3 minute read
Best-selling author and Bible teacher Beth Moore speaks to thousands of women each year. She delights in leading women into richer relationships with God by teaching His word. Each year, more than 100,000 women participate in the Living Proof Live events held throughout the United States. The event both challenges and encourages women to grow deeply in their faith. This year, after a six-year hiatus, Living Proof Live will return to Fargo with a two-part event.
Living Proof Live YOU Lead Women's Ministry Training
YOU Lead is a pre-conference leadership training time designed to teach women how to reach and disciple women for Christ. You Lead is August 27 - 28. Held at Hope Lutheran North Church, YOU Lead will feature worship and breakout training sessions on topics such as Beginning and Building a Growing Women’s Ministry, Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level, Women Reaching Women in Crisis, Reaching the Next Generation, and sessions designed especially for pastor's wives. Whether you are part of a small group or meeting women one on one for coffee, this event is geared to help you be better equipped to minister to the women in your life.
Living Proof Live with Beth Moore
Living Proof Live with Beth Moore runs Friday evening, August 28 from 7:00 to 9:00 and Saturday morning from 8:30 to noon at the Fargodome.
Director of Live Events, Paige Green, said, "If you've never been to a live event with Beth, it is quite an experience. Beth is very enthusiastic. She's funny. She loves the Word of God and she loves teaching women. Each Living Proof Live event has a unique message and Bible teaching that applies to real life. No two events are alike."
If you need a break from your hectic life, if you are looking for spiritual renewal, if you want a place to join other women in worship, if you need some encouragement, then, as Beth says, "You belong with us."

Local Team
City Team leader Kathy Spriggs said, "Beth is down to earth. She's been through some tough trials. What God has done through her life and her devotion to Bible teaching is beautiful. Getting women into God’s word is the real reason Beth teaches. God’s word changes women."
Other members of the core team preparing for Living Proof Live include Kathy Mitchell hospitality coordinator, Jenine Anderson prayer, Jacki Knapp-Raaen promotions, Judy Siegle You Lead, Idette Graham Community Team coordinator, and Megan Lawrence handling tech.
"Our vision is to reach lost, hurting, and unchurched women. Instead of just buying a ticket for yourself, who could you bring along?" Spriggs asks. "Who do you know that can’t afford a ticket or isn't connected with a church? Could you buy a ticket for a neighbor, coworker, relative, or friend? And because the event is Friday evening and Saturday morning, you can still attend that wedding or function you need to on Saturday afternoon or evening."
Much of the information you will need is available online at www.Lifeway.com/ livingproof when you click on "Fargo Event." You can purchase tickets (there is a bundle price available if you attend both YOU Lead and Living Proof Live), sign up to volunteer or join the network to get connected and learn about specific ways to pray for the event.
"Living Proof Live pours into the community and local ministries, such as Jail Chaplains and Perry Center, offering tickets for women to attend. Beth isn't coming just to 'do an event'" Spriggs said. "She is here to help women get connected. Women who attend receive resources booklets of local Bible studies and small groups that already exist in our area. Beth wants women who come to the event to leave with local resources for further growth and community."
The Living Proof Live website states, "The truth is a powerful tool for life change―the truth spoken in love, taught from a bold and trustworthy teacher will rearrange you. Join Beth Moore at a Living Proof Live event at the Fargo Dome and see how one weekend can change your life." And remember, bring a friend along! It just might change her life, too. [ AWM ] FOR
Or check out the Facebook page livingprooflivefargo

From left to right: Jan Harrison, Judy Rippentrop, Jan Monda & Christine Kloubec

*All four women have been past presidents, the current president is Jan Monda