportunities yearly. The purpose of the nonprofit fund is to benefit their small community of Cando by “giving back time, talent and treasure” to improve parks, schools, the local theater and, you guessed it, the golf course, among other things.
In the meantime, Eggl has let God take her through this journey. “From the getgo I said that God will see me through this, and I totally gave it up to him.” Today, Eggl is most thankful for her health. Her beautiful smile, spirit and post-cancer spikey grey hair show that this journey has not weathered her. “You take whatever it is God gives you and make the most of it every day.”
Eggl’s book “Boundless Blessings and God’s Grace: My Journey Through Breast Cancer” is available as an ebook, in paperback and hardcover through Amazon, her website www. boundlessblessingsandgodsgrace.com and various local retail outlets. [AWM]

She has upcoming book signing events:

October 11 - Concordia College

Offutt Concourse: 12 pm - 3 pm
November 2 - Melberg’s Christian Bookstore: 11 am - 1 pm