1 minute read
Meagan Pittelko is a freelance writer who dabbles in a little bit of everything, from wedding photography to marketing consulting. She loves coffee, wine and B-list horror movies.

Jill Kandel is the winner of the Autumn House Prize for Creative Nonfiction, 2014. Her book, So Many Africas: Six Years in a Zambian Village, is forthcoming in January of 2015 from Autumn House Press. She is the runner-up of the 23rd Annual Missouri Review Jeffry E. Smith Editors' Prize and her work has been anthologized in Best Spiritual Writing 2012 (Penguin Books) and in Becoming: What Makes a Woman (University of Nebraska, 2012). Her essays have been published in The Missouri Review, Gettysburg Review, River Teeth, Pinch, and Image. To learn more visit www.jillkandel.com
Marie Laska

Marie Laska has lived in North Dakota for the past five years after migrating south from Canada. Her passions include traveling, trying / cooking different cuisines, enjoying the trails and outdoor activities in and around North Dakota and meeting new people. She lives by the creed that everyone has a story to tell, and writing for Area Woman allows her to share some of those stories.

This issue, Alicia wrote our cover story!
Alicia Underlee Nelson
BAlicia is the creator of prairiestylefile.com, a website that showcases what’s beautiful and what’s next in North Dakota and beyond. She frequently travels across the region to cover the arts, culture, shopping, events and fashion of the Upper Midwest.
She is a local correspondent for Reuters and her work has been published in numerous magazines and newspapers in the region. She is also a featured writer for several online publications and a well-traveled public speaker.
Alicia is a graduate of Minnesota State University Moorhead. She loves traveling, reading, experimenting in the kitchen and shopping at estate sales. Alicia lives in West Fargo with her husband and their extremely busy toddler.
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