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Alice in Wonderland
The FM Ballet is committed to bringing professional dance performances to audiences of all ages in our community. This spring they will be performing “Alice In Wonderland.”
“I am so excited, I can’t even describe it,” said Camille Federowich (16), a FM Ballet principal dancer. “Mr. Matt (Gasper, the artistic director of the FM Ballet and the choreographer of “Alice In Wonderland”) is so good at telling a story through dance. He is a great choreographer and “Alice” is a great story! We want to open up the audiences’ minds so they think about dance in a new way.”
Federowich, who has been studying dance since the age of five, spends more than thirty hours a week dancing, in classes and at rehearsals.Jessie Johnson, the president of the FM Ballet Board
of Directors, agrees that “Alice In Wonderland” is an exciting choice for their stpring production. “We want to provide the highest caliber of dance performances and education possible to reach new audiences,” said Johnson. The FM Ballet is a nonprofit arts organization. It holds the status of a Regional Professional Dance Company.
Teah Poyner (15) is in her second year with the FM Ballet company. She has been dancing since she was three. “My parents would put Elvis on and I would dance,” said Poyner. “I loved it. It is so much fun to do stuff with your body that most normal people can’t do. I gave up a lot of activities to do this and I think it was a great decision. I wanted to make a commitment to the Ballet and to dance. I take over twenty-five hours of class a week in addition to rehearsal time.”
“Alice” will also allow younger dancers to work alongside their more professional counterparts. Several children will be cast in the production.
Mara Brust, an FM Ballet principal dancer, said, “The children’s ballet mentorship program allows them to see the process, dedication, and work that goes into a full-length ballet production.”

“This is a very accessible show, which is tough for ballet. Everyone’s heard of it. It’s fun, it’s whimsical. Children as well as adults will love it,” continued Brust.
Brust was also very appreciative of the opportunity to dance at this level while continuing with her professional life as a lawyer. “I am so lucky to be in a community that has this level of dance for someone like me,” said Brust.
Gabriela Baierle-Atwood, a project manager at Zerr Berg Architects and principal dancer, agreed. “It is great to have a mental break from work,” she said. “I think “Alice” will be fabulous for the dancers and the audience.”
The FM Ballet production of “Alice In Wonderland” will be a labor of love for all concerned. Many, many hours of work will culminate in a delightful show that can be enjoyed by everyone in the Fargo-Moorhead community.
With the FM Ballet’s hallmarks of dedication, creativity, and professionalism, “Alice in Wonderland” is sure to be a big success.
“It will be fabulous!” said Federowich. “We all want it to be sold-out – a full house every night!.” [AWM]