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Hundreds of walkers packed the Scheels Arena for the Valley Metro Walk to End Alzheimer’s on the morning of September 21. The annual event, conducted by the Alzheimer’s Association, raised $73,876 to combat the disease, exceeding the original goal of $66,500, with donations still coming in at press time.

“It’s a heartfelt event that resonates with so many people, as one in six will be diagnosed with the disease at some point in their lives,” said Development Representative Traie Dockter. “With statistics like that, it’s clear most people know someone with the disease.”

The atmosphere was festive, with many groups of walkers in custommade t-shirts chatting and taking the route at a leisurely pace. The majority


of participants have a personal connection to the disease.
“Most of our walkers are from area nursing homes or assisted care facilities who walk as teams,” said Dockter. “We also have families that walk in honor of someone who has the disease or has passed away from Alzheimer’s.”

The 2014 walk will be in September, but Dockter encourages participants to register at www.alz.org/walk early in the summer.
“Many who get an early start like to host events throughout the summer-bake sales, garage sales and more--to help their overall team goal,” she said.

Donations are accepted throughout the year and the group is currently seeking table captains to invite friends and enjoy lunch and speakers at their new Reason to Hope event in the spring.
Interested parties should call 701.356.2087, visit alz.org or e-mail Dockter at tdockter@alz.org.